The Legend of the Dragon Child

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The Legend of the Dragon Child Page 22

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Being an old warrior, Molakei had experienced Urthe’s groanings before, but never with the assault from the sky too. He felt like a stranger in an unknown land. All of the beauty he had known and loved was now enveloped in a shroud of dust. Two wolves appeared from behind the broken sentinels of the mountains, their mouths carrying rabbits.

  These were no ordinary wolves. They had come to Kaida as pups and Kaida had a gift of being able to talk and understand them as well as many other creatures. The wolves became her Protectors.

  Molakei spoke to them and pointed to the cave. “Go find Kaida. She will take your gifts. We thank you,” he said as the wolves trotted towards the cave. It was in that moment, the truth sunk in. Their food and medicine supply would be gone, or at the very least, be greatly diminished. He must go get Flower Bird and Kaida. They needed to check on the others and start gathering food before it was too late.

  Kaida ran to meet the wolves at the inner cave’s threshold. “Look Flower Bird, they have brought us food.” She bent and took the rabbits they had dropped at her feet. “When we eat them, we will give you each a share.”

  Sigrunn, the white wolf, replied, “We have fed. We will find more food to bring. The screams of the dying are numerous.” She nodded to Tyrianua, her male counterpart. “Let us bring back all we can carry.”

  Kaida’s jaw dropped in a shocked silence.

  Molakei reached the inner chamber as the wolves trotted away. “It grieves my Spirit to tell you both, the outside of our dwelling is a strange land. We must act quickly to ensure the safety of our peoples. The air is full of ash and dust. Take a cloth to cover your nose and mouth. Come,” he motioned towards the tunnel.

  They stepped through the upheaval in their cave and went outside. All the glorious colors had dulled into a shadowland of grays and black. Kaida’s lips trembled. Molakei placed his large hand gently on her shoulder. The three of them stood alone, absorbing the shock of their newly exposed world.

  Soon, others ventured out, crying and pointing in great distress. Heads darted over to look at the three and pointed towards Kaida. It wasn’t long before they heard the peoples blame the Dragons for the disaster. Molakei had to grab tight to Kaida’s shoulder before she could run towards them.

  “They are blaming the Dragons for all of this Molakei. It isn’t right. I know Zlemtec and I know those he lives with would never bring us harm,” Kaida said fighting back angry tears.

  “I know Kaida. Fear does awful things to the head. The peoples are afraid. They look around and see all they have lost. They try to make sense of it by putting the blame on someone. How could they release their anger to the flaming rocks? How could they expect revenge against the very ground that shook?” Molakei shook his head sadly. “I will go talk to them. See if I can help them understand. I believe it would be better for you and Flower Bird to go inside and start cleaning up. If any more big shakes come or flaming rocks come, go to the inner chamber at once.”

  “I want to go with you, Molakei. If they hear it from me about the Dragons, maybe they will believe. I will tell them about Zlemtec and…”

  “No, Kaida. Not now. They are looking for someone to punish for the things that have happened. I don’t want you to speak of Zlemtec. Their fear has closed their eyes and their understanding. I worry now that they also wish to blame you,” he said with deep concern.

  He stooped and looked into her watery eyes. “I understand such thinking does not make sense to us. I have to find a way to explain it to them and turn their thinking. Now go inside and wait for my return. I go to visit all that have survived.”

  Flower Bird took Kaida’s hand and looked deep into her father’s eyes. She felt his pain and knew it would be hard ground he had to move. Her heart was too heavy for words. Instead, she took her free hand and placed it on her heart. Molakei returned the gesture and walked towards his peoples.

  Once inside, Kaida gathered broken pottery and placed them in baskets as Flower Bird straightened shelves and took inventory on what was not ruined by falling on the dirt. Much was still usable, she thought. This was good. The wolves, Sigrunn and Tyrianua, returned dragging a deer and stopped at the cave entrance. Flower Bird and Kaida ran over to accept their gift.

  Tyrianua explained as they dropped the deer, “This one was hit by a falling rock. It killed him. We brought it so his life was not wasted.”

  “Thank you both,” Kaida said as she scratched their necks. “I will help Flower Bird save the meat. Come in and rest, you have worked hard.”

  “Yes, a rest would do us well. We will bring you more soon,” Tyrianua said as he circled looking for a spot to sleep. Sigrunn sprawled out, head on her paws and quickly closed her eyes. Kaida moved her hands over their fur, thankful for their friendship. With that thought, her mind wandered. She wished she knew what was happening with Zlemtec.

  The King of Mursei took Galdean with him to check on the other Hails after the ground became more stable. As they took to the ledge, they surveyed the area for damage. They had been spared massive destruction. True, the fireballs had left their marks all across their vista, but the mountain held strong.

  They flew to their neighbors and found all the Hails had survived without incident. At the far end of their mountain, there had been some rockslides, but the Hails were not using those areas. A fine film of dust had settled on the lush green foliage making that area less desirable for collection of greens, but they still had a sufficient supply closer to their home.

  They returned home to give a full report of good findings to the Hails. The Queen, relieved, guided the Dragons back up through the mountain and into the common area where they all felt their worries diminish.

  Zelspar pulled the King to the side.

  “Rynik, I need to go to the place where Kaida lives. I am worried that she may have been in danger from the recent events. You have told us of the dust covered plants just south of us and Kaida lives further. I fear they have experienced ash fall out from a volcano or whatever caused this destruction. I wish to make sure she is doing well,” he stated.

  “I understand your concern, as I had also thought about it after seeing the blanket of dust. First, hear me out my friend. It would be far easier for me to go check on her. I can hide my colors as to not alert her or the peoples she is with. Let me do this check for you, and for the rest of us. We would all like to be reassured,” Rynik said, pleading his case.

  The old White Dragon rubbed his whiskers and thought it over. “You make a good point, Rynik. I would not want to raise alarm, and I also didn’t want Zlemtec to go in case there is... devastation.”

  “You are correct, my friend. Zlemtec would plow through them all to get to Kaida. I know he will want to go and that is why I will leave it to you to let Starleira know where I’ve gone. Talk to her privately, so Zlemtec won’t hear. I can’t take the risk of him charging in and causing any unnecessary problems.”

  “When would you leave?” Zelspar inquired.

  “Straightaway. If others approach you only tell them I’ve gone to check caves for falling debris,” he answered.

  “Agreed. I’ll join the others while you take your leave. When I can take Starleira to the side, I will let her know the details of your departure.”

  Sigrunn and Tyrianua sat up with a jolt and growled, hair stiff and standing on end.

  Sigrunn quickly told Kaida for all of them to get back down through the tunnel.

  “Molakei, Flower Bird, come! There is great danger. The wolves said we must hurry back down the tunnel and stay in the inner chamber. Hurry.” Kaida said.

  A rolling motion pitched them forward. Deep rumblings echoed as they hurried downward into the chamber of crystal fingers and the River of Life which flowed through it. Before they could get situated, the sound of explosions filled the cave. The mountain lurched in a sickening way, tumbling the inhabitants from side to side.

  Large crystal fingers snapped and came crashing down, exploding pieces across the cave floor. Screams
and howls joined the chaos of the mountain’s movement. The man, woman and child clung desperately to one another with the wolves tight in the circle. The ground made an ear-splitting screech as it suddenly dropped from underneath them and tilted on its side.

  The chamber became engulfed with dust. All covered their faces with their sleeves to filter the thick dust and gasped for breath. It was darker than a cloud-filled night and they had been swallowed whole in the belly of Urthe.

  Rynik flew in the direction of the Urthe peoples and Kaida. The closer he got to the land the peoples inhabited, the more destruction he saw. His eyes flashed green, worried for the safety of Kaida and those with whom she was entrusted. His large wings tore at the air, pushing his body faster to search for Kaida.

  Keen eyes scanned the ground and mountainside as he approached the land where Kaida lived. His wings felt a sudden rush of air. Whoosh! The air pushed him up just as the range of mountains popped with dust and smoke. Before his very eyes, he saw part of the mountain rise and part slide downward. His heart hammered loudly in his chest. A few tiny dots scrambled across the ground before a large jagged crack opened up and traveled the ground’s surface, swallowing up everything in its path. From the air, it looked like a lightning bolt lying flat against the ground. He gasped at the sight.

  He hovered above in great shock. His eyes did not recognize this place. In minutes, the landscape transformed into the unrecognizable. Part of the mountain had heaved upwards and part had disappeared completely.

  Urthe had become still and silent again. Painfully silent. Dust and smoke gathered, forming thick clouds. Rynik bellowed a mighty roar which echoed across the wasteland.

  Rumbles of thunder began to form inside the clouds. He dove underneath them searching the mountain for any life. His Dragon screams made even the thunder sound muted. Rynik circled what had been the place of the Urthe peoples, searching for any movement. He searched for life. He searched for the tiniest of hope. The only movement he saw were the boulders breaking loose to fall down to the decimated ground below.

  A hot wind blew, pushing against him. He flapped his wings in fury and roared until his throat could utter no sound. He turned and headed back towards the Hails. His mind had not come to grips with what had happened. How could he begin to explain this to anyone? His mind locked onto one word. Kaida. The only word that flew with him towards the Hails.

  Zelspar had pulled Queen Mursei away from the others and walked with her towards the Queen’s lair.

  “Starleira. Rynik has left to check the place where Kaida lives. We both felt a strong concern for her and the peoples where she lives. He will hide his colors as to not draw attention and return to us shortly,” Zelspar informed the Queen.

  “That will put my heart and I am sure, that of many others at peace. Perhaps the quaking did not reach them?”

  Suddenly, Zelspar lunged and grabbed onto Starleira’s arm and then pitched forward and down upon his knees. His jaw dropped open and his eyes glazed over and twitched.

  Starleira knew he was taken into a Vision and held tight to her friend.

  Zelspar saw the Urthe being torn asunder. Mountains rose and fell. Screams of all life blended with the upturned mountains, grounds and trees. The sky thundered and turned dark, only being lit by the lightning flashes like long fingers stretching out to grab any life below. Tears streamed down his deeply etched face as his eyes raced from side to side. He quickly took a breath and held it. He squeezed Starleira’s arm with a great force and then exhaled a long and slow breath.

  “What is it Zelspar?” Starleira asked with alarm.

  “It is...” Zelspar began but could not find the right words to describe the Vision. His heart weighed him down like a mighty boulder was on his chest.

  He braced himself against Starleira’s arm and his walking stick and made his way to a bench. His head hung down low, looking for the words as if the dirt might give them up.

  “Starleira. It is the Great Season of Change. It has come. Urthe has stirred and is in the process of Change. Mountains will rise and fall. Great cuts are slicing through Urthe’s skin. Life is changing.”

  “But, what does all this mean, Zelspar? Do we go back to Verlaunde? Is Urthe over? I do not understand your Vision,” she said, consumed with worry.

  “My dear friend, Verlaunde is no more.” His mouth was a dry field in which his words had to crawl.

  “The Season of Change began with our home planet’s destruction. A giant hurtling rock of enormous proportions slammed into it, turning it into nothing more than huge chunks of flaming rocks, a few of which rained down upon us. Urthe has but one moon now. The Urthe is going through...well, birthing pains I would liken it to.”

  “Will we survive?” Starleira asked with trepidation.

  “Yes, oh yes, dear friend. But we too, as with all things, will and must change. Even as we had already begun to do when we came to Urthe. It will not happen overnight but changes will occur and we will change along with it.” Zelspar patted her arm and cleared his throat before continuing.

  “I must tell you…” and then he shook his head. “Starleira. This is most difficult to say, so I ask of you to hold your thoughts until I finish with the Vision,” he gently said.

  Starleira kept her words but impatient eyes already asked several questions as she stared at Zelspar.

  Zlemtec rounded the corner to the Queen’s lair to speak to Zelspar and the Queen just as Zelspar began to talk again.

  “The Great Season of Change has taken Kaida. She is alive but... she is in a place removed from us. I see it as a world within this world. She must take this journey without us.”

  “No!” A scream broke through the lair and the Queen and Zelspar both spun their heads towards the sound.

  Zlemtec stood in the entrance, his talons dug deep into the rocky edge, aiding him in standing. His eyes were filled with pools of water and a low moaning crept up from somewhere deep inside. One solitary word escaped.

  “Kaida!” he roared, his head thrown back in agony.

  Somewhere distant, a place where Zlemtec had never been, came an answering call.

  “Zlemtec!” Kaida’s voice bounced against the back wall of the crystal cave and flew out the side that was recently exposed. Her word traveled deep within this new place and kissed the unseen ceiling of this hidden world.

  Zlemtec’s eyes grew large. He had heard Kaida.

  Kaida wiped her eyes, smearing the dust into finger trails on her face. Her heart knew she was severed from him, but she heard him call. He was alive. She would find a way to him, somehow. Someday.

  The dust had begun to settle. The wolves stood at the newly exposed side of the cave and sniffed the air as Molakei, Flower Bird and Kaida joined them. None of them spoke for a long time.

  Kaida, The Dragon Child, flanked by her wolves, took the first step out into this new land, her eyes wide with wonder.

  What will this Great Season of Change bring? What is this inner world? Her mind raced as she absorbed her new surroundings. Has this been here all along? She longed for the answers and knew she would find them. She and her companions began their journey into their new world.

  From the Author:

  Thank you for joining me for the first of the series, The Legend of the Dragon Child. If you enjoyed this adventure, please take a moment to leave a quick review. It can be as simple as I enjoyed the book. This will help others find the book and perhaps, enjoy it too.

  I have spent a great deal of time with this book and it has gone through re-editing for the second edition as well as a new cover. This was done to enhance your enjoyment.

  I hope you enjoyed the characters as much as I have and still do! The Legend of the Dragon Child series continues and can be found on Amazon or ordered through your favorite bookstore. You’ll find the links below for Books 2 and 3. I have finished the writing of Book 4 and it is in the process of editing and will be released in the Fall of 2019!

  Book 2 — The Legend: Revealed<
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  Book 3 — Zelspar and the Magicians




  Book 4 — Time of Awakening

  If you want to keep in touch with what I’m working on,

  please follow me on these links.

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