The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)

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The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) Page 2

by Megan A. Hepler

  Demona followed him out of the church towards the grove of maple trees and RVs. The fire pit positioned in the center of the grove had flames flickering above the opening. To one side of the bonfire sat a young woman with short, brown hair and red eyes. She was barely clothed and her dark skin emanated heat.

  “Hey, Demona, your rations are sitting on your table,” Ileana said.

  “Thank you! You’re a life saver!” Demona said. She hopped up the two metal steps outside her RV door and jumped inside. She slid into the RV’s booth and quickly gulped down the rations. Then, she gave a big sigh of satisfaction and relief.

  It had been difficult for Demona to get the usual two rations a day since leaving TGHC. Demona had not eaten since the day before and at times it was difficult for her to control the hunger, especially when she was around humans. Felix followed Demona inside and shortly after Ileana entered.

  Ileana Baros was able to get into Terra Hollow and obtain Demona’s rations. Ileana was a neutral being, which gave her the ability to coexist with both the dark and light sides. Ileana preferred the light. She was a phoenix and could often be seen in her fowl form flying above the GLC headquarters. The coolest part about her being a phoenix was that she could also produce fire at will and could withstand extreme temperatures.

  “Things are getting crazy in Terra Hollow,” Ileana said. “Everyone is on edge since all of the demons were busted out of the vault. The attacks are happening to dark beings now, too. I heard whispers that Darius has lost complete control of the situation, since you left. Everyone has lost hope of surviving this event.”

  “It’s not my problem. Darius made the mistake of lying to me and betraying me. Besides Ezekiel and Molony are still working on getting things ready to deal with Abd al-Malik and the other demons. We’ll get rid of the problem sooner or later,” Demona said. “Let the dark beings panic for a while, they deserve to worry.”

  “It’s not just them; Preet says he sensed something strange during his meditations. He doesn’t know what, but he said it seems like the universe is afraid,” Felix said.

  “Felix, I know that look. No!” Demona said. “Don’t even think about it. I already told you I wasn’t going back to TGHC.” Demona shook her head.

  “Come on Demona, we need Darius’ help. There is no way that we can ever confront the demons by ourselves and survive. There aren’t enough of us. We agreed to help each other out, before you left TGHC, and you were supposed to act as liaison. You are the only one who can do this. You have experience dealing with Darius and the agents,” Felix said. He looked at her with pleading eyes.

  “He’s right. We need you. Everyone needs you,” Ileana said.

  “You guys really know how to put me on the spot,” Demona said.

  “Please, think about it!” Ileana said.

  “Fine, but no promises. I really never want to see any of them again.”

  Chapter 2:

  A Second Prophecy

  Demona produced a flame in the small fire pit that had been built among the boulders, which were scattered on a rocky outcrop. Her friends had planned to meet on top of the mountain to watch the sunset. Demona lit the slightly damp logs and they sizzled with the heat. She pushed a little harder with her mageia and a flame burst upward from the log.

  Felix had wrapped his arms around himself as he watched Demona light the fire. Then, he scooted closer to the fire and began poking some of the kindling with a stick. He looked at Demona who sat deep in thought with her hands tucked into the sleeves of her sweatshirt. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Uh, nothing much. Just about the whole Aleph and Tzadekas thing. I still don’t know how I feel about this all-powerful, all-knowing god watching over all of us. If he does exist he really sucks for making me the Mythos,” Demona said. “I know your theory on the Tzadekas; I still don’t think that the two prophecies are one and the same. I mean sure, there are some similarities.” Demona watched the reflection of the flames dance in Felix’s eyes as the light in the sky grew dimmer behind him. She gazed at the sky’s golden hues.

  “There are too many similarities to be a coincidence. Think about it, both prophecies say there will be a female that will rise in power. Both prophecies say they will fight against another side,” Felix said. He continued to poke at the fire sending sparks flying into the air.

  “Yeah, but there are some huge differences, too. Don’t forget that the Mythos is supposed to be influenced by darkness, while the Tzadekas is supposed to be a light being,” Demona said.

  They heard voices coming from the trail. Hannah and Kaleb had finally joined them. Hannah sat beside Demona and put her arm around her. Her long blonde hair stuck out beneath the pink hood of her sweatshirt. Her pale cheeks grew red from the heat of the fire.

  “Hannah, you are my best friend and everything, but right now you smell just a little too tasty,” Demona said. She could sense Hannah’s heartbeat quicken and the blood flowing through her veins.

  Hannah hastily got up and went to sit beside Kaleb, who wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t want to tempt you. Ha-ha,” Hannah said. “So, is it the usual discussion?”

  “Yeah,” Felix said. He poked at the fire again, this time the red glow of embers rose into the sky and faded as they were caught up into the breeze.

  “I still think you are the Tzadekas,” Kaleb said. His long brown hair fell into his eyes as he reached for a rock near his feet. Even as he sat he was a head taller than the rest of them and somehow he always maintained a tan.

  “Come on guys, isn’t one prophecy enough?” Demona asked.

  “Constantine was the most notable prophet of the century. Dude, his visions have always come to pass. Especially, the one about the demon priest,” Kaleb said.

  “Point taken,” Demona replied.

  “We know it’s only a matter of time before more of the prophecies come true,” Kaleb said.

  “Yeah, so you’ve said. TGHC didn’t have a prophecy about that one,” Demona said. “I guess only time will tell.”

  “Not too much time, I hope,” Kaleb said. “Things are getting bad out there, man. We got called in to do three exorcisms today. There are too many demons and too few people in this town. We were lucky that no one died.”

  “Why would you want the prophecies to happen now?” Demona asked. “That seems like a pretty crazy thing to ask for.”

  Kaleb looked at Demona from across the fire pit. “I can see how you would think that. Not all of our prophecies are bad, you know. Some of them are pretty amazing. Like how eventually good will triumph over evil.”

  “Psh, like that one has never been predicted before,” Demona said.

  Felix got up and moved to sit beside Demona.

  Demona felt an almost unquenchable urge from the closeness and fought for dominance over her emotions. Blood.

  Felix put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him. “Come on Mona, you’re going to save the world. It’s exciting!”

  Mona. That’s what my Mom and Dad called me. The thought pushed her thirst away and was replaced with a stronger desire; one for answers. Demona had never heard Felix call her anything other than her full name. She was not certain how she felt about it, especially after hearing the nickname in her flashback.

  Hannah’s giggle at Felix’s comment brought her out of her momentary daze.

  “Yeah, you are oh so funny Licks,” Demona said. She purposely shortened his name as payback. Then, Demona leaned sideways and shoved Felix off of the rock. He thudded to the ground and began laughing hysterically.

  “Licks, huh? I like it,” Kaleb said.

  Felix crawled back up to the spot he had been sitting. “If that nickname sticks, I’m going to have to do some serious rethinking of our friendship.”

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you like Licks? What’s wrong with Licks?” Kaleb chuckled.

  Felix threw a pebble in Kaleb’s direction. Kaleb swayed to the side to dodge the oncoming object.

aleb taunted. “Licks and Licks.”

  Demona and Hannah giggled as the two continued to goof around. Demona held her stomach as she roared with laughter. She felt lighthearted, despite the thoughts that weighed her down and the hunger that gnawed at her. Kaleb, Felix, and Hannah had always been there for her and they were continuously doing something to make her forget her troubles. Even if it was only a temporary relief from herself, it helped.

  After Felix got his foot stuck in between some rocks in an attempt to chase Kaleb, the two boys returned to the fire. They all sat huddled together and stared out over the valley at the setting sun. The rippled clouds changed from pink to gold and then faded into darkness. The sky grew deep purple and then black as the last of the sun’s rays disappeared behind the distant mountain top.

  They remained around the campfire staring at the hypnotic flames, while Kaleb discussed the recent events in town. Demona occasionally watched as stars twinkled between the passing clouds. They sat together until the night’s chill settled over the valley and a cool condensation began to cling to the rocks around them.

  Kaleb got up from the boulder and carefully made his way to a nearby birch tree. He took out a pocket knife and made four scores in the birch bark in the shape of a rectangle. Afterwards, he carefully pulled the bark away from the tree. Kaleb rolled the bark inside out and stuffed some of the flakey pieces inside. He put the end of the torch into the fire’s embers and it quickly caught aflame. The four of them cautiously made their way down the rocky trail in the dim torch light.

  Felix, Kaleb, and Hannah said their goodbyes and then Demona returned to her RV. She plopped down on the lumpy bunk mattress and stared at the ceiling above. Her wavy black hair sprawled out around her engulfing the pillow that her head rested upon.

  I really don’t want to go back to TGHC, but I think I owe it to Ezekiel and the others to try to reform the alliance. Demona lay there contemplating what she should do, but she already had her answer.


  Demona sat around the fire ring in the center of the grove. “Stay away!” she barked.

  “No food again?” Molony asked. He stood there staring down at Demona with concerned eyes. His ginger hair sparkled in the sunlight.

  “Not yet,” Demona said.

  “You poor child. Let me see if I can help,” Molony said. He approached her and laid a hand on Demona’s shoulder. He bowed his head and was silent.

  Demona could see his lips moving and heard faint whispers escape them. She smelled the blood flowing through his veins. It would have been easy to take. Her hunger was screaming at her to satisfy her cravings. Suddenly, a sensation overcame her. It wasn’t strong, but her intense hunger slipped away slightly as it continued.

  Molony drew back his hand. He sat down next to Demona and shook his head. “Ey, that drained me. You have some awfully powerful hunger pangs, my dear.”

  As a faith healer, Molony was able to use prayer and meditation to heal people. He was only able to help Demona at times when her hunger was at its worst, but it was never enough to completely satisfy her urges. It was, however, enough to make due for a little while longer. Sometimes it took all of her focus to keep from thinking about food and at times it meant not thinking about controlling her emotions. It created a chain reaction to the point where she was losing control of her mageia.

  “Thanks, Molony. It helped more than you know!” Demona said. It was enough to keep her from feeding on him, but not for long.

  “We need to find you another food source,” Molony said.

  “Tell me about it. There is no way I’ll ever feed off you guys,” Demona said.

  “I know, but we will have to find a more permanent solution soon,” Molony replied. “By the way, Ezekiel would like to speak with you.”

  “Okay. And thanks again,” Demona said. She got up from her seat and walked towards the little red brick church. She walked through the sanctuary and with each step the wooden floorboards creaked beneath her feet.

  Ezekiel looked up at her presence. “I know that a few of our members have asked you if you would be willing to go back to TGHC and act as liaison, again. Have you given this anymore thought?”

  “Yeah, I have. As much as I hate to do it, I know I need to go back,” Demona replied.

  “Oh, that’s good news. I am glad to hear you’ve reconsidered. We all really appreciate your sacrifice, Demona,” Ezekiel said. “It couldn’t have been an easy decision to make.”

  After a brief conversation with Ezekiel, Demona returned to her RV. The hunger was starting to take over again and her boredom did not help. Demona was glad that nobody was around her just then. She thought she might bite the next person that walked through the door. She stared around the bleak RV and thought about going for a hike to distract herself.

  The door swung open and Ileana entered before Demona had made any plans. “Your rations have arrived.” Ileana held a styrofoam cup out on the palm of her hand, as if she was delivering some sacred item.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Demona said. “I wasn’t sure I was going to make it.” She took the cup from Ileana and chugged it. “Ahh.”

  “So, chicka…” Ileana said.

  Demona gave her a reproachful look. “Chicka?”

  “What? I’m allowed to call you that. I’m a bird remember?” Ileana had such a strange sense of humor at times, but like Felix, she made Demona smile.

  “You’re so weird,” Demona said.

  “I know it.” Ileana shrugged. “Are you coming to the shindig this afternoon? I mean, now that you won’t eat anyone you can come and hang out.” She grinned at Demona.

  “Yeah, sure, why not,” Demona said.

  “Awesome!” Ileana said. “I heard your babe is playing for us.”

  Demona gave her a disapproving scowl. “You are so bad!” Then, Demona smiled.

  “Don’t worry. I got my eye on a red-tailed hawk across the valley. Felix is all yours.”

  “Ha-ha! You crack me up!”

  Ileana winced. “Let’s not make any cracking jokes. Leave the eggs out of this.” Then, she grabbed Demona’s hand and led her out of the RV.

  Everyone was digging in to a smorgasbord of food spread across the picnic tables. Seated at one table were Felix, Demona, Ileana, Hannah, Kaleb, and Rowena. Seated at another table were Molony, Ezekiel, Gale, and Preet.

  Demona felt safe there with them. It was completely unlike her time at TGHC. Demona watched as they dug in after Ezekiel said a prayer. She wished she could enjoy the food with them. They enjoyed every minute of their food and the company that they shared. Demona observed the group as they talked and laughed. They seemed more like a family than an organization of warriors. Felix was telling some of his cheesy knock knock jokes and had everyone roaring with laughter.

  “Felix! You’re going to kill someone with one of those jokes one day,” Hannah said. She pounded her fist on Kaleb’s back and he coughed up a piece of hotdog.

  Rowena and Felix began tossing grapes at one another’s open mouth. Rowena, Felix’s sister, had joined them for lunch. She had welcomed Demona with opened arms into GLC. Demona had been terrified the first time she met her, because Felix had mentioned that she knew of their former relationship. Rowena was a lovely woman; she already treated Demona as if she were a long lost sister. At times it scared Demona, because she was afraid that Rowena and Felix were secretly plotting to get them back together.

  “So, how was the bonfire last night?” Rowena asked. She eyed Demona curiously.

  Demona stared back at her and became awkwardly aware of how similar Rowena’s eyes were to Felix’s. “It was okay. It would’ve been better if I hadn’t been starving,” Demona said.

  Felix looked shocked. “You could have fooled me with the way you were laughing at me and Kaleb.”

  Demona gave a half smile. “It’s not that hard to laugh at the two of you.”

  Demona was certain that she had laughed more in the past two weeks at GLC than she had in
the two and a half years she was with TGHC. She loved every second of it at the headquarters, but at moments she remembered what had happened only weeks prior and it all came crashing down. One day she would have to face one of the sides, and destroy one or another. The thoughts seeped into her and made her depression resurface.

  Felix and Gale got to their feet and stood before the picnic tables.

  Gale was Ezekiel’s wife. She was a nice, older woman. Her gray hair was always pulled back in a bun and her polka dot printed dress reminded Demona of something that came out of the 1950s. She was a sweet old lady and always talked to Demona when she was around.

  Felix put the guitar strap over his head and strummed a few cords. He propped one foot up on the bench and rested some of the weight of the guitar on his thigh. Then, Gale cleared her throat and everyone grew silent. Gale’s voice lifted in response to the tune.


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