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A Warrior Wedding

Page 2

by Teresa Gabelman

  Adam didn’t say a word, but the tick in his jaw indicated he heard loud and clear. Jill on the other hand took offense, as usual. “With a name like Blaze, I’m surprised you don’t shimmer.” She rolled her eyes. “Seriously, who names their kid Blaze? You got a brother named Inferno?”

  Sid and Jared smiled proudly, looking as if they were going to pat Jill on the head knowing they had taught her well in the art of being a smartass. Blaze, on the other hand, didn’t smile at all, but his eyes took on a funny swirly motion as he glared at Jill.

  “Little girl, you best be careful and learn some manners before speaking of things you know nothing about.” Blaze’s lip tilted in a sinister grin as his eyes continued to swirl.

  Jill became lost in his crazy gaze and couldn’t pull her eyes away. A burning heat started in the pit of her stomach inching along her spine, through her body slowly, until it reached her neck. She swayed and heard her name, but couldn’t open her mouth to respond. The edges of her sight started to darken as if looking through a pin hole into this man’s wicked gaze. In a final whoosh, her vision went black, while the heat in her body intensified, and that was all she knew.


  “Jill!” Slade’s voice sounded far away. Jill did everything she could to claw her way to him, but the darkness kept a tight hold over her. “Jill, wake up, dammit.” Why did Slade sound so pissed. Was he mad at her?

  Fighting hard to break out of the darkness that gripped her, Jill pried her eyes open to slits, but moaned at the brightness. “I’m up,” she croaked, licking her dry lips. “Stop yelling at me. I’m up.”

  She felt Slade’s large hand as it rested against her forehead while he pried one eyelid open.

  “What are you doing?” She weakly pushed his hand away.

  “Hold still.” Slade’s voice was stern with a hint of worry, and that was when it all came back to her in a flash.

  This time, she succeeded in pushing his hand away as she sat up a little too quickly. Everything inside her revolted at the movement and she dry-heaved herself right off the table. If not for Slade, she would have landed face first on the floor.

  “Find out what that son of a bitch did to her,” Slade ordered someone in the room. She heard the door slam and realized she was in Slade’s office.

  Getting her stomach under control, Jill opened her eyes, letting Slade help her up and back onto the table. “I’m okay.”

  “No, she’s not,” Steve answered from behind her.

  “Shut up, Steve.” Jill turned toward him, giving him a warning glare. “I said I’m fine.”

  Before Steve could reply, the door opened and in came Blaze along with Sloan, Jax and Sid. In a split second, claustrophobia set in with the huge Warriors in Slade’s small office all staring at her.

  “What did you do to her?” Slade kept one hand on Jill’s leg to keep her steady as he pushed his face toward Blaze’s.

  Blaze didn’t lean back, but his eyes did shoot to Jill’s before looking back at Slade. “What I did should not have had that effect on her.”

  “I asked you a question, not your opinion.” Slade’s voice turned deadly.

  “Slade, I’m fine.” Jill grabbed onto his hand that tightened on her leg.

  “And I repeat, no, she’s not,” Steve added, ignoring Jill’s death glare.

  Slade glanced at her for a split second, his eyes searching hers. “Why do you say that, Steve?”

  Jill sighed, rolling her eyes, ready to open her mouth, but Steve beat her to it.

  “She’s been getting sick. She can’t hold down blood and—”

  “I probably have a virus or something.” Jill felt every eye on her as she interrupted blabber mouth. She hated attention directed toward her. It made her more nauseous than she already was, and then she heard a plastic bag rattle. Her heart sunk as her stomach rose to the back of her throat.

  Steve reached into the plastic bag. “So tell me, Doc, do women with viruses usually get pregnancy tests? It took us ten minutes to wake her up once we got here today, and she looks like shit.” He looked at Jill, raising an eyebrow. “Well, you do.”

  “You’re an asshole,” Jill sneered at Steve.

  “Yeah, well, I’m more afraid of him”—he nodded at Slade—“than I am of you. He needed to know and I have diarrhea of the mouth when I’m afraid of something, as you well know. And that big bastard scares the hell out of me. Oh, and just to make sure everyone in this room knows if she is pregnant, I had absolutely nothing to do with it.”

  Slade took the pregnancy test from Steve, looking at it then to Jill without saying a word. The room went deathly quiet.

  “Annnnd, on that note,”—Sid edged toward the door—“we’re out. You need us for anything, Slade, just....” The door shut muffling anything else Sid had to say as everyone emptied out of the room as if it were on fire. Even Sloan exited the room without a word spoken.

  Jill’s eyes rose to look at Slade, who was staring at the pregnancy test in his large hand. “Listen, I know I’m not—”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” Slade’s tone was flat, neither angry nor...actually, it was just flat, no emotion whatsoever, and she didn’t like it.

  “I really didn’t think it was anything and it probably isn’t,” Jill began, but could tell he didn’t believe her. She started to fidget on the table when he remained silent. “And...I didn’t want to bother you.” She finally admitted the real reason she hadn’t told him.

  “I’m not like your family, Jill.” Finally Slade’s voice held some emotion, angry emotion, but it was emotion.

  “I know that,” she replied, no longer sure she believed her words. Why hadn’t she told him right away she was sick? Had she been afraid he would toss her aside because she was being a pain in the ass? She knew that was exactly the problem and by the look on Slade’s face, he knew it too.

  “Do you truly believe you’re pregnant?” Slade pointed the test at her. “Because if you are pregnant, there is a dead man walking out there who I need to find.”

  Warmth flushed her body at his words and she shook her head. “I haven’t been with anyone but you,” she whispered.

  “Then you’re not pregnant.” Slade tossed the test in the garbage can. “I want to know everything, and I mean everything, from the beginning till tonight. If you leave anything out, I will bust your ass. You hear me?” He growled the question at her.

  “Yes, I hear you.” Jill nodded. Usually, she would be a little more of a smartass when answering to his attitude, but she just wasn’t up to it. She was ready to find out what in the hell was wrong with her and since Steve, the narc, told on her, she was ready to let it all out.

  “Are you okay?” Slade walked up to stand in front of her, his large hand feeling her forehead, then running down her neck, feeling the pulse in her throat.

  She nodded, leaning into his hand. “I’m fi...” She started to say, but his narrowed eyes told her he knew she was about to lie. “I’m feeling a little weak.”

  “Do you need to feed?” The concern in his voice was palpable.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged one shoulder. “I just fed from you, but I couldn’t keep it down and while real food stays down, it makes me so nauseous that I’d rather go without.”

  He tilted her face up to his. “You need to feed.” It was a demand, not a suggestion.

  “I can’t keep taking your blood and then vomiting it up.” Jill responded with a frown. “It’s too good to waste.”

  A small grin tipped his lips, but didn’t reach his eyes as he turned away from her, looking through a few drawers in the metal cabinets behind him. “I need to take some blood.”

  Jill wrapped her arms around her waist with a sour grimace. “How much do you have to take?”

  “Three vials.” He turned toward her, his hands filled with everything he needed. He set everything down behind her. Putting his hands on each side of her legs, Slade caged her on the table and leaned in close. “You never lo
ok like that when my teeth are sinking into your sweet, soft neck. This is the same thing.”

  Jill stared up at him. “It’s so not the same thing, Slade.” She actually blushed. He was the only person who could make her blush.

  His sexy lips tilted in a smile as he winked at her. His mouth took hers hard. His hands remained on the table, but hers clutched him to her as if he were her lifeline.

  All too soon his lips left hers leaving her breathless.

  “You ready?” His dark eyes stared down at her.

  “No,” she replied, but nodded.

  “I love you.” His deep voice washed over her and still he didn’t move, but stared steadily at her with his intense gaze. “I will not let anything happen to you.”

  Swallowing hard, she nodded again. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” She did feel guilty about not coming to him when it first started, especially since he was being so sweet.

  A frown flashed across his face. “We will deal with that issue as soon as we find out what’s going on and you feel better,” he warned her.

  Relief crossed her face, but his frown didn’t disappear.

  “I won’t forget, Jill.” His tone definitely indicated he wouldn’t forget and it would be dealt with, but usually his punishments were awesomely blissful in the end. She shivered in a good way at the thought.

  She kept quiet as he grabbed what he needed to take blood. With hands so large, he was surprisingly gentle as he wrapped the tourniquet around her arm. She watched until he reached for the thing with the needle. Lifting her head, she stared straight ahead. She hated the thing with the needle.

  “Make a fist,” he ordered, his voice deep and strong.

  She watched his handsome face instead of what he was doing to her arm. Her free hand clawed the table in a death grip waiting for the painful pinch of the needle. She knew her body was tense, but she couldn’t help it. It was either that or cry like a little bitch, and she didn’t want to do that in front of him. She heard plastic ripping and crinkling knowing it was coming. His eyes finally met hers.

  “You need to relax.” His intense gaze searched hers then fell to her lips. “I only have to stick you once and I’m very good at what I do. Just a small pinch and it’s over.”

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. She knew what it felt like to get blood taken and knew he was lying his ass off. It hurt like hell. “Go for it.” She squeezed her eyes closed, biting her lip.

  “Stop biting your lip, Jill,” he demanded. “I have plans for those later.”

  Her eyes popped open in surprise and he made his move. The needle slid into her arm and yeah, it hurt like hell. “That was dirty.” Jill hissed as her eyes automatically went to what hurt her, then shot back to his grinning face.

  “It worked.” Arrogance laced his words.

  “No, it didn’t.” She glared at him. “It hurt like hell, just like when you set my shoulder on the count of two, not three. I didn’t think doctors were supposed to lie to their patients.”

  “I wasn’t lying. I do have plans for those lips later.” His darkening eyes promised many things as he pulled the needle out, and placed something over the small puncture wound before bending her arm. “Hold your arm like that and don’t move it.” He took the three vials, placing them each in small envelopes.

  Her body burned at his words. Even nauseous and feeling like dog crap, the thought of being with him was heaven. She had turned into such a Warrior whore. She snickered at the thought. Giving him a once over, she knew she couldn’t wait until tonight. Sliding off the table, keeping her arm folded up, she walked up to him and touched his back.

  “What kind of plans?” She loved the feel of his strong body and would never get enough of it.

  “Well, that all depends on the blood test.” He turned, taking her into his arms. “I’m going to head to the hospital now while you go to our room and rest. Then we’ll see what happens.”

  Jill huffed. “You’re a tease.”

  “No, I’m a doctor who loves you.” He tilted her face up to meet his, placing a kiss to her frowning lips. “And my main job is to make sure you’re okay.”

  Jill nodded, pulling away. “Fine, I’ll go up to our room and take care of...things...and then rest.” If he could tease, so could she.

  In an instant, she was back in his arms. “I don’t think so.” He growled. “I take care of your needs, always. You keep your hands to yourself until I get back. You understand?”

  Jill bobbed her head, but cocked her eyebrow. Like he would know.

  “Oh, I’ll know.” He answered her thoughts, shocking her, which was something he was good at doing. “Never doubt that.”

  Giving him a kiss and a glare, she pushed away from him. “You’re cruel.”

  “Get some rest,” Slade ordered. “I want to find you in bed, resting and...”

  “Unsatisfied.” She finished for him as she slammed the door behind her. “Jerk,” she whispered, but grinned, feeling better than she had in days. Maybe Steve and Adam were right. Just letting Slade know what was going on took some of the stress off her, making her feel better. It had to be stress making her sick, but deep down, she knew it wasn’t that simple.


  As soon as the door closed behind Jill, Slade’s grin quickly formed into a frown. Worry marred his handsome features. Turning, he grabbed his phone and put in a quick call to the hospital. Someone knocked on the door before it opened. Slade held up his hand as he grabbed the envelopes with Jill’s blood.

  “I’ll be there in fifteen. I appreciate it.” He hung up turning. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Is she okay?” Blaze stood just inside the door, his golden eyes not looking away from Slade’s deadly glare.

  Realizing he still didn’t know what the hell this asshole did to her, Slade set down her precious blood in a safe place. “What did you do to her?” His voice was even, but held an edge of ‘answer up or face the consequences.’

  Blaze’s eyes darkened slightly at the unspoken threat. “She questioned my name and I showed her.” When Slade continued to stare, he continued. “I have the unique power of setting things on fire.”

  Slade straightened, the veins in his neck throbbing, his face seething with fury. “And you thought it was a good idea to teach my mate a lesson about your fucking name by setting her on fire. Bad move, motherfucker.” Slade sneered as his eyes turned black, his hands fisted and with no Jill lying unconscious on the floor distracting him and no one to separate them, he unleashed on Blaze.

  The men pounded on each other, Slade was impressed by the other man’s abilities, but his worry over Jill gave him the advantage.

  “I didn’t set her on fire.” Blaze growled as he evaded a punch landing one of his own. “Only made her feel a little heat. I’m a bastard, but I would never hurt an innocent woman, just teach her some manners.”

  “You teach my mate nothing, and if you ever put her in harm’s way again, I will kill you without a second thought.” With one last punch to Blaze’s gut and an upper cut to his chin, Slade finally sat the big bastard on his ass.

  Blaze looked up at Slade as if he wanted to say something, but stopped himself. With a nod, he stood and wiped the blood from his mouth. Walking out the door, he added, “I’ll honor your request, but stay the fuck out of my face.”

  Slade stared at the empty doorway. “Then don’t piss me off.” He didn’t care if the fucker heard him or not. Slade touched his eye. Pulling his hand away, blood stained his fingers. He cursed. He had more important matters to take care of. Grabbing the envelopes off the desk, he picked up his keys and headed out the door, the feeling of dread following his every footstep. He hoped to hell he was mistaken, but clutching his mate’s life in his hands, he had a bad feeling he was far from wrong.


  Jill didn’t really disobey Slade. She was resting in the kitchen trying to stomach some warm Pepsi and crackers. So far so good. Nothing was coming up and her stomach seemed c
alm. It was rare to be in the kitchen alone. Looking around, she still couldn’t believe she was living in the VC Warrior compound and was an actual active Warrior. She was surrounded by good people who cared for her, had a man who never in her wildest dreams had she thought would ever give her a second look, and that alone made her realize how lucky she was. She was a half-breed vampire against her will, but the end result was she had found her soul mate. Slade was everything to her and she felt she was everything to him. Even with their relationship being new, her love for him was something special, and that didn’t happen every day.

  With a sigh, she tilted her drink to her lips and almost poured the rest of the contents down her face. Blaze sat across from her at the table. Sputtering, she wiped her chin. “Give a warning next time.” She sat the glass down, looking to see if she spilled any down her shirt.

  “Sorry.” He smirked, his eyes searching hers.

  “No, you’re not.” Jill also watched him closely. “What happened to your face?” He had a cut above his eyebrow with faded bruising under his eye.

  “Your mate.” His tone was flat, but respect shimmered in his eyes.

  This time Jill smirked. “Guess it’s a good thing you heal fast.” When he didn’t respond, she narrowed her eyes. “So, that thing you did to me is how you got your name?”

  He cocked his eyebrow with a nod, but remained silent.

  “Listen, I was just being a smartass. I didn’t mean to offend you,” Jill said, uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “I’ve been hanging around Sid and Jared too long. It wasn’t even a good smartass remark really. About your name I mean.”

  A smile finally tilted his lips, but he still remained silent.

  Jill huffed. “So did you just come in here to stare at me and make me nervous, or is there another reason?”

  “I like you.” His smile disappeared slowly. “I don’t usually like anyone.”

  “Ah, okay. That’s a good thing... I think.” Jill grinned and then gazed at his huge arms. “So do any of those tattoos have meaning?” She figured getting away from the subject of him liking her was safe. At least he liked her; she didn’t need this big guy as an enemy.


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