STAG: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 7)

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STAG: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 7) Page 1

by Samantha Leal


  A Forsaken Riders Standalone MC Romance

  Book 7

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2016 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents













  Finding Love in a Dark World

  What the Outlaw Needs

  Billionaire Yes Please

  My New Billionaire Stepbrother

  Badass Billionaire

  Rescued by the Alpha Bear

  A Mate for the Vampire

  The Highland’s Call

  My Holiday Billionaire

  Love and Survival in the Time After

  Welcome to Zombie Island

  Mated to the Highland Wolf

  Into the Highlander’s Realm

  Babies For the Bear

  In the Time of the Caveman

  Taken by the Alpha Alien

  What the Outlaw Craves

  Saved by the Werewolf Billionaire

  What the Outlaw Demands

  Touched Through Time

  The Bear Wants Babies

  Into the Highlander’s Arms

  Beyond the Highland Gateway

  What the Outlaw Wants

  Taken By Alien Lords

  What the Outlaw Takes

  Through the Highland Gateway

  Marked as the Alpha’s Mate

  The Highland Locket

  What the Outlaw Must Have

  Into The Duke’s Arms

  What the Outlaw Claims

  Wanted by Aliens

  Through the Gateway

  My Holiday Protector

  My Second Chance Billionaire

  A Baby for the Bear

  DIRK: A Stepbrother Romance

  Taken by Aliens


  The Forsaken Riders:

  King (Book 1)

  Lynx (Book 2)

  Steel (Book 3)

  Gunner (Book 4)

  Hawk (Book 5)

  Bull (Book 6)

  Stag (Book 7)

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  The guards were pacing up and down outside of the cells, just as they did every night, and the inmates all lay dreaming of themselves in a much better place. He was no exception. Every single hour he had spent in there, had been nothing but fantasizing about what it would be like to finally be free again. The idea in itself was almost too much to handle. He had been inside a long time; for seven whole years. And even though he would do it all again if it meant being loyal to his club, he was now full of relief that his stint had finally come to an end.

  Laying back on his lumpy mattress, he put his hands behind his head, sighing and looking at the ceiling. He knew the cracks in the plaster by heart now and smiled with the knowledge that he would never have to try and force himself into sleep whilst looking at them again.

  Within twenty-four hours he would be a free man, back on the streets and ready to start all over again. But it was a strange thing to have that knowledge. To know that after seven very long years, suddenly he would be able to go wherever he wanted, do whatever he wanted. It was such an alien concept now, it was almost worrying.

  He had heard of other’s who had become institutionalized and had always said that he would never be one of them, and was still determined to stick to that. He had to adapt, and he would. He was stronger than that. He wouldn’t be broken so easily, and would never give in to the judicial system. He was an outlaw. A man who played by his own rules. He had served his time to make sure the club were left alone. He had offered himself up to take the fall and it had made him tougher, wiser and stronger. When he got out of there, he was going to be a different person altogether and couldn’t wait to see the boys again; couldn’t wait to ride again. To smell the desert air and feel the sand hit his skin.

  The sounds of snoring started to drift along the cells as more and more of the big brutish men that occupied them began to fall asleep. It was such a bizarre feeling to know that some of the most dangerous people in all of America were sleeping soundly only a few feet away from him. All of them at their most vulnerable and weak. He had often fantasized about what it would be like to just walk to the front of his cell, open the bars and step out onto the balcony. He would take his time wandering and watching them all and would always remember the faces of the ones who had wronged him over the years. The murderers and the rapists… they all thought they were such hot shit. But in the peacefulness of sleep, they wouldn’t stand a chance around him.

  Now he was getting out though, he didn’t need to dream about it anymore. He longed for the day he heard the news that one of his enemies was free and he would go and make them pay. That was the beauty of being part of a motorcycle club. He had a brotherhood behind him who would die for him, and they all owed him now, for the sacrifice he had made.

  But life is too short to hold grudges on people who didn’t even deserve to be thought about.

  Once I get out of here, he thought, I’ll never think about any of them again. What will I care if they’re free…? I’ll be living my own life. And I’ll no doubt have a whole host of new enemies to sort out.

  If he was lucky, he would have a lot more problems than some fools he had met on the inside. He was the kind of man who needed action and thrived in being in the middle of a battle. And from what he had heard filtering in to him from the outside world, that was exactly what was happening out there at this precise moment.

  The Forsaken Riders were in trouble. The old man, Reid, had died and had left the club in the very capable hands of Bull. But there had already been the threat of the neighboring towns MC… and they were nasty mother fuckers from what he had been told. The Iron Riders seemed determined to cause as much trouble as possible, whilst also leaving a path of destruction in their wake. He couldn’t help but laugh at their stupidity. They really didn’t have a clue what they were up against. Especially when he was free. He wouldn’t let them get away with anything. He would be on top of them with a gun to their heads before they even had a chance to see him coming.

  He thought back to Reid and the twist of sadness that he had felt many times after hearing the news of his demise gripped him again. Reid had taken care of so many of the men in The Forsaken Riders, and now he was gone. He had led a legendary cause, and now he had left a powerful legacy. He was biker royalty and would go down in history as one of the greats.

  He blinked away a tear. Even though he never cried, this was one of those things that would always get him. But not here. Not inside this cell… on his very last night before he was freed.

  To take his mind off of the sadness of the situation surrounding his old mentor, he thought of what he would do once he was out. After reacquainting himself with The Forsaken, he would then get so drunk he could barely see and spend the next several days sleeping. Not
only that, but all he could think about was having the love of a good woman. It had been such a long time since he had known any kind of tenderness, and when he thought of the soft, supple folds and curves of the female body, his arousal began to form.

  “Just one more night,” he coached himself. ‘Then you’re a free man and you can go wherever you want and fuck whoever you want.”

  He closed his eyes and wished for sleep. There were approximately nine hours left in that hellhole and then he would leave there and never look back. He would exit respected, and looked after for his loyalty and dedication to The Forsaken and he knew he would be taken care of.

  When the guards opened the doors, he stepped out into the sunlight, swinging his bag over his shoulder and stepping forward onto the dusty ground. The heat was intense and he made straight for a trash can that was about ten feet away, slinging the bag into it. Within it were all of the possessions he had had in the world for the past seven years, but he was done looking at those, he was all about finding something new. He didn’t need any of those things anymore. He wanted to begin again without one single reminder of his time inside. He looked up and down the road and turned as he heard the clashing of the gates as they were closing behind him. This really was it. He was out… He was free.

  He gave one last cold look to the guard who had officially handed him his freedom and then he was done.

  He looked up at the blue skies and the other cars approaching, ready to take away the other inmates who had just been given the same grace. The few of them waited at the road side. One by one, they all disappeared.

  When he finally heard the truck’s engine roaring in the distance, he leaned back against the railings and crossed his arms over his chest. Here they came.

  When the black truck screeched to a halt in front of him, spraying out a cloud of dust behind into the air, he dipped down and grinned through the window.

  “Well, well, well,” Bull smiled. “Our boy is back.”

  “I sure am,” he said as he opened the door and climbed inside. “And it feels damn good.”

  Bull grinned at him and slapped the wheel as he turned the truck around and spun out of there.

  He looked in the rearview mirror as the jail started to shrink into the distance, just as it would from his memory, becoming nothing but just a small chapter of this life of his. It was time to close that particular book and move the fuck on.

  He had a lot to catch up with and a lot to learn, but all that mattered now was that he was back in the fold.

  Stag had returned to The Forsaken Riders. And he was ready to make his mark.


  Becca waited at the school gates in the blazing sun and looked down at her watch. She was ten minutes early, and knew that the teachers were always so punctual that she may as well never bother trying to get there so early. But these were the kinds of things that happened to a mom that worked the night shifts. Every second with her baby counted. She tapped her foot and checked her cell phone. She had half been expecting to get a deranged message from her sister Laura, stressing about her upcoming date, but luckily for Becca, her home screen was blank.

  She smiled at some of the other parents as they arrived, waiting alongside her as she tried her best to avoid small talk. She hated the school gates, and she hated most of the other parents that she had to pretend to be interested in. But if it meant that her son, Oscar, got invited on play dates and was thriving with a good bunch of friends, could she really complain?

  She heard the bell trill from inside the school and turned, smiling, as Oscar ran out to meet her, her heart swelling with pride. He was only four years old, but he was already turning into a lovely little boy with a whole lot of personality. She knelt down and waited for him to run towards her, jump up, and wrap his little arms around her neck.

  “Hey Kiddo,” she beamed as she kissed him on the forehead.

  “Hey Mommy,” he said as he slipped his hand into hers.

  They started to walk back across the parking lot and Oscar waved to some of his friends. In his hand he clutched a large sheet of paper with a big scribbled drawing of him and Becca in red and blue crayon.

  “That’s awesome,” she said as she took it from him for a closer look. “Maybe Aunt Laura will let us have it on the refrigerator, what do you think?”

  Oscar nodded his head and grinned.

  She opened the back door and helped buckle him into his seat. His blonde hair was so bright, it seemed to shine gold. She closed the door behind her and walked around to the driver’s side. When she slid in and closed her door, she noticed Mr. Abraham wandering across the playground and she instantly tried to shield her eyes with her hand.

  What a disastrous date that had been. She had only agreed to go out of the fact that she hadn’t been on a date in around four years, but it couldn’t have gone any worse. In a way, she thought it was life’s way of giving her a dose of karma. After all, what good could have possibly come out of dating one of her son’s teachers? But Becca had come back to town lonely and distraught several years ago, and had pretty much gone to ground. Oscar was a small baby when she had been completely ditched by his father – who apparently just ‘wasn’t ready for all of this responsibility’ – and she had been forced to return to her hometown of Slate Springs and move in with her sister. She was lucky in that sense, at least she had had somewhere to go. But she still found it hard to comprehend sometimes that only five years earlier she had graduated college, had been living in the city with a wonderful guy who she loved more than ever, and had been on the verge of bagging her dream job. When she had found out that she was unexpectedly pregnant, she had been thrilled. But unfortunately Oscar’s father hadn’t shared her enthusiasm.

  “I just think we have so much left to do before we take a step like that,” he’d said. “I mean, I don’t even know if I want to stay here in the city… what if I want to go off travelling? Or move to China, or quit my job and live like a nomad?”

  “Are you serious?” Becca had asked, completely stunned.

  They had been together for over two years and never once had he ever expressed even the faintest interest in doing any of those things. As far as she had been aware, they were more than settled where they were; living together, and this was they’re life… Why was he all of a sudden trying to act as if this had never been the case? She waited for him to laugh and tell her he was joking… But it never happened.

  They carried on for several weeks, never addressing the elephant in the room. But one evening it all got too much for Becca and she had to confront him.

  “Do you want this baby or not?” she’d cried as she looked at him while he sat playing video games and drinking beer as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  He didn’t answer her for a moment, but he did have the manners to pause his soccer game and rest down the control.

  “Do you want me?” she asked instead.

  He stayed silent and awkward, but his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

  She couldn’t believe that she had been so foolish. She had honestly believed that he was the man for her. She was twenty-two, on the verge of having it all, and now it was all being taken away.

  “Well,” she said as she turned her back to him. “I don’t think there’s anything left here… I’m leaving.”

  “What do you mean?” he’d asked with a laugh, getting to his feet. “I didn’t say I didn’t want you.”

  “If you don’t want the baby, then you don’t want me,” she said coldly. “Because whether you like it or not, this child is a part of me now.”

  He had been stunned into silence, as if he was expecting her to roll over and do whatever he wanted. But Becca wasn’t that kind of girl.

  As she packed her bags and said goodbye on their almost perfect life together, she also couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that it had happened at this point. She easily could have spent another five years with him and the same thing could have happened. Or worse,
she could have ended up marrying him and he could have ditched her as soon as the pressure and responsibility got to be too much.

  He was a jackass. And this had only been confirmed even further when he hadn’t tried to contact her again after she had left. He had let her walk out of his life with their unborn baby in tow, and he didn’t seem to be bothered about it in the slightest. Becca had been distraught, but she had returned to Slate Springs and she had started her life again. Luckily, her sister was there and she moved in with her and Laura had taken good care of her.

  When Oscar was born, it was as if all was right in the world again and she would do anything to keep him safe. All she really wanted for him was the chance to have a proper father. A real role model to look up to. But so far, the men of Slate Springs hadn’t come up to much, and she was more than bored by them. Becca craved excitement.

  She laughed as she started the engine and thought of how boring her date had been with Mr. Abraham. He had barely uttered a word to her for the entire time they sat together and Becca couldn’t not wait to get out of there. For a woman as feisty and independent as she was, she needed someone who could match her in every way. And a school teacher who liked playing Scrabble and walking on the weekends just wasn’t going to cut it.

  She swung the car out onto the highway and started the short drive home. Oscar sat in the back, humming along to the tunes on the radio. Things had looked pretty bleak when she had returned all those years ago. And whilst she was nursing her broken heart and raising her baby, she had found herself becoming somewhat withdrawn.

  “You need to get back out there,” Laura had said. “You need to bring Becca back! Hell, where is my sister with all of her fighting spirit?”

  And she knew that she was right. But she had to wait for the time to be right. She had enjoyed being at home with her son, but as the years passed and he started to grow and had started school, Becca knew that she needed to get back to her badass, feisty self. It was time for her to start looking for something.


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