Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance Page 14

by Piper Stone

  I made certain no one else was in close proximity, keeping my voice low. “Is he the previous buyer for the party favors?”

  He took his time, adding more cream to his coffee before answering. “I thought you didn’t want to know details.”

  “Things change. Just answer the question.” Hawk had taken a chance bringing me into the inner sanctum of the club. Given the difference in our ages, I knew a part of him considered me the son he’d never had. There’d even been rumors I was in line to take over the throne, although the last thing I wanted was holding the lives of almost four hundred men in my hands. I’d seen enough bloodshed to last me the fucking rest of my life.

  He lifted a single eyebrow, waiting a full ten seconds before answering. “Yeah, that’s a possibility, although I don’t know for certain. Word on the street is that Mr. Capatelli has been gunning for a secure deal for some time, but he’s not easy to peg. The fucker is cagey, refusing to get his hands dirty. He has enough brawn around him that he never partakes in the deals himself. I also heard his people are completely expendable. Why are you asking about him, Crockett?”

  “You know why, Hawk. At least you know exactly why I took this deal and it included every party person who was involved being cut down. If this ass-wipe is a part of Salizare’s kingdom, then he’s going down.” I realized I’d clenched my fist, my breathing ragged. I’d thought of nothing for years, waiting until the right moment that Domingo Salizare, the head of the most notorious drug ring on the entire East Coast would face my wrath. And I didn’t plan on stopping at the fucking asshole himself. I had every intention of dragging his entire operation into the pits of hell.

  I knew Hawk felt exactly the same, his sister perishing from an alteration of pure heroin into the kind of drug considered an instant death warrant for unsuspecting drug addicts. We both had vendettas to fill, our lives forever entwined by drugs and violence.

  Hawk eased back in his seat, studying me carefully, a single finger tapping against the chipped Formica table. “Why do I get the distinct impression there’s something personal around this alteration in plans that were in place for months? And why do I believe you already know more about Mr. Capatelli than I do?”

  I laughed softly, waiting until the waitress finally came over, her expression one of curiosity as well as hunger. After ordering coffee, I glanced out the window, wishing for a whiskey to dull the effects of the caffeine. “You are correct on both counts.”

  “You need to tell me what the hell is going on, Crockett. You’re one of the most conscientious and cautious club members. This kind of breach isn’t like you and I know damn good and well the only demons you fear are the ones you wake up to every night.”

  I was forced to wipe my hand across my lips to hide the nervous tic I felt instantly. The nightmares had been even more brutal then, causing me to lash out in violent methods.

  “I think there’s a chance our operation has been compromised,” I finally managed to say.

  Once again, he took his time sipping his coffee before pushing the cup away. He was a man of few words, the anger he’d embraced spoiling any chance of a normal life. He lived alone and other than his aging Labrador, he refused to share his life with anyone. Some members of the club remained certain he’d been ready to die the day his sister had taken her last breath.

  “Who is she?”

  I hadn’t realized I was so damn transparent. There was no sense in lying. He would see right through that as well. “Michael Capatelli’s fiancée.”

  “Ah, fuck. And how do you know her?”

  I was more uncomfortable than I wanted to admit telling him the truth. I owed him more than just my life. The night he’d found me in the alley in Jacksonville, he could have left me for dead. Instead, he took me to his home, nursing me back to health over a solid month and had never asked a single damn question. While I’d always had the suspicion that he’d known my identity from day one, he’d never mentioned it. I’d been the one to finally open up about my past, allowing him to learn about the horror that had been my life for several months.

  To his credit, he’d never judged nor given me more than a few words of advice, but they were ones I’d never forget.

  “Son, you need to forget the shit before the quicksand drags you into the kind of hell you won’t recover from. Trust me. I know what I’d talking about.”

  And he did, his story told over a half empty bottle of tequila.

  After that, he’d inducted me into the motorcycle club, taking me under his wing. There were enough other brothers who loathed my position, even though they had no idea the truth around Crockett Sampson’s identity.

  “She ran off the road while trying to escape from him.”

  “And let me guess, she currently resides in your cabin. And you’re sleeping with her.” He lifted his gaze once again. There was no emotion in his eyes, no indication of his position at all. He was simply...


  When I remained quiet for a few seconds, he laughed, the husky tone a product of too much booze and cigars, both vices he refused to give up. “Correction. All three of you.”

  “We entered into a deal with her before I was able to learn the connection.”

  “And you think her arrival is somehow a coincidence?” he asked, shoving a fifty-dollar bill toward the waitress when she brought my coffee. “Keep the change.”

  Her beaming face was a clear indication she’d leave us alone.

  “Nothing in this life is a coincidence. I’m no fool, which is why I’m here. I know Capatelli is as intelligent as he is cunning, which makes the continuation of this operation dicey at best.”

  “If you’re looking for my opinion, she’s either a plant or one dumb chick who happened to find herself embroiled in the kind of operation that could help land her in jail or worse.” He turned his head until he was able to stare out into the darkness. “But you’re going to tell me that there’s nothing stupid about this girl.”

  “No, there isn’t.”

  “You don’t do anything without a reason but I gotta ask. What are you thinking?”

  I took a deep breath, still trying to figure that out myself. “I think karma just decided to kick my ass. She’s not involved in a connection to the party favors. I’m certain of that, but I also know Michael will stop at nothing to get her back. The fucker doesn’t deserve her. He was forcing her into a marriage she didn’t want and threatened to kill her. Bastard.” I couldn’t stand the thought of touching the coffee, my nerves far too much on edge. “Anyway, made a deal with her.”

  “A deal. Interesting.”

  “She does what we want, we take her to Virginia.”

  He gave me an incredulous look. “You’re nuts.”

  “Just playing the cards that have been dealt.”

  Hawk chuckled. “Go on.”

  “When I planned this gig, I knew there was a distinct possibility that Salizare’s connections wouldn’t take too kindly to the fact he lost an entire shipment that had already been partially paid for. You know I want to kill him myself, but I’ll take what I can get as long as his ass burns in hell. To that end, word on the street is he’s got more trouble than he can handle. What I don’t know is where the majority of heat is coming from. Considering Mr. Capatelli might be involved, I can potentially find additional information on Salizare’s life expectancy. People talk. She might know more than she realizes. Capatelli has his share of enemies just like Salizare. It also means there could be more blood on the streets than even Hell’s Fury is able to handle, including major heat. That’s not something we bargained for.”

  “What are you saying? You want out?” Hawk asked.

  Hawk had never been a quitter, but he also wasn’t a fool.

  “I’m not saying that,” I told him.

  He shook his head. “There’s a problem with your glossy scenario. You don’t know a damn thing about Capatelli. He’s the epitome of evil. He might use his fountain pen or iPhone to order his men to perform som
e heinous action, often none that seem to make any sense, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous.”

  “What I know is that that piece of trash is a treacherous fuck who cut the heart out of his own father with a carving knife while his father was still alive. When he was found innocent, he proceeded to track down the prosecutor in the case, rigging up electric wires outside of the man’s home so he could be dragged to his death in front of his family. I won’t mention to you what he did to the reporters who dared sully his reputation by writing articles in the Atlanta Tribune. That’s why I want to see him taken down.”

  He took a deep breath, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small bottle of bourbon. After taking a sip, he shoved it in my direction. “You know a hell of a lot more than you’ve ever told me.”

  “Yeah, the kinds of things I could tell you about would definitely keep you awake at night. As far as Domingo, he’s a coward but I assure you that if Michael is involved, he will do what he does best. Hunt.” We both knew Domingo would hide in one of his mansions, surrounded by men who were willing to die for him no matter the circumstances. Yes, I wanted revenge, blood for blood, but I also wanted his legacy removed, his roaches scattering to the four corners of the world.

  Capatelli was no different. Even if my rage against him was mostly personal.

  “Like I said, Capatelli is true scum,” Hawk continued. “He’s as much to blame for my sister’s death as Domingo, although I’d never believed there was a chance to lure him into a situation beneficial to us. If he hungers for Domingo’s blood, perhaps that would be the way to go.” He sneered, both hands fisting as he continued to glare out the window. “There is nothing I want to see more than both men to face their maker. But I ain’t losing life with my dog in order to track Capatelli down. If you want to do something else, it’s entirely up to you. We stay the course and wait for the buyer to contact us.”

  “And what if the buyer is spooked?”

  Hawk chuckled, drumming his fingers on the table even though he still continued not to bother looking in my direction. “Then we find another one. There are enough fools out there who won’t give a shit about Capatelli or his sordid reputation.”

  I’d spent four years recouping my life, finding a reason to get up every morning, to bother giving a shit about what the day after tomorrow might bring. I suspected Hawk had been the same way.

  “What if we don’t need to do this?”

  “Meaning what?” he asked under his breath.

  “What if it could be handled in another way, still obtaining the satisfaction you and I require without risking the lives of our brothers?”

  After exhaling, he slid the bottle back into his jacket, leaning over. “You’re not Superman, Crockett, no matter what you think. If you believe you can take on either one of these men by yourself, you’re a fool and I know that’s not the man I spent a solid month with.”

  “While I want nothing more than to put a bullet into both their brains, there are other methods of achieving revenge.”

  He took a few additional minutes studying me. “I’ve never had a kid. Hell, there ain’t been a woman who could tolerate me for longer than a couple months, but I realized how nice it is to have a female around. Their scent. Their laughter. Even their cooking, no matter how bad it can be.” An actual smile crossed his face, something that rarely occurred.

  “What are you telling me this for?”

  “Because, son, you’re hooked on this girl. I would ordinarily be thrilled for you given what I know you’ve been through, but in this case, you’re begging to finish what the gunmen attempted to do years ago.”

  I bristled, thumping back hard against the vinyl seat. Of course he was right, but I didn’t need to be reminded of that. “She’s just a woman in need of help. What the bastard did to her was...”

  “Just imagine what he could do to her and will likely happen if he catches her,” Hawk said quietly.

  “That’s never going to happen,” I hissed, snarling after realizing my voice was raised.

  A quiet and unusual tension settled between us. He was the one to break the ice.

  “If what you got in mind is what I think it is, I’ll go along with it. I never wanted to be in the party favor business, but only on two conditions.”

  “Which are?”

  “Only if the new buyer bags.”

  I sighed, seeing the odd look in his eyes. “And?”

  He leaned ever closer than before. “Only if you promise me to cut the shit and go back to your former life. That’s where you belong.”

  Hawk knew that wasn’t a promise I could keep, but he was no more a fool than I was. We both wanted this shot at revenge and we’d do anything to get it. “Deal.”

  He locked eyes with mine, not blinking for several seconds. Then he eased out of the booth, adjusting his jacket and starting to walk away. While I could no longer see his face or read his expression, I heard every word he said just before walking out of the diner.

  “You seem to know Capatelli a hell of a lot better than I do; however, I do understand the kind of deranged personality that he has. Possessive. He’ll stop at nothing to get this woman back and my guess is he has the means of doing just that. Son, if this girl means as much to you as I think she does already, you need to protect her with your life, but know what you’re doing. Whatever she has in Virginia, you need to figure out. I don’t want to see you played on this one. This could once again change you forever and you might need her help luring Capatelli into the game. You have to ask yourself if you’re willing to do that.”

  I concentrated on the sound of his boots as he took long strides toward the entrance.

  Hawk was an intelligent man, wiser than anyone I’d ever met, and he was right. Not only did she mean something to me, I knew I was falling in love with her.

  What I didn’t know was if I could protect her, not only from the monster hunting her but from the ones living deep inside of me.

  * * *


  The word had remained in the front of my mind the entire trip back. He’d always been a voice of reason, but I prayed to God he was wrong.

  The house was far too damn quiet in my opinion, although the security system had been set with no sign of breach. I’d sat at the diner for almost an hour before finding the energy to leave. What Hawk had said had made me painfully aware that I had to find my way back from the depths of purgatory. I just had no way of knowing how to do so.

  After reengaging the system, I checked the back door then noticed the light over the stove was still on. A lump formed in my throat, forcing me to walk all the way inside. The kitchen was spotless. There was no sign that they’d made dinner or even had any drinks. As I walked around the island, I was shocked to see every stainless surface was gleaming and devoid of a single fingerprint.

  I held my breath, my hand shaking as I reached out for the upper cabinet door, taking several seconds before I found the courage to open it. Every dish and glass was exactly as they’d been before, positioned just so. A cold shiver shifted down my spine as I opened first one then all the drawers, finding exactly the same. I knew who was responsible and as the realization settled in, I stumbled backwards, colliding with the counter.


  Beautiful, bratty, ballsy Kelly.

  I pressed my hand across my mouth, struggling to catch my breath. Shit. I had no way of reconciling what I felt about her. What the hell could I offer her? I lifted the bags that had remained firmly in my grasp, making a disgusted sound. I’d picked up a few items for her; shoes and jeans, a few tops, and even lingerie. It had been so long since I’d bought anything for a woman that I was terrified I’d selected utter crap.

  But I’d bet almost anything I’d gotten her size right.

  A strangled laugh threatened to push up from my throat.

  I left the light on, finally able to leave the kitchen behind. Very little had touched me over the last few years and in this case, I had no words. As
I walked up the stairs, I realized that Hawk was right about something else.

  Michael was no fool. The thought that he’d left her alone for any extended period of time wasn’t something I could stomach easily. He had to know there was a possibility she’d attempt to find a way to either escape or seek help. Was he testing her in some way? I didn’t like the possibilities or the odds one way or the other.

  I was suddenly fucking exhausted, the ugliness of what we would likely face hitting me square in the gut. As I opened the door to my bedroom, I didn’t bother turning on the light, merely putting the packages on the floor. When I turned around, I almost yanked the Glock from my jacket as the series of shadows swept over my periphery of vision.

  What the fuck?

  I inched closer, peering down at the bed. Nothing had prepared me for the sight of Kelly lying underneath the covers. Curled on her side, the stream of moonlight sliding in past the cracked blinds highlighted an angelic face. I took several shallow breaths, my cock already pushing against my jeans. The effect the woman had on me was incredible.

  While I expected an incredible sadness to drive me to the point of leaving, sleeping downstairs, I was surprised I only felt a wash of peace. There wasn’t a part of my body that wasn’t aching for a soft caress, a night pretending the outside world didn’t exist.

  I quietly took off my clothes, carefully pulling back the covers and crawling beside her. She’d found some old tee shirt of mine, the worn fabric molding against her soft curves. It had been a hell of a long time since I’d lain in bed next to a woman, let alone one who had managed to grab a portion of my heart.

  As I nuzzled against her, my hammering heart thudded in my ears. I found it difficult to swallow as I gently placed my hand on her hip. As before, a single inhale yanked her natural fragrance into every blood cell, infusing me with a series of tingles.

  When she murmured in her sleep, I held my breath even as she reached for my hand, pulling it tightly around her.

  I closed my eyes, fighting the series of tremors sending a chill skating down the length of my back. There were so many things I wanted to say to her, a thousand words that should be stated, but that wasn’t the kind of man I’d ever been. I could only intertwine our fingers and press my body against hers. While the fire of desire burned brightly, sadly, I wasn’t certain the particles of ice that had formed deep inside would ever thaw completely.


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