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by Sue Barr


  By Sue Barr

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations being used in reviews or article about the book.

  This is a work of fiction. The situations, characters, names and places are products of the author’s imagination, or are used factiously. Any resemblance to locales, events, actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

  Published by: Susan L Barr

  Digital ISBN: 978-0-9947718-6-5

  Cover Design by Midnight Muse

  Text copyright ©2017 Susan L. Barr

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  CAROLINE (Pride & Prejudice continued..., #1)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  The Love Chapter

  The End

  KATHERINE | Chapter One

  Dearest Rob

  You will always be my Mr. Darcy

  I love you more than black jellybeans

  Jesus Christ

  You are the author of my heart

  Chapter 1

  Caroline Bingley descended the grand staircase and proceeded toward the breakfast room, barely acknowledging the footman who’d efficiently pulled a chair away from the table for her. With a soft swish of silk, she settled on the seat. When the second footman poured her tea, she deigned to give him a slight nod of approval, but that was because she was in a fine mood.

  She noted through the window overlooking her sister’s favorite garden that it was a beautiful fall morning, the leaves of the oak trees a riotous flame of red and orange. October was just around the corner and her good mood, which had been in evidence since late August, showed no sign of wavering. She’d even gone to church the day prior for mass and enjoyed the hymns, although the bishop nearly bored her to tears.

  As she fussed with her morning meal, she mentally ticked off plans she and Charles had for the upcoming week. Charles had papers to sign with their lawyer to quit the lease at Netherfield Park and she had a fitting with Madam Beaufort before the much anticipated Annual Michaelmas Ball at Lady Addleworth’s mansion.

  Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy was sure to attend the ball. He and his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, who’d arrived in Town the other day, were spending an inordinate amount of time with Charles. She hoped it was because Charles finally decided to pursue an arrangement with Georgiana. Darcy and the good Colonel, as her guardians, would finalize the articles of marriage as well as details of the dowry. With luck they would announce their engagement before the ball and with his shy little sister taken care of, Mr. Darcy could now concentrate on his own happiness.

  At last Charles was safe from Miss Jane Bennet, although he’d been reminded of her when they had the misfortune of running into her sister Elizabeth while at Pemberley in early August. For a few days she’d worried Darcy might continue to grow in affection for the well-tanned miss with muddy hems and ‘fine eyes’, but fortunately she exited Derbyshire rather abruptly the very next day. Caroline didn’t need the ever present Miss Bennet to ruin her plans for Charles and Georgiana as well as those for herself. After three long years of careful planning, she would not be denied her future by a girl of little consequence.

  How she longed to be Mistress of Pemberley. To have others look to her for guidance, to run the household the way it should. First order of business would be to dismiss Mrs. Reynolds. The housekeeper was by far too smug and too familiar with Mr. Darcy. Why, she let anyone who knocked on the door run amok within the house and on the grounds. Such behavior would be stopped the minute she and Mr. Darcy exchanged their vows. Pemberley needed a strong hand to run efficiently and she had the fortitude to make it happen.

  She bit into a light-as-air croissant and sighed. This was her only indulgence, otherwise the dress Madame Beaufort designed would never fit and she needed to look spectacular the night of the ball. Darcy would propose before night’s end or her name wasn’t Caroline Anastasia Bingley.

  Their butler, Hobson, entered the room with a slight bow and signaled the footmen to remove the food trays. A light frown creased her forehead. Her sister Louisa took breakfast in bed and Mr. Hurst rarely awakened before noon, but surely Charles would be annoyed if he came down and there were no sausages and eggs readily available.

  “Has Mr. Bingley been down to break his fast, Hobson?”

  “No, Miss Bingley. He left at first light with Mr. Darcy.”

  “Mr. Darcy?” Astonished, she set down her tea cup. “Did he state where they were going?”

  “I believe he said they were going to Hertfordshire, ma’am.”

  Laden with heavy trays, the footmen exited the room and with another slight bow the butler followed.

  “Hertfordshire,” she mused aloud. “Why on earth would they go to Hertfordshire?”

  Her mind whirled with possibilities. Charles may have decided to complete a final inspection of Netherfield Park before signing over the lease. She gave her head a quick shake at the thought. They had a perfectly good steward who took care of those details. And why would Darcy attend with him? Puzzled, she finished her croissant and tea before daintily dabbing her mouth with a linen napkin upon completion.

  First thing, before attending her fitting, she’d write her brother a letter and remind him of his duties and engagements in London. The last thing she needed was for Charles to inadvertently come across the ever amiable and angelic Miss Jane Bennet. Although convinced his desires no longer lay in that direction, she didn’t want to take the chance he might second guess his decision to quit Netherfield Park and Hertfordshire for good.

  She took small comfort in the fact Darcy was along for the journey. If anyone could keep Charles from becoming entangled with a family of no social standing, and with the silliest of women in all of England for a mother-in-law, it would be Darcy. After all, it was he who helped convince her brother marrying Jane Bennet would have been social suicide, and not a moment too soon. After the ball at Netherfield, Charles was clearly besotted and it took the whole next day to convince him she did not have the same regard for him. Based on the mother’s words and actions, Jane Bennet was nothing more than a beautiful fortune hunter.

  Satisfied all would be well, she left the morning room and made her way to her ornate escritoire. Within minutes she’d penned a quick missive, sanded and blotted the heavy personalized vellum and skimmed the contents to make sure she hadn’t missed a thing.

  Grosvenor Street, London

  September 14, 1812

  Dearest Charles,

  How wonderful you are attending Netherfield Park one last time before quitting it. Make sure you haven’t left a stray cravat lying about.

  I’m but teasing you, sweet brother. However, I do want to remind you, in the most loving way possible, of your appointment with our solicitor this Thursday, September 17. As well, Lady Addleworth’s Annual Michaelmas Ball, which isn’t until Tuesday, September 29, but there is much to do beforehand. Where would you be if I didn’t attend to your social calendar? I am so looking forward to this event as every one of our friends shall be in attendance. This will be a grand affair.

  Hoping this letter finds you in good health. Give my warmest regards to Darcy.

  Your loving sister,


  She sealed and addressed the letter before handing it off to Hobson f
or mailing. Satisfied that her subtle direction would nudge Charles home quickly, she called to have a carriage brought round. Nothing and no one would interfere with her carefully laid plans.

  Later in the week...

  “Has my sister arisen from her bed?” Caroline asked Hobson before handing her pelisse and gloves to her maid, Lucy. She’d returned from visiting Lady Miranda Blake, a thin scrap of a woman she’d met a few weeks prior through their mutual acquaintance, Miss Grantley. Lady Miranda’s father was only a Baron, but every step into higher circles of Society brought her closer to becoming Mrs. Darcy of Pemberley. Her social resume would be impeccable when he finally proposed.

  “Yes, she’s in the front parlor, Miss Bingley.”

  “Lucy, lay out the dress we agreed upon for tonight. I shall be dining with Baron Blake’s family and want no wrinkles in the skirt this time.”

  “Yes, Miss Bingley.” Lucy gave a polite curtsy and proceeded upstairs with Caroline’s pelisse and gloves.

  “Have Bentley bring in some tea and cakes,” she told Hobson, who closed the front door and now waited for her to leave the foyer.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Without a word of thank you, or even a polite nod at their long time servant she breezed into the parlor. Louisa remained seated on a heavily tufted chair by the fireplace, her feet propped up on a small stool.

  “Ah, Caroline. You’ve come home at last. I was dreadfully bored.”

  “Good afternoon, Louisa.” Caroline settled on the settee across from Louisa. “I hope you don’t mind, I asked Bentley to bring in tea.”

  “That’s fine, dear. You always think of everything.” Louisa slouched back against the chair with a huge sigh. “La, I’m exhausted. I arose but an hour ago.”

  “You’ve been exhausted a lot, as of late,” Caroline observed, noting the slight pallor of Louisa’s complexion. “You may want to stay home a few evenings this week. You look like a washed out rag.”

  “What, and miss all the fun? As you know, Mr. Hurst and I attended a dinner party hosted by Lord Waverly, the Marquis of Dorchester.” Louisa sat erect and leaned toward Caroline. “He gave us a tour of his home and I saw his coronet!”

  “How droll, Louisa. As if I care about a ceremonial hat he wears once a year. Who else was in attendance?”

  “Don’t put on your airs with me.” Louisa said, a mutinous look crossing her face. “I know for a fact you’ve been vying for an invitation to one of his soirees for months.”

  Caroline bit the inside of her cheek to keep from retorting. Everything Louisa stated was true, but pride demanded she maintain a semblance of ennui. If she wished to move among the ton, she needed to emulate their disdain for anyone beneath them.

  “Enough of the Marquis, have you heard from Charles? He did not attend his lawyer’s appointment this morning.”

  “No, I haven’t, but then Charles is terrible at keeping Mr. Hurst and I in the know of his comings and goings.” She picked out a sugared candy from the bowl on the table beside her chair and bit into it. Around the candy, she mumbled, “Do you know where he is?”

  “Did I not tell you? How remiss of me. He went to Hertfordshire with Darcy.”

  “Hertfordshire!” Pieces of candy flew out of Louisa’s mouth, which she quickly brushed off her lap onto the carpet. “Why on earth would they go there?”

  “I don’t know. They left this past Monday.” Caroline eyed the half-chewed sticky mass on the floor and with great determination kept a steady gaze on Louisa’s face. Not for the first time she wished her sister would not speak with her mouth full. In front of the wrong person, she could be mistaken for an uncouth gentlewoman, on par with Mrs. Bennet. “Lord knows there is nothing there except cows, chickens and those who tend them. I almost burst into song the day we shook the dust of Hertfordshire and Meryton off our shoes.”

  “He probably inspected Netherfield Park one last time. You know how he loved that house.”

  Neither of them needed to add he’d loved more than the house at Netherfield.

  “Yes, but why hasn’t he written back? I sent a missive as soon as I learned of their departure. Surely he has received it by now.”

  “He and Darcy may have gone on to Pemberley, intending to return the day of the ball,” Louisa offered hopefully. “It’s a two day trip from Hertfordshire to Derbyshire. Not much time to draft and post a letter, and we all know how Charles abhors writing.”

  “What you say is true.” Caroline stood and paced toward the window. She barely noticed the busy street with grand carriages parading up and down. Her mind was troubled by Charles’ lack of response. What if he hadn’t gone to Pemberley and instead tarried in Hertfordshire... The longer he dallied, the more apt he was to stumble across Miss Jane Bennet and that would be disastrous.

  She turned at the rattling of a tray and saw Bentley lowering the ornate silver tea set onto the small table in front of the couch. With a slight bow he took his leave, closing the door carefully behind him.

  “Come, Caroline,” Louisa said as she poured tea into their waiting cups. “We’ll find out soon enough what Charles has been up to. Until that time, let me tell you who was at the Marquis’ dinner. Tomorrow shall go shopping and spend Charles’ money as punishment for leaving us alone.”

  Chapter 2

  The arrival of a carriage alerted Nathanial Kerr his much anticipated guest had finally arrived. He rose from his desk to meet the gentleman whose wedding he would be officiating a little over three weeks from now. The tall form of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy came up the front path and he hurried outside to greet his friend and patron.

  “Darcy, I am so glad to see you again. It’s been several months since we last spoke.”

  “I have had an interesting year. I assume you received my missive?”

  “Yes, on Friday by express post. May I congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials?”

  “Thank you.” Darcy hastened them to enter the parsonage. “I won’t dissemble, Kerr, I wish to have a word with you before Mr. Bingley arrives.”

  Filled with much curiosity, he guided Mr. Darcy to his study where the interview was slated to take place. The strange nervousness the Master of Pemberley exhibited was interesting, to say the least. As soon as they were safely in the privacy of his study Mr. Darcy began without preamble.

  “What I have to say is a bit distasteful and I hope you will not be offended by my choice of language as I do not have much time. Bingley will be here in but a few moments.”

  He paced to the fireplace and then turned to face Nathan.

  “I have kept your family connections secret from my fiancé’s family. There are a few members who have a proclivity to...behave in somewhat vulgar manner. Of Mr. Bingley’s family, I cannot say.”

  “Are you sure that’s necessary, Darcy? I have never sought to hide my family connections although I must admit none of my – your – parishioners, with the exception of Mrs. Crenshaw, have knowledge of my title. I simply introduce myself as Mr. Kerr.”

  “Sadly, yes. Miss Bennet and Miss Jane will be told as they are both full of good manners and not given over to hysterics... I’m sorry, Kerr. This is beneath me to complain.”

  They both turned when Mrs. Crenshaw, Nathan’s housekeeper, knocked on the door.

  “Mr. Bingley has arrived, Mr. Kerr.” She bobbed a quick curtsy to Mr. Darcy and backed out of the room.

  Charles Bingley strode into the room and Nathan immediately like the pleasant young man. He was such a perfect foil to Mr. Darcy’s quiet nature. After introductions were made, sans title, the men quickly took their places and began discussing the upcoming joint weddings.

  After about an hour, Nathan set down his quill with satisfaction. He rested his gaze on Mr. Darcy.

  “The banns will be read over the next three Sundays and I’m honored to preside over the wedding ceremony of you and Miss Bennet, and” – he turned his gaze to Mr. Bingley – “you and Miss Bennet the first of November.”

  Both men looke
d at each other and smiled. Of all his duties, weddings were fast becoming his favorite. This one, for his benefactor and patron, was particularly special.

  “When you offered me this living three years ago, Mr. Darcy, I’d hoped this day would come. Your father, were he here, would be overjoyed at your finding a woman who brings you much contentment.”

  “I very nearly missed her,” Darcy said. “I thank God daily He allowed me to see the folly of my ways and mend them. Elizabeth – Miss Bennet – will be a good helpmate with my estate and a true sister to Georgiana.”

  “I’m inclined to agree with you. From what you’ve stated, she and her sister, Miss Jane Bennet are most amiable. I believe both of you will have long and prosperous marriages.”

  “True words, Kerr. My hope is that one day you will find a woman who will compliment your position here, in Kympton.”

  “I pray you are right, Mr. Darcy,” Nathan stated with a slight smile. “Only the good Lord knows who would be a fitting companion for a vicar such as I. Not everyone is as lucky in love as you two.” He glanced down at his notes. “The ladies are in agreement with the ceremony taking place here instead of near their home?”

  “I know Louisa and Caroline, my sisters,” Bingley offered as explanation, “would prefer our weddings to take place in London, but Pemberley seemed the most appropriate choice. If it weren’t for Darcy, my Jane and I might never have re-connected.” Mr. Bingley turned to his friend with a large grin. “He won’t allow me to thank him properly, but I have no hesitation in declaring Mr. Darcy as the truest of friends.”

  “Bingley, you give me too much credit.” Darcy gave a small wave of his hand as if fending off his effusive compliments. “Pemberley is the obvious choice because our chapel is larger than the one in Meryton and we will have three families attending the ceremony. Please don’t read anything more into it than that.”

  Nathan watched the two men banter back and forth, their easy friendship such a blessing. He and his brothers shared such a comradery, at least when they weren’t trying to best each. Nothing was off limits in their quest to win. They even went so far as to holding a spitting contest. Which wouldn’t have been so bad, but their target had been their mother’s favorite vase.


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