Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance Page 3

by Piper Stone

  My decision was made.

  We would keep her.

  Use her.

  Fuck her.

  Then we’d let her go, but only after she paid a hefty price.

  “No, we don’t, although I seriously doubt Domingo would allow his flavor of the month out of his sight. Still, our runaway bride will have two options,” I said casually.

  Dylan polished off his drink. “I’m afraid to hear the details.”

  “She can either have our protection, with the caveat that her body belongs to us to do with anything that we damn well please.”

  He inched closer, the devious side of him shining through. I’d always known his aw-shucks cowboy exterior only held in the beast clawing at the surface. He was just as hungry as I was.

  For the darkness of domination.

  For the fulfillment of our true nature.

  Now we had a chance to have exactly what we craved.

  “Or?” he asked.

  I swirled the bourbon, savoring the rich flavor more than usual. “Or we’ll make certain she goes back to exactly where she started from.” The man I’d once been would never have thought this way, but I had to get used to the fact I was never going back to that life. Might as well find some kind of pleasure from the new lifestyle I’d selected.

  After a few seconds, he chuckled. “You’re one sick fuck, Crockett. Why don’t I find something our prize can wear?”

  I nodded, studying the way the liquid glistened in the light of the fire, my vile thoughts remaining at the surface. My instinct told me our find was important, perhaps even more so than we would realize initially. The beautiful blonde with the killer body was somebody else’s prize and now we owned her.

  She would endure filthy and vile things, forced to surrender to us body and soul. And if we broke her? I chuckled as I rubbed my hand over my cock. The ache continued but soon I would find satisfaction.

  I turned my head slowly, the adrenaline pumping as I allowed my gaze to slide down the length of her body.

  How delicious fate could be.

  Chapter Three


  The single creak of the floor dragged me from my moment of sleep, my reactions swift. I pointed my Glock in the direction of the sound, prepared to fire.

  A sharp inhale was the only sound she made as she stared at me. There was even a hint of rebelliousness in her eyes, a flash of fear.

  “I wouldn’t make any sudden moves if I were you.” While I lowered the weapon, I couldn’t take my eyes away from her as she stood in front of the fire. There was something comical about the fact she was standing in a cabin full of criminals ready to devour every inch of her in a wedding dress that didn’t suit her.

  It was her turn to study me as she clenched her fists before slowly bending over and grabbing my glass and the bottle of bourbon. She remained quiet as she poured a hefty amount, finally bringing the drink to her lips with a shaking hand.

  For a woman who’d fled a horrific situation, only to wreck a car I doubted she owned before being captured by three burly long-haired bikers, she was remarkably calm. Most women would be sobbing and begging for release. This one had spunk.

  My cock twitched all over again.

  I eased forward, placing the gun on the edge of the table, allowing her a few minutes of peace. Dylan had wrangled up sweatpants and a sweater for our caged pet to wear. I couldn’t stand the sight of the dress. The damn thing brought back too many memories, ones that didn’t deserve the light of day. After sweeping the entire car, Wade had found a cell phone with almost zero charge. However, from the screensaver, I also doubted it had belonged to her. Still, Wade had smashed it under his boot. We couldn’t take the chance of a tracking system of any kind.

  We’d even secured our real phones, picking up burners on the way here. Given the cabin was in a false name, something I’d been able to wrangle given my past profession, there was no connection that could be found.

  Unless she had a tracking system somewhere imbedded on her beautiful body. That was a true possibility.


  When she still said nothing, merely observing me like a jaguar sizing up its enemies, I nodded toward the clothes. “I’m certain you’d like to change into something more appropriate, runaway bride.”

  She merely darted her head quickly in that direction, also giving me a single nod. As she glanced around the perimeter, she pulled the glass to her lips again. Her gaze settled on the hallway, her body swaying slightly.

  I knew what she was searching for. “Second door on the left. Help yourself. We need to talk afterwards.” If she paid any heed to my command, she certainly didn’t say it in words or show it in her body language. Either the girl was a liar or one tough woman. The dominating side of me was prepared to take over, forcing her to show me respect, but I couldn’t do it.

  At least not yet.

  She eased her glass down, moving quickly to retrieve the clothes, the damn satin of the dress swishing with every step she took. I was going to burn the goddamn thing.

  “But princess,” I stated in a deep voice, waiting until she stopped short. “I’ll remind you that there is a horrific storm outside, the roads nothing but a sheet of ice. There is no way of escape, but if you try, you will be punished, and you won’t like that very much.” I wasn’t certain whether to expect a response, but I certainly didn’t get one.

  As she walked away, she threw a look over her shoulder. Still sizing me up.

  Also carving me into a thousand pieces.

  I liked this girl; however, her chutzpa was more than I’d bargained for.

  That only made me want her more.

  I closed my eyes briefly, allowing my thoughts to drift to the shit storm of the last months. I wasn’t used to running from either law enforcement or a lunatic with a penchant for murder. Granted, I had to take full responsibility for the decisions I’d made during the last few years, but I doubted I’d get the opportunity to either explain or detail the reasons why.

  At least before I was shoved into a body bag.

  Hell, who was I kidding? I owed Hell’s Fury and the reigning president my life. Hawk had found me beaten to within an inch of my life in an alley, the bastards breaking every rib, and wrecking my face and body with their hard kicks and punches. The beat-down had been given to teach me a lesson.

  The task Hawk had presented with me in mind was a way to exact my own personal revenge, only this particular mission hadn’t allowed for the enjoyment of physical contact.


  It was only a matter of time before I tracked Domingo in his secondary lair, giving him a reminder of what he’d taken from me. I took comfort in the thought. However, this wasn’t necessarily that opportunity. While I wasn’t normally a patient man, for what I hoped to accomplish, I had no problem waiting for the exact right time.

  Two floorboards creaked but before I had an opportunity to reach for my gun, I realized they were coming from behind me. Then I heard the sound of the front door opening. I roared as I jumped from the chair, realizing immediately that she’d managed to yank on boots and a coat and was heading outside.

  The girl who’d begged for protection was attempting to escape.

  Over my dead body.

  She’d yet to realize it but she now belonged to me.

  What the hell did the girl think she was doing? The ice was thickening up, the frozen precipitation coming down in sheets. I jerked into motion, cursing the fact I’d let my damn guard down.

  “Get out here!” I commanded the others as I struggled to get into my boots.

  Wade lumbered out first, his weapon already positioned in his hand. “What the hell is going on?”

  “We have a runaway,” I barked, watching as Dylan followed closely behind Wade.

  “You have got to be kidding me. Didn’t she ask for our help?” Dylan huffed, already passing me and grabbing his coat.

  “I guess the lady had a change of heart. Fan out. We need to catch this girl. Grab s
ome flashlights.” There was a hell of a lot more to this story than the lovely blonde wanted to let on.

  By the time I managed to get outside, she had a solid three minutes ahead of us. At least my jacket already contained a flashlight. The storm was blinding, the rain and ice combination shooting sideways, making it difficult to see a damn thing.

  The other two followed me, swinging their beams in opposite directions. Shit. It was almost impossible to see more than a couple of feet ahead.

  “She won’t survive out here long,” Dylan yelled over the roar of the wind.

  No, and she would be prime feasting material if she managed to get too far away from the cabin. There were hundreds of predators in the woods, eager and willing to rip into sweet, delicious flesh.

  The three of us took off, moving into the darkness of the forest. I slipped on the icy leaves, making advancement slow going. I still couldn’t believe her determination. She couldn’t be thinking clearly.

  As ice slapped against my face, I swung the beam around and tried to pick up speed. Within seconds, I was easily able to find her even in the darkness. Goddamn it, the girl had a death wish. I was going to need to teach her a lesson once and for all. While she was faster than I could have imagined, she obviously had no freaking clue what she was doing.

  She tumbled onto the ground, struggling like a prize fighter, using a tree to push herself into a standing position.

  “Stop!” I called but knew damn well she wasn’t going to obey me.

  A rush of wind almost knocked her over again, a shriek pushing past her lips.

  I managed to grab her arm, yanking her against my chest. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Getting away from here!” she snapped. “Let go of me.”

  “Not a chance, sweetheart.” She struggled like a wildcat, attempting to scratch out my eyes. I couldn’t even manage to drag her a few feet without being smacked in the face by one of her fists. I’d had enough, tossing her over my shoulder. She continued to screech, as if anyone out here in the wilderness could hear her.

  “Do you have her?” Wade called.

  “Yeah. She’s with me.” I fought my way back to the front door, huffing the moment I managed to take a step onto the porch and into the living room. She’d stopped moving, although I could still hear her scattered whimpers.

  “Damn it, woman. You could have gotten us all killed,” I said half under my breath. I was pitched into a dark place, yet another reminder of a past I’d done everything to forget.

  After both men stormed inside, one of them slammed the door with enough force the entire place seemed to shake.

  “Get some damn towels, will ya?” I barked at Dylan.

  “Why, yes, sir,” he snarked, yet headed off down the hallway.

  Damn, I was furious with the girl. “I’m going to put you down, but you are going to stay right where you are and obey me.”

  “Obey? You’re insane,” she hissed.

  “She’s not going to listen to you,” Wade insisted.

  “Then I’ll have no choice but to tie her to a chair.” That seemed to get her attention, calming her bratty ass. “Are you going to play nice?”

  “Sure,” she said with the kind of tone telling me otherwise.

  I kept her in my hold until Dylan returned, tossing a single towel in my direction.

  “You’re going to be a good girl and dry off.” My own damn voice was wavering from the intensity of the chill drifting down my back.

  The moment I eased her to the floor, I expected a hard punch. Instead, she glared at me with those same intense eyes. She grabbed the towel from me, wiping her face. I yanked off my coat, closing the distance in order to pull off hers. “You would have died out there. We’re in the middle of a dense forest. You have nowhere to go.”

  “And you could have been eaten by a bear,” Dylan added, rubbing a towel over his head before jamming his coat onto one of the hooks.

  “Maybe we should allow that to happen,” Wade snarled.

  She huffed, cursing under her breath, her body shivering. When I attempted to toss the coats toward the door, that’s all the opportunity she needed, planting one hard jab into my kidney, using her other hand to punch me in the throat.

  “Whoa! She’s a fighter,” Wade said, laughing his ass off at me. The man had seen me take down two rowdy scumbags within minutes, but I couldn’t handle a single woman.

  I’d had enough. Spunk or no spunk, the girl was getting one hard spanking.

  Coughing, I stumbled forward as I reached for her, only managing to snag the sweater she was wearing.

  “Get away from me,” she hissed again, ready to claw her nails down my face as she tossed the towel in my direction.

  I grabbed her by the wrists, shaking my head. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, princess,” I said, making a tsking sound.

  She pitched herself away from me and directly into Wade’s arms.

  “Snookums, you’re not going anywhere,” Wade growled as he buried his head into her neck.

  “Let go of me!” Her words were now barely a whisper.

  I snapped my hand around her hair, yanking her out of Wade’s arms and closer to me. “I’m not a nice man, little girl. And the other two? They’re brutes. You shouldn’t play with men who are bigger than you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” When her boot snagged me in the shin, my last bit of patience flew out the window.

  “Fuck. Me,” Dylan snorted. “This girl needs to learn a few lessons about manners.”

  “Yep. I agree with you.” Growling, I picked her up, moving her further into the living room and tossing her over the back of the couch.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, the tone of her voice driving through my heart like a sharp steak knife.

  The combination of raging bull hunger and fury was explosive. I ripped at the oversized sweatpants she’d been given, tugging them down to her knees. I couldn’t help but marvel at the fact she’d been wearing a bright red thong underneath her lily-white wedding dress. “Giving you a well needed spanking.”

  “A what?” She refused to settle down, her arms and legs flailing.

  “I’ll grab my belt,” Wade added as he walked toward the hallway, tossing his towel around his neck. I knew he would make good on his threat.

  Then again, the feisty woman needed a full understanding of the situation she’d found herself in.

  I issued two hard smacks of my palm, moving from one side to the other. The wet slick on her skin was a powerful draw, my mouth suddenly dry. Fuck, I was attracted to this girl.

  “Oh. Oh!” she squealed, panting as she continued fighting me.

  “I suggest you calm down or this is going to be much worse.” I brought my hand down several more times, so aroused I found it difficult to breathe.

  “Ouch. Jesus!”

  “You can’t go off running into a damn snowstorm.” I smacked her four more times, enjoying the heat building up in my hand as well as the warm blush blossoming on her bottom. I hadn’t spanked a woman in one hell of a long time, and in truth, it felt damn good. She needed to learn her place if she was going to ask for protection.

  “You don’t own me!”

  I laughed as I lowered down, issuing a harsh whisper. “I think we need to get something straight. That’s where you’re wrong.” I continued spanking her, my mind turning to all the evil things I wanted to do to her body. She was gorgeous in every sense of the word; the ugly clothes Dylan had found in one of my closets were unable to hide her exquisite beauty.

  “Why? Because I asked you for help, as if you were going to give it to me,” she spat out.

  “You’re in my house on my turf; however, these two gentlemen are my guests. That gives all three of us every right to do what we damn well please.”

  “Gentlemen? What a crock of shit,” she retorted.

  Wow. I was thrown how much I wanted to spank her until she couldn’t sit for a week and fuck her until she be
gged for more. I cracked my hand against her backside four more times before wrapping my hand around her hair. “You will learn to listen and follow directions. While I don’t want to hurt you, I will if necessary. Understood?”

  I held my breath until she finally nodded. There wasn’t a single portion of my body that wasn’t electrified, blood pumping wildly through my veins.

  She remained quiet for a few minutes as I peppered her ass with a solid ten more, one coming immediately after the other. Even the sting on my hand felt damn good, making me feel more alive than I had in years. While she continued to struggle, even tossing her hand back in an effort to protect her reddening bottom, she finally gave up, merely spewing curse words like a sailor.

  That surprised the hell out of me.

  “You’re an asshole, jerkoff. Bastard. Fuckhead.”

  “You have no idea, sweetheart.”

  “My turn,” Dylan stated with authority as he took her into his arms, half dragging her toward the couch. When he yanked her over his lap, I planted my hands on my hips, studying the procedure with interest.

  “Please. Stop. I won’t run away again,” she insisted. The slight seductive tone in her voice was nothing but a ploy.

  “No. You. Won’t.” As Dylan brought his hand down, I could instantly tell by the look on his face how much he was enjoying the action.

  And for some reason, I hated it. Not that I was a relationship kind of man any longer, but I’d never been into sharing. I guess there was a first time for everything. The other two certainly wouldn’t allow me to claim her as my own.

  “Oh!” she wailed, kicking out until he was forced to place his leg over hers in order to keep her in place. She was a wily one, that was for certain.

  As he refused to stop, my mind reeled at all the nasty possibilities. I wanted to taste her sweet cream, to have it spill down the back of my throat. And I wanted more than anything to shove my cock deep inside her tight little ass.

  Wade swaggered back into the room, glaring down at the two of them, his eyes shimmering with the same kind of lust I’d felt since laying eyes on her.

  “I think she could use a good old-fashioned strapping lesson. Don’t you?” Wade asked, although I knew damn good and well he wasn’t asking for permission.


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