The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1)

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The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1) Page 7

by Daniel Perusko

  As soon as Dusk opened the front door, the radiant sunlight blinded him. The sky was a breathtaking blue with not a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful day; a stark contrast to the lightning blasts that had been booming in the skies last night. He imagined if he stayed in this world too long, he wouldn’t be able to tell reality from fantasy any longer. He looked straight ahead at Stacy, who was tapping her foot impatiently, as if she had been waiting on him for days.

  “You’re such a slowpoke, Drake.”

  “Sorry about that. I was enjoying my shower. You ever stop to marvel at how real this all is, Stacy?”

  “Sometimes, but I know we’ll be logged out in another day or two, so there’s not much point.”

  Hearing those words struck a harsh chord of irritation within Dusk.

  “You still think this is a prank, huh?”

  “Yep! I’ll acknowledge that it has taken longer to log everyone out than I thought it would. I’m surprised we’re still here. But I’m sure we’ll all be logged out very soon.”

  Dusk’s eyes strayed away from the skeptic Cleric in front of him as he moaned in discontentment. He knew if he argued with her they would just go in circles. Such was how things were when Stacy made her mind up about something. Though he was willing to admit he was equally stubborn. He decided to change the subject.

  “Anyway, Stacy, now that we’ve leveled up a bit, I think we should take a look at the Auction House and see if there is any better gear for us. As much fun as it is seeing you look like a street beggar, I think it’s time we buy gear with better stats.”

  As a player leveled up, more powerful gear would be available to them. As a rule, generally the design of the gear would become much more intricate and flashy the higher your level became. Dusk was more concerned with the utility of the gear and the stat boosts. Stacy, on the other hand, seemed to be annoyed. She absolutely loathed wearing her filthy looking outfit.

  “Or gear that looks better than this crap!” Stacy whined.

  “That’s why we’re replacing it.”

  Stacy’s previously agitated expression quickly changed into a wide grin, like a child who just got their way. She could barely contain the excitement that was just waiting to detonate in an explosion of feminine joy.

  “You mean we’re going shopping? Hell yeah! That’s the best thing you’ve said since we’ve started on this game.”

  Dusk couldn’t help but return her smile, seeing his best friend so happy. The happiness was contagious.

  The mismatched duo plowed their way into the Shopping District in hopes of procuring improved equipment. The definition of what improved gear was, however, varied wildly between these two individuals.

  Within the span of ten minutes, Dusk had found an outfit that would suit his needs: a set of black pants and a long sleeved shirt of a matching hue. There were no logos or design, and overall it was very plain in appearance. Nevertheless, it was still an upgrade over his previous outfit that looked like an amalgamation of patchwork. Even then, that wasn’t his primary concern. The reason he chose this outfit was because it gave the best boost in stats that he could obtain right now.

  Dusk had expected this entire venture to take roughly thirty minutes total. It was his assumption that Stacy would be like him and find what she needed quickly and this would be over with. If he was a marksman, and this assumption was his bullet, he would’ve missed the mark by miles.


  Tsuki’s body stirred, awakening from her slumber. She stopped for a moment as her eyes caught a rich treat of the silver threads protruding over her eyes. Her body locked up for a mere millisecond, the color being foreign to her. That’s when she remembered. She was in a different world now. Here her hair was not gold, but silver. Here she was a Sword Mage with a mission. Sighing to herself, she swept aside the strands of virtual hair that were impeding her eyesight. She noticed she had another message awaiting her. This time it was from Scarlet.

  Girl, we have gotta get you some new clothes! Come down to the Shopping District when you get this. I’m looking for a new outfit to replace my shitty green one.


  Tsuki smiled to herself. She really did need some new clothes, and there was no one she’d rather shop with than her good friend Scarlet. Tsuki had a tendency to be put off by most people, their complaints over minor things and their need to gossip keeping her at bay. She was fine with that; she wanted nothing to do with such people. But Scarlet was different. Tsuki could say with certainty that Scarlet was the toughest woman she had ever known. When she looked at her, it was like seeing a reflection of her own strength. But despite possessing such resilience, neither of them ever lost their femininity. When the two met they became best friends almost instantaneously. It had been a few months since Tsuki had gotten to really spend some quality time with her.

  After some time of travelling and a few minutes of searching, she had found Scarlet waiting outside the front doors of a clothing store. The sun’s rays sprinkled warmth on their lithe bodies. The humid air stood still, the mark of a windless day.

  “Hey, Joanna!” Tsuki waved her arm in a wide motion.

  “Hey yourself,” Scarlet smirked provocatively.

  “You still have that green outfit on?”

  “I haven’t found anything I liked yet. Besides, I was waiting for you. I swear. You always keep me waiting.”

  “Hey, hey, I don’t do that c’mon!”

  The girls both had a nice chuckle; they were like a couple of cats playing with one another.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, let’s go!” Scarlet put her arm around her, half dragging her into the store.


  Stacy had yanked Dusk along as she browsed through countless outfits. She would study each set of clothing carefully, as if it were a mathematical equation. She would often seek out his opinion while showing him the various different ensembles. Did this robe make her look fat? Did these pants make her butt look big? Did this skirt’s color match and augment the blouse on top?

  The artless Phantom could not fathom these questions, nor did he care about any of this. How could someone be so hard to satisfy? He imagined if there was even a single speck of dust on an outfit she would toss it to the side like it was garbage. He put up a facade of interest, hoping to come up with something that would placate her. Why could she not just pick out an outfit she liked and be done with it? Why did it have to be just right? It was at this moment in this mind numbing activity, when Dusk would experience something he wouldn’t forget as long as he lived.

  Trapped within a drowsy daze, trailing behind Stacy, he saw them. Two women, both drop-dead gorgeous, were approaching him. The first one had countless locks of flame that were smoldering in the air—glowing eyes of green that glared at him menacingly. He never thought he would feel intimidated staring into the face of a beautiful woman, but something about her unnerved him. The look in her eyes seemed to say 'I can break your body in a matter of seconds.'

  This disturbance stirred little within him compared to the woman who was with her. It may as well have been a pebble compared to the boulder which now shook his inner pond. The second woman was drenched in silver locks that flowed down to her back, with eyes that held the colors of the Caribbean Sea locked within. Those omnipotent eyes were tearing away everything that was covering him, leaving him beyond naked. Those eyes shredded his clothes, shed away his skin, cut away his organs—all to reveal the prize they desired. They were gazing into his very soul. At the moment of passing, Dusk’s heart exploded as everything in his body came to a complete halt. The blood stopped pumping, the neurons stopped firing, the nerves ceased to feel—all he could do was turn his head back at the object of his unending dread and desire—the silver angel who spun around to return his gaze back at him. Their eyes had met in an optical duel that seemed to last eternities. In reality the entire event spanned less than three seconds before the mysterious woman spoke to him.

  “Do I know you? I feel lik
e I’ve seen you somewhere before...” she inquired with a finger on her lip. Dusk could tell—his presence had incited something in her too. Was this real?

  “No, I’ve never seen you before.” He choked out his answer, nearly breathless.

  “I see,”

  Tsuki uttered as they parted ways, two shooting stars becoming more and more distant from one another. Dusk couldn’t help but shake the feeling they would meet again.

  “That was really weird.” Stacy spoke plainly, hiding nothing from her friend.

  “I definitely agree with you there, Stacy.”

  “I mean... what girl would want to talk to you?” Stacy laughed at her clever jab.

  “Very funny, Stacy.” Dusk’s cynical tone leaked through his sneering. “You talk to me, are you saying you’re not a girl?”

  “That’s because I took pity on you.”


  “Oh c’mon, you know I love ya!” She cemented her words by embracing the disturbed Phantom in her arms.

  “Of course, I can’t push you away even if I wanted to.”

  “Damn straight! You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”

  The two shared a couple of snickers and giggles before they continued on their shopping spree, much to Dusk’s displeasure.

  His head was pounding. He thought it was the shopping that was giving him a headache, but there’s no way it could be that bad from something like that...

  He couldn’t take it anymore, his hand grasped his head for dear life, trying to drive out the pain, but it was only getting worse, so much worse... this was beyond a migraine.

  “Drake, are you okay?” Concern was seeping through Stacy’s eyes.

  “I’m fine, I just...”

  His head felt like it had just erupted. The pain had just increased tenfold. He couldn’t withstand it anymore. Death. That was the only way he could describe this.

  “Ugh, ugh, fuck,” he cursed as he was brought to his knees. A slideshow of images flashed through his mind like bolts of lightning—a city that was illuminated in a shroud of ruby. A beautiful woman clad in gold hair. The look on her face told the story of a boundless love. Who was she looking at with such an expression? The image faded, only to be replaced by a man in high tech armor swinging his blade deftly straight for his skull. That too, faded, drowned out by a light. Deep, red, and burning—that’s what this light was. It blocked out everything else, blaring through his head like a siren. His knees gave out as he lay on the ground, screaming out in pain. Through it all a single word coursed through every inch of his being.


  “ red... red... everything is red...hahahaha” Dusk laughed maniacally as if a spirit of the underworld had hijacked his brain.

  Stacy was doing what she could to bring him back to life. At first she thought he was playing a cruel joke on her, but he wasn’t the type to do something like that. Was he dying? She didn’t think so, but she couldn’t deny the feeling of her heart sinking.

  “Drake... Drake! What’s going on?” Her shouts formed into a plea as she pulled him close to her—and then just like that, the pain had instantly subsided as if it were a passing tornado.

  “I’m alright. Don’t worry about me, Stacy,” Dusk huffed and panted, attempting to reassure her.

  “Don’t worry about you? What the hell was that?! We need to take you back to the inn so you can rest. You’re not feeling well.”

  “I’m fine now.” Yeah right, he was anything but fine.

  “Stop being so stubborn, Drake!”

  “I really am fine, I swear.” He played it off cool, intent to not let any weakness leak through the cracks.

  Stacy growled in defeat. “Fine, but if I see any hint of you being in pain still I’m taking you back there myself.”

  “I can agree to that at least. I think it’s gone though.”

  “Well, that’s good anyways. If you insist you’re okay then... let’s keep shopping! I still have to find my perfect outfit.”

  “I think I need another migraine to get out of this shopping hell.” Dusk snorted in sarcasm.

  “No complaints! I gave you a chance to get out of this and you didn’t take it. So I don’t wanna hear any whining Mr.! Now let’s go!” Stacy demanded.

  “Fine, just find something soon please so we can get out of here.”

  “I’m not making any promises.”

  Dusk groaned in displeasure. It could be a long day...


  Tsuki turned back one last time, catching her final glimpse of the disturbed Phantom walking away. What was this feeling? It felt like an army of drums was shaking the mindscape inside of her—an unstoppable throbbing that would not cease, but it was more than that.

  “Hey, Karla, are you okay?” Scarlet asked, troubled over her friend’s anguish.

  “I’m fine. I just have a bit of a headache that’s all.”

  But that was a lie. She clasped her chest as if she were having a heart attack. It felt like a giant hand had plunged itself into her, trying to tear her very spirit out. It was coming from that enigmatic man she just met in passing. Just who was he?

  “If it’s just a headache why are you clutching your chest like that?”

  “I... you remember what pull is don’t you?” Tsuki’s question alone made Scarlet remember the odd sensation.

  “Of course, I’ve felt it personally from J before.”

  “I think it was that man... I’ve never felt a pull so strong before. He’s trying to rip my soul right out of me.”

  “An admirer of yours?” Scarlet inquired. Tsuki had the tendency to attract countless men like a siren attracted stray sailors—most of these sailors becoming entranced in the soothing melody as they crashed into the rocks.

  “I don’t think that’s it. But he was certainly pushing his telepathy onto me very strongly.”

  “Is it love at first sight?” Scarlet teased. “Or hate?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think he is even aware he is using such powerful telepathy.”

  “Are you gonna be all right, girl? I can shop by myself if you’re not up for it.”

  “No, I’ll be fine. The pain is subsiding. Let’s keep going.”

  “If you say so.” Scarlet concluded her friend was just trying to act tough. Even so, it had been awhile since the two got to spend time together without the guys. If Tsuki said she was okay, then that was good enough for her.

  Tsuki was only revealing half of the truth. The agony was indeed becoming less and less severe, but it lingered like a sickness. Even so, it had died down from being a hindrance to just a minor annoyance. She could easily deal with this kind of pain. Still, something about all of this seemed amiss, as though it were familiar somehow... Either way, it would do her no good to mull over it at this moment, right now she would refocus on what she needed to, enjoying her alone time with her cherished friend.

  The ladies savored the time they spent with one another, analyzing each set of clothing they came across and exchanging their opinions of each set. After six hours, it was likely they had analyzed every single set of clothing available. The guys were probably anxious, but they didn’t care. There would be plenty of time for business and masculine chest thumping later. Right now, it was girls’ night.

  The two had each settled upon an outfit which was to their liking.

  Scarlet was sporting a full black skintight bodysuit with yellow outlines. The outfit accentuated her curves nicely, while making her look somewhat like an assassin. She looked the part of a femme fatale, which actually wasn’t too far off given her personality.

  Tsuki was now wearing a two piece set which shimmered red, her skirt stopping a few inches above her knees; a choice which was certain to attract the attention of male eyes. A black overcoat covered this set from behind, but was unzipped from the front, revealing all. Finally, to complement her entire outfit, her boots, which nearly went up to her knees, were meshed with a combination of crimson and p
itch black dyes.

  “That is so you, Scarlet.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. You’re looking pretty damn good in that outfit. Almost makes me wanna take you right now.” Scarlet winked at her seductively.

  “Oh really, now?” Tsuki replied coyly.

  “But I’m engaged. I wouldn’t do that. I’m a good girl.”

  “How are things between you and J by the way?”

  “Well, I can’t complain.”

  This was about as good of a reply as Tsuki could expect from Scarlet, as she kept her private affairs mostly to herself, even around her. If Scarlet was saying that though, it meant that there were no problems between her and her fiancé, which was all she needed to hear. Flames of joy burned brightly within the Sword Mage. She was truly happy that her friend had found the person she had been looking for.

  “We gotta find you a man too. Maybe that man earlier? He definitely seemed to get you hot and bothered.” Scarlet gently gave Tsuki a nudge.

  “You know I only have eyes for you,” Tsuki purred. “But really, I’m perfectly fine by myself.”

  “No doubt about that. You’re one independent cat. Still, I think having a man could do you some good. Don’t tell me you don’t want one?”

  “Of course I do, but right now I have more important things to do than worry about that, all right?”

  “All right, all right.” Scarlet didn’t want to pry too much into her friend’s business. She hated it herself when people tried to do that to her. She just wanted to see her friend happy is all. There were certain things that only a lover could do. Scarlet’s thought process was snapped like a twig as she felt the warmth of Tsuki’s body envelop her in a genuine hug.

  “I had so much fun today,” Tsuki murmured.

  “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Since we were able to hang out like this.”

  “Yes it has, I missed this.”

  “Me too.”

  “I think it’s time we go back to the others. They are probably going crazy wondering what the hell we’re doing.” Tsuki laughed, imagining just what must be going through the heads of Omni and Reaper right now.


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