Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3) Page 22

by Maree, Aleisha

  “Oh Poppet nothing just you finding a voice” smiling down at me as he pulls a smoke from the packet he has inside his jacket his hand touches mine electricity zaps through me I feel it pooling in my thighs a feeling unfamiliar and it shocks me. “Hop on” he says stepping away from the bike breaking the touch my eyes find his searching them for anything but the hurt I see in them.

  Reaching mu hands up I wrap them around his face and pull his face down into mine his eyes boring into mine my lips dangerously close to his “It’s not your fault, you know, I’m sorry for what I said.”

  I breathe out into him mere inches from his lips. “But you see Poppet that’s where you’re wrong, it’s all me.” He says his voice pained, hurt, sadness lacing his tone. “Hop on the bike Poppet I’m taking you away from here.”

  Hiking up my leg. I step over onto his bike skimming my butt back as he hops on, lights his smoke and sucks in deep, blowing out the smoke it swirls around me as I relax into him this time and enjoy the ride the air whipping at my skin, his hoodie I'm wearing billows up around me. A giggle bubbles up in me for the first time in like ever I feel free.

  Heading down the bumpy gravel road leading us out to the darkness night time sounds ring out around us over the hum of his bike's engine vibrating between my thighs sending out the nicest feeling between them. Over the bridge we go as street lights pass us by the town falling around us the concrete jungle in her finest tonight we are in the heart of NYC.

  He brings the bike to a stop outside a Hotel killing the engine kicking the stand out he leans her over I hop of and look up in awe this building stretches up all the way to the stars a door man walks over “Mr. Morrow” he greets nodding. “Neil” Ghost says, “Staying Mr. Morrow?” Neil asks he is a kind looking old man wearing a tailored suit with a name tag.

  Neil Preston

  Invictus Hotel


  His eyes are kind his features warm but laced with the lines of age and wisdom.

  “Yes Neil.” Ghost says. “Get Pete to put my bike in the garage will you.” He says pulling me into him and walking away. Neil nods at Ghost his eyes smile at me “Yes Sir.” He says as he opens the door to the Hotel and we enter warmth black marble floors cold under my bare feet wrapping my arm around my body Ghost walks on over to the front desk, where a massive black marled top vase filled with white Rose and purple Irises decorate the top my favorite flowers. Tip toeing over to a table that is solid white marble in the middle of this massive entrance leaning into the crystal vase that is filled with red roses so deep in hue that they are just about black the sweet notes of the silky soft petal hit my nose and I close my eyes blowing out super slowly am I in a dream. Ghost hands wrap around scooping me up my head rests on his shoulder my eyes find a shining black chandelier that hangs above us. Walking past the front desk and a stunning woman her lips painted in a killer red her stare is scary cold my skin prickles.

  “Saskia.” Ghost growls out low and fill of warning her eyes snap from mine to his

  “Sir” she coos out and I just about throw up in my mouth yes love I know he’s hot and ha like the bitch before you he’s mine I think to myself.

  “Ring Century 21 and Calvin Klein and have them bring everything in size Four.” Picking up my foot he looks at it blisters and scraps.

  “Seven I’m a size Seven.’ I murmur into his chest embarrassed that this is happening and I’m on show.

  “Shoe size seven will need a pair of everything they have including a pair of Ugg boots in black and also grey.” He snaps not even waiting for her to reply we hit the sliver doors of an elevator and a small young scared looking boy holds the doors open “

  Sir” he greets Ghost.

  “Zane, get the chef to bring up a sample of the whole fucking menu and Jager and Fejoia juice.”

  “Yes sir” his voice shaky like Ghost scares him and how come he barks all these orders and they all jump they all know his name.

  “Poppet your thoughts are loud.” He says to me kissing the top of my head and stepping into the elevator “This place before you.” He says turning as we enter my eyes falling over Zane, and Saskia their eyes burning into me “This is my empire baby, I’m not just a biker or a tattooist I’m also the king of Invictus Hotel.” His tone fill of power as a new feeling washes over me. “And Poppet this is your new life.” He says as I swallow the lump in my throat what I have got into.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  After Chef brought nothing but the finest up for us and I made sure Timberly ate without asking a million questions each time she went to speck I hushed her till we went outside to the balcony with its glass floor we walked out over the city and sat on the lounger pulling her deep into my body and wrapping the shawl around her shoulders that Saskia had picked up for her. She hates her I can tell by the way she clicks her jaw when she looks at Timberly and the way her eyes turned black as I picked Timberly up. Well tough she along with Jenna will have to get used to it this is now my life Timberly Roe.

  Out of no wear Timberly’s nails start to draw lines over my thigh she is nestled between my thighs her head on my chest and my hands on my knees it’s the safest place for them one holding my glass of Jager and ice Timberly’s Fejoia juice to the side of us she has had enough Devil juice for one night a smile licks at my lips as I picture the pout as I poured our drinks and hers being juice.

  My body stills as her hand goes up the inside of my thigh and back again, closing my eyes I take in the gentle touch so different from what I used to.

  “I see you ya know.” She says breaking the sound of the busy city below us

  “What.” I ask her

  “In that place they had me.” Lost shaking my head my hand finding her chin and tipping her head back, so I can see her eyes

  “Where Poppet, when?” I ask her

  “You came with The Reapers and got that girl Blue that photos are in Lilly’s room, he called her his Celtic Goddess.” My body stills anger bubbling dangerously close to rupture taking in a few deep breaths I try hard to stop the rage take over my body I can’t hurt her or allow her to see this side of me not yet anyway.

  “Poppet.” My voice breaks letting me down. “It’s ok, he didn’t hurt me.” She says like that makes it ok. “ The men you beat up took me I came home from your place and was about to ring you and say sorry but I panicked and freaked out when I saw her so I went to get water and think it was then that they took me hit me in the head I woke up a bag over my face scared barely able to breathe they had kicked the shit out of me and drooped me on a cold concrete floor with a whole lot of other women that they drug and make dance for men train them to be sex toys for the rich, sick aye.” She says looking up at me shock in my eyes struggling to hold the tears back what she is telling me is sick it’s what they just did to Blue.

  “ Mums drug lords well they starting beating one me threating me and well snake eyes walked in and well he kinda lost his shit shot Drake between the eyes and told the rest of them that they had fucked up and that you were the Devil and I was your old lady and if anyone touched a hair on my head that may god have mercy on their souls they all freaked out and some were real nice to me others not so much but to me you’re just Ghost not the man they all were saying you are.” She stops taking a sip of her juice and I skull back my Jagger ice and all cracking it under my jaw. “They are right Poppet but I’m much, much worse than the devil.” I say into her hair socking all in that she just told me.

  “He came back after days of me being alone that’s when I saw you ya know on all the screens that were over the walls in his room you were kicking doors open and you walked from one with a lady with purple hair I was the door up from her Ghost I was screaming for you punching the door and screaming till my throat bleed and my voice was gone the skin on my palms raw.” I tuck her deeper into me

  “Fuck Poppet, I did___” she doesn’t let me finish but finishes for me

  “Hear me I know, it’s ok I went t
o my happy place then slide down the wall as the voices and dark came engulfed me I went to the one place I know that I wanna have one day.” Her voice picks up joy lacing it

  “What’s that place poppet?” I ask her

  “Well it’s a lake with the sun beating down one me banks filled with massive happy yellow dancing sunflowers with smiling faces and a jetty I sit in the sun my toes dipped into the cool blue water that is my happy place that’s where I go when the monster come and touch me and when the beatings happen and in the hotel of hell that’ and your eyes are what I held onto.” I know in that one moment I need to take her to my home on the compound and show her that above all else in this fucked up world we are meant to be together the gods had a plan and now it’s time to show her that miracles do happen

  standing I pull her into me “Poppet I gotta show you something slipping her feet into the Ugg boots I pick her up grab the keys to my bike and take my lady home.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Pulling up to a rise in the road he goes up and over it real slow and falling down my eyes fall to what I can only guess is his house a log cabin with a massive fire pit made from river stone right out of the deck, massive umbrella trees are placed all around the place and catching my eye as I step from his bike, I see a river running through the property I start to walk that way something pulling me in that direction as I approach my heart beat picks up, there is a jetty and the banks are covered in sunflowers. The petals just starting to fall from the autumn chill forming around them, little lights light up the banks and jetty lighting the way to my hopes, dreams and wishes that this could now be my life what I have been waiting for, dreaming about it has been here all along.

  It took me twenty steps to reach the start of the jetty, another 10 to get to the end sitting down I take off my ballet flats and let the cool water kiss the tips of my toes shutting my eyes I relish in this new feeling. I hear him as he steps onto the jetty it buckles slightly under his impressive weight, coming up behind me he sits down my heart spikes butterflies form in my stomach, lowering a blanket around us he settles down pulling me into him, “Nice out tonight full moon” pointing up to the sky as he pulls me back we just lay there watching the stars dancing in the nights sky the sound of the water humming to the sound of our breathing I snuggle in under his arm as my head rests on his chest “Poppet, I got you, see we were always meant to be you and I. This is my happy place always has been and now that you’re here with me this now feels like home.” is the last thing I hear as I drift into a peaceful slumber under the stars wrapped in the inky darkness of this new night the night I found me, Timberly Roe.


  2 Am I woke a chill breaking out over me pins and needles in my arm, looking down at the weight that is causing it. I smile as my mind flicks back over the events leading us here this spot this place in time? Pulling my arm free I lean down kissing the tip of her perfect nose as I pull her into my arms taking her into the house not once did she stir or rouse placing her down on my bed that looks out through the massive glass windows over the backfield of this oasis I call home, pulling the covers up over her she sinks down into the bed like it was meant to hug her body that way, licking my lips I itch at my arm it’s been hours since my last taste of lady love. I'm needing her bad right now the taste strong dope sickness and withdrawals setting in. Grabbing my pipe and the bottle of Jager I sit out on the deck and settle for a night cap of Jager and weed packing my pipe bringing my lighter to the cone I suck in deep as the flames licks the top of the green lush weed filling my lungs with the sweet smoke blowing out through my nose I relish in the taste over my taste buds and the hit of fuzz the socks into my pores stretching out I slowly pack another cone and take another hit of the Jager pulling my phone from my pocket I see I have a message opening it up it’s a MMS from Cage of a handcuffed and gagged Jenna sitting on his dick shaking my head I don’t bother responding I just head to bed for the first time in a long time I’ve actually wanted to go to bed and feel as though my fucked up soul could sleep.

  Waking from the best sleep I’ve ever had no dark demons no itch no blood screams haunting my sleep. Stretching out my foot touches something so warm and electric scrubbing my hands over my face pushing back these weird feeling that seems to be falling over my body and dipping into my dark core not too sure quite what it is. I turn over looking deep into the glass blue eyes of the beautiful Timberly I never have women sleep over let alone in my bed my actaul bed but then I never meet a woemn like Timberly the only one made for my dark soul.

  “Morning Poppet” I say a smile beaming over my face, her cheeks redden just slightly as she blinks up through her long jet-black lashes.

  “Hello Ghost” she says with a newfound sass to her voice, pulling her in I kiss her nose.

  “You’re so cute Poppet” she stiffens in my grasp before relaxing, breathing her in.

  “You smell different” I state pulling her tighter into me her head resting on the crook of my arm.

  “You would know this how?” I can hear slight humor lacing her voice.

  “Well you seem to pass out a lot gives me ample opportunity to smell you Poppet,” laughing as she hits my chest with her palm. I used Lilly’s soap last night when I showered in her room.

  “I like this new you.” pulling herself up onto elbow “I don’t even know who this me is.”

  I see confusion mixed with sadness wash over her eyes. “We will work it out together,” I say looking deep into her eyes that hold so many questions. “I know you well you and scared, I'm me and I'm dark but together we could be something, you know. We can only but try,” I say as my heart does some weird sort of jump.


  Looking up at him I'm in awe I think that a man like this a dark demon, a Reaper would want to have anything to do with a girl with as many issues as I have. I'm going to have to open up to him I know I am but how and when I'm yet to come up with that. For now, I'm just going to soak in all of the theses new feelings and sensations along with the feeling of a stronger me. With her being dead I feel stronger and the dirty men she had to take me over and over again gone I can breathe.


  “Poppet what's going on in that mind of yours? You seem so far away?” looking up she takes me by surprise running her fingers up over my lips, cheek, to my hair running her fingers through it I lean into her touch her warmth the feeling of calm she washes over me with just her touch alone, looking into her eyes.

  “Poppet I really want to kiss you!” blinking she breaks our lock.

  “Well Ghost why don’t you then” in a strong matter of fact way I'm lost by her.

  “I don’t want you to pass out?” I say honestly like that would be the worst thing ever.

  “I can't say I will and I can't say I won't let's just try and take it slow” she says to me, but I see it in her eyes that she is freaking the fuck out I see her counting in her head.

  “Poppet,” taking her hand in mine I run small calming circles over her knuckles well what I hope will be calming circles I don’t fucken know I have never had to be this intense with a chick before or caring fuck em and leave em broken and alone on the floor is always been the road I take.

  “Ghost,” her voice cuts through my soul looking from her hand to her face.

  “Yeah Poppet,” I say into her eyes lowering my eyes down to her lips I love watching the way they move when she specks.

  “I think I may just pass out I've never been touched willingly before, it's always harsh and violent.” Closing my eyes as she clips out the last of the shattering statement my blood runs cold.

  “Say what Poppet” I ask her trying to quell the beast forming deep below.


  He shifts in the bed sitting up and pulling me up and into him, butterflies forming in my stomach my palms sweating, locking my eyes onto sea green we both swallow at the same time he runs his lip out over his lip ring. Wait! What! How did I never notice this before? B
ringing my hand up I reach my fingers out running it over his lip and lip ring licking my lip he turns into my touch as his hands come up and cup my face the chemistry between us is instant and electrifying I'm reeling in lust and panic as my body takes this all in.

  Coming into my line of sight he is just a blur as his breathe graces my lips, “Poppet, don’t overthink” blinking away the tears I don’t want to cry not now.

  Just like that I have no time to think, blink or breathe as he takes me ever so softly his warm lips covering mine as my eyes close, more like roll back in my head as his sweet hot tongue pushes in past my lips meeting my tongue in the most amazing dance of pure ecstasy, it’s a hot, deeply penetrating feeling that washes over, like stepping into a hot shower on a chilly morning, when the water temperature is perfect.

  It’s a different kind of heat that envelopes and no matter how you turn you just can't quite get enough. So you move again, and again, chasing that feeling around your body.

  That’s what kissing him was like. Before long, you realize that all you’ve been doing is sitting there taking in that feeling, absolutely paralyzed in the greed of the flesh finally having found something to chase away the cold. I feel as though I'm falling and falling spiraling down through the sky riding on this new-found rush.

  I push harder into him scooting forward onto my knees his arms snaking around my waist pulling me up onto his lap I wrap my legs around his waist running my hands up over his massive hard back up over his shoulders his neck into his hair it’s short on the sides a little bristly but has this nice length of caramel blonde hair on the top that falls over his face. His need deepens along with mine I feel his frantic hands run up the inside of my shirt the ruff yet softness of his fingers running over my bare skin leaving the most sensual feeling breaking out over my skin.

  Tingles form between my thighs as I clamp them together harder the feeling is so foreign yet seductive and passionate. Excitement builds as my hands go wild gliding over the ridges and curves of pure lean muscle that sits under the cotton Tee he wears it excites me and my fingers to want more explore more find more of this man to lose myself in, before I can think of what to do next Ghost flips me onto my back looking deep into my eyes as he sucks in his lip ring and I let out a girly squeal.


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