Her arms went up in the air and her writhing body went into sync with the melody. Every part of her moved seamlessly and when she threw her head back, her beautiful curls danced across her back. He came closer, grazing her with his chest. She turned around and gave him a smile that made his heart falter. Her sleek arms looped around his neck. She rocked her pelvis, coaxed him to follow her rhythm.
He took his mind out of the equation and his body went on autopilot. Light on his feet, he scooped Kayla against him. Their bodies were made for each other, moved like they’d been dancing together forever.
“Who taught you how to dance?” Kayla meshed her body with his.
“I’m Latin. It comes natural,” he said, pressing her into his erection. To be honest, his mom had taught him some moves. She’d told him one day he’d be grateful; dancing enhanced a man’s sex appeal. More than once, his mother’s theory had proven true.
Holding him possessively, Kayla gazed into his eyes. “It’s so beautiful out here.” She looked up at the dark sky and exhaled a soft breath.
Perfect time for a steamy kiss. “You got that right,” he said, fighting the urge with everything he had. Having tasted her already made the battle twice as hard. He’d lusted for other women, but nothing like this. And that had been with just a kiss.
“Is your cast bugging you?” She touched his arm and smiled sympathetically.
“What cast?” Nothing else fit into his brain except Kayla and how right she felt in his space. God, she smelled incredible. Her skin was warm and silky, her supple body a weapon of lethal proportions. He smothered his face in her scented hair and lost himself in a whirlwind of sensations.
“I love your body,” she said, working her slender hands all over his muscles, outlining the veins in his forearm. “Whatever you’re doing is working.”
She’d cast a spell on him, had sprinkled something on his omelet to make him fall head over heels. “I could say the same about you.”
Her fingers stroked his back, leaving goose bumps in their wake. “But I hardly work out,” she said.
Nico’s legs moved between hers. He wanted to get in another dip, one more thorough grind before the song ended. “I wasn’t talking about exercise,” he said, grasping her hipbone. He would’ve killed for the use of both hands to hold her more firmly against him.
“No?” Kayla kneaded his shoulders.
The CD ended. Suddenly everything went quiet, everything except Nico’s pounding heart. Thank God she couldn’t hear it. But she could probably feel it, which made him pull away. Chicken shit. “Want another beer?”
“Sure,” Kayla said, fanning herself. She pulled her hair back and lifted it off her nape.
His gaze went to creamy skin glistening with perspiration. She stood there, arms up while her hands held her hair, her ample breasts straining against the spaghetti-strap top, tight low-riding jeans revealing tan midsection. Nico cursed under his breath. He put one foot in front of the other because if he didn’t move his ass now, that piece of forbidden fruit would not only end up in his mouth, she’d end up in his bed.
Nico did an about-face and set off for the kitchen. He needed to put some space between them so he could think rationally, never mind catch his breath.
But Kayla decided to follow him.
“I got this,” he said.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on helping you,” she huffed. “I know your manhood can’t handle it.” She let him open the sliding glass door. “Alright if I pee?”
He liked the fire in her belly. Bet she’d never put up with his bullshit. “Pick out some music when you’re done.”
Nico busied himself in the kitchen. A loud knock on the front door startled him. Fuck. He almost dropped the bottle. It better not be his mother. He’d told her to go spend some time with her boyfriend. She’d promised she would, but knowing her…
He set the beer down and went to the door. Thankfully, his erection had subsided. He looked down anyway and did a quick adjustment. “Who is it?”
“Just open the fucking door!”
Ah, shit. His cousin. But he could get rid of Christian a lot quicker than his mom. Nico unlocked the door and opened it. “What’s up?” he said with a nod.
“Not much.” Christian popped him on the shoulder. “What up with you?”
“Just chillin’. You alone?”
Christian cocked a brow. “For now.” He stepped inside the house and closed the door behind him. “Going clubbing later, but I wanted to swing by and see if you needed anything. Your mom called me to complain. She said you kicked her out. That true?”
Nico scrubbed a hand down his face. She could be such a drama queen. “No. She’s been here all week.”
“I feel for you, dude. I love the woman, but all week?” Christian’s eyes went wide.
“And the week before.” It wasn't like he didn’t appreciate her help. He did. But Nico just wanted things to revert to normal. He’d been on his own for a while now, and having his mom around twenty-four-seven totally cramped his style.
Christian flicked Nico’s cast. “When’s that fucking thing coming off?”
“Couple more weeks.” He groaned. Loud.
“Good. We need you at work.”
Nico needed them too. “Man, I’m dying to get back.” He felt so out of the loop. “How’s the new job coming?”
Dylan had landed a huge renovation project, the company’s biggest one so far. It was a historic home–a beautiful mansion in one of the oldest neighborhoods in West Palm Beach. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on those floors, restore them to their original beauty. The thought that he’d leave an imprint, and his work would add to the home’s history, filled him with pride.
“Things are moving along,” Christian said. He checked his cell phone before slipping it into the front pocket of his dress slacks. “A little slower than I’d like, but you know Dylan. He micro-manages every aspect.”
Dylan did strive for excellence. But they were in the big leagues now, as Dylan had emphasized. Every detail mattered. Nico wouldn’t have it any other way. The fact that the company had high standards reflected on him too. “Yeah, well, it’s his reputation, his neck on the line.”
Christian waved his hand in the air. “I know. But he’s still a pain in the ass.”
True. Dylan had always been the serious one. Growing up, he’d kept Nico and Christian in line. “What’s he up to these days?” He hadn’t spoken to Dylan much since he’d been out of work.
“He and Shay took off for a romantic weekend.” Christian made quotation marks in the air. “They’ve been carrying on like newlyweds.” He poked a finger in his mouth as if to vomit. “It’s pretty nauseating.”
“Give the guy a break. When’s the last time he took a real vacation?” Dylan poured everything into the business. He needed to dedicate some time to his wife. Nico adored Shay. She had it all–beauty, brains, class. Dylan had struck gold. Shay fit in perfectly with their family. Everybody loved her.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Christian said with a snort. “I’m glad he won’t be around this weekend to bust my balls. We’re gonna be working tomorrow. You should swing by and check out the house. It’s looking pretty badass.”
“Maybe I will,” Nico said. He walked back to the kitchen. “Want a brew?”
“Sure. Why not?” Following Nico, he stopped and checked out the place. “Your crib is looking sweet. Did you finish the outside?”
“Yep.” Nico handed him a beer. “As soon as I’m one hundred percent, I plan to attack the master bath. Tearing the bitch out and starting from scratch.”
“Let me know if you need help. I’ll discount my fee.”
“Discount, my ass.” Nico laughed. “So where you going tonight?” His cuz was such a ladies’ man. He loved the nightlife. Where did he get the energy? Christian could party the night away and show up for work the next day looking fresh as a cucumber. He liked the fast life–fast cars, fast women.
“Downtown Delray. It’s crawling with hot babes.” Christian waggled his brows.
Just then, one very hot babe appeared in the living room. Christian’s head snapped up. His eyes nearly popped from their sockets. Nico looked to the ceiling. His cousin was such a dog.
“You didn’t say you had company,” Christian scolded him. He swaggered over to Kayla and gave her the standard high-wattage smile he used on the female species. Nico could’ve smacked him upside his head. “Hi, I’m Christian,” he said extending a hand.
“I know,” Kayla said. She shook his hand.
“We know each other?” Christian looked her over a little too thoroughly for Nico’s liking.
Kayla flipped back her hair. “You probably don’t recognize me out of uniform.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a cop.”
Kayla laughed. “Nope. I’m a nurse.”
Christian studied her with narrowed eyes. “Wait a minute. Now I remember. You’re the nurse who took care of Nico at the hospital.” He looked her up and down again. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “You two hang out now?”
Nico handed Kayla a beer and stood extra close to her. “Kayla and I are childhood friends,” he said.
“No shit.” Christian tossed him a glance. “How come you didn’t say anything at the hospital?” he asked Kayla.
Kayla sipped her beer. “Your family was a tad preoccupied.”
“Yeah, we were.” Christian nodded in agreement. “The bugger gave us a good scare.”
Everybody plopped on the couch at the same time. Of course, Nico sat between Christian and Kayla and leaned his leg against hers. In case his cousin got any ideas–and knowing Christian, he would–Kayla was off-limits.
“I was going to tell you that night at the hospital,” Kayla said to Christian. She took another quick drink from her beer and set it on the coffee table. “I thought it was sweet how you sent everyone home and stayed behind to watch over Nico.”
“Yeah, well, I’m that kind of guy,” Christian said with a horse grin.
Nico almost choked on his beer. Leave it to Christian to milk it. “He’s a real saint.”
“Thanks,” Christian said, ignoring Nico’s sarcasm. “So how come you didn’t mention anything?”
“Never got the chance,” Kayla replied. “You were both in a deep coma.”
“Hey, I had an excuse,” Nico said in his own defense. He’d been drugged with painkillers.
“My bad.” Christian rubbed his chin. He sat back and crossed one foot over his knee. “I guess I did pass out. From boredom.”
“Anyway,” Kayla continued. “My shift ended before you woke up.”
“So you two have history? How come I never met you before? Nico and I hung out when we were kids.”
“We hung out with her brother,” Nico clarified.
Christian gave him a quizzical look. “What brother?”
“Jesse,” Nico said.
“Yeah, I know Jesse. But I didn’t know he had a sister.”
“Now you do.”
“Jesse was overprotective,” said Kayla. “He kept his friends away from me and my sister.”
“But not Nico?”
“I had a huge crush on your cousin,” she said, talking to Christian but looking at Nico. “I went behind my brother’s back.”
Christian rubbed his hands together. “I’m starting to like this story. So you two had a thing?”
“No,” Nico said.
“Well, we did kiss,” Kayla corrected.
Christian’s eyes turned the size of two saucers. “Do tell.”
Grr. Nobody irritated Nico the way Christian could. “There’s nothing more to tell. Kayla went away to school. And now she’s back.”
“So you’re just friends?” Christian looked from Nico to Kayla.
“I don’t know,” Kayla said. “Are we just friends, Nico?”
Great. Two against one. Now they were ganging up on him. “Yeah,” he said. He’d aimed it more at Christian, who needed to mind his own damn business.
Christian flashed Kayla a full set of teeth. “In that case, maybe we can hang out some time.”
Kayla shrugged her shoulders. “If it’s okay with Nico.”
“What do you say, cuz? Can I take Kayla out?” Christian popped him on the thigh.
Anger rushed in his blood. Nico shot daggers at him. Christian was a hair away from getting his ass whipped. “No,” he said, gritting his teeth.
Christian laughed at him. “Didn’t think so.”
Chapter 7
Christian’s visit couldn’t have come at a better time. Seeing Nico jealous and possessive had given Kayla a cheap thrill. Apparently, Christian had enjoyed it, too. Too bad he’d had to leave so soon. As Christian had said, he had places to go, people to do. Kayla wouldn’t judge him. Young and single, he had every right to live for the moment. Even so, Kayla wasn’t into his type. She preferred someone low-key. Still, Christian’s attention had been flattering even if it hadn’t meant anything.
Nico talked a good game but his actions contradicted his words. The look on his face when Christian had tried to put the moves on her… Wow. Smoke had come out of his ears. Luckily, Christian had been joking. He’d known exactly what buttons to push. Thank God, he’d also known when to stop.
“I like your cousin. He’s cute,” she said to Nico, who still stewed on the sofa with the most adorable pout on his face. “He looks a lot like his hot older brother.” She thought about the LaCosta men. Fine-ass genes. All three were gorgeous, yet Nico had an extra something that made her stomach do crazy things. She couldn’t explain it. It just was.
“Yeah, well, Christian’s a player and Dylan already has a wife.”
Kayla scooted closer, mashed her leg against his. She felt the tension in him, tension she could rid him of so easily. “Don’t be mad at your cousin. He was just teasing you.” She rubbed his denim-clad thigh, trailed her hand dangerously close to his package.
“You don’t know him like I do,” he said, staring at her hand, which just lay there absorbing heat. “If you’re smart, you’ll steer clear.”
Christian the heartbreaker. Dressed in a well-fitted button-down shirt, tailored slacks and expensive shoes, he looked like a page out of GQ magazine. The boatload of charm, swagger to spare and dark, devastating good looks definitely allowed him to call the shots. But Kayla only had eyes for one man. And Nico had his own potent combination of raw sex appeal. “I didn’t say I want to date him.” She squeezed the inside of his upper thigh and got rewarded with a handful of muscle fiber.
“Hey, I’m just trying to spare you the heartache.”
She studied his somber face, speculated the meaning behind those words. “Are you talking about him or you?”
Nico remained silent for a beat. Guess she’d been right about the loaded statement. “Forget it, alright?” he said, avoiding eye contact.
She daringly draped her leg over his. “I don’t want your cousin,” she said, forcing him to look at her. They stared each other down.
“What do you want?” His voice had a husky timbre to it.
Everything. You. She wouldn’t drop that on him. Not until he could handle it. Kayla ruffled his spikes. “You need a haircut. Why don’t you let me do it?”
“What? Cut my hair?” Are-you-kidding-me etched his face.
“You asked what I want.” She laughed at his horrified expression. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”
One brow arched up. He wasn’t convinced. “Do you?”
There were plenty of things he didn’t know about her. He had no idea who he was dealing with. “Yeah. Sofia is a stylist.”
“Then maybe your sister should cut my hair.”
She laughed hard. “I learned from the best. And anyway, it’s just a trim. I won’t mess it up.”
He lifted his hand and patted his spikes. “I’m very picky about my hair.”
“Just your hair?”
“Fine,” he croaked
. “I’ll let you trim it. But if you leave any bald spots…”
She loved how he tried to intimidate her. Sparring with him felt like foreplay. It got her all warm and sticky. “You’ll what?”
Nico shook his head. “Just don’t leave any bald spots,” he gritted out.
She tried not to laugh at his grim face. “Please. By the time I get done with you, you’ll be begging me to do it again.”
A hint of a smile threatened his lips. He opened his mouth to say something, but must have decided against it. Nico stood. He polished off the rest of his beer. She watched him, her eyes riveted on his throat. “Give it to me,” she said, removing the empty bottle from his grip. “You have a decent pair of scissors?” She went to the kitchen and set their empties on the countertop.
“Yeah,” he replied with one hand jammed in his front pocket. “Where do you want to do it?”
Her gaze slid to his. The question had rolled off his lips, his tone thick with sexual undercurrents. At least, that’s what she’d heard. “The bathroom?”
“Fine. Let’s use the one in my bedroom.”
Bedroom. She liked the idea. A lot. “Lead the way.”
Nico went to his dresser and retrieved a pair of scissors from the top drawer. “Anything else?” He handed them to her.
She inspected the blades. Perfect. “Go sit on the bowl,” she said, indicating the adjoining bathroom. Kayla swiped a comb off the top of the dresser.
Nico put down the toilet seat and plopped on it. His bathroom wasn’t huge, but then, older houses didn’t offer the spa-like square footage of modern homes. The intimate environment served her well, since she planned to give him a whole new barbershop experience. “Can I use this towel?” she asked, to which he nodded with approval. “Let’s get you out of that shirt.”
Without protest, he lifted the hem of his tee and worked it upward with one hand. She assisted, slipping it past his cast and over his head. With Nico bare-chested, it took everything not to stare or drool. She did both anyway. Little did he know, the cast added to his sexiness. It gave his tough persona vulnerability, which made him even more attractive. “I love your tattoo. What is it?” His artwork covered the round part of his shoulder and his entire upper arm. It stopped just past the bulkiest part of his bicep.
The Right Temptation Page 5