International Guy: Volume 4

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International Guy: Volume 4 Page 31

by Carlan, Audrey

  He squints and shakes his head, but he moves both of his hands down to her waist. “I’ll never be happier than this moment.” He dips down and presses a soft kiss to her lips. She closes her eyes and wraps her hands around his neck but turns to the side, bringing the mic up to her mouth.

  “Sir Mick knocked me up, everyone! Time to party!” she booms into the microphone.

  I stand up and cry out, “Woo-hoo! Right on, Mick and Wendy!”

  Parker follows me by standing and clapping. Our table, along with most of the crowd, does the same thing. I watch as Wendy hands the mic back to the musicians; then Mick loops his arms around her waist and spins her around. She tips her head back and laughs as he kisses her neck, clearly overwhelmed with her news.

  I turn to my man. “This is awesome! I know after their loss, this is the absolute best news ever!”

  Parker pulls me into the warmth of his arms and nuzzles his chin against my neck and shoulder. “It really is. I knew they were trying, but she hadn’t mentioned anything since they lost the baby in Montreal, and that feels like an eternity ago. I’m glad they’re getting their happily ever after. As Mick said, their love is unbreakable.”

  I smile happily, watching my friend’s man dote on her. He leads Wendy over to their table, kneels at her feet, bringing her belly right in front of his face, where he traces the outline of her stomach. His eyes are filled with wonder as he looks up at his wife with absolute pride. I melt on the spot and even more so when he does the ultimate, pressing his face to her belly, hands spanning any leftover space. He seems to be speaking to their unborn child. Wendy runs her fingers through his hair as he kisses her there several times and then leans his forehead against her body for a long time.

  Parker turns us to the side so he can see what has my attention. A soft smile spreads across his lips. “That’s one grateful and happy man right there.”

  “Yeah. He’s almost as awesome as my man.” I wink and point my best cheesy grin up at my guy. “I want that, honey.”

  “What . . . a baby?” Both of his eyebrows rise up toward his hairline as surprise coats his expression.

  I chuckle. “Yeah, eventually. Just all of it. Marriage, babies, family. Being settled in our life.”

  Parker stares at me, an intensity in his blue eyes I’ve never seen before. “Peaches, we don’t need to rush anything. We’ve got all the time in the world now. You’re safe, and we are settled in a way. We’ve got our house that we’re making a home. You’ve got the new role coming up. International Guy has never done better. I don’t want you to make any rash decisions because you’ve had a tough year. I wouldn’t want to put that pressure on you or me.”

  I frown. “What if it’s what I want?”

  “Baby, you’ve had a lot happen to you this past year. I need to know that you’re healed inside and out before we make any more massive changes about our future.”

  I tip my head and run my hand down his lapel, straightening out nonexistent wrinkles. “Are you saying you don’t want to marry me?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa . . .” Parker grabs my hands and interlaces our fingers. “I’d marry you in a second if I thought you were truly ready for it. Sky, you’ve just come off of a seriously traumatic experience. I want you to give your mind the time to heal from that.”

  I laugh stiltedly. “So what you’re saying is that you’ll marry me when you think I’m ready?”

  He purses his lips. “Yeah.”

  “That’s a bit high-handed of you.” I cock an eyebrow, trying to make my point but still not take offense.

  “That may be, but I’ve got your well-being at heart.” He brings our hands around his back so that our chests are flush against one another. “How’s about this. You and I spend time living the boring life for a while. You continue your therapy, and then we’ll see what the future brings. When the time is right, we’ll both know it. Yeah?”

  I crinkle my nose, not at all agreeing, but nodding anyway. Wendy was right. I’m going to have to take my future into my own hands.

  “Come on, Peaches. Let’s go congratulate our friends and let loose on the dance floor.” He steps away but tugs my hand as he does.

  I follow him, though my mind is no longer on dancing or Wendy and Mick but on how in the world I’m going to get my guy to see that I’m ready for the next step in our relationship.

  “Don’t even think about moving that perfect ass,” Parker growls from his position behind me, cock sunk to the hilt inside. He’s so deep I feel hung up on his length, pinned to the mattress where he’s holding me.

  My entire body trembles as I tighten my fingers in a death grip on the sheets and try to breathe. Between the moment he slid my maid of honor dress off and the second it hit the floor in a wisp of yellow fabric, he was on me. Mouth to tit. Hands to ass. In a flurry of activity, he’d removed his clothes and had my knees to the mattress, ass up in the air at the edge of the bed, and his dick impaling.

  “Honey . . . I can’t . . .” I hold off the desire to move, but he knows I want to circle my hips, thrust myself on and off his length until we’re both screaming out. He knows, but he’s keeping it from me, the bastard!

  “What did I tell you was gonna happen if you played with fire . . . huh, baby?”

  I open my eyes but see nothing but blurry night shadows while my vision adjusts to the room. The moon casts slices of light through the massive french doors of our master bedroom.

  Parker runs his hands down the skin of my ass. “I said, you’d get burned. You played your hand, Peaches, snuck touches of my dick, my ass, my chest all night, and I warned you. Promised if you kept up your game I’d play . . . Well, baby, now I’m playing, and you are about to get fucked.”

  He eases his hips back and slams home with a jolting thrust that has me crying out, “Yes!”

  He hums deep in the back of his throat. “You like that . . .”

  Again, my guy slowly releases until just the flared tip of his wide cock head is pressed to the lips of my sex before he plows home in a brutal lunge.

  “Oh my!” My eyes roll in the back of my head, and I push up onto my forearms, no longer capable of breathing with my cheek against the mattress. “Honey . . . ,” I mewl.

  “I’ll give you honey, Sky.” He caresses both sides of my ass until his thumbs are where we’re connected. He pets the swollen and plump skin edging around where his dick is piercing me, and I start to pant, every neuron focused on the slight touch of his fingers in that sensitive space.

  “Like this honey seeping from between your legs, Sky. Mmm . . . love the way my girl weeps for my dick.” He uses his thumbs to part me farther and grind the base of his cock deeper.

  “Fuck yeah,” he groans, pushing as far inside as he can get. We’ve never been closer.

  I swear I can feel his length in my navel. “Baaaybee.” I gulp air through my lungs and hold my position.

  Parker rolls his hips in a circle, working every last nerve he can find inside me. Chills run up my spine, and I arch into it, wanting more, needing so much more. “Please . . . ,” I murmur through the haze of lust that’s controlling me.

  “Please what, Peaches?”

  I sigh and drop my head until my forehead rests on the cool sheets, giving me a moment’s respite from the pleasure and agony of him not taking me there immediately.

  “Please . . . fuck me,” I beg, not caring in the least if I sound wanton, because I absolutely am.

  Parker’s hands glide back over my ass to my waist. “Your wish . . . my command, baby” is the last thing he says before he goes to town on me, thrusting wildly, pounding hard and long.

  An intense fire builds between my thighs as he works me up until one of his hands comes around, and with an absolute precision built on months of very intimate knowledge of my body, he zeros in on my clit and doubles my pleasure.

  “Jesus, honey, I’m there. I’m right there!” I cry out.

  “Fuck yeah, you are. You take me while you go off. Squeeze my fucki
ng dick!” He grinds out through his teeth. His finger is relentless on my bundle of nerves, but his powerful thrusts are more so.

  Just when I think I’m about to shoot off into the stars again, he changes the plan by curling over my body, jacking an arm up the center of my torso, and lifting my upper half up so I’m practically hung up on his dick, my back to his chest. One of his hands wraps around my breast, fingers plucking away at my nipple, his other hand at my waist, jacking me on and off his cock. The mattress is bouncing with his efforts, aiding in the wild ride he’s giving.

  I glance across the room and see our reflections in the vanity mirror above our dresser. His body is misted with sweat and glistening in the moonlight as he fucks me. The light bounces off his powerful torso, thighs and arm muscles showing how they flex and move with his body in a beautiful symmetry I can’t take my eyes off of. My guy’s face is hard, teeth bared, nostrils flared like an animal, his entire focus on giving me the fuck of my life.

  I lean back, arching my own body. My knees are spread wide, balancing on the bed as I lift my calves and feet, pointing my toes. As desired, the stiletto points of the gold heels he was drooling over earlier make perfect contact with his body.

  He howls and jolts us both when the two spikes prod his muscular ass.

  “Hell yes!” He smiles, running his hand down my body and cupping me between my legs. His face takes on a mask of complete confidence and concentration as he presses two fingers to my slit, where he’s already stretched me with the girth of his cock. “You’re gonna take more of me, Peaches.”

  “I’ll take you any way I can get you . . ,” I gasp, and moan.

  He brings down both of his hands, and one goes straight to my clit and rubs circles until I’m mindlessly fucking myself on his length. With his other hand, he rubs his index and middle finger into the new wetness before he eases his cock out a few inches, making a little bit more room for what he plans to do. He takes long moments to bathe my neck, ear, and shoulder with kisses and love bites that have me shaking with need. Before I know it, he’s tipping my body forward and working those two digits alongside his cock, so he’s not only impaled me on his length, he’s hooked my cunt with two of his fingers.

  On a lion’s type roar, he stretches the full length of his body, those two fingers piercing right alongside his cock as deep as they’ll go.

  “Now ride that, Peaches,” he groans, but I’m so gone, overwhelmed with sensation and so full between my thighs I’m ready to burst. I’ll do anything right now to get my fix.

  I bring my hands to his bulging forearms, lay my shins back down to the mattress, and use the rebound of my weight to bounce my form up and down.

  “Beautiful. My dream girl. Takes her man any way he gives it,” Parker whispers in my ear. “You’re filled up, Peaches. I’ve got my dick and my fingers so far up your cunt you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

  His filthy words are my undoing. He takes over, thrusting and using the hand he has cupping me to fuck me stupid. I lose all rational thought besides every pleasure point that’s being manipulated.

  I come hard around his pounding cock and tugging fingers.

  He doesn’t stop.

  I come again, right on the heels of the last one, only bigger, brighter, and louder as I scream.

  This time, my entire body locks down around his, and his body responds, his hips offering one more powerful thrust, grinding home as his essence warms me from the inside out. He holds me still, his body wrapped around me, his forehead pressed to my nape, where I can feel the puffs of air leaving his mouth against my fevered skin.

  My body is a lifeless doll in his arms. Completely wrung out.

  For long moments, the two of us stay mostly still, him panting against the back of my neck, my chest powering up and down as I gasp for breath.

  “I’ll love you until the day I die, Skyler. You have my word on that.” His words are guttural, blanketed in emotion.

  “Honey . . . ,” I mumble, hardly able to focus as he dips me forward enough that he can slip his fingers out of me. It burns for a moment when those large digits slip from my body, but it’s worth it for the wild ride.

  I blink heavily as I feel small presses of Parker’s lips against every patch of skin he can reach on my neck and back.

  “I mean it, Sky. I’ve never lost myself in another person so flawlessly I didn’t know where I began and she ended.”

  “We’re meant to be, honey.” I wrap my arms around his holding me.

  He sucks in a deep breath and lets it out. “No matter what has happened to us, or what we’ve had to face, it’s made us stronger. Each time we’ve come out swinging, and Skyler, I’d do it all over again, every single thing we’ve been through, if it leads me right here to you.”

  I tip my head back and to the side so that I can look into his eyes. “You’re it for me, you know that, right?”

  He smiles and kisses me softly. “Yeah, baby, because you’re it for me.”

  One more kiss, and then I feel him slip out of my body.

  A groan I can’t suppress leaves as my body wobbles until I fall forward, catching myself on my hands and knees. I slide to the side on my naked hip as Parker puts a knee on the bed and crawls up. He latches me under my waist and back and pushes me up the bed until my head is cradled on the pillows.

  He dips down and kisses my lips, his mouth warm and moist in a way that, if I hadn’t just had the holy heck fucked out of me, I would want more of, and more of his amazing cock. Alas, the man obliterated every muscle in my body with his iron man–style sexcapades.

  “Be right back,” he says, before walking his naked ass to the bathroom. I hear him turn on the water, open a cupboard, and then come back with a wet washcloth.

  “Spread ’em,” he says.

  I crinkle my nose as heat rushes to my cheeks. “I can just get up and go to the bathroom myself.” I yawn.

  He shakes his head. “You think this is TMI. Peaches, baby, I just had my cock and fingers in your pussy at the same time. You just had the ends of your stilettos piercing my ass, and you think me wiping the mess between your legs is embarrassing?”

  “Hmmm, you kind of have a point.”

  He grins and waggles his brows. “Always do; now do as I say.”

  Closing my eyes, I put on my brave face and open my thighs. Parker gently wipes the warm cloth between my thighs, cleaning me of our lovemaking.

  When he’s done, I watch his naked ass walk away again, though this time I scrutinize it. And right there on the edge of each cheek is a small, dime-sized purple mark. Holy smokes, I really did prod his ass with my stilettos.

  Parker comes back, sits on the edge of the bed, and unbuckles one shoe and then the other before tossing them toward our walk-in closet.

  “I can’t believe you just threw a thousand-dollar pair of shoes like they were a pair of dirty socks!” I sit up on my forearms and stare at the pretties lying on their sides at the foot of the closet.

  Parker crawls under the covers, nabs me until I’m curled against his chest. He proceeds to hook one of my knees and hike it up and over his hips so that my leg rests over his thighs. “You’ll survive.”

  I frown and lift my head. “I most certainly will not,” I grumble, and yawn against his chest. He runs one hand up and down my bare thigh, and the other he tunnels into my hair.

  “I’ll be nicer to your shoes from now on.” He kisses my forehead.

  “Thank you.” I grin, feeling like I won a battle I didn’t even have to start. If this is what married life is going to be like . . . sign me up.

  “For the record, do you really need to spend a thousand dollars on a pair of shoes?”

  On second thought . . .

  “Ugh . . . you’re so annoying.”

  Parker chuckles heartily and hugs me. “But you love me.”

  I groan under my breath. “Yeah, I love you.”

  “And you said I was it for you.”

  “Are you trying to piss me of
f?” I mumble, my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

  He laughs, and I take pleasure in the fact that I can feel his laughter through my entire body since I’m draped over him.

  “Love you more,” he whispers, and kisses the top of my head.

  “Mmm, dream of me.” I sigh as thoughts of his naked body, warm and under me, fill me with images of the fun we just had.

  “Skyler, I always dream of you, baby. This time, you dream of me.” He nuzzles my forehead and squeezes my thigh.

  “Mm-hmm. ’K, honey. Already ahead of you . . .” is the last thing I remember saying before I do as promised. I dream of my guy wearing a similar tux to the one he was wearing tonight, only standing at the end of the aisle with his eyes on me, and I’m wearing my own white dress.



  “Mon cher, please tell me your life is utterly dull and boring. No more exploding houses. No more hurt family, and you and Skyler are living happily in your beautiful home? Oui?”

  I chuckle and spin my chair around to look out the window at the Boston skyline. “Oui. Though I wouldn’t say life is dull and boring. Wendy was married this past week, we’re all back at work, my dogs are settled in the new house, and Skyler is constantly changing her mind on what color she wants a certain room. Right now, she’s set on the kitchen being purple. Purple, SoSo.”

  Sophie hums through the line. “I do not think that color is appetizing for the senses. I shall hope she has a change of heart.”

  “Thanks. What’s up?”

  “Well, my darling, I have bitten a gun.” She sighs.

  I blink a few times, watching Zeus, my stealthy ginger office cat, attack and catch a fly that somehow made it into my office, while trying to figure out Sophie’s latest colloquial blunder.

  “SoSo, I think you mean you’ve bitten the bullet. Did you make a decision about something, or did you literally purchase a gun and put it into your mouth?” I chuckle heartily. I love hearing my friend’s voice.

  “Mon Dieu. I can never get it right. Alas, I have made a decision.”


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