Pretty in Kink

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Pretty in Kink Page 26

by Titania Ladley

  Stan shook his head in quick jerks. He shot a glance at his brand-new SUV. “No, no, I-I’ve changed my mind. The law’s the law. She broke it plain and clear. B-but, I’ll tell you what. I’ll make a very fair deal with you.” He wrung his fat hands together. His round face lit up with hope. “Instead of one grand to me and the rest to them that you mentioned, I get half and they split what’s left. Then we all walk away from this and forget it ever happened.”

  Diego chuckled, the tone hollow and deep. He reached up and made a play of tipping his glasses down and peering at Stan over the top. The glitter of anger in the dark pools gave Britt pause. She knew when Diego had been pushed to the limit, and based on the sudden look of fear on Stan’s face when his gaze met Diego’s, Britt was certain Stan knew it too.

  “Britt, sweetheart?” It surprised her that he’d spoken to her when he’d never taken his gaze off Stan. “As the subject in the photos, do you recall ever signing a legal release form to allow yourself to be published in a nationwide magazine?”

  “Uh, no. Never.”

  Stan groaned.

  Doris planted her fists on her hips, staring Stan down with a narrowed look, but she still had the smarts to keep her mouth shut.

  An impish grin spread across Lexi’s face. “Hot freakin’ damn, the guy’s a genius. Britt, will you share him?”

  Britt smacked Lexi on the shoulder. “No, I will not share him.” She smiled at Diego and his gaze found hers. “The thug’s all mine.”

  Doris grinned and Britt exhaled a sigh of relief at that first glimmer of respect for Diego.

  Diego winked at Lexi, which made Britt’s pulse beat out of control, but he hardened his expression and swung it back to Stan. “Ah, no release of liability signature, no permission from the subject, huh, Stan? What’d you do, forge her signature?”

  Stan blew out a moan of dread and laid a hand on his bulging middle. His face flamed and perspiration poured down his temples. Britt could see the circles of sweat in his armpits widening by the second. A hot, humid wind stirred up a whiff of his rank body odor and Doris held a hand to her nose.

  “Hm, my gorgeous girlfriend here, who just so happens to be working on a very promising modeling career, suddenly gets her private snapshots released in this huge, nationwide magazine. Which in turn could ruin her, and cost her her career. It already has, by the way, cost her an endorsement with a major company, right Doris?”

  Doris blinked, clearly delighted that he’d called upon her. One couldn’t mistake the gleam of pride in her eyes, pride at contributing to Diego’s cause. “Yes, Diego, we’ve—she’s—” she replied, catching herself with a correction that astounded Britt. “She’s lost a lot because of this vile man.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Diego continued. “So I’d wager there’s got to be some law—or multimillion dollar lawsuit—in there somewhere, don’t you think, Stan my man? Let’s see,” he drawled, stroking his goatee with mock thoughtfulness, “I’d say there’d be three different defendants in the case. The magazine, the drugstore for employing such an incompetent, underhanded prick of a manager and…the prick himself, Stanley Whealer.”

  Stan stumbled back and crashed into his car. “I-I’m the owner, actually.”

  “Even better. We can get more money. Out of you and the franchise when we sue.”

  Stan’s breath came out in a high-pitched wheeze. “No. No, you can’t do that to me. I’ll lose everything, my house, my job, my family, my whole life.”

  Diego took one long stride toward Stan. The toes of his leather boots knocked against Stan’s loafers. With his hands fisted, the knuckles white with rage, Diego growled, “Then did you bring the fucking money or not?”

  Doris wrapped her arm around Britt’s shoulder and whispered in her ear, “He’s quite a man, darling. I’m very sorry. I think I was all wrong about him.”

  The equivalent of an elephant’s weight lifted from Britt’s chest. She whispered back, “Thank you. I totally agree. He is quite a man.”

  The last remnants of the shrewd businesswoman left Doris’ face—for the moment, anyway. In its place glowed the warm smile of the agent she’d always wished for. Britt slipped her arm around the narrow waist and leaned her head on Doris’ shoulder.

  “Yes, uh, I stopped by the bank on my way here,” Stan whimpered, leaning away from Diego’s wrath. He sidestepped and opened the passenger door of his sparkling new car. His whole body trembled and his belly jiggled as he drew out a small knapsack. “Here, take it all. There’s forty-nine grand in cash—just one for me—the amount I originally agreed to on the phone this morning.”

  Diego snatched it from Stan’s hand and unzipped the sack. He peered inside and said, “You do understand that every penny better be here?”

  “Y-yes, it is, I swear.” Stan’s eyes fell on Lloyd’s enormous body as he sauntered over in leather and a bad-boy attitude.

  “Lexi?” Diego asked.

  Lexi paced behind Britt and Doris, her excitement all but blowing her pretty head off her shoulders. It took all she had, Britt knew, not to squeal with complete elation.

  She halted her steps. “Yes?”

  Diego winked at her, attempting to suppress that arrogant grin of his. Love for him overflowed in Britt’s heart. “You okay with forty-nine grand split between you and Britt, and one grand for this weasel to keep his mouth shut about that ‘theft’ of yours?”

  “You better damn fucking believe it.”

  He crossed to her and planted a kiss on her cheek before thrusting the bag of money at her.

  “Britt,” Lexi said, her eyes twinkling, “you sure you don’t want to share him?”

  Britt snorted. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. So back off, woman, he’s mine.”

  Diego chuckled then turned his attention back to Stan. “So glad to do business with you, Mr. Whealer. Let’s just hope for your sake it includes a lifetime guarantee.”

  “Y-yes, yes, it does. I swear it does.” His small eyes rounded when Lloyd moved closer. Stan slammed his car door shut and took off in a blubbery run across the lot. He disappeared as the store’s automatic doors closed behind him.

  Lloyd sidled up to Doris’ right and glanced down at her. The scent of leather drifted over to tease Britt’s nostrils. She knew Doris smelled it too, and Britt delighted in Doris’ sudden change in body language. Doris released Britt, patting and smoothing her hair. She kept her nose up and her gaze trained on Diego, but Britt noted how her eyes darted to her right every now and then in Lloyd’s direction.

  “Hi there, gorgeous,” Lloyd murmured to Doris. “Everything all right over here?”

  He appeared perhaps a few years older than Doris, and he was a bear of a man who towered a good six inches above Doris’ coiffed head. His short-cropped, blondish hair peeped over the top of the red bandana he’d tied around his head. He wore a white t-shirt under a leather vest, and the muscles on his tattooed arms bulged, stretching the cotton fabric.

  Britt wanted to laugh. No doubt by the energy that sizzled in the air, Doris fought a reluctant attraction to Lloyd. After all those “hooligan” and “hoodlum” outbursts, Doris, it seemed, had been bitten by the same bug Britt had when she’d first laid eyes on Diego. Britt folded her arms over her chest and let another ton of stress tumble from her shoulders when Doris wandered over to Lloyd’s bike with him.

  Britt handed her keys to Lexi. “Here, take my car. And make sure you don’t forget Doris. Get over to the bank and get that cash deposited. Me, I’m climbing on the back of this ruffian’s vibrating bike and letting him take me for the ride of my life.”

  Lexi grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t forget the kink.”

  Diego slipped his arms around Britt, molding her spine against his chest and abdomen. She shivered when he spoke with his mouth against her ear. “What I haven’t forgotten and fully intend to rectify is…about half that stack of pictures hasn’t been reenacted yet.”

  “Ooh, on that note
, I’m gonna get the hell out of here, head to the bank and go dig my vibrator out. Thanks, Diego, you rock. Love you, Britty.” She threw her a kiss and crossed to Britt’s car.

  Several of the snapshots moved through Britt’s mind like a movie—the chastity belt photo, the one with the long leather flogger and the vibrator poses. Britt’s nipples ached when she imagined Diego trying to get at her while she wore a chastity belt. Desire spiraled down from the tight knots straight into her pussy when she pictured his naked body all sweaty as he tried to get her out of the constriction and get inside her.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. Lust and this naughty addiction to kink he’d started her on drove her mad. She turned in his arms and blurted, “Take me to the store.”

  Britt couldn’t see his eyes through the dark sunglasses, but she didn’t need to. She knew he experienced the same sensations and urges.

  “The store? Just went grocery shopping a couple nights ago.”

  “No, I mean the toy store. I want a flogger and a pair of those cool, furry handcuffs. And a butt plug or maybe some anal beads, along with one of those vibrators that takes care of every hole at once. Oh, and we could try a chastity belt. Along with some nipple clamps. And I’d like to buy a bunch of porno flicks if you don’t—”

  Diego swiped her off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder. The other bikers whooped their admiration. Warm air tickled her ass as the wind whooshed up inside her snug miniskirt. The asphalt blurred across her vision. His tight ass shifted beneath the Levi’s as he walked, and she could hear the seductive squeak of his leather vest with his stealthy movements. Britt inhaled his all-male scent, knowing she would never tire of that after-work essence of leather, oil, sweat and metal.

  Or of the man.

  “Diego, what the hell are you doing?”

  He smacked her ass.

  She moaned when the sting of it warmed and flooded her cunt. Traffic zipped by, and teenaged boys hung out their open windows whistling, honking and cheering their approval. Before she even had time to acclimate herself to the bliss of the love pat, he tossed her onto his motorcycle and shoved the helmet at her.

  “Here, put this on and hold on tight, baby, because after that breathless request of yours, I’m about to take you on the kinkiest ride of your life this time.”


  Six months later

  Britt walked through the front door and kicked it shut behind her. She deposited her purse and keys on the side table and scanned the living room. The long photo shoot had kept her away from home most of the day, plus she’d swung by the retail space in Brandon to see Lexi’s new photography shop. So she was long overdue and she hungered for her man. But the only traces of him were the stereo strumming out classic Styx and an abandoned beer on the coffee table.

  “Babe, where are you?” She snatched up the mail and flipped through it, but tossed it aside when it amounted to nothing more than ads and bills.

  He didn’t answer so she made a quick sweep of the house, still chuckling to herself about the panicked phone call she’d just received from Doris. “But what do I wear?” She and Lloyd had spent the entire last six months playing cat-and-mouse games. Or rather, Lloyd had been on Doris’ tail, and she’d at last given in and agreed to a date.

  So funny to think of prim Doris dating Viking-like Lloyd.

  When she passed into the kitchen and through the breakfast nook area, she noticed the open patio door. Its curtain billowed on the evening breeze, and with it came the succulent aroma of barbequed pork steaks.

  “Mmmm.” Her mouth watered and she stepped out onto the deck. She glanced to her right toward the grill and still didn’t see him, but then she heard the rhythmic tapping from above. Britt’s gaze shifted upward and to her left. The sun set in a brilliant show of pink and crimson across the sea. The song of the surf and the caw of seagulls sounded as her stare locked on Diego. He hammered nails into one of the main joists while perched on top of the pergola frame and back-dropped by palms. His long hair rustled in the salty breeze and she thought of a swashbuckling pirate wreaking havoc on the high seas. An immediate yen assailed her to tangle her fingers in its thickness and join him in his mischief.

  “Hi, honey,” she called up. “What are you do—”

  Her gaze drifted lower and followed the thick, black nylon rope dangling just below him. At its end hung a strange contraption she’d never seen before. The arched metal frame looked simple enough, as did the many straps and the two stirrups attached to it. Still, she couldn’t quite figure out its purpose.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” Diego’s chipper voice carried down to her as he scooted across the beam and made his way down a ladder. “How was your day?”

  “It sucked. Long and hot and boring, and I missed you like crazy. I’m so glad to be home. Uh, what the hell is that thing?”

  He stepped to the deck and grinned, and the happiness in his eyes took her breath away. “It’s a swing.”

  “A swing?”

  “Yeah.” He crossed to the grill and lifted the lid. Meat sizzled and smoked. As he speared the steaks and plopped them onto a platter, he clarified, “A BDSM swing.”

  “A…oh. One of those? Are you serious?”

  He switched off the dials and wiggled his eyebrows. “Very.”

  She recalled that night he’d handcuffed her to the pole at the edge of the hot tub and made love to her under the stars. Desire flooded her system, rushing straight through her blood, pounding in her cunt like the surf. Taking in a breath that seemed to cleanse her of the day’s stress, she asked, “And you’re going to make love to me in that thing right out here for the whole world to see?”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he drawled, swaggering barefoot toward her wearing nothing but cutoff, ragged jeans shorts. His cock nestled in a nice bulge just below that spot where the sparse hairs of his tight, flat abdomen trailed down and disappeared. Strong, corded legs with a smattering of brown hair made her think of his incredible thrust power, how he could pound into her with just the right strength and control to bring her to levels of bliss she still couldn’t believe after all this time.

  His eyes shone stark against the tan of his skin, and she adored how he’d left himself unshaven for the day. Britt could just imagine the soft scrape of the whiskers against her inner thighs as he feasted on her pussy. At that lusty thought, she let go of the rest of the day’s stress and unleashed her libido, scrutinizing his well-formed chest and the tight pebbles his nipples made. She loved not knowing what naughty things he would come up with next, and could never see their relationship going sour.

  With her panties already starting to dampen, she scanned the beach below. Damn. Not a soul strolled the shore, but that didn’t mean no one would pass by later. She wished someone would. He’d gotten her entangled in an addiction she couldn’t resist. The kinkier the better, and Diego didn’t seem to be wearing down at her enthusiasm for more.

  She went right to work on the buttons of her blouse. Britt pushed the garment off her shoulders and let it pool on the deck behind her stilettos. Except for during lingerie shoots, she rarely wore a bra anymore, so she sighed when the cool evening air caressed her nipples. They tightened into buds beneath Diego’s hot inspection, but she didn’t give him long to linger. She unfastened her skirt, watching him watch her. Already, lust pounded between her legs, and she could see his cock growing larger before her eyes, straining to get out of his shorts.

  He said nothing, just moaned his approval, eyeing her every move.

  The warm stickiness of cream coated her sex, her body’s rush to slicken her vagina for his entry. Britt was in a rush as well. She yearned to get in that swing and get thoroughly fucked while the Florida winds stirred around them and the tide played havoc on the sea just out of their reach.

  Wiggling out of the skirt, she let it and her panties drop to the deck. As she stepped out of the garments and crossed on high heels to the swing, she said, “Help me get in this thing, now…be
fore I faint from breathing so hard.”

  He shook his head, raking her naked body with a hungry stare. “Oh man, babe, I don’t know how you do it. One look at that body and I’m hard, just like that.” He snapped his fingers and unbuttoned his shorts with a sigh. The purplish head of his shaft peeped over the denim’s edge. Britt loved the salty taste of his rod in her mouth, the silky yet steely sensation of it against her tongue, but she had this urgent need to bypass all the foreplay and just get right to the penetration.

  She turned her back to the swing, reached up and gripped the nylon straps, shoved her ass through the bottom U and leaned back. The contraption had several support straps, and Diego aligned the top one across her upper back and under her armpits. A second one crossed behind her hip and waist area. Then, one at a time, he guided her heels into the fur-lined stirrups. The swing’s design left her in a half-reclining position with her knees drawn up. A cool gust of wind whipped in and stirred up her scent.

  Diego inhaled, his eyes taking on a predator’s hungry sheen. “Ah yeah, that’s the way. Damn you look so hot.”

  “Hm, and you don’t look bad either. But would you hurry it up? I’m about to explode. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this horny so fast in all my life. Just fuck me. Stick it in now. No playing around.”

  Amusement lit his face. His eyes simmered with the heat to come. “You really want it just wham-bam?”

  She tightened her grip on the swing’s straps, knowing he would give her just what she asked for. The inner walls of her vagina contracted in anticipation. “Yes, wham-bam, fuck me and get me off, just like that.” She snapped her fingers, mimicking his prior gesture.

  Diego tugged down his shorts just far enough to unleash his shaft, now swollen into a full-blown hard-on. With his eyes drilling into hers, he planted his feet apart below the contraption, swung her body toward his and circled her damp labia with the tip. A jolt of ecstasy ripped through her. Ah, it would be so easy, so fast and sure. Just like any other time she could come this way, with his cock teasing the outside of her drenched cleft. But for some reason, tonight she had to have him deep inside her when she came. She had an urge, a desperation to have him—all of him—as fast and complete as possible.


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