Get Even

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Get Even Page 10

by Martina Cole

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Reggie Dornan had bought a flat in Kensington, and he loved it there. It was far enough away that no one dropped in unexpectedly and it had a doorman, so if anyone did arrive, he was warned well in advance if he was with Lenny. As he stepped out of his black marble shower he eyed himself in the mirrored tiles. He knew he looked good. He set about his ablutions carefully. He looked after himself, even used women’s face creams, but he didn’t care – he felt it was important. You have one life – you might as well enjoy it, was his mantra. Lenny laughed, saying he could just see the expression on Sharon’s face if he started using Oil of Ulay.

  Reggie sighed. He liked Sharon, but he felt such a jealousy of her at times, even though he granted it wasn’t her fault. He felt the same about the boys. He resented the times when they had to take them out on the boat and actually fish. Yet he understood the importance of having to do that. They took some of the men sometimes as well so as to make it look normal – like a thing guys would do together.

  He wrapped a towel around his waist, went into his lounge and poured himself a brandy. Then, sitting in a leather wing chair, he lit a cigarette and, pulling on it deeply, picked up his book. He was looking forward to tonight. Lenny was like him – tired out and in need of some R&R. He enjoyed their time in his home. It was perfect for them as a cover to others, but it also meant Lenny could keep clean clothes here, etc. They were just two mates having a game of cards and a beer. The phone rang and he picked it up.

  ‘Hi, Reg. It’s Lenny. Rain check on the beers, I’m afraid. Liam set fire to his bedroom.’

  Reggie put the phone down and stared at it for a few minutes, wondering whether to laugh or cry. Those kids were bastards.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  ‘Get out of the way, Sharon. I mean it.’

  Sharon was frightened; she had never seen Lenny like this before.

  ‘Not until you calm down a bit—’

  He grabbed her arm and pushed her roughly away from Liam’s bedroom door. His son was terrified. White-faced, he was watching his father who looked huge at this moment in time, and scary too. Lenny picked his son up by his arm, threw him on to the wet, charred bedcover and laid into him, slapping him hard across his behind and legs.

  ‘You fucking idiot! Do you know you could have died! Burned yourself badly? Are you a fucking moron, son? Don’t you ever take a fucking second out of your day to actually think before you get up to bastardy?’

  Liam was screaming now, in pain and in fright. Young Lenny was watching it all calmly, glad it wasn’t him getting the good hiding. Sharon ran into the room and dragged Lenny off the terrified child.

  ‘Calm down, Lenny, for Christ’s sake!’

  Lenny stared at his wife, the anger boiling up inside him again. ‘I fucking blame you for this, Shaz. They are spoiled brats. He could have roasted us alive in our beds and you still want to fucking protect him? This is serious, woman! Are you as fucking thick as him? You can’t see what the fuck he has done? How fucking stupid lighting a fire is?’

  Sharon Scott was shocked by the vehemence of her husband’s words. Never had he spoken to her like that before in her life.

  ‘Look around you, you stupid mare! Look at his room. If this had happened during the night it would be a different fucking story. Well, that’s it now. He has fucked himself, big time. No sweets, no telly and no playing till I say different.’

  Lenny stormed from the room and down the stairs, his tread heavy and menacing to the two boys. He poured himself a large Scotch and swallowed it down in one. He was so angry he was shaking. When he had seen the flames he had nearly had a heart attack, and that fucking kid had been standing there watching as if there was nothing untoward going on, like it was normal to set fire to your bed. There was something lacking in that child, he would lay money on it.

  He closed his eyes and willed himself to calm down. But he was fucked if he was going to apologise to Sharon; he had only said what needed to be said. It was time those boys of his knew that the days of Mummy sticking up for them were over. They had to answer to him now. And by Christ and all the Apostles, they would do just that.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Sharon Scott was aware that something had changed with Lenny, and she was unsure what to do about it. Since the fire he had been like a different man. He was very cool towards her, and offhand with both her and the boys.

  Ivy Conway was sorry for her daughter and her poor grandsons, and she said as much. ‘He is too hard on them, Sharon . . .’

  Her husband, who had been sitting quietly reading the paper, said loudly, ‘That’s shite and you know it, Ivy. Those boys, Liam especially, needed a firm hand. I’m with Lenny on this one.’

  Ivy was annoyed. ‘Well, you would be, wouldn’t you? Lenny Scott can do no wrong in your eyes, can he?’

  Del looked over his paper at his wife and she was amazed to see the anger on his usually friendly face.

  ‘What is that supposed to fucking mean, eh?’

  Ivy was nonplussed for a few seconds.

  ‘That lad has given our daughter more than she could ever have hoped for. He makes sure I have a decent earn, and he asks very little in return. Just that his sons be given the sense to not fucking burn down houses, or fucking swear at their teachers. Or fight with everyone they come into contact with.’ He looked at his daughter and said seriously, ‘When was the last time they were invited to a birthday party?’

  Sharon didn’t answer her father.

  ‘They don’t get invited because people don’t fucking trust having them in their homes. I watch them like a hawk when they are here. Face it, Sharon, they need discipline, not you and your mother breaking your necks to give them what they want, laughing off their antics. No, Lenny is right. They need a firm hand before it’s too late.’

  Ivy and Sharon were both quiet now. His words had a ring of truth to them and they both knew in their hearts that he was right. But it was hard for Sharon at times; the boys were a handful and it was easier to placate them than punish them. Truth was, they didn’t listen to a word she said. They knew she was a pushover.

  ‘That child is bruised from head to foot.’

  Del laughed nastily at his wife’s words. ‘Not before bleeding time, if you ask me.’

  Ivy shut up. She could tell that her husband was on the verge of blowing up and that wasn’t something she was willing to let happen. For all her nagging, she had the sense to see when it was better to retreat. He didn’t go often, her Del, but when he did, it was, without doubt, in a spectacular fashion.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Jack Johnson was laughing his head off.

  ‘Pair of fuckers you got there, Lenny. Christ, they must run the two of you ragged.’

  Lenny allowed himself a small grin. ‘Worst of all, is little Liam. He honestly can’t see what the problem is, Jack. He asked me last night if he was so naughty then why didn’t God step in and stop him. He is not yet four and he wanted me to go into a discussion about free will. Sharon told him God was everywhere and could see him wherever he was. “Not if I’m behind a wall,” he said!’

  Jack was laughing once more. ‘Clever kid, to be fair.’

  Lenny nodded and sighed heavily. ‘I am so angry though, Jack. All joking aside, between her and the grannies they are fucking destroyed. Ruined.’

  Jack was aware Lenny had referred to Sharon as ‘her’ a lot lately. He seemed very discontented with his life, and that wasn’t like Lenny. He adored his family.

  ‘Look, I know this latest escapade probably frightened you, but that’s boys for you. They are dangerous, kids. They don’t realise that, of course.’

  Lenny sat down and lit a cigarette. ‘It’s not just this latest aggro. Honestly, Jack, I feel at times like I don’t know what I am working for, you know? Sharon is a good girl, I know that. It’s just sometimes she bores me.’

  Jack Johnson looked at his young protégé and said seriously, ‘Are you playing away from hom

  Lenny shook his head. ‘No! ’Course not. Fucking hell, I have enough with Sharon!’

  Jack watched him closely. ‘Look, Len, it is none of my business, but remember all marriages go through hard times. That is natural, really. Being with the same person can get a bit wearing, you know? But don’t throw everything away. Think long and hard about that. The grass is rarely much greener; take it from someone who knows.’

  Lenny nodded. ‘Thanks, Jack. Now what about the Wilson brothers? Any news?’

  Jack shook his head. ‘They have disappeared off the face of the earth. No one has seen hide nor hair of them since last Monday. That’s four days.’

  Lenny frowned at his words. ‘Do you think someone has taken them out?’

  Jack shrugged. ‘What else could it be?’

  Lenny stood up then and pulled on his overcoat. ‘I will get busy, Jack. See what I can find out.’

  ‘You do that, son. If something untoward has befallen them two, I want the culprit fucking bang to rights.’

  Lenny nodded and left the office.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Reggie and Lenny were in the pub waiting for an old lag who often knew more than people realised. Alan Moore kept his ear to the ground and made himself a good living by knowing things that other people might be interested in. He was a small man, with a bald head and a great thirst; he could put away ten pints and still have a reasonable conversation. That was how he gathered his information.

  Lenny saw him outside and they left the pub and walked him to the car. He got into the back seat and waited for them to speak. Alan was a shrewd man, a decent bloke, who was well liked and trusted. He knew when to speak and when to keep his trap shut.

  ‘You heard a whisper about the Wilson brothers?’

  Alan shrugged slightly. He had a feeling this was what they would be after. ‘It will cost you. I could get in serious trouble for this.’

  Lenny opened his coat and threw an envelope with two grand inside it on to Alan’s lap.

  Alan opened it and smiled. ‘All I know for sure is, they had an altercation with the Carter twins. I don’t know what it was about but, knowing the Carters, it was probably something to do with the old Persian rugs.’

  Lenny and Reggie looked at one another and sighed.

  Lenny turned back to Alan as he said, ‘That it?’

  Alan nodded and left the car.

  Reggie swore under his breath. ‘Fucking idiots. I knew there would be trouble along the line with them. The Carters are not exactly known for their friendly natures.’

  ‘It would be Kevin Wilson who would start something like this. He has too much fucking pride. Well, I think we can safely assume they are dead.’

  Reggie nodded. ‘We better give Jack the bad news, eh?’

  Lenny started the car and drove off. He was fuming, absolutely fuming. This was the last thing they needed.

  Chapter Fifty

  Jack Johnson could not believe what he was hearing. The Wilson brothers were serious earners and they were also under his protection. The Carters taking them out was like a declaration of war.

  Lenny was shaking his head as Jack ranted and raved. ‘Look, we don’t know the story yet, do we? Let me and Reggie take a couple of the lads and go and have a chat with the Carters. See the lie of the land.’

  Reggie nodded his agreement. ‘This could simply be over Kevin saying something untoward. You know what he can be like, Jack. It doesn’t mean the Carters are trying to muscle in on our territory. Lenny is right – we need to talk to the Carter brothers and see what’s what.’

  Jack nodded, but he was still annoyed. ‘If those Carters think we will roll over, they had better have another fucking think.’

  Lenny placated him as best he could and finally left with Reggie to go and hunt down the Carter twins. But his heart wasn’t in it. Unlike most people, he got on with them. He was in the minority he knew, but, in all fairness, what you saw is what you got – there was no side to them. They were just a pair of naturally antisocial fuckers.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Sharon was ironing when Lenny walked into the house, and he forced himself to smile at her. He saw the relief in her face and felt a moment’s sorrow. He held his arms out and, as she ran into them eagerly, he held her tightly to him. He could smell her perfume and her shampoo. She always smelled nice, did his Sharon.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Len. You are right. Even my dad thinks so. I will really come down on the boys, I promise you.’

  He kissed her head gently, swaying as he held her to him. ‘I’m sorry for being such a hard bastard, Shaz. I know they are a handful, that’s why we have to sort them out now. Leave it much longer and they won’t have a chance.’

  She saw Reggie in the doorway looking awkward, so she pulled herself free from her husband and said brightly, ‘Can I get you fellas something to eat? How about a beer?’

  ‘Some sandwiches and a cup of tea would be handsome, Shaz.’

  She went into the kitchen and started to make the food. The men followed her out there and sat at the big, scrubbed table that was her pride and joy.

  After a few minutes Lenny said to her, ‘I don’t know what time I will be finished tonight, love, so lock up properly. I am going to stay at Reggie’s. We have a lot of running about to do.’

  She sighed. ‘OK, mate. I want to finish the ironing, have a bath and then get to bed. I’m shattered, if I’m honest.’

  ‘How have the boys been today?’

  She placed a plate of sandwiches on the table and set about pouring the tea.

  ‘Good. I think they know that they are on their last chance. I didn’t let them have any treats whatsoever and now you have removed the portables from their bedrooms they seem to understand that this is serious.’

  ‘I will go and check on them.’

  He went up the stairs quietly so as not to wake the boys.

  ‘When are you going to find yourself a nice girl, Reg? They must be lining up for you!’

  Reggie smiled. This was par for the course and it irritated him but he had to play the game.

  ‘You know me, Sharon, love them and leave them.’

  ‘Typical bloody man. Good-looking fella like you should already be thinking of settling down.’

  He bit into another sandwich to save having to answer her.

  ‘Gerry was telling me that you rarely even go out with women! Says your mum is worried about you!’ She was laughing as she spoke, but it occurred to her when she saw his face that Reggie didn’t think what she was saying was funny.

  ‘Look, Sharon, just because I don’t discuss every aspect of my sex life with my sister and mum doesn’t make me a bad person. I just prefer to keep my private life private.’

  He was being short with her and they both knew it. Sharon was immediately contrite.

  ‘I’m sorry, Reg. I was only having a joke, mate.’

  He sighed and forced a wide smile on to his face. ‘Honestly, Sharon, Gerry and my mum are always trying to marry me off. I have plenty of time for that. I am a man who needs to sow his wild oats!’

  Sharon laughed with him, but for some reason she felt that there was more to it than that – yet for the life of her, she couldn’t say why.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Lenny and Reggie finally tracked the Carter twins to a brothel they owned in King’s Cross. It was a nice house in what had once been a pleasant road; now it was another casualty of bedsitterland. It was a substantial size and it earned them a good wedge. They had girls of all ages, shapes and colours for the punters’ delight. The funny thing with the Carter twins was that, as bastard-like as they could be, they treated their girls with the utmost respect. Maybe that was why Lenny had always liked and got on with them.

  They didn’t suffer fools gladly, and they were very touchy where their dignity was concerned. Both were big, arrogant men, in their late twenties, balding, running to fat and married to a pair of dark-haired sisters who they worshipped and ador
ed. They were strange fuckers, odd coves, but they were good earners and they were respected in their own way. They didn’t suffer fools gladly though and the fact that they were always looking for the insult or the piss-take made them people to be wary of. A lot of Faces were guilty of the same thing – it was just that not as many felt the urge to murder over it.

  Lenny and Reggie walked up the steps to the front door and went inside. It was a typical cathouse: it stank of perfume, grass and sweat, with the stench of baby oil and sex underneath. There were girls in various states of undress in the main lounge where a short black man was the bartender. The music playing was Alexander O’Neal; it was loud enough to drown out conversations but not so loud that you couldn’t hear what your chosen partner was saying. The barman gave them each a beer and Lenny motioned to one of the bouncers, informing him he needed to see the twins. The man knew exactly who they were and nodded. He walked off towards the back of the house.

  Reggie and Lenny saw the girls eyeing them up and both felt a wave of revulsion. How could men do it? Fuck knew who’d been through these women; it was the same with the rent boys who hung around King’s Cross. A young woman of about seventeen, with a slim figure and heavy breasts, made to walk over to them, and Lenny waved her away as if she was contaminated. He was embarrassed by this kind of place; he didn’t feel comfortable being there and it showed. The older women with more experience eyed them critically – and both men were aware they were found wanting.

  Dicky Carter came seeping into the room, all expensive teeth and cheap aftershave. He had his arms out in welcome. ‘What a fucking honour! What brings you two into my establishment?’

  Lenny grinned as he said, ‘Well, it ain’t for one of this lot, Dick!’


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