Harkham's Choice (Harkham's Series Book 2)

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Harkham's Choice (Harkham's Series Book 2) Page 5

by Chanse Lowell

  He parked as swiftly as he could, his hands shaking with joy.

  As soon as he got inside, into the kitchen where Zach and Mari were, he wore a lopsided smile and pushed his dangling bangs out of his eyes.

  Zach saw him and grinned.

  “How’d it go?” Zach winked at Adam.

  “How did what go?” Mari asked, her brow slanted.

  Adam looked at him with a little bit of apprehension and ignored her question. “Treacherous . . .”

  “Why do I feel like you’re talking about your anatomy again?” Zach laughed. “The words you use . . .” He smirked and dropped his head, shaking it a little.

  “You could talk this way too, if you wanted.” Adam grabbed a drink of water and chugged it down.

  “I wish.” Zach looked at Mari and leaned against the counter. “You should hear him and Dad go off. When they start talking about medical and science stuff, I have no idea what they’re talking about.”

  “I’d love to see that,” Mari said. She stepped up to Adam, kissed his cheek, then rubbed it away with the pad of her thumb. As he took another sip of his drink, she nudged him with her shoulder and snickered as a little bit of it sloshed out and dripped down his chin and neck.

  “You know what we’re talking about.” Adam rolled his eyes at his brother. “You’re smart.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I had to repeat my senior year and be in the same grade as you and the nugget.” Zach tensed up, his forearms flexing.

  “That’s not why,” Adam said. He set his drink down. “You get distracted—that’s all.” He half-shrugged.

  “Yeah, by anything wearing a skirt.” Zach snorted, went to the pantry and grabbed a bag of pretzels, then started munching.

  “Men wear skirts, too. They’re called kilts,” Adam said, staring at him like he already knew this everyday fact.

  “Well, thank God kilts are not the normal every-day wear at school for dudes. The day one of them shows up in one, sounds like you’ll have to chain me to my desk to keep me away.” Zach popped a handful of snacks into his mouth while he fought off a huge smile.

  Mari busted out laughing.

  “Oh, before I forget,” Adam said. He went and grabbed the plastic grocery bag he’d left by the door. The bag made a crinkly noise as he handed it to Mari with a huge grin plastered on his face.

  “You really got them? You mean she hadn’t burned them or urinated on them?” Mari’s eyes glowed with pleasure as she pulled out her Doctor Who and Torchwood DVDs.

  “Urinated?” Zach chuckled. “You’ve been hanging out with him way too much. You sound like a doctor.”

  Mari smirked. “Well, I’d rather that be the case than Adam sounding like me. He’s already cussing way more than he used to.”

  “No way!” Zach smacked his leg. “Show me, big brother. Use a few nasty words.”

  “No.” Adam’s face heated and his heart rate picked up. “Dad’s rules—no profanities.”

  “Aw, c’mon!” Zach whined. “He’s not here. He’s still at work. And Samara is gone, too. It’s just the three of us.”

  “I have no reason to say bad words right now.” Adam turned to the fridge and rummaged for a snack.

  “I had a donut today,” Zach told him.

  Adam’s head popped up, and he closed the fridge. “You did?” His voice shook, and his fingers flexed, then fisted.

  “Yeah. A Boston cream, and I swear they put more cream in it than usual. It was oozing out all over my fingers. I had to keep licking it off—it was that messy. That was my breakfast. For lunch, I had a slice of chocolate cake and a Dr. Pepper.” Zach rubbed his tummy. “I wish I could’ve shared it with you, but, you know, you’re not allowed since sugar makes you insane.”

  “It does not!” Adam’s volume escalated. He stood to his full height now, and his chest puffed out.

  “Does too. Samara says—”

  “I don’t give a damn what Samara says! And why the hell wouldn’t you save me some of your cake? With all the shit I do for you—helping you with your homework, tutoring you!” Adam glared. “That’s really fucked up!”

  Zach’s lips twitched, then he busted into a roaring laugh. “That was awesome!”

  “Zach, give him a break. Don’t provoke him. He’s not really proud of it,” she said, grabbing Adam’s hand and tucking it into her side like he used to do.

  “You did that on purpose?” Adam’s arms shook, and his eyes were blue fire.

  “Yeah. I didn’t have any sugar at all today. Mari’s teaching me to eat healthier so I can lose some weight. I want more definition in my abs. Lori has an amazing bod! She deserves to like what she sees too when we’re both—”

  “We don’t want to hear it,” Adam said, ripping his hand out of Mari’s and covering his ears. Ever since Zach met that blonde woman, Lorraine, at that Pearl Jam concert, all his brother did was talk about how hot his new girlfriend was.

  “Fine. See if I give you any more sex books to read.” Zach put the pretzels away. He looked at Mari. “I guess that wasn’t the smartest snack, huh?”

  “Not really, but it’s okay. We all have setbacks.” She smiled. “I probably should’ve stopped you from riling him up like that, but I like watching your family interact. I’ve noticed how Adam talks in more simple terms when he’s upset or when he’s dealing with too many overwhelming emotions. It’s like his innocence and inexperience with life comes through. But when he’s at home, he’s so comfortable, he’s well-spoken. He comes across sounding like a lawyer or a polished politician. I love it!”

  Adam’s chest felt like it was caving in. He still struggled with how Mari was good friends with his brother. And he didn’t like it when they talked about him like he wasn’t here.

  “He’s done being with us. I want you alone.” Adam strung her along behind him out of the room with no choice from her and no discussion about it at all. He needed his lips on her.

  That required no talking at all.

  Chapter 4

  Adam fidgeted and beamed at Mari. She was spraying all his hair gray to match his face she’d already painted.

  She was gray, too. They looked almost exactly the same—both angels, but scary ones.

  “I love that Doctor Who episode with the weeping angels.” He grinned wider.

  “Me too,” she said, acting giddy. She sprayed one more time at his bangs, set the can down and then stood right in front of him, spiking up his hair.

  He was seated in a terrific spot.

  Her breasts were . . . right there.

  He reached out and cupped them without asking.

  She smacked his hands away and laughed. “Stop it. You’re gonna get that makeup from your hands all over my boobs.”

  “So? Your clothes are the same color,” he said, leaning in and inhaling her, but instead getting whiffs of the smelly hair spray. Bluck! It was much better to focus on the visuals before him, rather than aromas. “And your nipples are so hard and beautiful when they’re like that. They’re saying hi to me. It would be rude to ignore them and not answer back.”

  He leaned forward again, but this time with his mouth to capture one.

  She giggled once and scooted back in a sort of jumpy way but stretched her arms forward so she could keep working on him.

  “You look hot, Adam. This really isn’t fair.” She stepped back, apparently all done with his hair. Her eyes assessed her work.

  “Not as hot as you. Are angels supposed to make me wanna be bad?” He smirked, and his eyes were ablaze, sharing exactly how sore he was for her right now.

  She waved for him to get up off his chair and come to her.

  “You almost ready to go?” she asked.

  “Yeah, you?”

  She nodded and smiled real wide as she looked him up and down.

  “Seriously . . . It’s not right—all this sexiness in one man? What was God thinking? The angels are jealous—I know they are.”

  He gave a crooked grin. “Do you really think so?”
  “I know so.” She was close enough to touch, but she seemed kind of rigid.

  He leaned in for a kiss, but she shook her head. “We’ll mess up our makeup.” She took his hand and smiled. “Let’s get to the party, mingle a little bit and then we can kiss all we want, ‘kay?”

  He nodded, but his insides felt a little sad.

  “I like that you’re wearing a kind of toga so I can stick my hands inside and touch your—”

  She smacked his chest and gave a mock scowl. “We can’t do that at Katie’s party.”

  “Why not? I want to,” he said, his eyes all wrinkling up.

  She began walking, taking him right along with her.

  “Well, if you can figure out a way we can do it discreetly or in private, then . . . we’ll see.”

  His insides glowed the way a real angel’s would. He was gonna touch her. She said he could.

  It would be good to be hard in this outfit because it was kind of loose and flowy—not restrictive like jeans. He was constantly having to shift himself when he wore those around Mari. Too painful otherwise.

  She handed him the Mercedes keys, and they said goodbye to the rest of his family.

  Everyone in his family was attending a different party, except his dad—he was staying home to pass out candy to the little kids that stopped by. That had always been Adam’s job in the past. He liked seeing their costumes and happy smiles when he gave them really big handfuls of candy that he wasn’t allowed to eat.

  Halloween was the best and the worst—all jumbled up into one for him.

  Tonight, though, he’d have something sweet in his mouth, his tummy and in his hands. Mari’s body was really sweet, and he loved the way she tasted on his tongue every time she let him take parts of her into his mouth.

  She was letting him do more and more when they were supposed to be sleeping in his bed. His whole body jerked and tightened when she made those little gasping whimpers when he licked her in certain ways he knew she liked.

  He’d kept it a secret—hadn’t told a soul about their secret activities late at night.

  The hardest part was when she’d shush his moaning when she’d touch him in return, and he’d feel almost worse keeping that back than he did when he fought away the numbers. This was more difficult because it was in his dick, trying to push out from his thighs, hips and buttocks. He couldn’t seem to control his body at all—to keep it from rubbing and moving all over her. But he had no interest in changing anything. He’d be damned if he’d go back to sleeping alone.

  He shifted his weight as he thought about those tiny grunting sounds she made last night with her neck tipped back, her hands grasping the sheets, and how it had only made him moan and move more.

  The minute they stepped inside Katie’s, Mari’s hand intertwined with his, and he was immediately looking for a good, secluded spot to take Mari to so he could do more of that. Only this would be better because there was loud music playing so nobody would hear the sounds his body made him release. He didn’t have to be as quiet as at home.

  He got harder thinking about it—the freedom. The groping. The licking. The two of them very close to fucking . . .

  “Hi, Mari!” Katie called out. She walked quickly toward them, gave her a hug and then turned to him. “I’m so glad you came, Adam. Let me know if the music’s too loud, okay? I know you’re kind of sensitive to loud noises.” She smiled, and it was warm and genuine.

  “No, it’s great. In fact, louder would be better.” Adam grinned.

  Mari looked at him like he was nuts.

  “Need any help in the kitchen?” Mari asked her.

  “Nah! You two have fun—hang out. We’re gonna play some games in a little bit.” Katie made her way back the way she came.

  “I like how she’s always so nice to you,” Adam told Mari close to her ear so she could hear him.

  “I was thinking the same thing about how she is to you,” Mari replied.

  They roamed around a little. There were thirty-four people in the room, so it was kind of crowded. Adam counted the bodies twice.

  A few people tried to shake his hand, but he declined. Mari kept his hand in hers, tied to her hip.

  He liked having his hand there, because the pleat to get inside her outfit was about an inch away.

  Every now and then, he’d extend his long fingers and play with that part. His eyes would grow heavy as he’d stare at that slit, and he’d burn inside his legs and belly to get inside there.

  “What are you wearing?” Rory’s voice came from behind.

  “Oh, God, does he really have to be here?” Mari groaned and rolled her eyes.

  Adam stepped closer to her.

  Rory yanked on Adam’s wings and made them crooked.

  Adam turned as if on a hinge and glared. “We’re angels.”

  Rory’s head leaned back, and he made a face like they were monsters. “Looks more like hideous demons.”

  “That’s the point,” Mari said. “Weeping angels are really creepy.”

  “Well, he sure got that part down.” Rory’s eyes went up and down Adam, his nose scrunching up. “Wearing a dress? Damn, man! That’s low—it’s not gonna score you some puss—”

  “Shut up, Rory—nobody asked you.” Mari tugged on Adam’s hand to get away from Rory.

  “Hey, I’m sorry . . . I was just shocked to see you here, that’s all.” Rory kept after them, stepping closer, leaning toward them. “Mari, stop. I’m trying to apologize.”

  She turned so far her angel’s wing slipped off her shoulder closest to Adam.

  “We don’t care what you think.” Her eyes blazed, and she’d never looked hotter. Adam had a hard time not smiling. He knew it was wrong to do that when she was mad and Rory was kind of making fun of them. “My Lord! How many times do I have to tell you to keep away from us? I can’t stand you . . . Any of you.” She licked her lips, looked over her shoulder for a second, then turned back to him. “If you speak to us again tonight, you’re gonna be doing it with your ass on the ground, ‘cause I’ll have kicked the ever-loving shit outta you!”

  Rory adjusted himself like Adam usually did.

  Adam growled. Rory was hard down there.

  “Where’s your costume?” Adam asked him, unsure of what else to do.

  He was dressed in his football uniform.

  “This is my costume, you idiot. I’m a zombie football player,” Rory said, puffing out his cheeks at the end, and making a loud, icky noise at the back of his throat.

  “Oh.” Adam shrugged. Rory had on some weird makeup, some red splotches, but Adam thought maybe he got hurt playing sports or something. For a while, Rory had a broken finger and twisted ankle, making him sit out a few games. Rory rolled his eyes, but Adam continued, “I thought that was just your face.”

  “Shut up, you fucking tool!” Rory pushed Adam’s shoulder hard.

  “Tool? I’m not a wrench or a hammer.” Adam rubbed at his shoulder. “Why would you say that?”


  Mari punched Rory in the helmet, her fist glancing off the shiny plastic.

  Instead of holding her fist and howling in pain, she did it again with the other hand on the other side.

  Slaaarck, slaaarck, slaaarck, slaaarck!

  Several pounds to the helmet later, Rory’s arms caged around her at the elbows as he picked her up, making her legs swing out wildly.

  “Don’t touch her!” Adam shrieked. Numbers pierced his vision, but he shoved them away with a song that all night he’d been thinking had sounded similar to what Mari tasted like.

  Adam yanked Rory’s arms off her, freeing her and then shoving her out of the way.

  “Aaaaahhh!” Adam groaned and launched himself at Rory, knocking him into a bookcase.

  Books tumbled out onto both their heads. Rory’s helmet made them glance off.

  Adam hardly noticed as he pinned Rory to the ground.

  “Say you’re sorry for ever looking at her, ever touchin
g her and ever wanting her!” Adam roared with one hand gripped around Rory’s throat.

  He swung at Adam’s choking hold, but Adam was immovable.

  “Say it!” Adam sucked in a tight breath.

  Rory’s face reddened. “Ssssssoooow-uhh-hhwwwwy,” he choked out. He coughed and spluttered. His legs kicked feebly under Adam’s weight.

  “Adam, sweetie, you have to let go,” Mari said. She was kneeling at his side, stroking the back of his neck, and then her hand drifted down his arm. Her fingers gently unclasped his fingers. “He’s learned not to mess with us. He needs air.”

  It wasn’t until she kissed Adam’s cheek that he took a full breath and let go so he could hold her.

  She might be scared.

  He grabbed her in a sweep and held her tight.

  His eyes went back to Rory, grasping his neck and rolling around as he gagged some.

  “She’s my girlfriend! Mine! I love her, and she’s going to marry me someday. Not you! It means you can’t ever touch her again!” Adam sniffed.

  Rory kicked at Adam, but it was more of a twitch, and it resembled a man humiliated over being taken down so easily.

  Adam got up. Mari kept pulling at him to stand.

  When they turned, Katie stood there, pale and gawking.

  “I’m sorry, Katie. Rory was provoking us. I didn’t mean for it to get out of hand,” Mari said. She motioned to Rory with her hand.

  “I saw . . .” Katie turned her head over her shoulder, but kept her eyes on Rory. “Shawn?” she called out for her boyfriend.

  “Yeah?” Shawn was a few steps behind her. His eyes went wide, and he gasped.

  “Will you please kick Rory out? It looks like he was stupid enough to show up to my party, high on something,” Katie said.

  Shawn stepped forward, motioned to two of his buddies and they all hauled Rory out.

  “Do you want us to leave, too?” Mari asked her.

  “No.” Katie’s face scrunched. “Stay. And don’t worry about it. Last year Kendra was throwing stuff at Rory and screaming. She broke a few of my mom’s favorite and very expensive picture frames. I figured if I didn’t invite her this year, it would be fine.” She sighed and shook her head, hands on her waist. “But I should’ve known it wasn’t all her fault last year. Looks like it was probably his.”


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