The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1)

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The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1) Page 38

by Daniel Perusko

  “Why should I do that?”

  “He’s going to want to kill her if he knows about her connection to me!”

  Raven’s fit of laughter resounded throughout the chamber.

  “What’s so funny? This isn’t one of your games. If she dies, I’m out!”

  “I just told him about you and her not even fifteen minutes ago.”

  “You did what? We have to kill him right now!” Kevlar’s eyes bulged wide in horror.

  Leo, who had been listening silently, finally spoke up, “Be at ease, human. The way I have seen it, he would not harm a hair on her head.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Kevlar inquired.

  “Must I spell it out for you? I guess you are just a human, after all.”

  Who did this Leo think he was to look down on him like that? Acting as though he was above human beings, but the purple haired villain looked perfectly human to him. He couldn't wait until the moment he could turn on Leo and the rest of these scum. “Just get to the point.”

  “I’m saying that he seems to be quite smitten with her. The two get along quite well.”

  Kevlar snatched a small sigh of relief when he realized that Karla probably wasn’t in danger. His relief compounded when he thought logically.

  What am I even worried about? Karla always was very capable. Even if Dusk was an amazing gamer as he claims, no one beats Karla when it comes to one on one situations. Dusk doesn’t have her powers. Even if he wanted to kill her, he wouldn’t stand a chance.

  The apprehension flowed off his body in a relaxing stream as he let his shoulders slouch. Yet, another worry had just struck him.

  “You said they are getting along quite well? You can’t possibly mean what I think you mean by that, right?”

  “I’m not like you humans. I speak the full truth to you. Whether you believe me or not, I don’t really care.”

  “So, there you have it. Karla will be just fine,” Raven attempted to reassure Kevlar, though his words were like hollow shells. “However, the longer you take to do what I ask the closer those two will become. So I suggest you carry out your orders right away.”

  “Fine.” Kevlar’s words hissed out with reluctance as he stormed out of the room in a tempestuous fury, leaving Raven and Leo to themselves.

  “And you said you didn’t like toying with humans, Leo,” Raven chuckled.

  “I don’t. What I said was necessary. Now he can focus on the task at hand. It’s best that a puppet has no reason to fight back against the strings that bind him.”

  “Say what you want, I know you enjoyed that.” Raven grinned. Perhaps if he exposed Leo to these situations enough, he'd come to enjoy the manipulation as well. Then again, his kind was extremely difficult to corrupt.

  Leo kept completely silent, finding it a waste of breath to say anymore. It’s true he wanted to set Kevlar straight, but he did enjoy toying with him too. Just a tiny bit...

  Kevlar was still rampaging through the hallway, punching the walls every so often. It sounded like a stampede.

  Damn that Dusk. He’s becoming a real pain in my ass. I wish Raven would’ve just let me kill him back then. Why the hell does he want him alive anyways? It makes no fucking sense to me. And now he’s getting all buddy buddy with my woman. Besides, killing him would’ve been the merciful thing to do back then. But instead Raven ordered me to let him suffer like a wounded animal. And now it’s coming back to bite me in the ass. This piece of shit Dusk better not make a move on her, or I’ll make the suffering I put him through before seem like a picnic.

  As much as I hate to do this, I have to be Raven’s lapdog for now. As soon as I find a chance to defy him, he’s done.

  Karla, we will be together again, mark my words. Just be patient and wait for me, please...


  Dusk made a beeline for his room as soon as he got back to Phoenix headquarters. He didn’t run into anyone along the way, thankfully. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this. He didn’t want to talk to anyone. Right now, he just needed to be alone with his thoughts.

  He flopped down face first on the bed like a dead fish, clutching the pillowcases for dear life with his hands.

  I trusted you, Karla. I thought of you as a friend. I grew attached to you, and in the end you betrayed me. How could you? How could you do that to me? You made me feel things that no one else in this world has ever made me feel. I thought these were feelings of happiness. You were what gave me joy. What am I supposed to do now? The reason you gave for lying to me is that I am not capable. With that reasoning how am I ever supposed to trust you again? What if you decide I’m not capable to handle information in the future and lie to me yet again for your own convenience? Whereas you gave me joy, thinking of Kevlar gave me anger and grief. Now you and he are one and the same. I don’t know if it’s possible for me to still receive joy from thinking of you any longer.

  Dusk started punching the pillows in a grief stricken tantrum.

  Why, Karla? When Kevlar said he had killed my friends to see a woman again, I even thought of killing that woman in front of his eyes so he would know what it feels like. But that woman is you. Why did it have to be you, Karla? Why? Now I’ll always remember that the reason he killed my friends was because of you.


  Tsuki was lying on her back, stretching her hand towards the bleak silver skies above her as if she were trying to tear it off. The image was distorted from the tears that wouldn’t stop sparkling down her majestic face. Even the heavens joined in her grief, sending down showers from the barren gray firmament above.

  This can’t be real. John would never kill people in cold blood. But he was absolutely obsessed with me; would he really go that far? Drake, words can’t express how sorry I am that you had to watch your friends die in front of your eyes. I didn’t know. I tried to get you to tell me before, but you continued to keep that information locked away within your heart. How can I help you if you won’t let me help you? I want to love you now more than ever, but if you reject that love, there is nothing I can do for you.

  I know this must be hard for you, if John really killed your friends as you say. But you need to think of us, Drake. The only thing that can repel me from you is you... no one else. Please, don’t let John affect the bond that we share. Don’t hate me because of what John did... please.

  Maybe I was mistaken to keep this bit of information from you, but not many people are capable of accepting the truth when it’s painful to them. I don’t like hurting people, especially those dear to me. This is why I kept it from you. I exist to uplift people, not tear them down... But in the end, I hurt you even more.

  This... I’ve never felt this before. It feels so horrible I want to die. It’s not even the sadness; it’s that I was villainized like this. But the worst part? The worst part by far is that for the first time in my life, I feel... weak. That pains me to no end. I can’t... there’s no way I’m going to let myself continue to feel weak, I would rather die than be a weakling.

  To make matters worse for Tsuki, her telepathic presence would often cause her to feel strong feelings that were directed towards her. Right now, Dusk’s heartfelt agony and uncertainty resonated with her like a satellite dish receiving radio waves, unable to transmit them back. Well, that wasn't completely true. She could transmit her feelings back onto him if she wanted, but it would drain her energy and she had no desire to inflict more pain upon him.

  Having to bear the weight of her dear friend's feelings on top of her own drove her into the deepest trench of despair.

  December 3, 2018

  The two spent the next few days burying their emotions within them. They both made an internal vow to themselves to move past this event in their own way, though the way they interacted when they were in the same room definitely tipped off the other members of Phoenix that something was wrong. It was as if they both burrowed themselves into giant, unbreakable eggs. Even when they were confronted about it, neither of them would yield
any yoke as to what happened. They would only speak of Raven’s appearance, and the fact that he was extremely powerful, which was disturbing enough information in its own right. Even so— Omni, Scarlet, and Reaper could all see something was going on beyond that, though none of them pressed either Dusk or Tsuki too hard to find out what it was.

  The depressed dual wielder lay still on his bed, something which had now become his usual hobby. His mind was blazing at the speed of light.

  I... despise this distance. I was very harsh on Karla back then. I still think her lying to me was wrong. But she was right that I wouldn’t have joined Phoenix if I knew John was her ex-fiancé.

  Still, I can’t take this. Having her physically close, but emotionally distant from me. This sucks. I cannot keep doing this. It feels forced, like I’m staying mad at her just for the sake of staying mad, or trying to teach her some kind of lesson. Thing is, I’m also making myself miserable in the process.

  Dusk paused for a moment to curse his foolishness.

  She said for me to read Golden Sun to understand the relationship between her and I better... I might just do that.

  He jumped up from the bed with a start, a renewed sense of curiosity flowing through him. He headed straight to the library, determined to uncover a glimpse into his teacher’s heart. He hadn’t been here since Tsuki took him around for the tour, the very first day they had met. The day where his life was forever changed for the better: the day he had been sheltered under Phoenix’s wing. Those in Phoenix were like no one else he had met before. With Tsuki, something in particular continued to draw Dusk towards her heavily. Like a moth to a flame, he couldn’t keep himself away. It had been three days since he had stayed away from that flame, which was so near yet so far. Now everything felt cold. It felt as though he was going against all of his natural inclinations. He needed to regain her warmth. He trailed his finger through the air, his eyes scanning the bookshelf looking for the object of his desire. Finally, he had found it: Eon Seven, by JR.

  He grasped the tome of knowledge within his hands and took a seat at one of the sleek black tables. He set the book upon the table, gazing at it for a few moments. On the cover was shown a pitch black pyramid, with the infinite beauty of space in the background. Dusk noted that the pyramid on the cover looked similar to the structure in which he now dwelled.

  He sucked in deeply, preparing himself for what was to come. Inside this book were the feelings locked deep within his teacher’s heart. He still felt the way she lied to him was wrong, but that paled in comparison to everything else she had done for him. He had definitely become stronger, even if he had not surpassed anyone in Phoenix yet.

  He realized he had Tsuki to thank for this. Not just that, she had protected him and been there for him as a friend. However, had he ever tried to understand her, really? Her mind was still mostly covered in a veil of mystery to him. She did not often desire to share the burdens that weighed upon her shoulders, only seeking to comfort him instead. For him, this would not do. He did not know why, but he had a deep seated desire at this moment to realize the inner workings of his teacher’s mind. He opened the book. This treasure, which had more worth than any gold nugget or sparkling diamond, was indeed treated with care by Dusk. He sifted through the pages, until he reached the destination that he was after.


  The Gold Sun -- by JR

  Ge Ming was eerily led into the bamboo woods of the night. The fall’s leaves were the clues he needed to continue chasing Xiu Longnü. She didn’t directly lead him but his determination was so great that he had to find her this time. He was ready to put an end to all of this.

  Time had passed and Ge Ming came to the realization that he had perhaps lost her. It was dead silent. One could even hear the leaves as they touched the ground. He looked around for her in the darkness but the moonlight was his ally. Couldn’t find her – couldn’t hear anything that would help him either.

  “You’re looking but you’re not finding…” Xiu Longnü’s voice rang out from the darkness.

  But Ge Ming couldn’t discern the direction where it came from. He remained silent and held The Gold Sun mightily in hand. He was ready for a sneak attack if it were to happen. He went deeper into the night’s woods and came to a quiet lake. Still couldn’t find her – but then, there she was, standing unbothered and looking out into the moonlight’s touch on the water.

  “Life can be a beauty but so can Death in reality. One day you are here; the next you’re gone,” she said softly, her back turned to him. She closed her eyes and smiled then asked him, “You remember the theory I taught you about the Fallen Leaves?”

  Ge Ming didn’t want to strike her down rudely so he engaged in her wordplay. He recited the theory.

  “Trees do not cry for blood.

  They do not sing songs of victory.

  They simply are.

  Leaves grow and fall.

  Yet they still stand there tall.”

  Xiu Longnü smiled delightfully then turned around to face him.

  “It was always the theory you did not like, but only now do you recite it with such understanding.”

  Ge Ming did not speak but kept looking upon her like a hawk. One wrong move of intelligence would put him behind her. She continued anyway.

  “Have you learned yet? I wonder...”

  Xiu Longnü looked at the moon longingly.

  “Years of our people fighting over different ideals and I’ve learned something I never thought I’d live to see.”

  She turned to him as she continued to relate. Her voice cracked at first; it was always difficult for her to share anything. She was always the type to endure pain alone.

  “I’ve given up my arm for this country. I’ve lost my status as a renowned hero and become a traitor for the sake of my people – but all of that pales in comparison to the message I’ve been missing all along: Love.”

  Ge Ming’s eyebrows clenched. He was not going to fall for any tricks she would try to pull.

  “Five years ago, I defeated Cheng Lei fairly easily. His attacks were refined but they simply were not my match. I held him at my blade’s point and I was about to take his life. He asked me a simple question that would change my next action… ‘Is this what we will do forever?’”

  A small pause happened in her talking but then she found the strength to go on.

  “This man’s life was in my hands. He did not have as much power back then as he did now, but I could see inside him; past all the pride and cocky smiling. He was sincere. His goal was truly to unite this country. That is why I could not let him die. In return for my mercy, he showed me the same. Losing an arm for the ideals that we shared of uniting our people under one banner? It was an easy choice for me to make.”

  A tear formed in her eye but this time, she did not care if Ge Ming saw it. All her life, everyone thought of her as such a cold-hearted warrior but it wasn’t true. She simply took the troubles of the world on her shoulders and pushed her personal problems aside.

  “Love. Something we must eternally strive for. It goes beyond some petty form of affection. It’s the knowing and accepting of another despite whatever creed or color. It is the force that allows existence. It is the wisdom that gives guidance. It’s mercy and long-suffering endures forever.”

  Xiu Longnü closed her eyes and tears flowed out of them. She smiled and said softly, “Thank you for listening to me. No one has ever done that before.”

  Ge Ming did not want to barge, although part of him felt like crying right then and there with her. Xiu Longnü reopened her eyes and a firm look took over. She drew her broadsword.

  “But now things have come full circle.”

  She pointed her sword to him.

  “I’ve raised you as my own. I’ve befriended you when no other would. I’ve taught you martial arts and guided you in the ways to be upright. I’ve… loved you… but now, all that’s left is for you to take my life.”

  A saddened smile came a
cross her face.

  “Is this what we will do forever?”


  Dusk could tell on his continued reading of the story, without even having to think upon it... Ge Ming was undoubtedly very similar to him. He had seen many works of fiction in the media throughout his life, but this character, in this book, was so similar to him it was almost frightening. Ge Ming had a teacher named Xiu Longnü, who saw the potential within him that no one else saw. She spent her time training and caring for him. Longnü took the weight of the world upon her shoulders so that no one else would have to. Never caring what others thought of her, prioritizing the mission above everything else. Ming and Longnü had an everlasting love that would not die, even if they were embracing one another with blades instead of their arms. Nothing could break the bond they shared. Not time, not space, not people, nothing. Their love was more powerful than a neutron star.

  Dusk now understood. Whereas Ming was nearly exactly like him, Longnü was almost exactly like Tsuki. Under the same circumstances, Dusk could definitely see him and Tsuki sharing a very similar story.

  Yes, I understand. I understand now. What I feel for her isn’t on the level of just a friend or a teacher. It is not even limited to petty attraction. This... this is what love feels like. I have a genuine desire to see her happy, no matter what I have to do. This is completely selfless in its nature. Does she too, have the weight of the world on her shoulders? She spoke to me at times of her own mission that she had to accomplish. Does this mean she would sacrifice everything to achieve that mission? Even so... I can tell. What she feels for me too... is probably love. I have to talk to her... I have to confirm it.

  Dusk shot up from his chair, pacing around nervously, unable to box the mass of emotions that swelled within him. He gazed out through the window. It was already night-time. A full moon lit up the sky in its peaceful glow. Dusk closed his eyes, briefly letting himself bask in the serene scene before him before his resolve coalesced into diamond. He was determined to speak to Tsuki now, and find out the answers for himself.


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