The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1)

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The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1) Page 42

by Daniel Perusko

  “You don’t need your boyfriend, hun; not when I’m here.”

  “I beg to differ on that,” Omni interjected, calm as ever. Yet there was a threatening tone behind those words.

  Chaos turned his head to see a tall, dark skinned man staring straight at him with an air of disapproval about him.

  “What do you want, baldy? This is none of your business.”

  “Ah, but it is my business you see, for I am the aforementioned boyfriend... fiancé to be more accurate.”

  “So you like dark chocolate, huh? I never would’ve guessed.” Chaos laughed, mocking Omni, even though the sentence was directed at Scarlet.

  The two simply stared at one another for what seemed like ages, both refusing to even blink in the other’s presence. The testosterone natured tension in the air was so palpable it was almost visible to the naked eye. Much in the same way that lions fight one another over a female, so too did these two fight for Scarlet. No punches thrown, no measures of violence, merely two dominant stares clashing against one another.

  Joan, having had enough of this, decided to cut through this pressure.

  “Okay, I think you’ve caused enough trouble for one day, Chaos. You do live up to your name. We still have a raid to do, remember? Don’tcha wanna kick some monster ass?”

  Chaos turned away abruptly, emitting a noise of pure loathing.

  “This isn’t over, baldy.”

  Omni simply shrugged his shoulders and drew a long sigh.

  What a bumbling idiot, he mused to himself.

  Joan too, couldn’t stop herself from sighing. Chaos was always like this.

  I can’t take him anywhere. She condemned him silently before continuing on in her introductions.

  “This beauty over here is Emerald, our Enchanter.”

  “H-Hi, nice to meet you all.”

  The voice was just a notch above audible. In the very back of the crowd stood a woman with long lime colored hair that almost seemed to match the green grass they were standing on. Her eyes, which were glowing a sparkling jade, quickly trailed away from those who were looking upon her for the first time. To her, these people were like the sun, all shining so brightly she didn’t dare look upon them. Her entire body was covered in a grassy colored robe that went all the way down to her feet, which were strapped in plain wooden sandals. Wearing such an earthly outfit, she appeared to be a denizen of nature itself, not belonging indoors.

  Her arms were folded in front of her, hugging herself in a defensive posture. She was like a deer: beautiful to look at, but she would run away if you got too close. Her tank of confidence seemed to be running on empty.

  Joan walked up to her, smacking her roughly from behind. Emerald gasped as if she had just been violated.

  “Don’t let her shyness fool you. She’s the best Enchantress in Septunia.”

  “N-no way! I’m not that great, Joan...” Emerald’s face turned beat red, the embarrassment nearly bursting out in a blast of steam.

  “C’mon, stop being so humble already!” Joan grinned roughly.

  Emerald, like the turtle, just wanted to burrow into her protective shell. She wanted Joan to move on to the next person. She wilted under the spotlight.

  As if sensing Emerald’s plight, Joan did just that.

  Joan’s hand was now pointed at the third female member of Descent. This woman seemed quite a bit darker than the other two.

  “This is our wizard, Lena. She blows shit to kingdom come!”

  “Hi,” Lena muttered flatly.

  Nothing could be discerned from that neutral voice. It seemed to contain countless mysteries within. The woman herself appeared just as enigmatic. Her hair, which had two long pigtails that streamed to her lower back, was charged a deep purple shade. Instead of having a long robe like Emerald had, she wore a short cloth blouse combined with a short skirt, both of which were dyed a moderate shade of purple themselves. The outfit seemed rather provocative, but the woman herself did not. Her facial expression showed nothing of being a flirt, or being shy. There was no defining feature to her demeanor. She was the epitome of neutrality, which made her all the more peculiar.

  “Not much of a talker, are you?” Dusk pushed; slightly unnerved by the fact he couldn’t get a read on her.

  “I speak only when it is necessary,” she stated, her face betraying no hint of her thoughts within. She would be an amazing poker player.

  “I see.”

  “She doesn’t talk much. She lets her spells speak for her. Just don’t get on her bad side, or she might burn you to a crisp!” Joan threatened playfully.

  How she exaggerates my behavior. I would never do such a thing; Lena scolded Joan silently, not desiring to put forth the effort that would start a small argument if Joan knew her inner thoughts.

  “And last but certainly not least is Muse here, our reliable Cleric.”

  “Hello, everyone. I hope we can do this raid smoothly and quickly. I want world first.”

  The man speaking was dressed in charcoal colored robes. The clothing was plain to look at, which revealed this man did not much care about fashion. His short black hair was neatly combed and tamed. His eyes radiated a hypnotizing baby blue. From the confidence in his eyes and the way he was speaking, Dusk figured Muse a businessman or something similar in the real world.

  “Well, that’s Muse for ya. He cares about results before anything else!” Joan laughed knowingly at Muse’s professional approach.

  “Results are tangible and objective. They cannot disappoint.”

  “But people are needed to achieve those results,” Tsuki countered, feeling the need to speak her mind on this.

  “Perhaps, but people are subjective and oftentimes unreliable. Facts are reliable.”

  “That is why people need to be in control of their emotions. So they can make good choices.”

  “I agree completely,” Muse nodded, staring deep into Tsuki’s eyes with disciplined confidence.

  “Now then, that’s all of our members,” Joan shouted, her voice empowered with excitement. “Time for the Phoenixes to introduce themselves!”

  Omni simply smiled in acknowledgement. “Indeed.”

  He spent the next five minutes introducing the members of Phoenix to Descent. After the necessary social foundations had been laid, the group all walked courageously up to the colossal stone entrance which lay before them.

  “Ready, Joan?” Omni asked, making sure all of Descent’s preparations were complete.

  “I was born ready. Let’s show these towers who’s boss!”

  Suddenly, all ten members of the raid were covered in a dazzling light. They weren’t at the Sundered Towers anymore.

  When the light subsided, the endless plain that flowed rich with flowers was no longer before their eyes. This new environment, for all intents and purposes, appeared to be a barren wasteland. A combination of black and red crackled beneath their feet. It was as if the entire ground had been set ablaze not too long ago. The sky above was an ocean of infinite darkness, with not a star to be seen. The only beacon giving them visibility were the many waves of crimson shaded auroras pulsating menacingly amongst the sea of black above. The entire zone smelled like burnt earth, like the aftermath of a worldwide wildfire. Confusion and apprehension seeped into the air like a toxic cloud.

  “What the hell happened? Where is this?” Dusk’s inquisitive nature had gone full throttle because of this unexpected occurrence.

  “Hmm.” Omni appeared to be deep in thought, attempting to piece together the puzzle of recent events. Maintaining his calm, he opened his map to determine just where they had ended up. Perhaps this event was just part of the raid. He could scarcely believe what the map said. His eyes opened slightly, his mouth closing tight on itself.

  Chaos was growing irritated at his silence.

  “So? Spit it out, baldy. Just where the fuck are we?”

  “We are... on the Forsaken Continent.”

  Dusk, Joan, Emerald, and Chaos all show
ed visible clues of their shock, whereas the rest managed to keep their composure about them.

  The Forsaken Continent was the continent in the center of the world. There were seven continents in Septunia. The six continents surrounding the Forsaken Continent each housed one race and one obelisk. This mysterious continent was the final destination of those who wanted to ultimately clear the game. One gigantic obelisk of pure gold marked the very last raid within the game. If that raid was cleared, everyone would be freed. Naturally, the Forsaken Continent had the hardest monsters and toughest trials in the entire game, and groups would want to be fully geared from all the other raids available before they had set foot in this place. Even then there was no guarantee they could complete the objective. This wasn’t the Golden Obelisk, however. It seemed to be a small secluded pocket of land, with mountain walls encompassing the land in its earthly embrace.

  “What?!” Joan cried out. “How did we end up here? I made sure we would do the Sundered Towers raid.”

  Reaper’s arms were folded comfortably over himself with his eyes shut as he mulled over the mystery of their arrival.

  “It would seem someone interfered with the normal course of events. You know who did this, don’t you?”

  Dusk’s body immediately tensed up, his voice hissing like a python that was out for blood.


  Scarlet’s voice was dripping with enthusiasm.

  “Raven? The bastard that’s been watching us this whole time?”

  “That’d be the one,” Reaper responded.

  “Bring it on! I’ve been dying to meet this fucker ever since I found out about him. I have a few choice words for him.”

  “Excuse me,” Muse interrupted the two Phoenixes. “Who exactly is Raven?”

  “The one responsible for turning this game into a life or death struggle. He seems to get a kick out of fucking with people’s lives,” Tsuki replied; a single violent gust howling inside in remembrance of the first time she saw him.

  “He likes to fuck with me you mean,” Dusk huffed out in agitation. “This little shit just won’t leave me alone. I swear to God I’ll kill him.”

  Dusk closed his shaking eyes, his rage erupting into a taunt.

  “You hear me, Raven? I know you’re responsible for this. Come out here and face me!”

  A piercing laughter echoed all around them, vibrations bouncing off the mountain walls.

  “Good, very good.” The familiar voice of wicked sophistication rang out on all sides. Suddenly, the dark shrouded figure manifested in front of Dusk as it had done many times before. Raven turned his head to and fro, taking in the entire group of ten adventurers gathered before him.

  Raven stopped to look at Tsuki, giving way to a chuckle aimed at her.

  “It would seem Drexel has already gotten over your lies; lucky you. He’s far too forgiving if you ask me.”

  A cocky smirk fueled by disdain crept up Tsuki’s features.

  “It was an easy choice. I’ve done far more for Dusk than you ever will. You tried to turn him against me. You failed.”

  Raven shrugged his shoulders, conceding this point.

  “Ha! So it would seem. I never thought he would turn against you completely. I just wanted to break his trust in you for good. But it seems he was too foolish to recognize who you really are. He’s too blinded by his attraction.”

  Dusk decided to step up, eager to support his teacher whose pure white glittered forth in this abyssal marble.

  “Shut up already, Raven. You tried to misdirect me. It’s obvious you love causing discord. You were a fool to appear in front of us. We’ll finish you here and now.”

  Raven outstretched his arms, his palms facing upwards towards the heavens.

  “Really? Hmm, ten vs. one, how scary. You just might kill me here aft–”

  Before Raven could accumulate any more joy from playing with his food—a bullet howled through the air—diving straight through him.

  Scarlet was lying down on her chest with her arms holding her sniper rifle tightly against herself. It seemed she took the opportunity to take a shot while Raven was talking.

  There was no blood. The bullet merely travelled straight through as if Raven was part of the very environment itself. The lightning quick messenger of death distorted the light inside him as it passed.

  Scarlet scoffed at the result.


  “Now, that’s not very nice, Joanna. I wasn’t finished speaking yet. By the way, this is a hologram, sorry.”

  “So you know my real name too; must be from watching us all the time like the Peeping Tom that you are.”

  “Hey, I have to do something to pass the time you know? I’ve been at max level and gear ever since the first day, merely watching over the denizens of this world as they try to progress themselves. Just like a god watching over their universe. But, I already knew your real names before you hit max level. I did research on all of you, Poison Flower. I also have a friend who’s been very much dying to meet you.”

  The fact that Raven knew her nickname on the battlefields in the real world had unnerved her slightly. It seemed he was not lying about doing research.

  “You really are a creepy bastard, poking your head into places it doesn’t belong. So, where is this friend of yours? If he wants to meet me so badly, bring him out here! And stop using a damn hologram. Be man enough to come in the flesh, you coward.”

  “All in due time my fiery haired foe. Right now there’s a budding plant that needs my personal cultivation. My experiment is also ongoing. Once my experiment is finished, rest assured that I will resolve things personally.”

  Chaos laughed at how ludicrous he found Raven’s previous statement to be, before deciding he had enough of listening to this dumbass talk.

  “You know, you talk way too much, mister. If you think you’re a god, let’s see you block this.”

  Chaos charged straight at him, driving his fist through the pixilated likeness of the malevolent overseer.

  Raven turned towards the macho Monk, sneering down at him.

  “Are you touched in the head or something? I just told you all I was a hologram. Do you not listen?”

  “Sorry, mister. I haven’t been listening to a damn word you’ve said.”

  Omni’s voice resonated loud and clear, drowning out everything else.

  “So you’re Raven. What do you hope to accomplish here by stealing so many lives? Why must you rob all these people of their learning? What drives you to this senseless slaughter?”

  “Who gives a damn what this idiot has to say?” Chaos barked disapprovingly.

  “Silence!” Omni’s voice boomed around Chaos, overcoming him with the intensity packed into that one single word. “This is important.”

  “You want to know, huh? Why I would do this? I too wonder why you chose the path of treason.”

  That’s the second time I’ve heard that since I’ve been on this world, Omni mused to himself. Hearing those words, he wished to confirm something.

  “You are the second person to say that to me. Do you know Leo?”

  “Yes, Leo is one of my closest allies,” Raven announced joyously.

  “I see. It all makes sense now.” He was more determined than ever to find out one day who Leo and Raven actually were in reality.

  “I suppose it makes sense for you,” Raven confirmed. “But for me, you’re incomprehensible, Jed. You are a fool to make the choices you have. But we will speak of that another time. For now...”

  Raven spoke as he teleported some distance away to a hole in the ground, where a sparkling transparent staircase peeked out, leading downwards.

  “If you want to understand why I did this proceed down this staircase. All the answers are there if you listen and watch carefully. Below is the truth of all truths.”

  No one out of the ten fighters could see it beneath that deathly hood which enshrouded its wearer in mystery, but the widest grin had appeared on his visage.

  “Drexel, Kaya. I’d prepare yourselves if I were you. Sometimes it’s better not to know the truth.”

  Dusk’s fists curled into suns of white hot anger.

  “What are you talking about? More mind games again?”

  Raven’s hologram vanished in a matter of seconds, but his voice pervaded throughout the arena; his eye ever watchful.

  “No mind games, Drexel, only the bitter pill of truth. Worry not; I assure you this raid is doable with your current group, though I can’t say it will be easy by any means. Good luck.”

  Omni exhaled deeply, preparing to take charge of the situation.

  “It would seem there is only one thing to do.”

  “But this could be a trap. That guy seems shady as hell! We can’t trust him!” Joan countered, concerned for their safety.

  “You doubt our capabilities?” Scarlet chimed in, slightly agitated at the lack of trust.

  “What do you mean? It’s not that. But if we fall into his trap, we may die.”

  “Yet if we stay here, we would have to stay here forever,” Reaper responded calmly. “You noticed it didn’t you? We can’t recall or teleport anywhere. The only way to go is forward.”

  “Who was he talking to when he said Drexel and Kaya? I don’t recall anyone in our raid group with those names,” Muse asked. He was at a complete loss.

  “For some reason Raven has been calling me and Tsuki by the names of Drexel and Kaya. It’s just part of his mind games, two names that he made up.”

  “I see. Seems strange to make up names like that for people.”

  “I agree, but that’s all I can think of. The names Drexel and Kaya don’t ring a bell for me.”

  Dusk turned towards Tsuki, who seemed to be deep in contemplation, grabbing her hand tenderly, wanting to check in on what was going through her mind.

  “He said we’d find the truth inside. He specifically addressed us two when he said that. You’re not worried are you?”

  “Of course not, Drake. I know he’s just trying to get under our skin. What about you? How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. I’m ready for this. I know he’s just going to try to play more mind games with us.”

  No matter what lay ahead, as long as he had Tsuki, as long as he had Phoenix, he felt like he could take on any challenge. He smiled lovingly at the passionate yet resilient woman whose hand interlocked with his.


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