The Legend of the Dragon Child

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The Legend of the Dragon Child Page 3

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “Dragons, call the two unbound Souls to the Binding ceremony!” Zelspar said in a raised voice.

  A great bellowing and thunderous roars echoed through the cavern and reached Starleira and Rynik. They appeared in front of their guests arm in arm. Loud shouts of welcome filled the air.

  Zelspar, with a twinkling in his eyes announced, “Let the Binding Ceremony begin.”

  “Starleira, the Queen of Mursei, what have you to add to the Binding?”

  The Queen produced a small finely crafted golden bag secured with a heavy gold chain. Its contents held her legacy, pieces of preserved scales of all generations before her in her lineage.

  “Rynik, the chosen King of Mursei, what have you to add to the Binding?”

  With fumbling hands, he offered up a hammered silver bag attached to a braided silver chain. The bag contained pieces of preserved scales of his lineage, a claw adorned in silver and a crystal vial with his precious blue Dragon blood.

  Zelspar held up the golden bag and asked, “Starleira, what do you give to Rynik?”

  She replied as she looked into Rynik’s green eyes, “I give to you Rynik, all of my lineage, all of what made me, I give to you.” Starleira took the bag from Zelspar and placed it over Rynik’s head.

  Zelspar now held up the silver bag and asked, “Rynik, what do you give to Starleira?”

  Rynik stared at his lovely Queen and replied, “I give to you Starleira, all of my lineage, all of what made me, I give to you. I also give my claw, to show I will protect you always and a vial of my blood to show my very life is yours only.”

  The sound of surprised gasps traveled the assembly. His added gifts to the Binding ceremony had caught everyone off guard. The Queen’s eyes flooded with tears as Rynik took the silver bag and gently placed it over Starleira’s head.

  Zelspar cleared his throat, deeply touched with their exchange, and said, “Do you both accept these gifts?”

  They answered in unison, “Yes!” to the crowd’s soft chuckles.

  Zelspar then reached for the first ornate box of The Gifts of Life and raised it up.

  “This box contains Urthe. It represents Life. The part you can see, and the part you cannot see. The form you are now and the hidden part that goes on forever.” He placed it back in its original position.

  He reached and lifted up the second box. “This box contains Water. It represents Change. Water can be fluid or vapor but returns again to Water.” He placed the box down as he reached the next box.

  “The third box contains Air. It represents the combination of the other two-- with wind it stirs the Urthe, with storms it brings the Water. It is considered the Amalgamation of Life, the blending and unity of two.” He placed it at the apex of the Basin and reached for the fourth box and held it up.

  “The fourth box contains Fire. This represents the Dragon. The guardians of the Universe. We have been and always will be in all places that exists. We have been given Fire for strength, protection and life.” He placed the box in its place and lifted up the last box.

  “This is the fifth box in the Gifts of Life. In it is a fragment of Space, a small rock traveled from the start of Time. This represents the sky above skies. It links us to the Original Light, the source of All.” He set this highly decorated box into position.

  “If you both agree to this Binding of Two Souls, you may drink from the Basin of Purified Water that is cradled below The Gifts of Life.”

  Both Starleira and Rynik lowered themselves to the stone table and together drank from the Basin.

  Cheers erupted as the two became one in the Binding Ceremony.

  “Bring out the Dragons’ grog!” came the chant. Large vessels were placed outside, lids removed. Lines formed quickly to congratulate the newly Bound and to enjoy the rare pleasure of the grog.

  Zelspar was pulled aside by a group of Dragons that were from the various Hails who had come to Urthe as the allies. All were talking over the next, wanting to be heard.

  Zelspar shouted over the commotion. “Be quiet--I’ve explained to you before. This is not the time to make changes. We will have plenty of time in which to discuss changes when we form a new Council of Dragons. I will not use this time to thrust new change upon the Hails of Dragons, no matter how much you desire me override policy. Now, I implore you to return to the festivities so we may begin the coronation and welcome the new King of Mursei.”

  Zelspar, although old, didn’t lack the ability to make a swift departure.

  He ducked inside the cave and was immediately met with the gentle laughter of Starleira and her bonded, Rynik. That was all it took for his clenched jaw to relax and a smile washed away his earlier frustrations. What an absolute joy he felt when he looked at them. Life had always been a precarious notion, never assured of its length. But he thought, standing here in this moment, life seemed to hang in eternity.

  His old white whiskers bristled. Starting at the tip of his tail and running up to his neck he felt this burst, making even his scales momentarily twitch. He studied their faces long and hard. He could not be sure if he was watching a momentous occasion or if he was just shown an Omen. Only time would tell.

  He cleared his throat, “Starleira, Rynik are you prepared for the coronation?”

  Rynik asked. “Could we dispense with this formality and simply present me as the King of Mursei?”

  Laughing, Zelspar answered, “Rynik, it is not such an audacious event. Simply a few words before your Hail so they might see and accept their new King. It’s not every day a Hail has a new King. Let them celebrate!”

  Starleira, the Queen herself added, “Not only do I want all of the Mursei to welcome you as our King, but now Urthe is home to many Hails. This is a perfect time to show our King. We will, of course, wish to work with all Queens and their Kings to establish the best relations to further our hopes of a brighter future.”

  With those words, Zelspar sent Galdean off to bring the Crowns.

  Zelspar called after him, “Galdean, announce on your way for all Dragons to assembled outside. Every last one must mark this occasion.”

  “It will be so, Zelspar.”

  “Starleira and Rynik, please await in your Lair until Galdean or I come to bring you out. I have several Dragons building a raised platform to assist in allowing all Dragons to watch.”

  “By all that is Dragon--” Rynik uttered.

  “Yes,” sputtered Zelspar in a sudden jovial burst. “By all that is Dragon, indeed!”

  Starleira gave a soft chuckle as she ushered away Rynik for some much-needed quiet time before more celebrations.

  Galdean returned with the woven nests adorned with precious stones, arranged artfully to show leaves, flowers and the larger stones, eggs. Cradled inside the nests were the crowns, the Queen’s and the King’s. He had a difficult time carrying them with the young hatchlings scurrying around him, all trying to get a peek on their way outside to their area to watch the coronation. Galdean’s face crinkled up watching their excitement, it certainly wasn’t often one saw a coronation.

  At last, the nursery maids grouped the hatchlings over to the side on rock outcroppings, from where they would be able to see the event. In the middle of the clustered hatchlings, Kaida and Zlemtec were busy scuffing and having the best time friends could have. As Zlemtec found a comfortable spot to sit, Kaida climbed up his leg and leaned in against the softness of his side. The nursery maids scurried about hushing the hatchlings the best they could when Zelspar climbed the platform.

  “Galdean, you may bring out Queen Starleira and her chosen King, Rynik.” Zelspar announced loudly.

  All the Dragons from all the Hails that were presently on Urthe clustered together and the vibrations of the excitement reached a thunderous buzz of merriment.

  Galdean, arms filled by the royal nests, stopped at the mouth of the cave. Into the Queen’s arms, he placed the nest containing the King’s crown. Turning, he placed the nest containing the Queen’s crown into Rynik’s arms. He looked
into Rynik’s eyes; a warm feeling swelled up into his chest.

  Galdean said, “Dragons, all arise! The Queen of Mursei and her chosen King, Rynik!”

  Such bellows filled the air that any remaining Dragons in the distance must have heard.

  The Queen and her King ascended the platform together to stand in front of Zelspar.

  “I, Zelspar, Elder of the Qyrdrom Hail, announce in front of all present Dragons, the Queen of Mursei and the one formerly known as Rynik, the King of Mursei!”

  Roars of acceptance thundered across the boulders and echoed into the caves. Zelspar continued, “Starleira, the Queen of Mursei, please bow.” As she lowered herself, Zelspar took the crown from the nest Rynik held and placed it on the granite podium. “I place upon you the Queen’s crown of Mursei. Rise Queen.”

  A quiet traveled across the Dragons. One after another, the Dragons knelt in respect to the Queen of Mursei. Zelspar continued, “Queen of Mursei, I give to you the King’s crown. You may place it upon Rynik, your Chosen, your Bonded, and the new King of Mursei. Rynik, please bow before your Queen.”

  Rynik bowed, his heart hammering fast and hard against his scales, threatening to knock one off. The Queen gently placed the King’s crown upon the head of her King. Her voice wavering with emotion she said, “Rise King.” Precisely at that moment a squall was heard from the boulders, breaking the quiet.

  “I want to see! Zlemtec, lift higher!” Kaida’s voice burst through the air. Zlemtec did as he always had and helped his friend.

  He lifted her as high as his arms could reach. “Oh, look!” she cried out.

  Oh, and look, they did. The allied Dragons began to get up and some readied for flight to snap up the little creature. Great noise filled the air with the surprise of this little creature in their midst.

  “Silence!” the King’s voice resounded. “Zlemtec, please come and bring your friend, Kaida.”

  Zlemtec and little Kaida trudged down the boulders and up to the podium. There was a flurry of whispers as each Dragon caught clear sight of the--the--Kaida. They all knew the meaning of the name but this--this small round creature? A little Dragon?

  The Queen took the hatchling into her arms and lifted the giggling, squirming Kaida for all to see. “This is Kaida. She is the Dragon Child. She is our Legend. She is one of us and one of the peoples. She is the bridge to the future of All!”

  Thunder broke in the sky and ground and the Dragons bowed to the Legend they all knew from stories told through the generations. Not one Dragon watching the scene before them ever thought they would live to see this day. The day they saw before them, living and breathing --the Legend --The Dragon Child.

  After Kaida’s awkward reception at the coronation ceremony of the King of Mursei, she became a fascination to most of the Dragons, with many finding an excuse to wander into the hatchlings’ nursery to study her interactions with the other hatchlings. Interest varied from one Dragon to another. While one would find it amusing, a few would watch and shake their heads in mild irritation for raising something so radically different with the Dragon hatchlings. Legend or not, it was an odd notion and a peculiarity to observe. There were many Dragons from the Qyrdrom Hail which took special interest in Kaida, feeling an internal call to teach her the Dragon ways.

  Zlemtec and Kaida were frequently found sitting in the center of Dragons, learning language nuances of all known Dragon Hails. Kaida’s eyes would stare intently as a Teacher would review the differences in Dragon cries and calls.

  In the early months, the Teachings would be short but intense. After all, they were hatchlings and with their attention span snapping quickly like a branch, they would return to playful scuffling. Amused, the Teachers could do no more but watch and ponder the great bond the two shared.

  Queens and Kings were rarely known to spend much time with hatchlings as their responsibilities were far too many. The Teachings and molding would be given to others. The Queen and the King, however, made frequent visits to the nursery.

  One such occasion found Kaida pouting in Zlemtec’s lap. The Queen went over to see what brought such a sad look on Kaida’s face.

  “Kaida,” the Queen asked, “what is troubling you?”

  “Sipta Queen,” Kaida replied, which was her way of saying Mommy Queen, “I am not growing right.” Her lower lip curled downward as she poked at her belly and arms.

  Zlemtec added, “Kaida pushed on my new scales and then started poking herself all over.”

  “I see,” replied the Queen. “Please come here Kaida.”

  The little dragon slowly let go of Zlemtec and eased over to the Queen and unceremoniously plopped her bottom down in front of her, still pushing on her skin one way and then the other, frowning when it wouldn’t show her even the beginnings of a shiny new colorful scale.

  “My little Kaida,” the Queen murmured, “do not be so concerned by your lack of growing exterior scales. Dragons grow scales for protection. Your scales grow on the inside. You were born with the spirit of the Dragon, which means you will grow different, but yet the same. The scales you wish to see cannot be seen with eyes. Yours are the scales of the Dragon spirit which are inside to protect that which is most important. They protect your Dragon knowledge, language, skills and magic. Just as scales do not make a Dragon, the lack of them showing does not a Dragon, unmake.”

  Kaida rubbed her arms and looked up at Sipta Queen, her blue eyes growing large with discovery.

  “Sipta Queen, I found one! Here, touch it.” She grabbed the Queen’s hand and placed it on her bent arm. “See? It hides when my arm is straight but when I bend my arm you can feel it.”

  The Queen smiled at Kaida and rubbed her small elbow and said, “Yes, Kaida. I feel it also.”

  Kaida thrilled with her new discovery ran over to Zlemtec to show him her internal scale. Then, she ran to any Dragon she could catch and demanded their attention as she displayed her special internal scale.

  The Queen and King sat and watched their little Kaida. The little Dragon ran with such glee showing off her new discovery. The Queen did not know the meaning of the sudden drops of water which trickled down her leathery face. Her heart felt a special warmth that made the tears fall slowly, even as her face crinkled up in a pleasant way. The Queen felt this unusual sensation, a desire to sit there all day and simply watch Kaida. There is no telling what momentous discovery she might detect next. The Queen found herself altogether torn between her desire to stay and her need to return to her duties. This was a new sensation in which the Queen noted yet lingered until Rynik, her King, lifted her to her feet again and strolled out of the nursery.

  Zelspar caught up with the Queen and King of Mursei and asked, “May I speak with you both for a moment? Perhaps we could return to your Lair?”

  Upon a curious glance to the Queen, the King replied. “Certainly Zelspar, we were on our way there when you approached.”

  “Excellent! I’m sure this little matter will not take much time at all,” Zelspar answered.

  The Queen, however, doubted those words. If Zelspar was in need of discussing a little matter, it most likely meant a forest fire was burning out of control and they were down to one bowl of water. Knowing Zelspar the way that she did, she couldn’t help but feel a hint of concern and yet smirk at his words. He had such a knack for understatement.

  “Zelspar, what is this little matter?” the Queen inquired.

  “Starleira, Rynik, I have been asked, or perhaps it is more precise to say-- I have been badgered into coming before you with this little matter. You see, the allies, our brethren of the Hails have requested ... even though I have told them we haven’t formed the Council of Dragons yet...”

  Rynik burst out, “Good Dragons, Zelspar! What is it?”

  “The allies wanted to instate you and Starleira as King and Queen of Dragons.” Zelspar rubbed his chin allowing the words to find their mark.

  “But Zelspar, this is unheard of,” the Queen quickly said. “We have always h
ad different Queens and Kings for each Hail, a way for all Dragons to have a say in how things are done. For the love of Dragons, I simply cannot understand this desire--”

  “I know, I know. Highly irregular,” Zelspar stated as he rubbed the corners of his forehead. “If I might add, these are irregular times. The Hails have left the home of our ancestors for the opportunity for a better way of life. Queen, you came and fought a mighty battle so we could join your Hail here. Your Hail is the only Hail that can change the Urthe, so we won’t live in constant fear of attacks and domination. Their words do have merit. They wanted me to announce this new change, this new title at the coronation but I refused. It would be a new way for the Dragons, yes. There would be more responsibilities. You and Rynik must think on this. The decision will rest on the both of you.” Zelspar gave each one a meaningful glance before walking out of the Royal Lair.

  “My Queen, what Zelspar said has merit.” Rynik stated. “We should take this under consideration and hold a meeting with the allied Queens and Kings to understand what their vision is with such a request.”

  “I agree, my King. A meeting. I envision a Council much like the Council of Dragons. An assembly of the Hails Queens and Kings, to bring ideas and concerns from the various Hails to the Assembly. In that manner, all would still have a voice in how we do things here on Urthe, and just as the Council before, we can express to accept or deny any proposed change. We will go visit each Hail to set a meeting. If this idea is for the good of all, I cannot simply decline. Can you?”

  Rynik answered, “No, I cannot. I have the desire to make our new home the way our ancestors lived long ago. A place where hatchlings do not know the concerns of battles. We have that opportunity here, especially with Kaida. The Urthe peoples have known fear because of the other Hails that came to destroy and rule over them. I place my hope in The Legend. It is Kaida who can change their minds.”

  A soft smile spread across Queen’s face. She had chosen well. Her co-leader mirrored her own thoughts.


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