Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 15

by Alara Branwen

  Padwin went into the same pageantry that he put on in front of the other chief, and the fat goblin chief, named Blob the Brutal, lapped up the attention. With the acceptance of his gift, a silver scepter with several small gems in the head, he guaranteed them an audience at a later date.

  Estelar stood back and listened to some of the goblins. Three of them talked in a low voice among themselves about the goblin chief. There was suspicions that he was hoarding food, and that other goblins in the village were starving.

  The group went to a kobold village called Rustyblade next and were granted audience to a large and ferocious looking female with dark brown scales that called herself “Death-on-Sands.” During their meeting Estelar noticed how the smaller kobolds were doing most of the work in the village. The leader told him that it was custom for the smaller kobolds in the village to do most of the work while the larger members of the community served as guards and other esteemed members of the community.

  Several more tribes were visited that day with varying degrees of success. A few were warily welcoming while some turned them away. Three of them attacked on sight. Estelar had to use his magic to bedazzle their attackers so his group could get away.

  By the end of the day their gifts had been given out. Padwin contacted Larkin via the small green bauble he’d given them. Their leader’s shark like face appeared in the glass.

  “What news?” Larkin said.

  “We’ve done as you asked, my lord. We had success with many tribes that we came across, while others were not so welcoming to our party.”

  Padwin went into an explanation of the day's events. When he was done, Larkin seemed pleased.

  “Excellent work. Things are progressing nicely. Find a safe area and set up camp for the night. Tomorrow I want you to go to more tribes in the area and do the same thing. One of our guildsmen will come by and deliver more presents for the chieftains. Get some rest, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.”

  Padwin nodded and Larkin’s visage faded from the bauble. The group set up camp and started a fire. After a short dinner of trail rations they relaxed in their sleeping bags.

  After an hour of sitting back and looking at the stars there was movement coming from Estelar’s left. He rose up to find Padwin kissing over Durga’s body. Her armor was off and blue tunic was pulled up to her neck. The human’s lips ran up her muscled body and kissed her large breasts. He settled beside the strong orc in her sleeping bag. His hands gently gripped her breasts and kissed her neck.

  There was a small lump in the bottom of the sleeping back that Estelar assumed was Poppy. Her body moved around Padwin’s waist, and the elf figured that she was entertaining herself with the human’s cock.

  Tatarna was outside of the sleeping bag rubbing over any nude skin that happened to come within reach. Estelar rose to join her when she looked up at him and shook her head.

  The elf looked confused and started to walk toward the group again, but a pleading look stopped him in his tracks. He furrowed his brow and Tatarna looked away.

  What was all this about? Was it because he skipped out on the party? Whatever it was, it pissed the elf off. He trudged back to his sleeping bag.

  He threw a glance over his shoulder. The tiger girl looked as though she was going to rise and meet him, but stopped herself with Padwin looked up at her.

  The tiger woman stroked his chest and gave the human a wan half smile. Estelar lowered himself in his sleeping bag.

  He lay there for several minutes, listening to the small giggles and moans coming from the activity that he was apparently not allowed to join. He gritted his teeth and logged out of the game.


  Estelar wasn’t as excited to log in the next day as he normally was. His character appeared next to the burnt out fire. All of his equipment had been packed away and his other party members were preparing to head out.

  He thanked the group for packing his things onto his horse but their only response was for him to saddle up. He did and the group went out to speak to more chieftains.

  They talked to some of the larger tribes in the area. These were not as friendly as the smaller ones had been and more often than not they were attacked on sight. Estelar made great use of his spell and after a few hours his skill with illusion and spellcasting had risen to 8 and 5 respectively. The group was still able to make a little headway with some of the tribes. Padwin’s use of flattery and gifts opened quite a few ears among the imposing and scary looking chieftains.

  The group was riding toward another village when Estelar’s keen eyes picked up several large chubby humanoids in the distance. They pulled away from these chubby humanoids, only to find more in the distance.

  Padwin directed the party in another direction. After riding for a few minutes there was another group of them.

  “Persistant, aren’t they,” Estelar mumbled.

  Tatarna nodded and suggested the group ride another direction. This continued on for fifteen minutes. The party positioned themselves in several different directions, but each time there was a group in the distance coming toward them. Eventually the party called out to one of the groups of humanoids.

  The group of large humanoids approached. They were eight feet in height and had thick brown skin. Their bellies were distended and extremely hairy, their faces elongated at the jaw. Loin cloths covered their unmentionables.

  One of the creatures stepped forward. He had a broad leather cord across his neck, on which hung several sharp teeth. He slung his massive club over his shoulder and pointed at Padwin. “You Larkin’s lackeys?”

  Padwin’s hand slipped to his sword and he nodded. “What can I do for you?”

  The large being saw the party members reaching for their weapons and the creature shook his head.

  “We don’t want fight. We are ogres of Big Club clan. Chief Bigbelly want talk. Come with us. We promise safety.”

  The party members looked at each other and then followed the massive creatures.

  The ogres led the party to the massive mouth of a cave set in a huge crag. Everyone but the ogres shied away from the dark and yawning portal. The ogres motioned for them to follow and Estelar’s party steeled their nerves and did so.

  They were led down into a massive network of tunnels lit by torches on the walls. Several ogres nodded to them as they passed. Some smaller races lived in the caves as well, though they did not walk about as freely. A few of the smaller folk could be seen mining the caves, creating new tunnels in the red and brown rock.

  The ogres led them to a large room where there were some livestock. Estelar and his party dismounted and followed the ogres around several twists and turns before they made it to a massive cavern. There was a big, roughly hewn table in this cavern with many large chairs seated along it. There were a few adornments on the walls, but most were bare.

  Against the back wall on a large stone throne sat an ogre at least half again as large as the ogres leading them. These ogres bowed to the large ogre and Estelar’s party did the same. The massive humanoid motioned them forward and they stood in front of him.

  The large creature ran a hand through his thick, dark hair and scratched his extremely hairy belly. He drew the animal furs wrapped around his enormous body closer to himself and belched.

  “You Larkin’s lackeys?”

  The party nodded.

  The ogre situated himself in his chair. “I Bigbelly, Hairy Bigbelly, leader of Big Club clan. I heard you go around giving other tribes nice gifts and ask them to help Wizard Larkin. Not like that. Not like at all.”

  Padwin bowed. “Do not think we have excluded you from our gift giving. Our master is very happy to bestow a gift upon you as well.”

  Padwin reached into his satchel but Bigbelly waved a meaty hand.

  “Not want your gifts. Bigbelly not bought so easy. Not scamper around like wispy wizard cause you give gold.”

  “We are very sorry to insult you great chief. What is it you want from us?”
Padwin said.

  “Simpering fruitcake. You not win my respect by acting polite.”

  “How can we win your trust then?” Estelar said. Padwin, Durga, and Poppy shot him angry glances.

  “You not get my trust, you get respect,” Bigbelly said as he reached behind his throne. He pulled out a large club and stood tall. Estelar’s party shuddered beneath his long shadow.

  “To get respect, you must fight.” The large ogre brought his massive club down on the party. The group scattered as the club connected with the ground. A cloud of dust billowed up from the strike.

  Bigbelly gritted his teeth and bared his enormous fangs. “Get back and fight cowards.”

  The huge ogre took several, earth shattering steps as he chased Estelar’s party around the room. Poppy threw her magical dagger at the ogre but he batted it aside with his club. Tatarna weaved her way around a mighty strike and threw a lightning javelin at his face. With quickness that belied his size, Bigbelly dodged the attack and swung his club around. The tiger girl had to roll in order not to be hit by the huge chunk of wood.

  The ogre chased each party member around in turn. His laughs bellowed around the chamber.

  “You run like chickens. I catch, and pluck, and eat you all!”

  The party tried to run for the entrance of the cavern but their way was blocked by several burly ogres.

  “You not get away so easy. I smash you good.”

  Bigbelly’s beady eyes turned on Estelar and he grinned. “It your turn wimpy elf.”

  The ogre took several massive steps toward him and the elf’s feet took flight. Estelar nimbly ran around the room and was easily able to keep away from the ogre. He ran one way and another, easily able to outpace the ogre’s lumbering steps.

  “You can run but there nowhere for you to go. I smash you to jelly.”

  The elf continued to outpace the ogre. He swung at Estelar several times, but the massive club came up short. After several minutes the elf felt a hitch in his side. The ogre was right. Once they were all tired, he would just smash them to jelly. He had no choice. He had to fight.

  Estelar turned and faced the massive ogre.

  “You finally grow balls. Now Bigbelly cut them off you.”

  Bigbelly ran forward and lifted his club. Estelar ignored the massive feet closing on his location. He lifted a shaking hand and fired a rainbow beam at the ogre. It connected and his target stopped and laughed.

  “That not do anything. You big fool. Y-”

  The ogre was cut off. His small eyes were entranced by the beautiful colors floating down in front of him. Estelar’s party saw this as an opportunity and rushed toward the ogre, but stopped when Bigbelly shook his head.

  Your skill with illusions has increased to 9!

  Your skill with spellcasting has increased to 6!

  You have made it to level 12!

  “You try to trick Bigbelly with dumb magic. Bigbelly show you -”

  Bigbelly was cut off again by another beam. He got lost in the affects of the multicolored droplets.

  He shook himself again. “You fool Bigbelly twice but you can’t-”

  Another beam took his concentration.

  Bigbelly shook himself. “I’m gonna-”

  Another beam.

  “Stupid elf-”

  Another beam.

  Bigbelly sighed. “This get old.”

  Another beam bedazzled him.

  Your skill with illusions has increased to 10!

  The rest of Estelar’s party had closed on Bigbelly and were getting ready to attack. He hoped they would be able to defeat him. He was out of mana. When the ogre shook himself he laughed and threw up a hand.

  “Okay, okay, rainbow elf got point across. Your spell make Bigbelly’s eyes hurt.”

  The large ogre stepped past the other party members and sat on his throne and stretched.

  “You earn Bigbelly’s respect. Now it time to talk.”

  The party took up its position in front of Bigbelly’s throne.

  “What do you wish to know?” Padwin said.

  “Straight to point. Bigbelly like that. Bigbelly want know why you give gold to tribe chieftains. Bigbelly smell something strange, and Bigbelly only like his own strange smell.”

  The party looked to each other and smirked, but no one commented.

  The ogre chief waited for the group to respond. When they didn’t, he slammed his meaty fist down on his throne.

  “Why you give gold to chieftains? Bigbelly in charge of tribes around here. Bigbelly think you try to muscle in on my territory. That make me angry.”

  Padwin bowed. “Chief Bigbelly, we don’t know what our master is planning. We are only following his orders.”

  “Then Bigbelly want to talk to wizard Larkin. Want to see what coward wizard who send out lackeys to do leader job has to say.”

  “We can try,” Padwin said, “but we don’t know if he will or not. I will contact him now.”

  Padwin withdrew the green bauble and contacted Larkin. The wizard’s face appeared in the glass and he scowled.

  “Padwin, you’re contacting me early. What is it you want? I’m very busy.”

  “My apologies, master,” Padwin said, “but there is a chief that wants to speak with you.”

  Larkin’s face grew grim. “I have no time to talk to petty monster chiefs. Just give him his gift and if he doesn’t take it, leave.”

  Bigbelly heard these words and tightened his grip on his club. The ogre’s in the doorway took up a battle stance.

  Padwin looked around at the threatening ogres and spoke quickly. “My lord, he said he’s in charge of all the tribes around in the area. I thought it would be prudent for you talk to him.”

  Larkin was quiet for a moment. “Okay, let me speak with him.”

  Padwin held out the bauble and dropped it in the Ogre’s large hand.


  Bigbelly smiled as he looked down at the bauble. “We make good team.”

  Larkin and Bigbelly spoke for ninety minutes about the affairs in the local area. From the conversation, the elf learned that Bigbelly had, through conquest and fear, become the most powerful chief in the area. While he didn’t have direct control over any tribe other than his own, he could coerce many of them to do what he wanted. Those that wouldn’t were supposedly too afraid of him to stand in his way.

  Larkin worked out a deal with Bigbelly to get access to several of the tribes that Estelar’s group couldn’t talk to. In return, Larkin promised to expand Bigbelly’s influence in the area and give him a share of any treasure the tribes in the area obtained in a conquest.

  The conversation didn’t seem to go anywhere at first. Bigbelly only laughed at Larkin’s claim of the Crimson Warrior guild’s power. Larkin showed him several documents that made the ogre’s eyes go wide. Estelar could only guess what they were, but from the conversation, they seemed to indicate the wizard’s reach expanded rather far.

  Bigbelly then laughed and said he would not work with a weakling. A few minutes later there were loud booms and a few screams that came from the bauble. Estelar didn’t know what Larkin did, but whatever it was had the ogre shivering.

  The two spent the rest of the time discussing plans to further their own ends in the area. When they were done, Bigbelly handed the bauble back to Padwin and clapped to the ogres at the entrance to the cavern.

  “Give them necklaces,” Bigbelly shouted.

  The ogres nearly tripped over themselves exiting the area. One came back a few moments later carrying thick leather cords with small bones carved in the shape of clubs.

  “Wear these and other tribes talk to you. They recognize as part of my clan. Go and spread word of your and my clan’s greatness. Tell me of those that don’t want talk. Big Club clan make sure they not make same mistake twice.”

  Padwin bowed. “Thank you, great chief Bigbelly.”

  “Quit simpering like wimps. Go!”

  The party hurriedly left the chief’s cavern.
They were led back to their horses and quickly rode out to continue their mission.


  The party found their task much simpler. Every time they approached a tribe, they were instantly given access to the clan’s chief.

  Padwin spun his tales of working together and achieving greatness for their clan through their partnership. Every now and then he would mention clan Big Club to those that showed any sort of resistance to the idea. By the end of the day they had managed to convince several clans to accept their gifts and talks for support.

  When night fell, Padwin contacted Larkin and told him of the good news.

  “Another excellent day’s work. From the information I have, you’ve spoken to almost all of the villages in the area. There is only one more that I wish for you to speak to.”

  “Who is that, my lord?” Padwin said.

  “There is a large village to the far north called Rotten Gut. It’s a village of various different monster races headed by a troll that calls herself Stinking Shiva. She has a great deal of sway in the area. If you are able to convince her to work with us, then we’ll be done with this stage of our plan. I’ll come out personally and begin preparations for the next.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Larkin nodded to Padwin and he faded from the bauble. Padwin put the bauble away and began preparing the campsite. It was deep in the night by the time all of their sleeping bags were set up.

  Estelar lay in his sleeping bag staring up at all of the winking stars. Before long he heard impassioned moans coming from a few feet away. Padwin was locked in a three way tussle between himself, Durga, and Poppy. Their clothes were coming off and their hands were exploring different parts of their bodies.

  The elf’s member rose as he heard them enjoying each other’s company. He badly wanted to get out of his sleeping bag, rip off his clothes and jump right into the middle of their threesome, but Tatarna’s warning glance from the prior night kept him away.

  Blood pumped to his member, giving him a painful erection. Estelar sighed and rose from his sleeping bag. He wasn’t in the mood to listen to other people getting it on. He walked out into the night, away from the light of the camp.


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