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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

Page 7

by Piper Stone

  An ache in my belly was a reminder that not every single aspect of life under Michael’s thumb had been horrifying. The bastard was good for something.

  I turned over, still shaking under the mound of covers, my bottom aching. Cringing, I eased my hand to caress my bruised skin, tingling all over once again. Why was I insanely attracted to three of the most rugged, dangerous men perhaps on this planet?

  Nothing made any sense any longer, exhaustion settling in. The moment Crockett had pulled me from the wreck, I’d been certain he was going to take me back to Michael. Then he’d cradled me in his arms, whispering that everything was going to be all right. Waking up in front of a roaring fire, a blanket covering me, I’d been positive I was dreaming.

  But this was no dream. This was just another form of a nightmare.

  I had to keep reminding myself of that fact even as my nipples ached, longing to be plucked and twisted by several pairs of strong hands. I’d wanted to study every inch of Crockett, even though the sane and rational side of me had reminded me several times that all three men were likely my enemy, bound by some oath to take me back to hell.

  Now I wasn’t so certain. Could I dare believe what Crockett had told me, that he’d actually take me on what was likely a wild goose chase? What I knew in my heart is that I’d do anything to get there. Absolutely anything. Perhaps I’d sold my very soul in selling my body, but what had been the difference before? The only thing was that my body hadn’t forced Michael to marry me.

  Greed had.


  And blood.

  I pulled the covers up to my ears, fighting the urge to cry. I was much stronger than to fall into a puddle, wallowing in self-pity. I’d made my choice a while ago, a calculated decision and somehow, I’d get through it.

  No matter what they asked.

  I was finally resolved to the fact that three big strapping bikers were going to take me as often as possible.

  Use me.

  Fuck me.

  Break me.

  As the realization settled in of what I’d done, my gut told me it was the right thing. I did believe I was safe, at least for now.

  I only prayed they’d keep their word.

  I could hear the wind outside, the relentless toss of tree branches against the side of the house. Ugly visions washed into me, the kind that would forever haunt me no matter how far I ran. Michael was relentless with his property, refusing to take no for an answer. There would be a day he’d find me and on that very day I only hoped I had the courage and opportunity to do what I hadn’t before.

  Cut out his black, cold heart.

  The thought finally giving me a smile, I hugged the pillow tighter, allowing myself to remember sweet kisses for the first time. Then I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to crush my mouth over Crockett’s, drinking in his sultry essence. He was all brawn, his scent like the woods and hard work, much like his well-honed body. I’d noticed how his jeans rode his sculpted ass, as if Levi’s had designed a pair with him in mind. Damn, the man was hot.

  As I pressed my face into the pillow, I could swear the same musky scent lingered on the warm bedding. Shuddering, I closed my eyes, tugging the coverings even more tightly around me. Maybe when I awakened in the morning, this would all be a horrific nightmare.

  What I knew I had to do was remain compliant in order to stay alive.

  I’d do anything for a chance to get my life back. If only I hadn’t believed Michael’s lies. If only I’d followed my gut, refusing to fall for his slick words and glorious presents. My life would be so much different. I still wouldn’t have money or some powerful job, but I would have my sanity.

  Then again, I’d lose so much more. For all the strength and courage I’d mustered up after five long months of incarceration, I realized it was all gone. There was nothing left. I was so damn tired, exhausted from worrying about when Michael would arrive back at the house, the sound of his heavy boots as he walked up the stairs. The click of the lock. The twist of the handle.

  The sound of his voice.

  And his expectations.

  I buried my face into the pillow, no longer to hold back the sobs. Then I remembered something my mama told me when I was a little girl.

  “Always think amazing thoughts, my perfect princess. Imagine blue skies and wildflowers, bird chirping and the sound of water trickling over the bank of rocks. Keep that vision in your mind and the darkness will always go away.”

  “I hope you’re right, Mama, ‘cause I can’t take much more.” I whispered the words and closed my eyes, envisioning the same beautiful field I had since being told my mother’s secret of keeping a smile on her face.

  Only this time, I added a sexy man. No shirt. A sun-kissed rugged body. Dazzling dark eyes beckoning for me. Wanting...

  “Come here,” Crockett demanded as he crooked his finger. Wind whipped through his hair, the golden sun highlighting his teeming muscles.

  I hesitated, giving him a seductive smile as I swayed my hips back and forth. “Why?”

  “Because I told you to,” he said, grinning.

  I pressed my finger across my lips, giving him a heated gaze. “I think... not.” Giggling, I took off running in the opposite direction, racing through the bank of colorful wildflowers. I could hear him following me, his exaggerated breathing turning into distinct, husky growls. I knew as soon as he caught me, he’d devour every inch of my body.

  “Come here, little girl, or your punishment is going to be severe.”

  I tossed him a look over my shoulder. “You’ll have to come get me.” I couldn’t stop laughing as I weaved my way through a bank of trees, dodging back and forth, finally hiding behind a massive oak. I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing, my curiosity finally getting the better of me. Holding my breath, I dared look around the tree.

  He’d disappeared.

  I craned my neck as I scanned the area. Where had he gone? He wouldn’t leave me here. Would he? I headed back toward the meadow, a moment of fear trickling into my system.

  Until a pair of strong arms swept me off my feet, swinging me in a full circle.

  “The big, bad wolf has taken his prize.”

  Mmm... I rolled over, my eyes opening slightly as a smile crossed my face. Maybe my mother was right. “The big... bad... wolf.” Yawning, I inhaled deeply, wanting nothing more than to dive back into the fantasy.

  “I told you to come the fuck here,” Michael demanded as he beckoned for me, his eyes burning a hole into mine.

  I hesitated, darting my eyes toward the open door, the only method of escape. The room was cold, filled with ominous shadows, yet not dark enough to hide his vicious expression. “Why?”

  He sneered. “Because I fucking told you to. That’s why.”

  I pressed my knuckles into my mouth, fighting the wave of nausea rolling into me as my legs threatened to give out. I couldn’t take it any longer. “I don’t think so.” I darted toward the hallway, my bare feet slapping on the wooden floor as I raced toward the stairs. If I could get out of the house, maybe someone would help me. Please. Oh, please.

  “Come here right now, you bitch, or your punishment is going to be much more severe.”

  I threw the bastard a nasty look over my shoulder as I managed to throw open the front door, racing out. “You’re going to have to find me first, you son of a bitch.” I couldn’t stop shaking, tears forming in my eyes as I raced toward the bank of trees, dodging this way and that way in an effort to get away from him. The sharp stones dug into my tender skin, the pain a reminder that at least I was still alive. I darted behind a tree, slapping my hand over my mouth as the terror increased. When I heard nothing, my curiosity got the better of me. Holding my breath, I dared look around the tree.

  He’d disappeared.

  I craned my neck as I scanned the area. Where had he gone? Oh, God. Oh... I knew better than to think he’d risk me getting away. He’d likely turned the dogs loose, ordering them to track m
e down. I headed deeper into the forest, determined to get away.

  Until a pair of strong arms swept me off my feet, pitching me against the trunk of a tree, the wind knocked out of me. He snarled as he glared at me.

  “The big, bad wolf has found his pet. Now, he’s going to be forced to cage her.”

  I swam up from the nightmare, clawing at the sheets. “Oh, no. Oh, no.” Blinking furiously, I tried to remember where I was and what the hell was going on. Was Michael just outside? Was he going to cage me again? I...

  You’re okay. Breathe.

  I exhaled, finally able to remember where I was. The dreams were so different yet so similar. A whimper threatened to rush up from the very depth of my being, forcing me to press the back of my hand across my mouth. The house was entirely quiet, only the sound of the wind rustling in the trees. I was safe. I was protected.

  I could almost feel Michael’s hands, his harsh breath. How long would it be before I no longer had nightmares?

  Water. I needed water or maybe something stronger. I eased out of bed, trying my best not to create any sound. I needed some time alone, space to process everything. Hopefully the three big bears were sleeping, wallowing in their success at being able to feed their hunger.

  I was surprised the door was actually unlocked even though Crockett had told me he had no intentions of locking me in my room.

  As long as I was a good girl.

  I bit my lower lip as I thought about how he’d issued the words, just like a big papa bear.

  “You’re going to bed and to sleep right away. You need to rest. Do you understand me?”

  I’d actually sworn I’d caught a caring look in his eyes. No, that wasn’t possible. He was merely following his end of the deal. After creeping down the stairs, I padded into the living room, barely darting a look toward the still glowing fire before heading into the kitchen. Someone had left a light on over the stove, the warm glow a reminder of home-cooked meals and times spent with family and friends.

  While time had also been taken with the beautiful kitchen, including details in the granite countertops, there was merely a perfunctory look about the space. The stove appeared brand new, as if never cooked on. There were no scratches or dents, no grease stains or even crumbs. There was also no dust.

  Even the refrigerator, which was humming from electricity, I could tell had never had any pictures or magnets attached to it. As I opened the door, searching for something to drink, I was surprised that it was full of food: steaks and chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables. Beer. Wine. Water. Juice. For men who were hiding out, at least they were well stocked.

  Everything about the situation seemed off. After retrieving and opening a bottle of water, I listened for sounds that I’d awakened anyone. There was only the slight cracking of wood filtering from the living room. I opened one of the drawers, finding an empty space. The second and third were the same.

  Now I was more than curious. I opened every cabinet and drawer, finding only a few dishes, utensils, and pots and pans. They reminded me of a starter pack. Like a new homeowner would have.

  Or a brand new couple at the very beginning of their lives together.

  A cold chill swept through me as I turned in a full circle. He’d built the house for someone, but they’d never gotten a chance to live here.

  For some crazy reason, a moment of sadness for him swept through me. I didn’t know the guy at all. Even his first name could be a flat out lie but seeing this was so damn intimate. I wasn’t the only person holding darkness deep within. I walked into the living room, moving in front of the fire, uncertain of what to think about the find. Maybe I was completely wrong. Hell, the bikers could have purchased everything on their way here to hide out.

  Why did I think otherwise?

  “I don’t think Crockett would take kindly to the fact you’re searching through his things. He’s a real private man.”

  Hearing Wade’s voice sent a different kind of chill down the back of my legs. I swallowed before turning toward the voice. He’d pushed the chair back further into the shadows, but I was still able to make out his form.

  “I was just... thirsty.”

  “Uh-huh,” he said, chuckling. “I don’t take you for a stupid woman. You’re trying to figure us all out. Aren’t you, princess? Oh, sorry. I guess you don’t like that name.”

  “It’s Kelly,” I said through clenched teeth. Just because I was going to have copious rounds of sex with him didn’t mean I had to like him.

  “I know, although it would be real nice to learn your last name.”

  I heard the scrape of his boot as he moved to his feet, sauntering in my direction, planting his hand on the mantel. His heated gaze slowly fell to the white socks, only there was no look of lust in his eyes as before, more like one of contempt.

  “What would it matter if I told you my last name?” I asked, pulling the bottle closer to me.

  “You’re right. I guess we all got secrets. Just seems like our boy Crockett has a thing for you.”

  I laughed, daring to look him in the eyes. “I have no idea why you’d say that. He’s arrogant and angry at the world.”

  “Yeah? Well, from what I heard, he has every right to be.” He took a swig of his drink and for the first time, I could see something other than the badass bravado he’d tried so hard to get me to see. He was concerned about his friend, although I had the distinct feeling they weren’t the best of buddies.

  “Am I supposed to ask you what that means?”

  “You can if you want, but I’m not the man to tell you. I just know there’s some personal reason he took a chance taking you in like some lost waif. That makes Dylan and me angry. We’re trying to do our jobs and you come along acting like some helpless chick. Somehow, I know better. You’re one tough lady.”

  I faced him, allowing my eyes to roam his face. “We all have two sides, now don’t we?”

  He lifted his glass, a genuine smile crossing his face. “Beautiful and smart. A dangerous combination.”

  “What’s your story? Bank robber? Extortion?”

  Wade’s smile instantly faded and he took a step away, glancing into the fire. Jesus. Did I actually hurt his feelings?

  “Actually, I own a body shop in Jacksonville. Make pretty good money. Have a little house I paid way too much money for but it’s all mine. Blood, sweat, and tears as they say.” He laughed, but in such a way he allowed a crack in his armor. He seemed lost in his thoughts for a few seconds before shaking his head. “Anyway, I just want to get back to it in one piece.”

  I was absolutely thrown as to what to say. “I love Florida. Even all the touristy locations. When I was little, my parents took me to Disney World and I thought I’d fallen into the most incredible fantasy where I’d live happily ever after one day. Even Sea World was amazing to see. I was allowed to play with the dolphins and up to that point, I’d been terrified of water. It was utterly wonderful. After that, all I wanted to do was play in the water. My mom couldn’t get me out of the ocean. I always hoped I’d be able to take my children there one day. Maybe even have a little house somewhere close to the beach.” I hadn’t said anything like that in years and was floored the words could be so easily said now.

  Maybe because Wade couldn’t care less about me.

  Maybe because they were all strangers.

  Maybe because I was still in the middle of a nightmare.

  “I’m sorry. I was rambling,” I murmured.

  “No, that’s all right. I’ve lived in the state so long I take all that for granted. Can’t tell you the last time I went to the beach.” His laugh was so deep, the sound actually comforting. “Might have to do that when and if I get back.”

  At least I’d found out where one of them was from, although that hadn’t necessarily been my intention. Dare I risk trying to get additional information?

  “Not sure about Disney World though,” he mused before taking another sip of his drink.

  “Do you have a special som
eone there?” I wasn’t certain why I asked. We certainly weren’t going to be an item.

  He grinned from ear to ear. “I’m an asshole, Kelly. I think you figured that out, but I ain’t no two-timer. If I had a beautiful woman like yourself back home, I wouldn’t touch you. Deal or no deal. Just a thing my daddy drilled into me when I was real young. I’ve done some bad shit in my life, definitely nothing to be proud of, but not that.”

  The words couldn’t have been more shocking.

  “I think that’s... wonderful.”

  Wade snorted, darting a quick look in my direction. “Not according to some of my brothers.”

  I knew for certain he wasn’t talking about his biological brothers. My guess was he and the others had taken a blood oath when they joined whatever biker club they were in. I realized I was tingling, my nipples scraping against the dense flannel. Every slight layer he peeled away revealing the real man inside created far too much arousal.

  I couldn’t be thinking this way. I just wanted information to make certain they weren’t working with Michael. Nothing more.

  “Do all three of you come from Florida?” I asked, a slight purr to my tone.

  He didn’t seem bothered by the question, although I’d already noticed the bulge increasing in his jeans. “We live there, although Dylan likely grew up in Texas given that damn drawl of his. You from around here?”

  I laughed with him, even inching closer. Maybe he was fishing too. “Born in California, but my dad got a job offer in Maryland when I was very young.”

  “Never been to either place. I’m just a good ole boy who’s lived in Florida all his life. I’ll admit though, I love it.” He gave me a sly look, his expression full of questions. “But this asshole of yours lives in Georgia, huh?”

  Nibbling on my lip, I allowed myself to lock eyes with his. “Just outside of Atlanta. He has a beautiful sweeping estate where he keeps himself locked behind gates, as if he’s something special.”


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