Unmerciful: (Forbidden Bonds) (A Forbidden Bond Novel Book 3)

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Unmerciful: (Forbidden Bonds) (A Forbidden Bond Novel Book 3) Page 23

by Cat Miller

  “Did you open that door?” Griffin asked, and he couldn’t help but smile.

  J.R. paused his game, set down his controller, and pushed the headphones off of his head. He looked at Griffin a little warily. “I guess I did. That’s weird, right?”

  So he was aware that this was unusual. That was good. Griffin wouldn’t have to explain it.

  Griffin’s smile broadened. “That is odd, but in a good way. You’re telekinetic, just like Danielle and me.”

  J.R. seemed relieved that his father wasn’t worried about the early onset of an extra-sensory talent. He also idolized Danielle. Anything that made him more like her would please J.R.

  “It means you will be a powerful young male. You’ll be stronger than most vampires your age. That’s something to be proud of. How long have you been able to do that?”

  “A few months, I guess. It just happens. I usually don’t even try.”

  Griffin tried not to look as blown away as he was feeling. This was major news.

  “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? This is very important information. You should have come to me. I’ll always be here for you.”

  “I know, Dad. I guess I wasn’t ready to talk about it until now. A lot was going on with Mom and all. I did talk to Samantha about it, though. She made me promise not to tell Mom. She didn’t say why.” He shrugged and picked up his controller again.

  Griffin was torn between shaking Samantha for not letting him in on the secret and buying her a new car for ensuring Sarah didn’t get a chance to exploit J.R.

  “That’s good. I’m glad you spoke to someone, but for now, how about we keep this between us?”

  “Yeah, I don’t like talking about it. None of my friends can do anything yet. It’s uncomfortable.

  “I want you to understand that there’s nothing to be ashamed of, son. I want you to keep it quiet for your safety.” Griffin didn’t need to elaborate. J.R. was well aware of the evil dogging their people. “I’m excited for you and more proud than you can imagine.” Griffin gave his boy a manly pat on the back.

  “Thanks, Dad.” J.R. was fighting a smile, trying not to look pleased by his father’s praise. Since J.R. didn’t want to talk about this breaking development, Griffin decided to back off.

  “I’ll call you when it’s time for dinner.”

  “Okay.” Replacing his headphones, J.R. returned all his attention to his game.

  Griffin descended the stairs in a much lighter mood than he had been in in a long time. He went to the kitchen to give the cook the night off and ask her to order pizza to be delivered at dinner time. All deliveries went to the front gate and a guard would bring the food to the house. The cook was startled when Griffin entered her domain in the kitchen. Griffin usually only went to the kitchen at night, if he was in the mood for a midnight snack. Sarah had weekly meetings in her office with the cook to go over the menus and the house manager to discuss whatever it was that house managers did on the estate. So having the master of the house enter the kitchen was unheard of in his home. She feared that she’d done something to put Griffin off of her cooking. Why else would he want carryout pizza? He’d reassured the talented and quite friendly chef that all was well. The men of the house were going to have some male bonding time, and his son requested pizza. The chef nodded her understanding with a small smile. The entire household worried about J.R. after his traumatic experience. It was heartening for them all to see him acting like a typical young person.

  Once that was settled, and the grateful cook was going about wrapping her day, Griffin left the kitchen and wandered through the expanse of the lower level his home. He was still adjusting to how quiet the house was now. J.R. rarely made a racket anymore. The boy had reached the age when racing toy cars around was no longer fun, and he spent most of his time secluded in his bedroom. Brandi had moved out over a year earlier. Samantha had spent very little time at home since Brandi moved out unless she believed J.R. might need her.

  Griffin was crossing the entryway on the way back to his office when movement out front caught Griffin’s attention. He watched from the foyer window as Danielle’s 1969 Dresden blue Mustang screamed up his long, circular driveway. Chase’s sleek new Mercedes was hot on her heels. Danielle’s car came to a screeching halt just before she leapt out of her car and stormed toward Griffin’s front door. Chase stopped mere inches from the rear of Danielle’s Mustang. He was out of his vehicle and scolding his mate from behind because she didn’t bother to stop and face the poor male. Chase was a lucky guy in many ways because Danielle was a beautiful female with a big heart and a sharp mind. There was no denying, though, that Danielle could be a stubborn handful. Once she got something in her head, it was hard to budge her. She was a sensitive female, as well. She got that from her mother.

  Chase caught up with Danielle on the wide, arched stone stairs just outside of the door. Chase wasn’t holding his temper very well. He’d grabbed her by the shoulders and was berating Danielle while gently shaking her. Danielle was talking right over Chase and shaking her head. A swath of white hair from one of her birthmarks fell down over her brow, and she tucked it behind her ear with the rest of the brunette and red hair that graced her head. Griffin had to smile. His eldest child had inherited his hair. He would never forget the rush of pride he’d felt when she came into the world with wispy white streaks mingled in with her full head of dark hair. The red hair … well, that surfaced just a few years ago when she fed for the first time as a vampire. Danielle had been full of surprises since the day she walked into Griffin’s life.

  Griffin moved away from the foyer to give them some privacy. Their arguments usually ended with a makeup kiss that Griffin did not want to witness. They’d get around to announcing themselves and letting him know why he was receiving this unexpected visit when they were ready. Until then, he had work to do. Griffin had been searching the digital archives every chance he got. He had a big decision to make, but he had to be sure there were no hidden archaic laws or precedence to impede the move he planned before he took it to his fellow council members. It would be an unpopular turn of events, so he needed to cover his bases because he knew a few of his peers would dig deep to find a way to block his efforts.

  He’d made it to his office when the front door opened and slammed shut.

  “I told you I needed to see my father now, not later. It’s urgent, Chase. That means it needs to be dealt with immediately, not later when you have the time to come hold my hand.” Danielle spoke to Chase through her teeth.

  “You could have called the man if you couldn’t wait for me.” Chase was frustrated. This clearly wasn’t the first time he made that point.

  Christ, was Griffin going to have to referee another bout between his daughter and her protective mate?

  “What can I do for you lovebirds today?” Griffin asked with more than a little sarcasm. Chase and Danielle were as devoted to each other as two mates could be, but Danielle was not the typical female. She wasn’t raised in their society, and often she disobeyed her mate, which was not what was expected of the mate of a future councilman.

  “Do you need to make use of my office to finish this spat before you tell me why you’ve both come down my drive as if maybe you were practicing for Le Mans?”

  Chase seemed embarrassed at having been caught quarreling by his father-in-law when he defended himself, “Griffin, she’s having a spell, and she shouldn’t be roaming the streets alone with Sheena still on the loose.”

  “A spell, Chase, really? Why don’t we just call it what it is? I’m having a useless human moment,” Danielle said to her mate, and her eyes became glassy.

  Chase was not able to keep his distance from Danielle when she was upset. Wrapping his arms around Danielle, he kissed her forehead. He melted around her, his temper instantly dissipating. “Lovely, you’ve never had a useless moment in your precious life, human or otherwise. This has nothing to do with your absence of power during these times and everything to do
with how much I love you. I just cannot abide even the possibility of losing you. I agreed that you didn’t have to have twenty-four-hour bodyguards if you agreed to be reasonable and not venture out alone. You aren’t holding up your end of the bargain.”

  “Yes I am. This is the first time I’ve been out alone since South Carolina.” Danielle’s voice was muffled by Chase’s suit jacket. Chase was being groomed by his father and Griffin’s best friend, Mason, to take over the House of Deidrick one day. Mason had Chase involved in all aspects of ruling the house businesses. He even had Chase attending council meetings when permitted and studying their law. Chase looked more like a young senator than a carefree male in his twenties.

  Griffin was impressed. Usually, Chase didn’t give at all when it came to Danielle’s safety. Danielle had been experiencing short periods of regression. Basically stated, her psychic gifts were failing from time to time. Somewhere in the transformation from hybrid to full vampire a few wires had been crossed. Griffin’s mother, Adele, had been working with Danielle on building stronger mental walls in the event of a psychic attack. That didn’t lessen Chase’s anxiety. He was diligent in the protection of his mate.

  Chase comforted Danielle with soothing words and soft caresses.

  “It wouldn’t matter to me if your talent never returned. I need my Lovely to be safe and secure at all times. Baby, you know this is a dangerous time. We’re just waiting for Sheena to come after David. She will snatch you up at the same time if at all possible.”

  “I know. That’s kind of why I’m here.” Danielle peeked up at Griffin behind the fall of her unique hair. “Dad, we need to talk.”

  Griffin’s heart swelled every time Danielle called him Dad. He hadn’t had a hand in raising Danielle. It had taken them a little time to get past Danielle’s anger at him for being a total idiot, but they were getting closer every day.

  “It’s about Mom. I needed to speak to you face-to-face.” The concern in Danielle’s expression sent a jolt of alarm through Griffin’s heart.

  “This is related to Sheena? Has she threatened your mother?” Griffin felt his temper rise. Tessa had already suffered enough.

  “No, it’s not that. We need to sit down and talk.”

  “This is news to me, too. What’s going on? Is your mother still ill? I thought she was mending well.” Chase looked sympathetic and uneasy when he pulled his eyes away from Danielle’s face. Griffin’s heart squeezed painfully.

  “Come into my office.” Griffin gestured for Danielle and Chase to precede him into his office with his stomach in his throat. If Danielle thought this news needed to be delivered in person and was willing to brave an argument with Chase to make that happen as soon as possible, there was a serious problem.

  His mind went instantly to the worst case scenario. Griffin was aware that Tessa’s transformation from human to vampire had been a difficult one. She’d been bled nearly dry by David when he was under Sheena’s control, but Tessa was a human pre-cog. She had prolific dreams that were almost always spot on. Tessa had a plan in place to save her own life. That’s how she was bonded to Doc Reilly Stevens, the bastard. Reilly had saved Tessa’s life by changing her, but the loss of blood had made her weak, far weaker than a newly turned vampire should be. Was Tessa too weak to complete the transformation? Not all humans survived the change. Did she have some as yet unknown vampire killing disease? Was she dying? Her mate was a fucking doctor! Wasn’t he taking care of Tessa?

  While Danielle and Chase settled on the leather sofa, Griffin paced before the fireplace, cataloging every doctor he’d ever known and every vampire who owed him a favor. Griffin would go to the ends of the Earth to make Tessa well. Prepared for the worst, he went to the chair nearest to the sofa and waited for the other shoe to drop.

  Danielle fidgeted in her seat and avoided meeting Griffin’s eye. He could tell by the way Chase looked at Danielle and how her head was slightly tilted in his direction that they were having a private telepathic conversation. He waited for them to finish without interrupting only because he wasn’t sure he was ready to hear the news.

  Danielle cleared her throat and blinked hard a few times. Her eyes were glassy again. Chase pulled her closer to his side, tucking her under his arm and kissing the top of her head.

  “Mom is gone,” Danielle told Griffin in a shaky breath.

  Griffin shot out of his chair, knocking it and the side table with a lamp over in the process. He felt himself begin to lose control. His chest seemed to cave in and crush his wretched heart. His vision shifted. The Earth tilted. His mind began to fracture. His beautiful Tessa was dead? Somehow Griffin believed if she were gone he would know—his soul would recognize the absence of his one true mate—but he was completely caught off guard. For the first since he’d been told Tessa had died after birthing their child over two decades ago, tears filled Griffin’s eyes. His throat closed up, and he choked on a sob.

  Griffin didn’t want to live in a world without Tessa. If she were gone from this world, he would follow her to the grave. They were no longer mated, but he loved her with every cell in his worthless body. He’d lost Tessa once, he wouldn’t survive it again. He refused to endure it again.

  First, he would kill Doc Stevens for failing his mate. Then he would get his affairs in order, so his children got everything they deserved. He would have to see if Mason could take custody of J.R. Then he would curl up on Tessa’s grave and wait for the end. He would never feed again. He would avoid breathing if possible. But he would not go on.

  “Dad!” Danielle shouted.

  Griffin’s attention was drawn back to his and Tessa’s precious daughter. He hated to leave her without a parent to lean on, but she was happily mated now. Chase would care for her. He was a far better male than either Griffin or Reilly Stevens.

  “Griffin, please calm down!” Chase held on to Danielle. They both floated in mid-air along with everything else in the room. Griffin’s telekinetic power had slipped his control. “Tessa isn’t dead! Get a hold of yourself!”

  Griffin heard J.R. cry out for his father from upstairs. The chef was screaming, and a guard was shouting for backup to the main house. Griffin was levitating everything and everyone in the massive mansion. He reeled himself in. J.R.’s call had brought him back to earth. He didn’t want to frighten his son. Taking a steadying breath, Griffin focused on reeling himself in.

  “I didn’t mean Mom was dead,” Danielle panted. Her feet made gentle contact with the ground. Chase looked her over as if the ride into the air may have hurt her. Everything else in the room settled back to the ground. Nothing was in its proper place, but he hadn’t shattered everything in the room like the last time he lost his mind.

  “She’s not dead?” Griffin asked, and his ass hit the floor hard when he collapsed in a heap. Relief washed over him in a wave that left him momentarily breathless.

  “No, she just left town, for good as far as I know. I have no idea where she went. She refused to tell me. I’m so afraid I’ll never see her again. She said she was starting over.” Danielle sniffed back tears. “You know how good she is at getting lost if she wants to. She hid out for twenty-one years the last time she decided to run away.”

  “I’m going to go check on J.R. and assure him that everything is fine down here.” Chase moved quickly to the door, looking uncomfortable with his father-in-law’s unbridled show of emotion. Chase had lived through helplessly watching Danielle die on a television screen not so long ago. Thankfully, it hadn’t been Danielle, but Tessa who the rogue had nearly drained and tossed down a set of concrete stairs, and Tessa had survived. Griffin would never forget Chase’s agonizing cries for his mate. It was a memory too fresh for Chase. That day and the pain Chase endured had everything to do with why he was so very protective of Danielle.

  “Thank you,” Griffin and Danielle said simultaneously.

  Griffin sat on the floor in his suit like a zombie. He’d totally lost his shit for a minute. His heart began to slow. His visi
on cleared. He could breathe again. Tessa was alive. She hadn’t been taken by Sheena either. She was just hiding out. Griffin would find her. He was a man of means, and he’d move Heaven and Earth to get to Tessa.

  “I’m terrified Sheena will find Mom out there all alone. Mom could just disappear, and we’d never know what happened to her.” Danielle sniffled. Sheena was a murdering psychopath who’d had her own son tortured repeatedly. Danielle had every right to be worried.

  “Where have they gone? I’m surprised Stevens is willing to leave his practice. I’m shocked that Tessa would ask him to do so. She knows how important doctors are to our people.” Griffin picked himself up off the floor and began righting the furniture. Danielle moved around the room helping him.

  “They didn’t go anywhere. Mom left alone. Doc is crushed. She left him a letter and took off. He called me when he found it hours later, figuring I might know where she went. Mom had already called me to say good-bye. She told me she was taking off to figure out who she is now and start a new life. Mom refused to say where she was going. I honestly don’t think she even knew where she was going.”

  “What do you mean Doc doesn’t know where she is? They’re mates! He should be able to find her! Tap into her mind and follow the trail. Take cues from her surroundings. It varies from couple to couple depending on how long they’ve been mated, but he should at least have a direction to begin looking. And why would she want to leave her mate in the first place? He’s like her shadow every time I see her.” Griffin slammed the sofa back into an upright position.

  “I don’t know, Dad. I don’t understand it either. She swore that Doc hadn’t hurt her. She said this is not his fault. That he will be hurt, so I should be kind to him.”

  “Kind my ass,” Griffin grumbled. “This makes absolutely no sense.”

  “Unless …” Chase said from the doorway. He’d returned from checking on J.R.


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