Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance Page 17

by Piper Stone

  “Wait a minute. That wasn’t the plan. What the hell is going on?” Wade demanded.

  “I think we need to ask our guest that very question.” I shifted my gaze from one to the other before letting go of her arm.

  “I don’t understand,” she half whispered, although I could see by her pained expression that she’d known I’d confront her for the rest of whatever truth or lies she’d hidden away.

  After taking a deep breath, I kept my eyes on her as I answered, refusing to let her go. “I spoke with Hawk. We’re making a change in our plans.”

  “You gonna explain why?” Dylan shoved his coffee cup onto the counter.

  “The buyer is off the table for now, maybe because a picture surfaced that was taken at the docks when we heisted the container.” I knew my answer wouldn’t set well. Even though Dylan and Wade had been privy to the basics of the operation, they had no real understanding of the reason it was personal for me. They would soon learn exactly who I’d been, but not until the change was underway. I didn’t need another person to tell me I couldn’t place my trust in anyone.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Wade exclaimed. “I thought you’d cased the location, swearing there were no cameras.”

  “That’s what I thought,” I admitted, my gut churning.

  “That’s bullshit,” Dylan added. “We’re dead men.”

  “That’s why we need to get as far away from here as possible,” I countered.

  “What deal are you talking about?” she asked, struggling to get away from me.

  “You’re going to honestly tell me that you don’t know that your boyfriend is a major player in the world of illegal drugs?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  Her eyes opened wide, all color draining from her face. “Wait a minute. Is that what you’re doing? All three of you? This is all about drugs?”

  “I don’t think you have any right to confront us, sweetheart. Michael Capatelli is a major player, but my guess is that you already knew that.”

  “I swear to God I never knew,” she insisted, her mouth twisting. “He’s not that way. He’s...” Her eyes turned glassy as she thought about what we were saying.

  “Oh, no?” I asked, jerking her closer. “Unless you were lying to me, he’s the very kind of man who would gun down anyone who got in his way of making a profit. Since we seem to have run out of time, you need to tell me exactly what we’re going to find in Virginia.”

  “No. No! I can’t tell you that. You know why.”

  I backed her against the wall, placing my hand around her throat. “You are going to tell me.”

  “Whoa, let her go, Crockett. She isn’t a part of this,” Dylan stormed behind me.

  “She isn’t?” I sneered. “Then she won’t mind telling me what leverage Capatelli has over her. Now will you, sweetheart, or were you lying all along, sent to hunt us down, hoping that maybe we’d confide in you the location of a few hundred pounds of pure, untouched heroin? Is that why we’re still alive? Or maybe you expect us to buy the fact you were easily able to escape a room where you’d been imprisoned for months, conveniently finding the single car with the keys inside. Right.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Wade snarled.

  Her eyes opened wide, her mouth going slack. “That’s what happened. I have no reason to lie to you. Do you want to know how many times he beat me like some animal? Do you need to hear the details about how I was forced to sleep on a cot, no other furniture in the room? Or are you just that wretched of a person that you long for the sickness of hearing about how he fucked me?” She laughed when we remained quiet. “Then would you prefer to hear how often I begged him to let me go, that I would do anything? Is that how you get your jollies, Crockett?”

  Her eyes were wild, her expression one of hurt as well as anger. A roar of guilt and disgust swept through me, the adrenaline rush forcing me to shake.

  “Let her go, Crockett,” Dylan hissed.

  I threw out my hand in his direction, snarling. Everything was becoming unraveled, the past colliding with the present.

  “If you want me to believe you, then tell me what the hell leverage you have over him. Now!” I’d only become unhinged once before and while I had damn good reason then, I didn’t have one now. I wasn’t that kind of man. As I released my hold, ashamed of my behavior, she sagged further against the wall, all fight stripped away from her.

  She tilted her head, her expression shifting into one of defiance. All I wanted to do was gather her in my arms, but once again, fate intervened as the security system buzzed.

  “An intruder just breached the outer limits. We have five minutes until they get here and trust me, they won’t leave until they finish the job.” I said half under my breath as I locked eyes with Kelly’s. “Get moving. Now!”

  Chapter Twelve


  I might have just signed our death warrants.

  Fuck. Fuck!

  I was sick inside, the emotions becoming unleashed. I’d terrified and gutted Kelly all within a minute. Now our lives were in danger. This entire mess was my fault. My carelessness. My impetuous need to seek revenge.

  My impatience.

  There was no doubt that soldiers were coming from all sides, the security system indicating more than two dozen separate breaches along the furthest proximity. If the sensors were correct, the assholes were coming in on foot, which would allow us a small advantage. We’d been prepared for the possibility, the extra ammunition hidden along with the single bag holding just a few bricks of heroin, enough for a confirmation of the goods.

  I studied my watch as Dylan finally climbed onto his Harley. In my estimation, a group of them would break through the tree line within sixty seconds. The feel of Kelly’s arms wrapped around me was just as chilling as the events about to unfold. Whether or not she was the reason for the discovery no longer mattered. We had to hole up for forty-eight hours in a safe location.

  Enough time to engage in the plan.

  Enough time to be hunted like dogs.

  I sneered as the other two rolled up in my direction.

  “What’s the plan?” Wade asked.

  “Follow me. There’s another way off the property. From there? Jacksonville.” I could see the look the two men shared but they didn’t argue. I shifted so she could hear me clearly. While Salizare’s operation was out of Miami, we would still need all the muscle Hell’s Fury could provide, and it was better to get the asshole off his home turf. “Whatever happens, keep your head down and your arms locked around me.”

  “Okay,” she muttered, locking her fingers together.

  As I pressed down on the accelerator, I noticed a glint coming from the forest and hunkered over the bike. “Roll!”

  The first shot rang out almost instantly, several others following within seconds. My heart was racing, the adrenaline pumping like a raging volcano in my veins. I shot out, moving around the house, weaving in and around the trees. I knew every acre of the property, had walked it dozens of times. After purchasing the place, my sixth sense had warned me an exit might be needed.

  While I’d never been the intended target on that beautiful day, I found it hard to believe Salizare didn’t have plans of retaliation of his own.

  Especially since I’d done everything in my power to make his life miserable. As I continued along the makeshift path, another glint caught my attention, forcing me to yank the Glock from my jacket. “Hold on,” I called before taking aim, firing off a series of shots. I heard both Wade and Dylan doing the same, gunfire now popping from two distinct directions.

  I kicked down the accelerator again, powering through dense underbrush that had been positioned strategically.

  The others followed behind me, the sound of gunfire ceasing within seconds. Given the rough terrain, the assholes would have difficulty coming in from the backside of the land. Few knew of the service road, the location not on any map or GPS system. Fortunately, it led to a turnoff, the paved road ultimately leading to a main
road, the interstate only a few miles southeast.

  There were no other incidents, but my guess was the soldiers had already retreated, attempting to find another way of getting to us. My only hope was they wouldn’t buy the thought we’d head back to lion’s den to wait.

  As trees gave way to a clearing, I slowed to a crawl, scanning the perimeter. There was no sign of anyone.

  Wade flanked my side, turning his head in my direction. I could see a mixture of anger as well as admiration in his eyes. When he gave a nod of respect, I shifted my gaze back to the road. I could feel Kelly’s heartbeat even through the back of my jacket, her hands tightly pressed against me. While the rush of electricity kept me on edge, the uncertainty of what we were going to face was another reminder of my past.

  How many nights had I thought about retaliation handed down by one of the assholes I’d been involved with? More than I could count. The only difference was I could handle this in a vigilante manner. I snickered before pointing toward the road just off in the distance, once against pressing down on the gas pedal.

  She pressed her face against me and the warmth of her body made my cock throb. I had to shut down my emotions in order to keep us on track, including my level of rage. I refused to go into this blindly or without learning every scrap of information possible on Capatelli, including his weaknesses.

  That was something Kelly would provide.

  The rush of wind was invigorating, allowing some of the tension to ease as we drove for several miles in tandem.

  By the time we made it to the main road, I was certain we’d lost them, but as before, I stopped long enough to study the oncoming traffic.

  There was no way of knowing what the soldiers would do to the cabin, although they’d likely toss every inch in search of the drugs. With nothing found, my guess was they’d torch it. I was cold, indifferent to the possibility. The cabin had never been a home, merely a dream that had never manifested itself.

  Still confident, I led the others onto the pavement and we rolled, making it to the interstate within ten minutes.

  While the interstate was crowded, we make excellent time, heading past Jacksonville to the Ponte Vedra exit. The cozy inn on the beach was exactly what I was looking for, a place I’d stayed at for several days after leaving my former life. Maybe I needed a reminder of the peace I’d actually been able to feel while staring at the ocean.

  The two rooms were adjoining, two nights paid for in cash. There would be no questions answered. I’d made certain with my generous tip. I also paid well for a food and beverage run, enabling us to stay sequestered in the rooms. This was as safe as possible even though Salizare had eyes everywhere.

  Once inside the oceanfront room, I cracked the back door, allowing the ocean breeze to filter inside even though I closed the drapes.

  I dropped the bags, tossing the keys on the dresser before palming the surface. Kelly had remained quiet and as I glanced into the mirror, her reflection told me how terrified she remained. As she fidgeted with her hands, glancing around the room, she finally walked toward the open door, taking a deep breath.

  “It’s not a good idea to go outside right now,” I said quietly, still able to see her tense body reactions. I had no idea where to start.

  “Why bring us to the beach?” she asked, only a hint of the usual defiance in her voice.

  “It’s a place I knew well. I figured we’d be safe here.”

  “Hmmm... More mysteries, Crockett.”

  The pounding on the adjoining door forced my attention before I could answer. After unlocking it, I moved back to the dresser, sitting on the edge and folding my arms.

  Dylan and Wade walked in, both still carrying their weapons.

  “You want to tell us what the fuck is going on, Crockett, or are we supposed to guess?” Dylan asked. “You broke protocol by going to see Hawk. There has to be a damn good reason.”

  “You know how Crockett is. He makes up his own rules as he goes along,” Wade said, goading me as he set his nasty glare in my direction.

  I refused to take the bait. I’d had the entire trip to think about everything both Hawk and Steve had told me. There was a possibility that either Wade, Dylan, or both was actually working for Salizare, although my gut told me otherwise. If I was wrong, I wouldn’t see the light of day. However, I’d been able to see the way they cared about Kelly. Both men were possessive, both having loved and lost women they’d thought they’d be with for the rest of their lives. That much I’d learned early on.

  I’d made a decision by the time we’d entered Florida to follow my gut, praying I was doing the right thing. I worried about the way I believed this was going to play out and would keep certain details to myself in case.

  But all three of them needed to know who I truly was in order to form another level of trust. “There’s been a change in plans.”

  “Meaning?” Wade huffed.

  “Meaning Michael Capatelli is working with Domingo Salizare in an attempt to find the assholes who stole the party favors.” I allowed the information to sink in. “If what I suspect is true, Salizare will figure out my identity quickly enough if he hasn’t already.”

  “That could mean the identity of your cabin was because of the picture taken,” Wade interjected.

  Exhaling, I nodded. “A possibility.”

  “Then I think you owe Kelly an apology. Don’t you?” Wade was indignant, his body tensing.

  The tension in the air was palpable.

  “Don’t bother. I know you can’t trust me,” Kelly said with hollowness in her voice.

  “This isn’t about trust,” I countered.

  She threw me a hateful look. “Isn’t it? I think it’s all about trust and I was beginning to think you guys might actually be my heroes.”

  All I could do was laugh. “No such thing.”

  “Evidently not,” she murmured.

  “Fuck. If what you told me about Capatelli’s influence is true, we’re dead twice over. This shit is getting out of hand, Crockett. I don’t like the odds of survival,” Dylan said, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, and I didn’t sign up for this shit. I’d do anything in the world for Hawk, but I ain’t gonna die because of such crazy need for retaliation,” Wade huffed as he shifted closer to the window, peering outside.

  “That’s why the change in plans. The deal was never about getting into the drug business.” I could tell Kelly was listening intently. “Which is the business Michael has been expanding since murdering his own father.”

  “What?” she whispered, walking closer. “He murdered his own father?”

  “Yes. It’s true. The crime was committed when he was seventeen, the records sealed when he was exonerated of the crime and because of his age. While there was plenty of evidence, there was significant pushback from several influential friends of the Capatelli family who insisted Michael couldn’t have performed such a heinous crime.” I took a deep breath, holding it for several seconds.

  “Seems like you know an awful lot about this, buddy,” Wade huffed. “Sounds like you’re a damn cop.”

  I rubbed my eyes, exhaustion settling in. “I’m not a cop, Wade, but I do know what I’m talking about. Capatelli is a sociopath with sadistic tendencies.”

  Her body slumped, her face going ashen. “He really will try and kill me.”

  “I believe that’s a distinct possibility, which is why we’re going to need your help.”

  “I really don’t know what I can do,” she insisted.

  “With this change of plans,” Dylan said.

  I nodded. “We’re going to arrange to have both the Salizare and the Capatelli organization destroyed.”

  “I thought that’s what we were doing,” Wade interjected. “And I think you know a hell of a lot more than you’re telling us, which quite frankly pisses me off.”

  I shifted my gaze in his direction. “This operation started out of a need for revenge against Salizare for very personal reasons. Now, we’re going to
get scum off the streets.”

  “Hawk’s daughter. We get that,” Dylan said quietly.

  “Yeah, his daughter died after taking the drug and Hawk craved revenge for years. There was also a reason Hawk made me in charge of stealing the drug shipment in the first place.” I hesitated for a few seconds, the memories rushing back in. “I have my own reasons for wanting Salizare dead.”

  Wade and Dylan shared another knowing look, Dylan finally acknowledging my statement. “Why don’t you tell us why? Matter of fact, I think Wade is right. You need to tell us everything.”

  “First, I need to tell you who I am, or who I was.” I realized my hands were shaking, my heart thumping. By admitting my past life, I knew there was no way to avoid becoming that man again, especially if Steve came through with his end of the deal. “My name isn’t Crockett Sampson.”

  “I feel a fucking nightmare coming on,” Wade hissed between clenched teeth.

  “While Crockett was a nickname, my full name is Jace Brackett.” I could tell Wade was getting pissed. “I was a senior prosecutor for the city of Richmond, Virginia.”

  “What. The. Fuck?” Dylan murmured, his eyes opening wide. “Brackett. I know that name. Big time prosecutor in Georgia a long time ago. In all the newspapers.”

  Once again, I nodded. “My grandfather. What you may not know is that Salizare had set his sights on the entire Eastern seaboard, bringing a huge shipment of the drug he called Posh into Richmond. It became the drug of choice for raves and club events, similar to the shit he’s selling in Miami and likely what he would use this run of heroin for. We had almost three hundred deaths in a two-month span, all because of the mixture that was used. Some bad shit. There wasn’t a law enforcement officer or attorney who didn’t know Salizare’s name or the muscle he’d brought into the city.”

  Wade whistled. “He had plans on doing the same shit with the bricks we stole.”

  “That is the assumption, although from what I understand, the formulas were altered. The drug is still considered deadly, only not to the degree it once was.”


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