by RA. Gil
They all slowly made their way down the stairs, Corvan's fire serving as their light along the way. The stone wall closed behind them, caging them in darkness. Valeriana sort of felt excited. This was like one of those typical historical movies she watched on TV—when castles have secret passages. It was cliché but ridiculously amusing. Now that she was treading a path kings and queens probably took long before, she was feeling thrilled to see where they were exactly headed.
Once the seemingly endless stairs ended, Valeriana felt her feet landing on hard ground. She walked ahead of everyone until she hit something solid. A small sound escaped her mouth as her head collided against a hard object. Frowning, she stepped back, rubbing the part where she was hurt. She glared at the object in front of her unknowingly.
Corvan's fire illuminated the area and Valeriana screamed.
She dashed back towards the three men and hid behind someone's back. The thing she bumped against was the fang of a dragon's open mouth. The creature's head was even bigger than she was. Its eyes were fierce and its face was decorated with hard scales.
“What are you screaming about?” A voice grumbled above her. “It's only a rock carving.”
She realized she had hidden herself behind Corvan and immediately pulled away, brows knitting in frustration. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I didn't know. I thought it was a real dragon.” She said.
Lord Aeron and Headmaster Kylon chuckled at her reaction. “It's a sculpture depicting the holy dragon that guards the tomb.”
“A tomb?” She looked incredulously at the two. “What tomb? Like Cleopatra's tomb?”
“I suppose you're right.” Headmaster Kylon nodded.
“Whose tomb is this then?” She asked.
“Who else's?”
“Wait.” She held a hand up to stop them from answering question. She wanted to figure it out herself. “The painting outside. Is this tomb . . . ?” She gulped. “The king's tomb?”
Lord Aeron smiled at her.
“Oh my god! Seriously?” She gasped.
“Let's go this way.” Headmaster Kylon steered her towards their right.
They walked through a seemingly long hallway and ended up facing two, large, towering doors. It didn't look like a typical door. Instead of knobs, in place was the similar sculpture of the dragon she saw before. It was a dull grey color and the intricate carvings on it made it look somewhat intimidating. Valeriana went forward and ran her fingertips over the door. She recognized the strange words written in a very odd language she never saw before, but somehow, she had a feeling she knew what it said.
The rock was cold and smooth. She tried pushing it open to no avail—since she hurt her hand in the process, apparently forgetting she was injured. It was as heavy as it looked. She glanced back and saw the headmaster holding out a key for her to take. It was no plain key. It was gold and had some semi-precious gems embedded in it.
Hesitantly looking up at the Headmaster, she stared at him questioningly before nodding down towards her bandaged hands.
“Ah, I forgot. Allow me.” He said and walked towards the doors. She watched him insert the object in a keyhole on the middle of the second door and turn it. Valeriana then heard a loud click and the markings it bore glowed momentarily before parting and opening a path.
Valeriana's mouth fell open.
The king's burial chamber was circular. In the middle of the room was a coffin with an elegant sculpture of a very handsome man on top. Valeriana appreciated the art and the smallest details the statue offered. It seemed to be a work of masterpiece solely created to be dedicated to this place. Valeriana looked at it admiringly, thinking that this man—who probably was the king—looked undoubtedly attractive with his fine features.
She looked around and saw twelve different statues occupying the areas by the wall. There was at least one statue in each direction, each making their designated poses. They seemed like guardian, wing-less angels looking after the king's tomb. Valeriana also noticed that there was one common thing about them—the key-shaped holes carved on their chests.
“This is awesome!” She said and jumped excitedly on the balls of her toes.
“In the middle of this room lays the king.” Lord Aeron's said, his voice making noticeable echoes within the room. “The carving on that coffin signifies it's his resting place.” He continued.
“Then what are those other statues about?” She asked.
“Do you know where the position of the Celestial Circle came from, Valeriana?” Headmaster Kylon queried.
Valeriana took a three hundred sixty degree turn before looking at the headmaster. Her long hair swished around her in slow, sweeping motions. “Not really. I haven't read much about the history of the academy, sorry.”
“The Celestial Circle or Twelve came from the position of these honorable knights around you, Valeriana.” Headmaster Kylon said as he pointed on each of the sculptures. “The king could not have fought alone, you see. One hero cannot take all of his enemies. He needed allies—comrades to aid him in battle.”
“Whoa. So these are the original Celestial Twelve? Awesome.” She gushed before going over to the nearest statue and scrutinizing it closely.
“They were called the Celestial Knights, Valeriana.” Headmaster chuckled. “With the king himself leading them—but that was before he became king, of course.”
“Cool.” She said and poked the statue she was currently examining.
“That is Abelard Keiffer.”
She went still and scratched her head. “Keiffer? I heard that name somewhere before. I think that's a part of Keelan's name.”
“That's correct. After the Great War, the Celestial Knights were rewarded with aristocracy. In order to distinguish them from the rest, they were given their current names. For example, Abelard Keiffer became Abelard von Keiffer de la Kaiven.”
“I don't get it, where did the Kaiven come from?” She asked.
“Kaiven of the earth.” He answered. “Abelard was the representative of Denovega. He wielded the element of earth.”
“I see.” She rubbed her chin. “So are you telling me that this is the great-great-great-great thousand times something grandfather of Keelan?”
“That's correct.”
“Figures.” She squinted, looking the statue eye-to-eye. “They have the same smile and that happy-go-lucky expression.”
“Are you done sightseeing?” Corvan asked, irritated.
“Oh! I gotta see this! Which one is Corvan's ancestor?” She jumped between statue to statue, inspecting each and everything. She stopped in front of a man with a solemn expression on his face, his eyes staring at the ground. “Neh. Probably not this one. It looks more like Brindon.” She muttered, before turning to one which looked like it had an angry expression. “But Brindon's not nobility, is he?”
She furrowed her brows and inspected the statue closely. Glancing over her shoulders to look at Corvan, she began comparing. She frowned and thoughtfully nodded, concluding that the resemblance between them was enough evidence.
“I guess it's this one.”
“What makes you think that?” Lord Aeron asked, cocking a brow.
“Well, one reason is that they have the same frown on their faces. See?” She pointed out how they looked the same with the face Corvan was making. The wrinkles of the first-ranker's face made him bear a great resemblance to the statue Valeriana was referring to.
Long hair.
Angry frown.
Impatient face.
“And this here. They look so much a like it's scary.” She pushed her brows together with her forefingers, creating wrinkles between her eyes—a great imitation of the frown the first-ranker had on his face at the moment.
Headmaster Kylon and Lord Aeron glanced between the statue, Valeriana, and Corvan before they burst out laughing.
“Oh, good gods!” Headmaster Kylon coughed, trying to contain his laughter. “I only noticed it now!”
“Very perceptive! Very
perceptive!” The Court Leader was clapping his hands, his laughter booming. “I commend you, Valeriana!”
“I don't find this funny.” Corvan said, crossing his arms over his chest with his frown worsening.
“Well, is this your great something one thousand times grandpa or what?”
Headmaster coughed. “That is correct. He is called Hildegaud Vaushna.”
“Aha! I was right!” She exclaimed.
“So what if he was?” Corvan asked, irked. “Hildegaud Vaushna was the king's right hand man during the Great War against the demon lord Valdis. If there was someone else who could stand up to the demon lord, it would be him.”
She giggled. “You take after him a lot, then.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?” He asked her.
“Which one do you think it is?” She asked.
Corvan opened his mouth to retort until the headmaster stopped him and motioned for him to keep quiet. He walked towards the coffin and held out a hand, beckoning for Valeriana to come with him. The girl reluctantly followed and stood beside the headmaster as he stopped in front of the king's casket.
“See here, Valeriana.” He waved a hand towards the coffin. “Why do you think we brought you here?”
“I'm not actually sure . . .”
“Not all of the students in the academy know of this.” He told her. “The fact that the king was buried underneath the academy is a big secret—for with his remains is a very important treasure sought by many.”
“What treasure?”
“The most powerful holy artifact known to contain the power of the five gods.” He said. “The Ouranos, sword of the heavens.”
“So it's here?” She stared at the coffin wide-eyed.
“That's correct.” The headmaster nodded. “Right here, on these very chambers. I suppose you were thinking before, 'Why would someone even build an academy here in the middle of enemy territory?' Well, this here is your answer. The excuse to let students get accustomed to demonic presence is just that—an excuse.”
“But why me? Why would you tell me something important like this?”
Valeriana reached towards the coffin. The moment she laid a hand on the surface, she felt a sudden pulse that made her stop short and gasp. She pulled her hand back as if she was burned and backed away from the coffin warily, holding her arm close. Staring at it wide eyed, she breathed.
Lord Aeron, Headmaster Kylon, and Corvan looked at her questioningly.
“Don’t be too shocked. It does have that kind of effect. Its power is overwhelming, is it not?”
“Oh, I . . .” She looked hesitantly at the headmaster before glancing back at the king's coffin.
“As I was saying, as one of the Twelve, it will be your duty to guard this chamber with everyone else.” He said.
“What? Me?”
“Who else is the fifth-ranker?” He asked.
“Are you serious?!” She asked excitedly. “Guard this chamber with the others? Really?”
“I trust you to do your job well.” He said, stringing the key on a golden chain and clasping it around Valeriana's neck. He stepped back and smiled at the girl. “Fifth-ranker.”
“Thank . . . you.” She muttered, before looking down at the ground and her voice dying.
“What's wrong?” Kylon asked.
“I'm just . . . happy.” She said, sniffing. She grinned at the headmaster with glassy eyes.
“That's a good thing but don't cry.” He chuckled.
She nodded and hastily dabbed her eyes with her sleeves. She grabbed the key that hung around her neck along with the necklace of protection she was given. The object looked undoubtedly pretty, especially when the light hit the colorful stones imbedded in it.
“This key? Is it mine?”
“Of course.” He answered. “Be careful with it, Valeriana. It does not only open the door to this chamber, but it also opens the king's coffin where Ouranos is. It's one of the twelve keys needed to obtain the sword. Do not, at any cost, let it fall to anyone else's hands—not even the other rankers.”
“You can trust me on this, Headmaster! I won't let you down!” She told him cheerfully. Her face then twisted in confusion. “What's the reason for giving this to students? Shouldn't bigger people do this instead? Or you, even.”
“I already did—when I was still studying in the academy. And for the reason why, I do not know.” He told her. “It wasn't that easy, though. That will be the hardest part of being a fifth-ranker. So, Valeriana, take care of the key—even if it costs you your life. No one must get the heaven's sword until the rightful owner comes to retrieve it.”
“The rightful owner?”
“King Friedel.” He answered.
Valeriana raised both of her brows. “Huh? But he already has it with him. Shouldn't he keep it?”
“Pfft.” Corvan placed a fisted hand over his lips. “Stupid.”
Valeriana flashed him a glare. “Stupid? Immediately? Can you not say slow first? Not my fault if I don't get it—but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.” She rolled her eyes.
“Then, slow.” Corvan corrected.
Valeriana shot him daggers.
“You have a point. King Friedel has been long dead—but his soul and blood lives on.” He touched the coffin. “Did you feel a pulse of energy under this, Valeriana?”
“Yeah . . . sort of . . . a while ago.”
“I figured since you looked so shocked.” He said. “The sword reacts whenever a soul comes forward. A person who has a pure soul is a good candidate for a new wielder, but it does not necessarily mean you can immediately handle its power. In order to wield the sword Ouranos, you must also have King Friedel's blood running through your veins—because he who is not a kin will be consumed by the power and turn to dust.”
“Er . . .” She gulped.
“This is the same concept that applies to you, Valeriana.” He said. “One who is not born in the lands of Valemnia cannot withstand the power pressure. This power pressure is the reason why we have unique abilities that sets us aside from humans. The blood in our veins allows us to use whichever ability we're born with.”
“I see . . .” She sighed. “So there's no hope for me.”
“Do not be upset, my dear.” Lord Aeron said, making his way beside the two. “You can always become a slave.”
“No way!” She jumped a few feet back from where the Court Leader was standing.
“Are you really not going to change your mind?” He teased.
“No! Not ever! So stop it, will you?” She growled at him. “But I do have one more question.”
“What is it?”
“Why is the most important treasure of King Friedel be in a place like this?” Valeriana asked. “And why ask the students to guard it?”
The Headmaster and Lord Aeron exchanged glances before returning their gazes towards Valeriana, who waited the answer to her question with anticipation.
“That isn't just one question but . . . we don't know as well. That's a big mystery, what we do know, however, is that it is tradition.”
“Tradition, huh.”
Chapter Thirty-Three ♣ Out of Energy
Days at Celeste Academy were everything except boring. Without even realizing, weeks had gone by. Valeriana's life hadn't gone any faster before. Her days were filled with so much work to do—stress, pressure, and excitement at the same time. She was surprisingly able to catch up with most of the classes, and every now and then, there would be unexpected things coming up from every corner. She worked hard to gain experience in the needed areas and it was shockingly enjoyable. To be able to enter a mysterious world never seemed so exhilarating.
The attitude of the other students towards her changed. After winning the duel with Zion—which clearly wasn't a fluke this time—she was regarded with more respect than before. The circle still treated her as if she was their slave but the work they were asking her to do grew lesser and lesser each day.
her situation with Zion . . . it wasn't pretty. He was acting all touchy-feely whenever Valeriana was near. Because of this, the girl tried not to be in the same room with the guy. But of course, it was inevitable during certain occasions.
Despite all these trials and obstacles, there was still something good that came along occasionally. Valeriana never had to work so hard before. This was a big change—and she found herself getting accustomed to her surroundings faster than she previously assumed.
She would say that mostly after spending almost a month here in this school, she enjoyed having so much work to do. Her assignments were all piled up and, with her position in the Celestial Circle, she barely had time to rest. Even so, this did not stop her. She found being busy was somewhat enjoyable.
There was one time that Corvan had shoved her into the training yard to test her skill in archery—to be trained by Brindon—and the most obvious fault of hers was having a bad aim. The first few times, she never even had the chance to shoot the arrow properly. It kept falling from her fingers whenever she would try to fire it. It seemed that the first-ranker could not bear to watch any longer. The young lord did not honestly understand the extent of the twelfth's patience, but it was astounding. He had to come over and show her everything himself.
After Brindon demonstrated the proper stance, she tried shooting the target. However, she fired past the goal and barely missed Raziel. The narcissistic sixth-ranker had screamed his throats out complaining about being hurt and having his flawless skin wounded. Putting that aside, Valeriana certainly needed some work on her skills.
Dressed in the proper attire, Valeriana aimed for the target and fired her arrow with shaky hands. Corvan observed her shot closely and saw that her arrow failed to hit the target. Valeriana disappointedly broke her stance and placed her hands on her knees while breathing in deeply through her mouth.
“Can you not even give a proper aim? This will be much harder on horseback.” Corvan stated as he folded his arms. “Well, I guess this is a nice improvement. The first time, you can't even shoot the arrow properly.”
“Not.” Brindon agreed, dropping the hand that held the bow to his side.