Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 2

by Alara Branwen

  “Wonderful and refreshing as always,” Estelar said.

  The dwarf grinned and waddled off. Estelar surveyed the bar’s other patrons. Most, like himself, were in simple tunics and breeches of various colors. Races of all types chatted about various things, though most of the conversations were focused on the game’s realism and immersion.

  Estelar chuckled when he heard a humanoid dragon gush about a splinter he got from leaning against the building. He was frantically excited when he mentioned how much it hurt. The elf’s attention hopped from one conversation to another.

  His glance fell upon two people in a darker corner of the room. A bare chested werewolf male with knotted muscles was whispering to a slender halfling female. He would say something and she would giggle. The wolfman and halfling shared a few more rounds of short conversation before they leaned in for a kiss.

  Icy loneliness dropped into Estelar’s stomach. He turned twenty a few weeks back and he never got lovey-dovey with a woman like that. Heck, he’d never even had a date. It wasn’t because he was unattractive. Some women told him he was handsome. He shoved thoughts of the lithe, nervous young man trying to ask out many women he knew in the past in the back of his mind.

  He played VRMMOs so he could interact with people without them seeing how sweaty and nervous he always was. It was the main reason he was so excited to start playing Unexplored. He hoped he could meet people and, if he was lucky, perhaps find a few others to share some intimate time with.

  Estelar imagined himself in the wolf’s place, kissing the young woman. He tore his eyes away from them. His gaze travelled across the room until he saw another couple, a female minotaur and satyr locked at the lips. A few more feet and there was another couple, and another.

  This went on until it was all he saw. Couples smiling and looking into each other’s eyes, sharing little snippets of loving conversation.

  Estelar tried to chase the loneliness away with a few drinks of ale, but it didn’t leave. He attempted to tear his gaze away, but no matter what he did, his eyes always fell on a pair of lovers.

  The dwarf behind the bar filled his mug and Estelar drained it without thinking. His glass was filled again, and before he knew it, that one was empty too. He completed this ritual a few more times until the crowd of people blended into a blur of color and sounds. He turned himself around and his chest heavily flopped against the bar.

  Estelar closed his eyes and let the sounds wash over him. All thoughts slipped from his mind. His breathing grew regular as his consciousness drifted away. Before he could fall asleep, there was a gentle touch on his shoulder. With a great deal of effort, he lifted himself up to see an elven woman with long brown hair in a tight, blue silk dress.

  “Evening handsome.”

  It took Estelar a long, long moment before he realized that she was talking to him.

  “Uh, hey,” Estelar said.

  “You look a little lonely, mind if I join you?”

  Estelar’s addled mind worked to make sense of the elf’s question. What did she want? There were lots of people to talk to.

  “Yeah, sure, I guess.”

  The elven woman sat down and the dwarf behind the bar poured her a glass of purple wine. She swirled it around in her fluted glass and took a sip. “Quite a gathering tonight, what brings you here?”

  Estelar heard the words but he couldn’t think of anything to say. Instead he drank in her beautiful blue eyes, perfect, high cheek bones and slender, sloping neck.

  “Are you new to Caspadel?” she asked.

  His eyes fell lower to the smooth, milky skin on her arms, up to the thin fingers wrapped around her wine glass.

  “What do you think of this beautiful city?” The elf woman smiled, lighting up her whole face.

  Her legs were long, one elegantly folded over the other. Her curves voluptuous, yet trim. Her most prominent feature however, were the large breasts that wrinkled and strained the dress she wore.

  “Damn you have nice tits,” Estelar slurred.

  The elven woman’s pupils faded to white. They soon came back and she placed a hand over her mouth and giggled. “Thank you very much, sir.”

  “God, I just wanna motorboat those things.”

  The elf’s bright smile melted into a sultry smirk. “I can arrange that if you like, good sir.”

  Estelar openly stared at her chest for several seconds. He reached out and cupped one of the large tits. It was soft and pleasantly bounced in his palm. His cock sprang to life.

  The elven woman took Estelar’s arm and rose from her seat. She helped him stumble away from the bar toward a large, muscular minotaur standing at the base of some stairs. When he finally registered what was happening, he groaned internally. Crap, this wasn’t good. She was probably leading him over to that minotaur bouncer. He was going to get beat up and thrown into the street for groping this woman. Oh well, at least it was only a game.

  The woman stopped in front of the seven foot minotaur, who nodded and jerked his thumb up the stairs. Estelar slowly stumbled up the steps while the woman held on to him. They made it to a darkened hallway and walked to a large oak door. The woman opened it to reveal a small room with a little four poster bed and a wash basin by a square window.

  All of the events of the past few minutes tumbled through his mind. The confusing mass of thoughts all rolled together into one, neat, exciting little realization.

  Estelar’s cock throbbed as the female elf led him into the room and closed the door behind him.


  Estelar wobbled toward the bed and fell face first into the downy sheets. His entire body was lead and his sense of awareness flickered. He had to focus on his excitement, and the sight of that elven woman’s magnificent breasts, to keep himself awake. He grunted and rolled onto his back.

  The elf woman reached behind her and began to unfasten buttons in the back of her sparkling dress. As the garment loosened, Estelar focused on the skin that was slowly revealed. The curve of neck, the roundness of her slender shoulders, and the uppermost tip of her cleavage. The woman held her fingers in place, deliberately taking her time in unfastening the next button.

  The neckline of the dress hung tantalizingly above those beautiful breasts he wished to feast his eyes on. Inch by intriguing inch, the line of cloth lowered, exposing more of the milky white curvature of her tits.

  Estelar reached down and pressed his member against his inner thigh. Heat radiated from the barrel of his cock and seeped into his hip. Small tingles trickled down his leg and tickled his toes.

  The final button and the last bastion of the clothing’s resistance was relinquished. The dress fell away and pooled at the woman’s feet. Estelar didn’t see this, however. His eyes focused on the woman’s large, perfectly round breasts. The nipples were pink and puffy. She giggled and the massive tits jiggled.

  The erection in Estelar’s breeches raged. A small amount of precum escaped the head and seeped into the fabric of his cod piece. He lifted heavy arms and tried to pull the shirt over his head but, in his condition, he found it difficult to perform even this simple function.

  Giggling, the elf maid’s breasts jiggled again as she closed the distance between them. She removed his shirt and hooked her fingers around the hem of his breeches, pulling them down. His painfully swollen member sprang up. The cool air brushed across it and his cock twitched. A small dollop of crystalline precum pearled at the end.

  Bright eyes widened as her gaze ran hungrily across the prolific member. She carefully took the shaft in her palm and gently exercised the skin.

  A small drum beat pounded in the shaft of Estelar’s cock. It twitched and leaked copiously onto the woman’s hand as she carefully ran her smooth palm across it. The male elf’s legs stiffened and he clenched his eyes. Small fires erupted in his stomach, stoked by the young woman’s gentle strokes.

  The elf maid took a deep breath and her impressive bust seemed to enlarge. “It seems you’ve been quite blessed by the Gods m
aster elf,” she said.

  Estelar rose slightly and his quivering hands reached for her breasts. The elf maid held up a slender hand. “Now, now master elf,” she said in mocking disapproval, “we must get you ready before we start our journey. I don’t want you to be unprepared.”

  He laid back and his partner tightly clasped his cock. She lowered her head toward it and placed her luscious lips around the crown. Her slippery tongue lashed at the head then brushed small circles around the small opening at the base. Estelar let out a little moan and slid his hands down his smooth, hairless body.

  His cock disappeared into her mouth inch by slow, agonizingly exciting inch. When she reached as far as she could go, she pulled her head back and lowered it again. Her tongue slid around the lower arch of his cock. The drum beat in his cock quickened into a hard tapping tempo. Precum copiously came forth from the head.

  Luscious lips rushed over the member. The elf maid’s ministrations were light, careful not to bring her male counterpart too close to the edge too soon. Her full lips tightened around the cock, creating beautiful friction that stoked the fires burning in Estelar’s gut. Every downward pass brought a wave of excitement that woke his fading consciousness. She looked up at the male elf with large, innocent doe eyes.

  Lust boiled Estelar’s blood. He wanted her. He needed to slam his cock into her wet pussy. He communicated this need with a series of sharp groans. The maiden seemed to understand and pulled back. Her lips silently came off his cock head. A thin rope of precum stretched between her bottom lip and the head. She brushed the tip of her tongue across her lower lip and broke it.

  The maiden stood and took off her panties. Her pussy lips were cleanly shaven. A glisten on the bright pink flesh hinted at her own excitement. She climbed upon the bed and crawled up Estelar’s body. Her copious breasts grazed across the elf male’s smooth stomach and chest, sending a slender ray of lightness through his body. She smiled down at the elf and cupped one of her enormous tits in her hand.

  “Were these what you were waiting for master elf?”

  Massive breasts were pressed into Estelar’s face. The male elf’s mouth crashed against one of the mounds and kissed all over it, his lips reveling in the silky texture. His tongue rabidly brushed over and around one breast and then the other, painting an abstract of his unbridled lust.

  The maiden reached between her thighs and opened her labia. She lowered toward the elf’s moist and ready cock head. The warmth from her pussy kissed the cock. It jerked and drooled precum.

  The cunt engulfed the head. Estelar gasped and let out a small muffled moan as the woman speared herself on his member. Searing elation soared through the male as his member was plunged into the moist, constricting depths.

  Her muscles squeezed around the elf’s member and her hips slowly rocked. Small airy pings fluttered through the elf’s stomach. Estelar’s body quaked.

  Life was sparked in his tongue as it found one of the woman’s puffy nipples, and Estelar closed his lips around it. He sucked inward and flicked his tongue around it. The pink bud hardened in his mouth and gooseflesh appeared around the areola.

  Enthusiasm found its way into the elf maiden’s movements. She thrust herself down on the elf’s spear with greater force and her pussy muscles undulated around Estelar’s heated, throbbing prick. Shockwaves rumbled through the elf male’s hips and he thrusted upward into the velvet glove that held his cock.

  Their hips slapped together to the raucous rhythm of their lust. The bedframe rattled as their bodies ground together.The elf’s tongue continued its exploration of his partner’s breasts as her hips moved over him.

  A bright light took hold in Estelar’s mind. It was small at first, but the pulsating ball stretched and reached until it engulfed more of his consciousness. It drowned out the soggy sounds of the sexual liaison, the woman’s exciting touch, and even the amazing texture of her breasts.

  The illumination folded in on itself and exploded into a shower of searing sparks. Estelar called out as thick ropes of cum surged into the woman’s hot and waiting pussy. The elf maid shuddered and her body shot upward as she reached orgasm.

  She held tense for several moments before she fell back atop of her partner in satisfaction. Panting and coated in sweat, Estelar feebly reached up and wrapped his arms around the woman. He heavily exhaled and he passed out.


  Estelar heaved his eyelids open. The jumble of colors swirled together into a coherent image of an elven woman with delicate features and bright blue eyes. Memories of their exciting encounter danced across his mind and brought his member to full erection.

  “Hey there,” Estelar said with a groggy smile.

  “Hello handsome,” the woman said.

  “Sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  “That’s okay. Many people fall asleep after intercourse.”

  “How long was I out?”

  “One hour, sixteen minutes, and thirty-three seconds.”

  The elf male chuckled. “You didn’t have to be so exact.”

  The woman nodded. “Okay, next time an approximation will be made for you.”

  Estelar cocked an eyebrow but shook off the strange response. He looked down and noticed he was fully clothed.

  “Did you put my clothes back on?”

  “Of course, I wanted you to be ready to go when you woke up.”

  Estelar chuckled. “I can put my own clothes on.”

  “When this situation occurs again, your clothes will be left off so you can do that.”

  “I certainly wouldn’t mind it happening again,” the elven male shook the remaining lethargy out of his body. “We can go again now if you want. I don’t have anywhere I need to be.”

  The bright blue pupils in the elf woman’s eyes faded to white, and some of Estelar’s satisfaction dimmed. She was an NPC, of course. No woman in her right mind would want to sleep with him after the horrid crap he said and did at the bar.

  The blue returned to the elf’s eyes.

  “I’m sorry, but Duke Fermon only paid for one encounter per participant. You can’t be greedy you know,” she finished her statement with a wink.

  A small tinge of sadness hit Estelar, but he pushed it down. He said his goodbyes to the NPC and left the room.

  A wistful smile came upon Estelar’s face as he walked down the hall. Man, this game was great! It felt real, the booze got you drunk, and the NPC chicks would have sex with you even if you were a complete asshole or a spazzing bundle of nerves.

  Why couldn’t talking to women in real life be that easy?

  If this part of the game was amazing, he wondered what adventuring would be like. He imagined himself on many epic adventures, slaying wicked beasts and rescuing NPC maidens that he would screw to his heart’s content. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t see the tall, muscled, olive skinned human man walking in his direction. Estelar bumped into him.

  “Hey, watch it asshole,” the tall man said, brushing his grey tunic.

  Estelar looked up into dark brown eyes that rested beneath thick black eyebrows. The elf took a step back and held up a hand.

  “Pardon me, milord,” Estelar said.

  “It’s cool man,” said the man as he brushed hair out of his face. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going either. Just got done with a fox woman a few minutes ago and my mind was in the clouds.”

  “Same, though it was an elven girl for me.”

  The human grinned. “Hey I don’t have anywhere to be, want to grab a beer?”

  The two went down and each ordered ales at the bar. Estelar found out his companion’s name was Padwin and that the human had been as excited about the game as the elf during the release. They also both found out that they’d been fantasy fans from a young age and they’d been teased throughout their school years for it. When conversation turned to their love life, the elf was stunned to find that Padwin was almost in as bad a shape than he was.

  “I only had one girlf
riend in high school,” Padwin told him, “and honestly, I think she dated me out of pity.”

  “I wish that didn’t sound so familiar,” Estelar said.

  “That was one reason I was so excited for this game to come out. In the game of sex, I’ve been on single player most of my life. At least here, you can find a player two.”

  “Even if it is a robot,” Estelar’s statement contained a hint of self-depreciation.

  “Dude, the NPC girls in this game are awesome. That sex with the fox girl blew my mind.”

  “And they don’t seem to mind you being a complete douche. I was drunk when the elf girl started talking to me. If I said the kind of shit I said to her to a real girl, I’d get shot.”

  Padwin laughed. “I’m sure it was nothing. When the fox girl walked up to me I was drunk and horny from seeing all of the sexy characters. I told her I wanted to bend her over and take her ass. She just said ‘ok’ and took me upstairs. I think they programmed all these girls to be easy.”

  “At least for the welcome party anyway. Something tells me if we want to get laid again, we’ll have to part with some coin.”

  “I don’t know how we’re supposed to get it. I didn’t get any weapons when I started, just a backpack and stupid tinderbox.”

  “Maybe you can start fires for people. I picked a frying pan. Maybe I can be a chef.”

  Padwin laughed. “I guess we’re pretty screwed.”

  “Probably. Hey, if you’re up for it, maybe we can team up. We’re both pretty crappy, but if we work together maybe we’ll have a better chance of adventuring and getting money.”

  Padwin nodded. “Hell yeah man, that sounds awesome. If we have each other’s backs, it might be longer before someone is able to stick a dagger in them.”

  Their hands came together and they shook.


  Estelar peeked from behind the crest of a small hill. Around a small campfire were three small green creatures with pointy green ears that he recognized as goblins. Two worked the small bits of wood in the pit to keep the fire going while the other turned three skinned squirrels roasting on a spit.


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