Dreamer of Dune

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Dreamer of Dune Page 61

by Brian Herbert

  shooting locations and filming

  special effects

  Rudolph Wurlitzer and

  Dune Activity Book

  Dune board game

  Dune Coloring Book

  Dune Coloring & Activity Book

  Dune Cut-Out Activity Book

  Dune Encyclopedia, The

  Dune: House Atreides (Brian Herbert/Anderson)

  Dune Master: A Frank Herbert Bibliography (Levack/Willard)

  Dune Messiah (Frank Herbert)

  as bestseller

  and the film Dune

  hardcover publication

  paperback publication

  quotation from


  themes and messages in

  title of


  Dune Pop-Up Panorama Book

  Dune Storybook, The

  Dune Tarot cards

  Dune World (Frank Herbert). See under Dune.

  Dura Bomb Shovel

  Dusty (pet cocker spaniel)

  Earth Day

  “Earth Games” (Brian Herbert)

  Eclipse (Brewer)

  Ecological Demonstration Project


  Editions Robert Laffont (French publisher)

  Egan, Jimmy

  “Egg and Ashes” (Frank Herbert)

  Ehrlich, Paul

  Einhorn, Ira

  Ellison, Harlan

  Elshin, Jacob

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Empty Space Theater (Seattle, WA)

  “Encounter in a Lonely Place” (Frank Herbert)

  environmental awareness

  Ecological Demonstration Project

  John Herbert and

  “Escape Felicity” (Frank Herbert)

  Esquire magazine

  Estacada, Danny

  Expert Driving

  Eyes of Heisenberg, The (Frank Herbert)

  Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury)

  Fantastic magazine

  Fantasy & Science Fiction

  “Featherbedders, The” (Frank Herbert)

  Fellini, Federico

  Ferrer, José

  Five Fates (anthology)

  Fonda, Henry

  Forbes, David (Herbert’s father-in-law)

  Forbes, Marguerite (Herbert’s mother-in-law)

  Forbes magazine

  “Four for Sir John Davies” (Roethke)

  Francis, Freddie

  Frank Herbert (Touponce)

  Frank Herbert Cancer Research Fund

  Frazer, Sir James George

  Free Speech Movement

  French, Jim

  French, Stewart

  Freud, Sigmund

  Frighten the Mother (Beverly Herbert)

  Fuller, Anne

  Fuller, Buckminster

  Future City (anthology)

  G. P. Putnam’s Sons

  Galaxy magazine

  “Gambling Device” (Frank Herbert)

  Game of Authors, A (Frank Herbert)

  Garbage Chronicles, The (Brian Herbert)

  Gardner-Marlow-Maes (film company)

  Gates, Chuck

  genetic engineering

  Gericault, Jean

  Gerke, John, Jr.

  Germani, Gianfranco

  Ghanima (sailboat)

  “Ghouls of the Green Death” (Blassingame)

  Gift from the Sea (Lindbergh)

  Giger, H. R.

  Glendale Star

  “GM Effect, The” (Frank Herbert)

  God Emperor of Dune (Frank Herbert)

  advance for

  as bestseller

  book tours

  Beverly Herbert and

  Brian Herbert and

  homosexuality in

  paperback edition


  special editions

  success of

  themes and messages in

  title of


  God Makers, The (“The Priests of Psi”) (Frank Herbert)

  “God’s ‘Helping Hand’ Gave Us 5,000 Amigos” (Frank Herbert)

  “Goddess of Crawling Horrors, The” (Blassingame)

  Golden, Moll

  Golden Bough, The (Frazer)

  Golding, William

  Gollancz (British publisher)

  Gombu, Nawang

  Good Earth, The (Buck)

  Goodwin, Frankie

  Gospel According to Thomas

  Green, Edith

  Green, Walt

  Green Brain, The (Frank Herbert)

  “Greenslaves” (Frank Herbert)


  Hansen, Howard (Howie)

  and Frank Herbert’s fame

  and Soul Catcher

  Harper’s magazine

  Hartwell, David

  Harvey, Paul

  Hayakawa, S. I.

  Hearst, William Randolph, Sr.

  Heat’s On, The (Frank Herbert)

  Heaven Makers, The (Frank Herbert)

  Heidegger, Martin

  Heinlein, Robert

  “Heisenberg’s Eyes” (Frank Herbert)

  Hellstrom’s Hive (“Project 40”) (Frank Herbert)

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henry VIII

  Herbert, Beverly Forbes (2nd wife)


  BAH newsletter

  books, respect for

  camping, fishing, and hunting

  death, last wishes, final messages, and memorials




  Mexico, trips to


  religious beliefs

  travel journals


  as a “white witch,”

  as a writer

  Herbert, Beverly Forbes (family and residences)

  daughter-in-law (Jan), relations with

  grandchildren, relations with

  husband, relations with

  husband’s business affairs, organizing

  husband’s work, helping with

  Kawaloa (Hana, Hawaii)

  Kelly Butte (Snoqualmie National Forest, WA), living on

  Mercer Island

  San Francisco Bay area, living in

  son (Brian), relations with

  Xanadu (Port Townsend, WA), living in

  Herbert, Brian Patrick (son)



  childhood and education

  conception and birth



  Kawaloa (Hana, Hawaii), staying in

  mother, relations with

  personality and temperament

  and religion


  O. J. Simpson and

  success of

  trips to Mexico

  wife (Jan Blanquie)

  wine label collection

  as a writer

  Herbert, Brian Patrick (and father)

  business affairs, dealing with

  father’s books, reading

  health and death, dealing with

  as mentor and collaborator

  relations with

  Herbert, Bruce Calvin (son)

  drug use

  father, relations with

  mother, relations with

  sexuality of

  Herbert, Eileen Marie “Babe” McCarthy (mother)

  alcoholism of


  and The Spanish Castle

  Herbert, Flora Parkinson (1st wife)


  support payments

  Herbert, Frank (Professor Herbert) (great uncle)

  Herbert, Frank (F. H.) (father)

  alcoholism of

  as a disciplinarian

  Dura Bomb Shovel

  as highway patrolman

  religious beliefs

  as salesman

  as security guard

  son, relations with

  and The Spanish Castle
r />   Herbert, Frank (Jr.)

  American Samoa, fascination with


  Bub (pet beagle)

  books, respect for

  camping, fishing, and hunting

  cars and driving



  Ecological Demonstration Project


  health of

  Himalayan expedition, plans for

  and junk mail

  last days, death, memorials, and wake

  and lie detectors

  and music

  Navy, enlistment in

  running away from home (Salem, OR)

  John Schoenherr’s paintings, collecting

  wine making and appreciation

  Herbert, Frank (traits and beliefs)

  anti-war beliefs

  as a disciplinarian

  drugs, experience with

  environmental awareness



  Indian rights, as supporter of. See also Soul Catcher

  inventiveness and mechanical skill

  IQ and intelligence

  oriental culture, interest in

  personality and temperament


  religious beliefs

  and television

  sense of humor

  Herbert, Frank (1st wife: Flora Parkinson)


  support payments

  See also Herbert, Penelope

  Herbert, Frank (2nd wife: Beverly Forbes)

  Kawaloa (Hana, Hawaii)

  Kelly Butte (Snoqualmie National Forest, WA), living on

  Mexico, trips to

  San Francisco Bay area, living in


  wife, grief over death of

  wife, relations with

  writing, wife helping with

  Xanadu (Port Townsend, WA), living in

  Herbert, Frank (3rd wife: Theresa Shackelford)

  Mercer Island house

  Herbert, Frank (family)

  children, relations with

  father, relations with

  grandchildren, relations with

  son (Brian), as mentor and collaborator to

  son (Brian) and dealing with business affairs

  son (Brian), relations with

  Herbert, Frank (employment)

  as actor in commercial

  forest service fire watcher


  political speech writing

  public information officer


  radio announcer

  speaking engagements

  as teacher

  writing seminars and workshops

  Herbert, Frank (employment: journalism)

  California Living Magazine

  Glendale Star

  The Lincoln News

  Oregon Journal

  Oregon Statesman

  San Francisco Examiner

  Santa Rosa Press Democrat

  Seattle Post-Intelligencer

  The Tacoma Ledger

  Tacoma Times

  as a war correspondent

  Herbert, Frank (writings)

  advertising, reviews, promotion, book signings, and tours

  awards and honors


  business affairs, son dealing with

  business affairs, wife organizing

  computer system

  dedications and inscriptions

  finances, success, and rejection

  foreign markets

  literary agent (Lurton Blassingame)

  occult and paranormal in

  opus numbers


  as a stream-of-consciousness writer

  water and ocean themes

  Western fiction market

  wife helping with

  work process

  writer’s block

  Herbert, Frank (writings: influences on)

  environmental concerns

  family and daily life

  Howie Hansen

  Martin Heidegger

  Carl Gustav Jung


  Mexican trips


  Native American

  Navy enlistment

  Santa Rosa

  Zen Buddhism

  Herbert, Frank (writings: short stories)

  “A-W-F Unlimited,”

  “Adventures in Darkest Africa,”

  “By the Book,”

  “Come to the Party” (with Busby)

  “Committee of the Whole,”

  “Death of a City,”

  “Do I Wake or Dream,”

  “Egg and Ashes,”

  “Encounter in a Lonely Place,”

  “Escape Felicity,”

  “The Featherbedders,”

  “Gambling Device,”

  “The GM Effect,”


  “Heisenberg’s Eyes,”

  “The Iron Maiden,”

  “The Jonah and the Jap,”

  “The Little Window,”

  “Looking for Something,”

  “The Mary Celeste Move,”

  “Mating Call,”

  “A Matter of Traces,”

  “The Mind Bomb,”


  “Missing Link,”

  “Murder Will In,”

  “Occupation Force,”

  “Old Rambling House,”

  “Operation Haystack,”

  “Pack Rat Planet,”

  “Passage for Piano,”

  “Paul’s Friend,”

  “The Priests of Psi,”

  “The Primitives,”

  “Rat Race,”

  “Seed Stock,”

  “Songs of a Sentient Flute” (with Ransom)

  “Survival of the Cunning,”

  “The Tactful Saboteur,”

  “A Thorn in the Bush,”

  “Try to Remember!,”


  “The Wrong Cat,”

  “You Take the High Road,”

  Herbert, Frank (writings: novels)

  The Ascension Factor (with Ransom)

  Chapterhouse: Dune

  Children of Dune (Arrakis)

  Circle Times

  Destination: Void

  Direct Descent

  The Dosadi Experiment

  The Dragon in the Sea (Under Pressure)


  Dune Messiah

  The Eyes of Heisenberg

  A Game of Authors

  God Emperor of Dune

  The God Makers (“The Priests of Psi”)

  The Green Brain

  The Heat’s On

  The Heaven Makers

  Hellstrom’s Hive (“Project 40”)

  Heretics of Dune

  The Jesus Incident (“Songs of a Sentient Flute”) (with Ransom)

  The Lazarus Effect (with Ransom)

  Man of Two Worlds (with Brian Herbert)

  New World or No World

  The Santaroga Barrier

  Soul Catcher


  Whipping Star

  The White Plague

  Without Me You’re Nothing (with Barnard)


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