The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon (The Overlord's Depraved Tales)

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The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon (The Overlord's Depraved Tales) Page 1

by Bree Bellucci


  The Overlord's Depraved Tales


  Bree Bellucci


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  Bree Bellucci on Smashwords

  The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon: The Overlord's Depraved Tales

  Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.

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  The Overlord's Depraved Tales

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  Ava’s jaw nearly hit the floor as she and Michelle were herded into the darkened room where the magnificent mural took up the entire wall.

  “Isn’t it amazing?” Michelle whispered, walking up to study DaVinci’s masterpiece as the glass doors sealed behind them.

  “I had no idea it was so big,” Ava whispered with awe. While Michelle stood and marveled at the stunning art that she had seen before, Ava took slow deliberate steps towards The Last Supper. A herd of Chinese tourists bustled past Ava, nearly knocking her over but she could have cared less. She had no idea that The Last Supper took up an entire wall of a church. She thought it had simply been a painting that hung on a wall. She only half-listened as Michelle informed her about how the church had been bombed during World War II.

  Before Ava even realized it, their time was up and they were being led though more doors as another group of tourists was shuffled in behind them.

  “I really can’t believe how impressive that was,” she stammered as they exited Santa Maria delle Grazie and made their way back up to the main street.

  “I know,” Michelle exclaimed, “I knew you would love it once you saw it.”

  Ava glanced down at the small bag she held from the gift shop. She couldn’t stop herself from buying a handful of Last Supper postcards, bookmarks and magnets.

  “It was so big,” she kept repeating.

  Michelle tossed back her dark hair and laughed. “That’s why you should always listen to me,” she teased as she motioned for them to run across the busy street during a lag in traffic.

  “I’m glad I did,” Ava said, craning her neck up the street to look for a bus. Much to their good fortune, a bus was making its way towards them and they hopped on board.

  “Okay, what’s next?” Ava asked as Michelle scrolled through her smart phone. Best friends since college, Ava and Michelle had decided to take a trip to Europe to celebrate their recent business success.

  At twenty-seven, Ava and Michelle had both left their careers in the fashion industry to create their own fashion line. They both dumped their substantial 401K’s into their business, and one year later they were reaping their return with a deal with Macy’s. They were about to be thrown into a grueling work schedule and they thought the best way to celebrate was a ten day trip to Europe, with stops in some of the biggest fashion capitols of the world. After two days in London and two days in Paris, the women were enjoying a brief stint in Milan before heading down to the Italian Riviera to relax.

  The bus pulled up to Piazza del Duomo and the women exited before entering the large square. The square was packed with many people bustling around and large numbers of tourists stopping to take photos. They walked towards the cathedral and then cut across to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a giant shopping mall.

  They entered the huge arches, and Michelle dragged Ava towards the inside of the building. Michelle had been to Milan before thanks to her Italian-born father who had numerous relatives in Italy. Michelle was clearly her father’s daughter, with long dark hair, olive skin and big brown eyes. Ava couldn’t help but envy her friend’s exotic look. Of course, Ava was beautiful too with her all American good looks: tall and curvy, with long blonde hair, cornflower blue eyes, and a smattering of freckles. Even fashionably dressed in a bold print skirt, with a bolder jacket-turned-shirt, there was no mistaking that she was American.

  Just as Michelle led Ava towards the bull mosaic on the ground, a well-dressed man approached them.

  “Good afternoon ladies,” he said kindly in a cultured Italian accent.

  Ava eyed him warily but Michelle smiled and said hello in Italian. The man raised his eyebrows and paused, but then spoke to Michelle in rapid Italian. Ava rolled her eyes as they spoke and Michelle grinned as she turned towards Ava.

  “So there is a brand new restaurant that is opening outside of the city and they are trying to bring in new customers. We can go tonight for half price and free drinks!”

  “I don’t know, Michelle, it seems kind of sketchy,” Ava whispered, her brow furrowing with concern.

  Michelle smiled at the handsome stranger. “Look, this guy seems completely legit. I know all about the weird scams that they try to pull and this doesn’t seem like one.” She fingered the glossy business card that had the restaurant’s name and emblem on it. “Come on! I’m so over these pricey city restaurant meals, aren’t you? Let’s go check out some authentic Northern Italian food outside the city!”

  Ava bit her lip with nerves, she couldn’t help shake the bad feeling she had, but Michelle was the expert not her. “How do we get to this so-called amazing restaurant?”

  Michelle smiled. “This guy offered to drive us for twenty Euros.”

  “Drive us?” Ava exclaimed, “No way, Michelle! I mean, if we want to take a cab or something that is fine, but I’m not letting some stranger drive us.” She fiddled with her engagement ring, wondering what her fiancé, Drew, would say if he knew that Michelle wanted them to have some stranger drive them all over northern Italy.

  “Please,” Michelle pleaded in a whisper. “This guy is so sexy and I could use a hot Italian fling before our work takes over.”

  Ava shook her head stubbornly.

  “Please,” she whined. “It’s not fair that you've already snagged the hottest guy in New York. I need a little romance luck.”

  Ava winced as she thought of the ugly breakup Michelle had gone through a few months earlier. Michelle thought she had found The One, only to come home to find “The One” banging his secretary in he and Michelle’s king-size bed. Apparently, Michelle wasn’t “The One” for him, and neither was his secretary, legal assistant, colleague and fitness coach, all of whom Michelle learned he was sleeping with while Michelle was putting in long hours for her new business.

  “Fine. Okay,” she agreed, rolling her eyes with exasperation.

  “Yes!” Michelle squealed, before quickly speaking in Italian to the man. The man smiled and motioned for the women to follow him.

  “Let’s go,” Michelle said, pulling Ava along. They worked their way out of the square to where a sleek black car sat double-parked. The man smiled at the women, and chivalrously opened the back door before bowing slightly. Michelle giggled and climbed in but Ava hesitated outside of the door. She hadn’t even texted Drew to tell him her plans.

  “Ava,” Michelle groaned and Ava quickly climbed in behind her. A divider was up for privacy and Ava felt relieved.

  The man pulled out into traffic and Ava watched as the city began to pass outside their windows. She quickly pulled out her phone and sent Drew a quick text. It was eleven in the morning at home, and he would be at work.

  Michelle is dragging me to a new restaurant outside of Milan. Should be interesting. I’ll call you later.

  Drew responded almost instantly.

  Okay. Be safe. Let me know once you make it back to your hotel tonight. Love you.

  Ava smiled at his sweet text; Drew always wanted to know when she arrived safely somewhere. She tucked her phone safely inside the pocket of her jacket-turned-shirt, figuring that was easier to access than being buried in her large purse.

  Michelle leaned back in the soft leather and closed her eyes. “I might take a nap,” she said happily.

  “A nap? How far away is this restaurant?”

  “I don’t know. It shouldn’t be too far. When he was describing the area it sounded about forty minutes away,” Michelle said in a bored voice as she yawned.

  “Forty minutes! You didn’t tell me that. I mean, maybe twenty minutes, but forty?”

  “Relax, Ava! Thank god I’m around or I don’t know if we would be having any fun.”

  Annoyed, Ava sat back in the seat and rolled her eyes. Michelle was definitely more laid back and more spontaneous than she, and her sense of fun had certainly added to their trip, but Ava still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling of having a stranger drive them to a restaurant that was so far out of town.

  “I’m sorry, Ava,” Michelle said in a small voice, opening one eye and staring at her friend. “I know you get nervous about these things.”

  Ava sighed. “It’s okay. You’re right. Without you we would have missed out on a ton of stuff.” Ava managed a small smile. “Maybe I’ll take a nap, too.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Michelle said, relaxing once more as her eyes closed. Figuring she might as well make the most out of their short-lived down time, Ava leaned back in her own seat and quickly felt her eyes get heavy. Deciding to rest for just a few minutes, she closed her eyes.


  Disoriented, Ava opened her eyes, feeling groggy. She was in a moving car, but she couldn’t quite remember why. Then she remembered; she and Michelle were going to dinner. But something wasn’t right.

  Ava bolted upright. It was dark outside.

  Pitch black dark.

  Frantically, she looked at her watch and tried to register the time. It had been only five in the afternoon when they had left Milan and Michelle had told her it was a forty-minute drive. Ava’s watch said it was nearly eight. Cold fear washed over Ava and she tried not to panic. Part of her wanted to bang recklessly on the divider and start screaming for the driver to let them out. Instead, she anxiously shook Michelle awake.

  “Michelle!” she whispered. “Michelle! Wake up, dammit!”

  “Hmm?” Michelle asked sleepily, half opening her eyes.

  “Wake up!” Ava hissed. “We’ve been in the car for nearly three hours.”

  Michelle sat upright as if electrocuted and Ava saw the fear in her friend’s eyes.

  “No! You have to be wrong!” she said, fumbling with her phone.

  “I’m not. It’s dark outside!”

  Michelle finally found her phone and gasped when she saw the time. Before Ava could stop her, she began pounding on the divider, yelling in Italian. There was no response, as she continued to yell and pound even harder.

  Ava knew it was no good and she quickly grabbed Michelle’s phone from her hand, only to see that she had no service bars. Ava quickly pressed her face to the glass and saw that they seemed to be in a heavily wooded area.

  “Fuck,” she breathed. She felt the car roar underneath her as if it had shifted gears and she felt the sensation of moving up a steep incline. Squinting through the darkness, she realized that they were ascending some type of large hill or mountain.

  “Think!” Ava commanded Michelle, who was now crying next to her. “Where could we have gone in three hours time that is this steep? A mountain or something?”

  “I don’t know,” Michelle sobbed, shaking her head.

  “Think!” Ava urged. “You’ve been to Italy. You have family here. What is three hours distance from Milan?”

  “Ummm,” Michelle bit her lip, trying to concentrate. “We went to Salzburg once and that was about five hours in the car.”

  Ava nodded encouragingly, trying to keep her panic at bay.

  “We could be somewhere near Vipiteno. You know, North Italy or Southern Austria. Up in the mountains. I don’t think we would have had time to go into Germany.”

  Ava sank back in her seat. They could be in an entirely different country now. Somewhere north in the mountains.

  Where there was no cell phone service.

  The car continued to climb higher, snapping Ava out of her fear.

  “We have to do something,” she said. “Maybe we try to jump out of the car.”

  “Jump? Are you crazy?” Michelle’s eyes were wide.

  Ava pressed against the door handle, only to feel it locked firmly in place.

  “It’s locked,” she moaned.

  Michelle began banging on the divider again, shouting in Italian. The car began to slow down and Ava was gripped with fear. The outside of the car was so dark that she couldn’t tell the difference from the car’s interior.

  “Okay, Michelle. We have to keep our selves together. The first chance we get, we run. We stick together and we run. The trees will offer us cover.”

  Michelle nodded, her face stark white.

  The car came to a crawl but it was senseless for the women to look out the windows. They knew they would see nothing.

  The car finally stopped and they heard the driver’s side door open and close. Suddenly Michelle’s door opened and the man reached in and pulled Michelle out by her arm. He reached in, sneering, as he grabbed Ava by her arm and pulled her out too.

  “He’s going to love you,” he whispered to Ava, his Italian accent thick. Ava shuddered. She didn’t know whom the man was referring to but she didn’t like his tone, regardless. Another man was standing outside the car and he gruffly tied Michelle’s hands together while the driver bound Ava’s hands.

  “I’m Marcello,” he whispered seductively to Ava and she wanted to gag. The men led the women through a thick grove of trees until they came to a small clearing. They were at the base of another large hill and at first Ava didn’t understand why they were there. Then her eyes began to adjust to the darkness and she saw a large, ominous castle built into the side of the hill.

  “Welcome to Valanya,” Marcello sneered and he pushed Ava forwards. The man leading Michelle was quiet and for some reason Ava felt that he did not want to be there. His posture conveyed discomfort and it was Marcello who sneered and pushed the women onwards as they continued their trek up the dark mountain.

  The hillside was slippery and more than once Ava and Michelle lost their footing. Ava’s feet were killing her and she knew she should have worn more sensible shoes than her stylish boots. Michelle was doing no better in her cargo shorts and heels.

  “What do you think, Franco?” Marcello asked in a pompous voice as they continued climbing uphill. “Don’t you think The Overlord will love this one?” He gave Ava a little push to indicate he was talking about her. Franco turned around to look at Ava. His face was vacant, yet his eyes burned with some unidentifiable emotion. He quickly masked his face back to one of indifference. He turned back towards Michelle and shrugged.

  “Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself,” Marcello snapped.

  “Fuck you,” Franco spat and both Ava and Michelle stumbled at his angry outburst.

  Marcello let out a wicked laugh. “You should be honored The Overlord chose her,” he said with reverent passion. “I would gladly give The Overlord my wife! It would be an honor!”

  “Then add that to the long list of differences between us, Marcello.” Franco’s voice was bitter and hard.

  Marcello laughed again, the sound high pitched like nails on a chalkboard.

  Ava’s mind raced as she tried to process what the men were saying. The women were being taken to someone named The Overlord a
nd Franco had a wife who apparently he had been forced to give to The Overlord. Ava felt a knot of fear in her stomach as she thought of what The Overlord was capable of.

  Clearly Franco and his wife had not been reunited and Franco did not look or sound hopeful. Before Ava’s mind could think any more they had reached a structure near the base of the castle. Up close, the castle was frightening with steep towers and pointy spires. The building screamed evil and Ava did not want to know what lived within its walls. Three large, ugly gargoyles stuck out from the front and Ava had the eerie sensation that the crumbling statues were watching them.

  Marcello pulled out a thick and ancient looking key ring and opened the enormous wrought iron gate in front of them. The women were ushered inside and suddenly a wave of noise rose up to greet them. Howls, cheers, grunts and screams met their arrival and Ava instinctively tried to cover her ears before she realized again that her hands were bound.

  Michelle moaned with fear as they moved along the dirt floor. They came to a large platform of some sort in the center of the room and the girls studied it in horror. It was crude and made of wood and it was roughly the size of a large bed. Her heart froze when she saw the thick iron shackles and she knew no good could come from such a setup.

  As they moved further through the structure, Ava guessed that they must be in a dungeon. Suddenly the room filled with the light of dozens of candles along the walls and Ava's guess was confirmed. Cages lined each wall and what was inside them made her head spin and her stomach turn. She had to blink to see if her eyes were seeing clearly, and unfortunately they were.

  Hideous monsters lined many of the cages. Some paced back and forth among their cell, while others sat curled in the corner, making terrible moaning noises. A few pressed their revolting faces to the bars, waving their paws at the women and snapping their jaws together hungrily.


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