International Guy: Volume 4

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International Guy: Volume 4 Page 2

by Carlan, Audrey

  I’ll figure it out. With my man at my side, I can handle anything. Even nosy best friends who don’t quite yet know their place.



  “I thought you might need me close,” Tracey finishes.

  “I’m sorry, baby, did I miss something?” I focus my gaze on Sky, trying to see through to what she’s not saying.

  She licks her lips and twiddles her fingers. Uh-oh. That’s not a good sign. When Sky is nervous, or doesn’t want to tell me something, she gets fidgety.

  “Sky . . .” I tip my head.

  “I’m staying here in the penthouse for a couple of weeks,” Tracey says. “Spending time with Skyler and meeting with the producers and movie investors to get everything dialed in for the beginning of the shoot. We want things in place before Geneva moves here from London.”

  Tracey’s tone and body language are almost smug, maybe even snide, but why? I shift my body on the couch so that I can look at both women. “A lot was just said. First, Geneva is moving here?”

  Sky’s pensive expression disappears, and one of pure happiness fills her face. God, she’s pretty when she’s happy. I mean, the woman is fuckin’ drop-dead gorgeous all the time, but when she’s smiling and happy? Move over Gisele Bündchen; Skyler Paige is in the house.

  “According to her agent, Amy Tannenbaum, she’s already leased an apartment in the city. Not far from here,” Tracey elaborates.

  “I wonder if it will be long term or just for the movie?” Skyler says, excitement in her tone.

  I rub her bicep and lean back next to her, knowing having a friend close will give her joy. Most of her friends started out as my friends; it’ll be good for her to have some of her own, present company included. “Now on to the part where you’re here for a couple of weeks?” I gesture to Tracey with a wave of my hand.

  Tracey tips her head and scans the room nonchalantly. “Yeah, thought it would be fun to slumber party with my bestie.” Tracey smiles, and Skyler’s body goes rigid against me.

  I nod and continue to rub her arm, relaxing and soothing my girl as I go. “Which is a kind gesture, Tracey, though I wish you’d called. Unfortunately, we’re leaving in a couple of days,” I state flatly.

  Tracey frowns as Skyler blurts out, “We are?”

  “Yeah, I was going to discuss it with you over dinner. That client Royce booked while we were in DC really needs us to come immediately. They’ve got the girl signed on and will be recording her debut album, but they need us to get her ready for the media, stage, touring, TV time, and all that. And, babe, she’s young. We thought she was in her twenties, but it turns out she’s only nineteen. Probably scared out of her mind. I didn’t want Bo and me to go in guns blazing and scare her off. Thought if I could bring you in, with your experience in showbiz, you might be able to give her, and us, a few pointers. Plus, we can spend some romantic time alone in Spain together.” I waggle my eyebrows in an exaggerated manner.

  “Really?” Sky’s voice is breathy and fuckhot. If her friend weren’t here, I’d slide my hands up those bare legs and divest her of her flirty little dress in two seconds flat, and then I’d fuck her until she was calling out my name in that lust-filled tone that makes my dick weep at the tip.

  “Yeah, Peaches. I need you there.” I run my hand down her thigh to her knee. “I’m not ready to go away on another trip, but I have to. Except it’s too fuckin’ soon, and I . . .” I swallow down the dryness in my throat, thinking about all we’d just been through with that pharmaceutical company, the animals, and the overall stink that case left on my soul. I don’t want to sound like a wuss, but I just . . . I can’t be away from her right now. It’s like she’s my security blanket, and I’m not letting the fucker go until I’m no longer afraid of the monsters hiding in the dark. Or in this situation, the monsters left over in my head, prodding at my mind and digging their claws into my heart. Sky’s the only thing that takes away the nasty feeling trailing behind from that case.

  She cups my cheek and runs her thumb over my lips. “Shh, shh, shh. I’m here.” Her eyes glow a golden caramel brown in the low light of the room. She pets my lips and holds her thumb there, so I won’t speak over her. “You need me; I’m yours. You know that, honey.”

  I smile and kiss the pad of her thumb.

  She giggles, and Tracey clears her throat from behind her. Fuck, for a moment, I forgot she was even here.

  “Sorry, Tracey. You’re welcome to stay here, but I need my girl on this case with me.” I tug Sky into my lap, her ass sitting sideways where I can wrap my arms around her waist and kiss up her jawline.

  “I’m sure Tracey has a lot of work to do to prepare for the shoot and get all the stunt doubles, locations, wardrobe, and everything else in place before I come on set anyway. Rick and I have been reading over the script, meeting every few days. I’ll just do our read-through by phone this next week or however long it takes for you and Bo to finish the case.” She nudges my cheek and kisses my jaw. When she does so, I hear the click of little nails on hardwood, rushing through the room.

  I look over my girl and note Sunny and Midnight have realized I’m home. I ease Skyler off my lap and pick up both pups when they reach my side, one in each hand, and set them on my lap. They both attack me with their brand of puppy love and kisses.

  “Hey, guys, you miss me? Huh?” They both head-butt me and demand scratches.

  Tracey stands up, her hands fisted at her sides as both Sky and I play with the pups. “I’m tired. I’m just going to go on to bed. Spare room ready for me?”

  “Absolutely,” Sky says, and stands up. “You sure? You were talking about a bath . . .”

  Tracey looks over at me, and for some reason, her jaw goes tight, as though she’s pissed at me for whatever reason. Frankly she’s the one who showed up unannounced, so I don’t really care if she feels like the third wheel.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll just take a shower in the spare room and head to bed. I’m beat, and I have some work to check on anyway. Breakfast tomorrow?” she says with a note of hope mixed in equal part with frustration.

  “Definitely!” Skyler smiles and hugs her friend. Tracey holds her for a long moment, looks down at me, and something I can’t define flashes across her gaze but is gone before I can get a read on what it might mean.

  “You gonna make my favorite?” Tracey steps out of Sky’s arms and walks toward the hall.

  “French toast? Sure thing.”

  “You’re the best friend a girl could ever have,” Tracey says dotingly.

  “Right back atcha!” Sky says, smiling like the sweet girl she is.

  Tracey looks at me, then back to Sky. “Have a nice dinner.”

  “We will. Sleep well,” I offer, and watch her walk to her suitcases and roll them down the hall. I’d help, but the rigidity in her body language warns me off. “What’s her deal?” I whisper when she’s out of earshot.

  Skyler’s shoulders sag, and she spins around, her dress fluttering with her movements, giving me a nice gander at her bare legs. “The beast” takes notice, going semihard against my now too-tight slacks.

  Skyler pouts. “She’s acting weird.”

  “Kinda noticed that, Peaches. What’s going on? Did she talk about it before I got here? The scene seemed a little heavy, especially when talking about marriage—something that should be between you and me, not the two of you. You feel me?” I send a sharp look her way so she knows I’d rather keep our private stuff private.

  Sky shrugs, then grabs my hand. “Yeah. Let’s get the food I’m keeping warm in the oven and eat out on the patio where we can have some quiet time alone.”

  I follow my woman, fingers interlaced, pups at our heels. She pulls out our plates and puts them on a tray. I grab the tray, and she pours herself a glass of white wine and a beer for me. Together we head to the patio, where I find she’s set up a romantic dinner for two.

  “Guess you really didn’t expect a guest this evening.” I set down the tray on
a side table and move each plate to our respective seats.

  “No, I didn’t,” she says tiredly, sitting in her seat and putting down both glasses. “Honestly, it’s weird.”

  “Her showing up out of nowhere? Agreed.” I flap the napkin over my lap.

  I get another shoulder lift as she sips her wine. “Yes and no. She used to show up unannounced all the time when I lived with Johan and, of course, back in New York, but I mean, she had to get on a plane and come here. You’d think she’d call first, make sure we were home and didn’t already have plans.”

  I take a pull from my beer. Its hoppy taste flows over my tongue, and I groan appreciatively and lick my lips. My girl can pick some good beer, not to mention the spread looks amazing. Baked chicken breast in some type of sauce, couscous, and sautéed asparagus. “First off, baby, this looks amazing. Thank you for making dinner and going the extra distance to make it romantic.”

  Sky beams at me, her long blonde waves tumbling over her shoulders like a golden halo surrounding her face.

  “Second, my guess is you’ll have to have a heart-to-heart with your girl. She needs to know that you’re not living alone anymore. Her visiting is cool, but she needs to run it past you so that you can double-check we don’t already have plans. We’re just barely getting settled with Midnight and Sunny, I’ve got another fuckin’ case . . .”

  Sky reaches out and rubs a hand along my arm closest to her. “I know, honey, I know. And I’m sorry. I’ll talk to her. It’s just . . .” She bites her lip and looks out over the balcony toward the setting sun.

  “It’s just what? Did she say something that upset you?”

  She sighs and pokes at her chicken as I cut into mine and take a bite, moaning when the garlic and spice hit my tongue. There’s an herb glaze that adds to the subtle seasoning, making the flavor burst on my taste buds. Sky looks up and smiles softly as I let the juiciest, most tender, flavor-filled chicken I’ve ever had take over my senses.

  “Damn, my woman can cook,” I murmur around another bite of delicious food.

  “I’m glad you like it. Another of my mom’s recipes.” She smiles sadly. Every time she brings up her mom, she gets this melancholy expression. I hope one day she’ll be able to speak about her mom with joy in her voice instead of sadness.

  “Well, your mom must have been talented in the kitchen because, baby, you are an excellent cook.” I cut off a hunk of asparagus and pop it into my mouth, the buttery goodness mingling with the chicken perfectly.

  “Tracey told me she thinks we’re moving too fast,” Sky blurts out.

  That stops me midchew as I assess her, realizing my girl is nervous and jittery as all get-out. I finish chewing my food and swallow. “Do you agree with her?” I wait patiently for her to speak, wanting to know her thoughts, while suppressing my instinct to overreact.

  She shakes her head. “I’ve never been happier in my entire life. How can anything that feels this good be too fast?”

  I reach over the table and grab one of her hands, bring it over our food and to my mouth, where I kiss each of her fingertips. “Because it’s not. We’re moving at the pace that feels right to us. I’m happy; you’re happy. My mother is fuckin’ ecstatic. The guys love you; Wendy thinks you’re the shit. My brother, Paul, told me you’re the hottest woman alive, and I better put that on lock before it slips away from me.” I grin at her and give her a saucy wink.

  Sky giggles and smiles so wide her cheeks pinken.

  “Don’t worry about what Tracey thinks. You and I are the only ones who matter. She may be your best friend and have known you for a long time, but she’s not living your life, babe. We are. You and me. Only the two of us know what’s best for us. Right now, that’s shacking up and making a life for ourselves together with our pups. Is that what you still want?”

  “God, yes,” she says with awe in her voice. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted. One day, Parker, all I want to be is a good wife and a mother. I love to act, but it’s not like I need the money. I have enough money to last me a lifetime. You’re doing well. Together, I know we’ll have a great life, and I want that so much.”

  I squeeze her hands. “Then don’t fret. Tracey probably means well. A good friend will definitely warn you, but she has nothing to worry about. You and me, we’re solid, and I don’t see anything on the horizon that could change that. Ever.”

  Sky grins, stands up, cups my cheeks, and kisses me hard. “Thank you. You always know the right thing to say.”

  I wrap an arm around her hips. “It’s my job. Your happiness, it’s all that’s important to me.”

  She leans over and kisses me softly this time. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Now, woman, can I please eat this fan-fucking-tastic dinner so I can get to the part of the evening where I fuck my woman into next Tuesday?”

  She shivers in my hold. Hell yes, my woman loves the idea of me fucking her into next week.

  I accept another soft kiss as she holds my jaw. “’K, honey.”

  “Okay. Tuck into your food. You’re going to need the fuel. I’m feeling a long night of lovemaking is on the agenda. Wanna see my woman come while riding my cock, maybe while riding my face too.”

  Sky squirms in her seat. “What if I said I wasn’t hungry?” She smirks.

  I shake my head and cover my smile with my hand while holding my fork. “Then I’d say you’re going to be very hungry later.”

  “Honey . . . ,” she says breathily, not touching her dinner, her normally brown eyes now black pools of lust and desire.

  “Eat your food . . . and hurry,” I command, and she licks her lips, pokes an asparagus stalk, wraps her tongue around the tip, and works the length into her mouth before bringing it out again and cocking an eyebrow coyly.

  I drop my silverware to my plate. “Fuck eating. Now I’m hungry for something a lot hotter and a whole helluva lot sweeter.” I stand abruptly, move to her side, dip down, and put my shoulder to her stomach as I grab ahold of her hips to lift her up into a fireman’s carry. Once I’ve got her settled over me, her upper body dangling over my back, I head toward our bedroom, Sky laughing and squealing the entire way.

  “That’s it . . . ride it,” I grate through clenched teeth, and grip her hips, digging my fingers in. “Fuck yeah. Faster.”

  Skyler whimpers, her body undulating over me. One of her hands is up in her hair, her body on display in the sexiest light, her other hand on my shoulder.

  I’ve got my back against our headboard, knees cocked up, and her gorgeous naked body in my lap, my dick buried in tight, wet heat.

  “Jesus, woman, you ride me so good.” My balls draw up, and heat builds at the base of my spine.

  She tips her head back, letting her hair fall in cascading waves, tickling my fingers as I hold on. Her breath leaves her body in puffs of air through moistened, glistening lips. I run my hand over her bare midriff, dipping my thumb into her belly button until I hear her breath catch. With my fingers splayed I slide my hand between her perfect tits, but I don’t stop there. No, I keep going until I’ve lightly encircled her throat, where I can feel her pulse going wild as she continues her ride.

  I move my hand to cup her cheek, my thumb sweeping her lips. She opens her mouth and sucks my thumb, swirling her tongue around the digit, reminding me how good it feels when she does the same thing to the beast.

  “Fuck me,” I growl and slam her down on my hard cock, clenching my teeth with the effort not to blow my load in a second flat. I want this to last. Hell, I want this feeling to last a lifetime.

  Sky sucks harder, her mouth worrying my thumb as her arousal coats the space between us. She sighs as her sex locks down around me in the tightest, filthiest kiss possible.

  I remove my thumb from her mouth, tunnel my hand into her hair, and bring her face to mine, taking her mouth in a vicious plunder of tongue, lips, and teeth.

  She cries out as her body spasms and convulses, her thighs locking next to mine as she grinds down, crus
hing her clit against my pelvic bone. “Honey,” she whispers against my lips, tremors rippling through her body as her sex rhythmically squeezes my dick.

  “Oh yeah, fuck yeah, you’re there. Riding your man’s cock like a champion and making me see stars.” I lift her up and down as she climaxes beautifully, her eyes hazy, lost to the euphoria of this moment. “Now it’s my turn,” I murmur against her neck, running my teeth up the column, tasting the salt on her skin while her peaches-and-cream scent mixes with the musk in the air, filling my nose with our combined scent.


  Wrapping my arms around her, I shift her body, rolling her over onto her back, where I hook her behind both knees and press her legs up to her fucking ears. I glance down at her body split wide, the lips of her sex straining around my girth, glistening with her release.

  My mind swims and my nostrils flare. I slow it down before I lose all control. Every piece of me is focused on the gentle glide and sway of entering my woman in the most carnal way. “Fuckin’ beautiful, Sky. Every damned inch of you is perfect, and all mine, for a lifetime.”

  “Parker,” she gasps, the feeling in her clearly building again. I can see it come over her face as a flash of heat burns through her gaze and her muscles clench around me. She repeats my earlier request of her. “Fuck me.” Only she’s got the upper hand. With some magical voodoo, she locks her internal muscles and squeezes the head of my dick as I ease it out, leaving just the tip inside.

  I grind my teeth and work my way back inside. “You playing like that?”

  She gifts me a sultry smile. “Oh yeah. Just like that.”

  “What’d I tell you before we started tonight?” I grind out each word, still holding back from losing my mind in her body.

  “Hmm . . .” She stretches her body as much as she can, trying to put her legs down so she can get her arms around me.

  “Nuh-uh. What I said was I was going to fuck you into next Tuesday. And I’m a man of my word.” It’s the only warning she gets before I push her legs back up and drill into her. I’m relentless in my pursuit of making her scream in pleasure. With each plunge I hit a little wall of flesh that I know drives her out of her mind with lust and will make her come like a freight train.


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