Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3) Page 4

by Maree, Aleisha

  Stumbling to my room, I walk into my wardrobe, pulling on some boxers and jeans. I reach up for a t-shirt and my cut. I love the way it feels when it hits my shoulders. The heavy leather settles over me like a blanket of faith and truth that, no matter what, I got them, and they got me. But this... living in a drug-filled lie, is going to be my death if I'm not careful and get a hold of it. The brothers have already put me in what they class as rehab once, a shed in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a mattress and a bucket to spew in. Left to sweat the queen of fake love from my body.

  I did well with them, I was clean for six months but then this new shit happened. Raven gone, Bray losing his shit hard, and Bonnie getting taken out. The death, hurt, and blood that came from that was intense, even for the in-house executioner. After a while it eats at you. Just a little. I'm not as fucking hardcore as my appearance makes me out to be, looks can be deceiving. Oh fuck it, who am I fooling? I'm a fucking unhinged psychopathic lunatic, with abnormal and violent as fuck behavior. I have voices in my head that make more sense to me than the daily fucking news. I'm crazed, of unsound mind and fucking disturbed. That’s why I'm so fucken valuable to the club and why they send me out after the fuckers who are just as fucked as me.

  Pulling at my face, I laugh to myself as I look in the mirror. Yeah boy, you’re fucked.

  I hear the hoohaa from the club before I even hit the front gate. It warms me knowing that, no matter what, I have family that won’t fuck me over like the last asshats. Pulling my bike up in line with my brothers, I kick my bike stand down and slope my bike stepping from her soft curves I crack my neck as I unbuckle my helmet setting it on my handles bars my eyes roam over the new bikes that are lined up under the guest housing on the compound. New bikes mean a new crew is here. Another chapter means business and way too much drinking and club girls fucking new dick. The Reapers Reign all have Bonneville T120’s made by no other than Triumph. These bikes are all sexy as sin Harley Davidson Dyna-Glide Super Glide Sport. I run my fingers over the matte black frame as my cock twitches in my jeans nothing like a bike to get a biker hard.

  I enter through the front doors of our club. It's a massive old restored barn that John got brought in from Montana, for Bonnie, from her grandpapa's ranch. It's home, it's where we all belong. We have a sense of family so strong in these walls. We are all holding on for something more than the other can see.

  “Miss Ginny, hit me with some sugar will ya, darling? And a pint of Jager.” Leaning over the bar, I flick her with a panty-dropping grin and my trademark wink.

  “You beautiful boy, come here,” she says pulling me into her body crunching arms, pinching my ass as she goes. I love her like the mother I wished I’d had.

  “Boy, where have you been? It’s been crazy in here without you keeping shit in order. Bray’s been locked up in his office since the new guy left with Blue, and god, she didn’t look happy either. The new guys are chasing the ass off our girls, who, mind you, are batting eyelashes either way. Boy, you best sort it out, and fast,” she says shaking her hands in the air, huffing away. I just lean on the counter laughing at her old soul, while looking around at the havoc and chaos that’s unfolding. The new chapter has defiantly made themselves at home. Their men drunk with club girls sprawled over them feasting on the new cock. We have men in corners passed out we have men playing pool and we have men getting a little to slap happy with their fists and turning on each other. Drunken fools Forgetting that when dawn comes a hungover will be present alongside an old lady who will be spitting tacks at them for either missing dinner or sleeping with yet another club girl but it’s the way it is. The rule of the road and the unwritten code of biker.

  I grab my Jager and kiss Miss Ginny on the cheek. Bray first, then this shit. “If all hell breaks loose, just pull out ya firehose and momma pants on them, will ya?” Winking, I take the steps two at a time to the office my brother locks himself in with a bottle of Southern Comfort, like that’s going to bring her back. It was her drink, not his, but anyway, each to their own. I can’t judge a habit when I hold the worst one of all.

  Kicking the door open, Bray jumps to life at his round table. “Aright brother, up ya get. Let’s go down and enjoy watching the little boys make fools of themselves drinking too much liquor and thinking that Miss Ginny is Pamela Anderson.”

  Cracking a smile, he raises his eyes up to mine. “Sure brother, it's about time you fucking got here. I was bored as fuck with them piss bags. Oh, and I got to tell you about the new guy and Blue. Anyway, you missed a bit tonight!” he says with a slight slur.

  “What? The MMA fighter? God what’s Blue done now, and where the fuck is Lill?”

  Waving his hands in the air, he rolls his eyes. “Up on the goddam fucking roof, I suppose. That’s where she spends all her time these days. Makes her that little bit closer to Mom in the night’s sky, sitting upon a star talking to the man in the moon with that twin of Knox’s, Kash, I think his name is.”

  Shaking my head, I'm speechless. Lilly and a boy huh? That shit don’t make sense. Lilly don’t do boys, shit Lill barely is doing life right now.

  “Hum mm,” is all I can muster before I pull my brother into an embrace of understanding. I feel his pain more than anyone.

  Walking downstairs to the bonfire outside, I chuckle at Miss Ginny hosing off a couple who look like knotted dogs fornicating on the bar floor. God, will this shit ever grow tired or change? A lot is different now that Bonnie’s gone. Miss Ginny is trying to regain her sense of control, but, without the stern eye and fist of John, and Bray drunk and well missing a lot of the time, the boys are running havoc. Enough is enough though, I shall pull their fucking tits in... It’ll be a good distraction.

  Sitting by the fire with my Jager, I listen to Bray fill me in on the new guys and Knox and Jamie. Patching them in is a perfect move; Knox is now here a lot of the time training anyway. We are all honing our skills. War is coming and well, Blue? Shit, we all knew that shit was going to follow that firecracker. You don’t take a guy’s eye out clean from the socket and cut the fuck out of the ringleader and think you can walk free without watching over your shoulder. We were waiting for this day and now it’s here, and we have the great destroyer and his psycho buddy behind us. Fuck yeah, this shits got my blood pumping. The Lone Wolves and their crew won’t know what fucking hit them. Blue, no doubt, is losing her fucking shit over this. I’ll go check on her ass in the morning.

  Breaking into my thoughts of Blue is Bray tapping my knee and putting his phone away inside his pocket.

  “It's Blue, we gotta go. You sweet to ride?” he asks, his tone clipped.

  “Sure fucking am, brother. Hey, I'm sorry I missed the meeting you had with Knox today. I know you wanted me there, but that ink was booked months in advance and they flew in from New Zealand just to get inked by me. Little lost crazy Ghost with the dragon tattoo, hiding more than anyone knows,” I say more to myself than Bray.

  “Don’t sweat it, brother. I got you, you know that. Now pull ya balls out and stop pissing on yourself, will ya? You’re more than that now,” he says slapping my back. Pulling my cut up, I think I actually could have made it, but I would have missed talking to the delightful coffee girl, and Bray would have seen ladylove still swimming in my eyes. He’s got too much shit going on to worry about me and the drugs again.

  “Lilly!” he screams up towards the moon and the far side of our compound. “Get ya ass down here now and on my bike. It’s Blue, we gotta ride out!” he yells. I see the small figure of our biker princess pull herself up and start to lower her body down the ladder with the Ambrose boy right behind her; him and I will be having a chat over the coming days. No way in hell are you getting close to the Reapers Reigns biker princess without talking to the Reaper himself about it first. She is fragile and she’s a beautiful soul who is just as broken as her eyes tell you and it will take more than talking to the moon to fix her. “You go home, Kash!” Bray yells out to him as he jumps from the ladder. H
is eyes are wide and face white as he searches Lilly’s face. She nods, reaching out and squeezing his hand before she turns and jogs to where the bikes are, her long blonde hair falling in waves around her like a halo lit up by the moon. So lost and so alone. Well, until the Ambrose boys came around.

  Walking into Blue’s place above the Great Jimmy-James Gym, I see that I was right. Blue is losing her shit, even more so now that we are here. The look in her moss green eyes says it all. The fucking loch ness monster is about to rear its ugly head and we’d be best to back the fuck up. Poor new guy, I hope he knows just what he’s getting into with our Blue, she’s a firecracker on acid that one.

  Walking over to where she's punching the window, I pull her into me. “Good to see you, babes. Now calm the fuck down, would ya? I got this. We knew this muppet was coming. Don’t scare the newbie off just yet. He’s a bit bad ass and I may have a man boner for him.” I smile into her hair.

  Pushing me off, she punches me. “Fuck off, Ghost, this ain’t cool or fucking funny. He had no right calling you. I don’t want you all involved!” she spits daggers at the new guy. I can't help but laugh.

  “Baby Blue, he’s got every right, we knew this was coming,” I breathe into her neck, my warm breath meeting the cool surface of her rather red skin. This little Irish lass is boiling with anger and it adds a nice red sheen to her perfectly white complexion.

  “I fucked up! I sliced and stabbed my way out, and they seem to have frowned upon that, hated that I was strong and feisty. They didn’t like my fire, or my soul. But that was me, my identity, and they broke me, beat me, drugged me, and fucked me, but, the minute I took charge and clawed and stabbed my way out, they want to... what? Come and fight me? The one who they despised and beat down to a drugged out submissive vessel? Nah, Ghost, they want to come and kill me. They plan to make a war and take me down in flames.”

  My grip of the Celtic goddess known as Blue James tightened, trying to anchor her in this moment; as much as I need it, so does she. We both bring a calm over each other’s crazy and she needs it as much as I do right now. I hate reliving what she went through, the things she endured at the hands of the pissbag known as Viper. I swore to the gods that I wouldn’t let him near her again, and I fucking won’t. For her, I'll fight till the depths of hell freeze. It’s a story I hate, a pain I can’t handle nor control. It’s a horror that I know too well. My side job is to fucken destroy motherfuckers like Viper and his boys, so having them do this to our Blue is hitting way too close to home.

  Turning her slowly in my arms, not letting her go at all, my lips meet her forehead. “Baby Blue, don’t...” is all I get to say as I see Knox move out of the corner of my eye, signaling us to follow him into Blue’s room. She lets out a long, pissed off over it, breath as my grip loosens from around her. “Suck it up, princess.” I say, winking at her with a smile plastered over my lips. Her eyes narrow at me before she slumps down on the couch next to Lilly.

  We walk from her room and from the nasty warning that Viper had carved into her bedroom wall, my hands shake as I will my legs to carry me. Anger washes through me like a lava river. I'm burning with rage and know that I can't let Blue see how fucked off I am. Before I can pull her into me and wrap her up in my arms again, the new boy is by her side as Bray starts to bark orders at her. I know this isn’t the way to get through to her when she's like this. Bray does too, we have been her big brothers since, well, forever. But, Bray being Bray and Blue being Blue, this will end in a battle of wills.

  I pick up a bottle of beer from the pack on the kitchen counter and slump down next to Lilly on the couch. Winking at her, I say quietly, “You ready to see a magic trick?” Her eyes widen, and she looks at me as I count to her. “Ready, 3, 2, 1annnnnnd GO.”

  And like clockwork. “Pack a bag, Blue baby, you're coming home with us. You’ll be safe there, and I can watch you all the time.” Bray says like the big bad wolf. Lilly starts to giggle next to me. I lock eyes with her as I wiggle my eyebrows.

  She slapped my chest. “Ghost you’re so evil,” she says with pure enjoyment laced in her voice. She loves it. My sick sense of humor that is pointed at others in the heat of turmoil.

  And then came the shrill screech of the Celtic goddess. “Like fuck I am, Bray. I’m staying here in my house, doing me. I ain’t bringing this back to the club, not this time. It was bad enough I came tonight. Now macho man here had to go call you, bring you here. I know he’ll have eyes watching. He can watch all he likes. I’m not going to show him he’s got to me, got it? And I refuse to put you all in the middle of this.” Spinning on her heels, she’s all fire and rain storming over to the window.

  Standing back up, I'm ready to envelope her in a vice grip hold and drag her ass outta here when she slams her tiny, yet powerful, ball-breaking fists into the window.

  “Best you all back the fuck up and get the fuck out before I go all crazy, fucking violent on your asses.” She hollers out and I laugh. She’s so fucking cute when she’s mad. Her eyes burn into every one of ours. “FUCKEN MOVE!” she screams out like a deranged nutcase.

  I watch her as she looks around at us all just staring at her. Not one of us even flinch or look like we are going to even take one goddamn step. One, it’s because it’s what she wants. Two, we are the Reapers we do what we want and even miss crazy Blue knows this. But tonight, oh tonight, she’s got balls of steel and neither her nor us boys are backing down.

  I watch as her eyes fall to the newbie who caused her to go all loco on not only him but us all tonight. You can see the anger burn off her as her eyes meet his. Just like fire jumping from one hot spot to another she’s jumping at him with a nice right hook. Hitting him right on his fucken jaw. Not seeing that one coming, he falls back a step, before he comes at her with an erotic glare in those deep grey pools that are his eyes. I said it before, I have a man boner for this kid. He’s just what the Reapers need, fresh hot angry new blood and Miss Blue needs to rein in her shit.

  Standing I pat Lilly’s legs and I walk over to pull her into me, but Knox’s arms whip out and he has her in a cross-body lock, and just like that, she’s fucked; his grip is tight. Bray clears his throat and I laugh at the site of her locked in the big man’s grip. Her legs thrash out hitting his conditioned shins. Good luck, baby Blue, I think to myself as her eyes fall to mine, evil eyeing me, as the leader of the pack speaks. “Knox, you don’t fucking leave her side. Bring her to the club with you tomorrow when you come, your patch will be ready. Then we will talk about where she and you will be staying.”

  “What the fuck’s this about a PATCH?” Blue spits out, lacing the whole room in venom. Ohhh yess, this should be good.

  “Oh, that,” Knox says causally into her ear. “I was going to tell you about that when we got back, but this shit right here happened. After last night with you in the gym, watching how scared you were in your sleep, how much you shake and quiver. I vowed to find out what the fuck was going on. So I texted Bray and he filled me in tonight. That was what I was doing at the club. They are patching me in tomorrow, so I’ve got their backing and help. Whatever it takes to keep you safe, I will do it. It's easier for us all if I am a member. So, you see, babe, I am now a Reaper.” He says to her with a smug tone that we all know will get him an ass-whipping.

  Breaking free, she spins around on him, “Don’t you fucking babel me, Knox. You went behind my back, you took what I told you and spilled it all out. You could have asked me, I would have told you.”

  I lean back on the counter, folding my arms over my chest, laughing. “Here we go, she’s going to lose her shit,” I say to the room.

  “FUCK OFF, Ghost! This ain’t the time to be a smart-mouthed prick,” Blue screams at me as she whirls on me and punches me in the arm.

  “Whoa, sorry sugar, you’re just so much fun when you’re all riled up,” I snigger, my tone laced with amusement. She knows me, and she knows I’m a dick this is how I deal with this heavy shit humor and jokes but deep down I got her.<
br />
  Knox’s voice cuts in, seeping with hurt and anger. “Like fuck you would have, Blue. You’re right here telling whoever will listen that you’re ok, that you got this, when last night, I felt your body quake with terror as you laid in my arms. Trust me I got you, I got this. I told you I would.” He says it like he knows her and what’s good for her. Shit son you’re not a Reaper yet, I think. You, boy, don’t know shit.

  Knox steps into her then, right up in her space. I run my hands over my face, I’m tired and coming down from my high, this shit is exhausting. His eyes meet hers. We all watch it like it’s a ping pong game, back and forward.

  “Don’t,” she whispers to him. “I can’t,” she breathes out. It doesn’t stop him though, he walks in closer. Shit. Here we go playing with fire. Son, she’s asked ya nice to not. I could pipe up and warn him but it’s too much fun watching them dual. Her hands go up to stop him meeting his chest. Even angry her strength is no match for this six-foot-tall brick house. She is irritated as he grabs her tight, pulling her into him, wrapping his huge arms around her tiny frame.

  “Stop right there! Stop asking me to fucking trust you while I’m still coughing up water from the last time you let me down!” She hurls the words out at him as his grip tightens. I can see the muscles in his body tense as her words hit a nerve inside him shit it hits me hard also I see a lot of the old me in this kid. The me that was once there but the death and drugs took that boy and replaced it with man you see now. His jaw clenches around his words as he hurls them back at her, full of anger.

  “When have I done that, Blue?”

  Huh? I think as I let his words sink in as he says it like he’s the saint, not the fucken devil sleeping in the wings of a goddamn angel.


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