A Dangerous Love 4: No More Chances

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A Dangerous Love 4: No More Chances Page 1

by J Peach

  A Dangerous Love

  Lock Down Publications


  A Dangerous Love 4

  No More Chances

  A Novel by J Peach

  Lock Down Publications

  P.O. Box 1482

  Pine Lake, Ga 30072-1482

  Copyright 2015 by J Peach A Dangerous Love

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.

  First Edition January 2015

  Printed in the United States of America

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Lock Down Publications

  Email: [email protected]

  Facebook: Peach Johnson

  Like our LDP page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lockdownpublications.ldp

  Join My Reading Group on Facebook: J Peach & Coffee: A Dangerous Addiction With No Boundaries

  Cover design and layout by: Dynasty Cover Me

  Book interior design by: Shawn Walker

  Edited by: Epic Kreationz


  To my two amazingly beautiful babies! Ahhh we have another one! I swear if it wasn't for you two, I wouldn't be going so hard! I love y'all to death and beyond!!

  To my readers, man, all of you are so freaking AMAZING, I love each and every one of you! Your constant love and support is the reason ADL is what it is now! Thank you all so so so much!!

  My editor, thank you for taking the time to actually explain this and that to me as we went over the story! Thank you, though you tend to zone out and fuss at Blaze lol!

  Cash, my friend/publisher, thanks for being the hard/mean person you are otherwise I would slack and nothing would get done. Thanks for being the ear I need when I have a million questions to ask!

  Again, thanks to all my readers! You All Are Simply Amazing!!

  Chapter 1


  “Come on, Peaches, man damn!” Blaze yelled from the living room as I combed my hair into a ponytail. “Peaches, bring yo ass on—”

  “I’m coming, damn!” With a heavy sigh, I grabbed my purse and quickly walked out of his bedroom and into the living room.

  “Slow ass, come on,” he continued to fuss, which caused me to smack my lips as I grabbed Cherry’s leash. “Hell n’all. Leave that fuckin’ cat here. Plus, we takin’ the bike, ain’t no damn room fah her ass.”

  I didn’t know what the hell his problem was, but he woke up with a fuckin’ attitude and he was starting to piss me off.

  “Why? You know I don’t even like that damn bike. Let’s take the truck or my car.” Blaze looked at me like he wanted to choke the shit outda me, which only had me rolling my eyes and putting my stuff down. “You know what? You just go.”

  “Man, don’t start that shit. It’s too fuckin’ early fah all that.” His hand ran over his face and he looked frustrated as he spoke.

  “That’s what I’m thinkin’. I don’t have time for your damn attitude, especially when I haven’t done anything to you.” My arms crossed over my chest as I stared at him.

  Blaze blew out a breath. “Peaches, I got shit to do—”

  “Let’s go before I have to knock yo ass out. I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but you better check who the fuck you talkin’ to.” Grabbing Cherry, I put her on the couch and turned the TV to Disney Channel for her.

  “Can we fuckin’ go now?” He asked me. “Slow ass.” Blaze mumbled as I bypassed him. His ass was probably just mad because his damn eye was black.

  With a roll of my eyes, I grabbed my stuff and walked to the door. Ignoring him, I walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind me.

  “Fuck you gon’ close the door fah with yo stupid ass.”

  Again I said nothing, just kept on walking down the stairs. Once outside, I walked to his truck, but of course he went to that damn bike. He got on and started it up.

  “Blaze—” I started to whine, but he cut me off.

  “Man, get on the damn bike and let’s go.” He glanced at his phone and then looked from me to the spot behind him. “Peaches, come on.”

  Letting out a groan, I walked to the motorcycle. “I swear if I die I’m coming back for you and don’t be going all fast either,” I said while getting on and wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Man, shut yo scary ass up and hold on,” he laughed.

  “Shut up. And don’t go too fast,” I pressed my face against his back and got ready to scream. I hated motorcycles. And even though they gave me a slight rush, they were scary as hell. My arms held him tighter and a squeak left my mouth when he took off.


  The bike soon came to a stop in front of a Barber Shop and Blaze turned to me.

  “You know that one thing you told me to warn you about before I did it?” He asked.

  My brows went up at that. “No,” I said slowly.

  “Remember when I took you to breakfast.”

  There had only been one time he’d ever taken me to breakfast and it wasn’t even for me. “Now?” Seeing that I caught on, he nodded his head.

  Blaze didn’t wait for me to say anything else as he pulled onto the sidewalk. He drove up to the doors and pushed them opened with the bike tire.

  Not only was he doing it now, but he waited right until we were there to tell me.

  I can’t stand his ass.

  Blaze pulled into the shop, stopped in the middle of the room and revved the bike loud like a jackass before turning it off.

  I leaned back to let him get off. Once he did, he walked behind me and pulled my hair tie out.

  “Gon’ let ’em wash you up,” he said, nodding toward a dark skinned man. “Make sho’ you get that neck,” he said, rubbing the nape of my neck.

  I stared at him and tried hard to keep my glare intact, but I ended up laughing. “Boy, ain’t shit wrong with my kitchen, you better gon’.” Pushing past him, I went to the man he nodded to and sat in his chair.

  “What you getting, sweetheart?” He asked.

  I didn’t really know. The girls and I had just gotten our hair done the week before so…

  “I was thinking about getting purple highlights. Bae, what you think?” I started laughing at the mean glare Blaze gave me.

  “If I come out here and she got purple highlights, I’m beating the shit outda the both y’all,” Blaze said as he walked to the back.

  “Whatever. Braid the left side to the middle of my head, then curl the rest. I want the hair to fall over my shoulder and please don’t do any big braids,” I told him and he nodded his head.

  “Well, let’s get you washed. Come on.” Getting up, he led me to a sink where I sat back and closed my eyes as he turned on the water.

  “So what’s his story?” Ronald, the man that was doing my hair, asked a while later with a nod towards Blaze’s bike.

  “What you mean what’s his story?” My brows furrowed at his question. I didn’t like that he even asked it to begin with.

  “I mean no offense when I ask. It’s just that he always comes in, never get a cut, but go straight to the back. What type of business is he into? I know Roy got his side hustle and I’m guessing yo boyfriend’s in it with him?” He pressed while he parted my hair.

  Playing it cool, I shrugged. “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask him. His business isn’t mine,” I told him and
he hummed. This was getting uncomfortable as hell.

  “His business ain’t yours? So you don’t see him doing nothing…” he voice faded as Blaze came from the back looking down at his phone.

  “You ready?” Blaze asked with a glance my way.

  Ronald hadn’t even started braiding my hair, he’d just finished straightening it, but I was ready.

  “Yeah, thanks. Maybe next time you’ll be able to finish.” That was a damn lie, but I gave him a sweet smile. The loud roaring of Blaze’s bike had me rolling my eyes at him.

  “I make house calls, too, if you need a touch up. Call me.” Fisting his number into my palm, I grabbed my purse and climbed on behind Blaze. Then I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “Yo, open up the door,” Blaze called out to a girl sitting in a chair by the door. She did as he asked and he pulled out of the shop.

  He stopped on the street and grabbed his phone again.

  “Here,” I dropped the number on top of his phone. He grabbed it.

  “What the fuck is this?” He asked while putting the kickstand down.

  “Dude in there was asking questions about you. He said you always here but never get a cut. Instead, you go straight to the back with Roy. He was asking what’s your story and about a side business,” I explained.

  Blaze looked back in the shop before pocketing the number. “Don’t worry about it, but I gotda make a quick stop before we go to my moms spot,” Blaze said while texting.

  “I’ight. Can I drive?” My lips stretched into a smile.

  Blaze looked up at me and laughed. “Man, hold on.”

  I laid my head against his shoulder, my arms held tightly to him as he sped off. Blaze jumped from one lane to the next before cutting in front of a semi and getting on the highway.

  That was why I didn’t like his damn bike, his ass was reckless with it and it scared the shit out of me. Who in their right mind jumps in front of a semi knowing them damn drivers crazy?

  Speeding up, he quickly crossed over into the next two lanes before getting off on US30. I wanted to scream at him, but I was afraid I might scare him and we’d end up really dying. Once he got off the highway we came to a stop light.

  “You need to slow down.” He revved the bike louder so he wouldn’t have to hear me. “You get on my nerves! Ooh, Blaze, let’s go to Shoe Carnival.” I pointed to the plaza across from us.

  Once the opposite light turned yellow, I leaned back into him as the bike started to roll. He didn’t even wait until our light turned green to go. After the red flashed on the other side, signaling them to stop, Blaze pulled off, keeping straight. He flew past the entrance to Shoe Carnival and through a yellow light.

  His ass knows he could’ve stopped at that damn store.

  After driving for a while, we pulled into a nice middle class area. I shouldn’t have been surprised he was coming to one of these damn houses.

  This was a new house he had just bought and moved into not too long ago. If there was one thing I could say about Blaze being in the drug business, it was that he was hella smart about what he did. He never kept a house for too long, even more so now that the last house got hit when he first got out. Blaze had moved Jesse twice since then.

  Pulling into the driveway of the one story, white house, Blaze turned off the bike.

  I got off, fixing my white shorts and pulling up my black top so my breasts wouldn’t pop out. Letting out a heavy breath, I looked at Blaze only to find him staring, which had me rolling my eyes.

  “Fuck you rolling yo eyes fah?”

  I ignored him by looking through my clutch bag, knowing damn well wasn’t shit in there but some lip gloss, gum, my card credits, some money and my Ruger.

  “So you don’t hear me talkin’ to you?” He asked.

  Closing my bag, I looked up at him. “What?” I asked him dumbly, like I really hadn’t heard him. Blaze nodded his head and walked up to the house. “When we leave here can we go to Shoe Carnival?” Blaze didn’t answer as he opened the mail box. “You are so childish sometimes.” Walking up behind him, I held out my right hand.

  “Just like yo ass. Here,” he responded.

  Snatching the latex gloves from him, I pulled them on. Once Blaze had his on, he wiped off the mailbox. Then he opened the front door.

  I didn’t know who decorated his houses, but they were done beautifully. Cream colored couches with gold trimming decorated the living room. A huge flat screen was mounted on the wall with an entertainment system surrounding it.

  There was this huge picture of a white male lion sitting on his hind legs with a female lioness lying down in front of him. The back scenery was of grass that looked gold. It was simply beautiful.

  “No, so don’t ask. Now come on,” Blaze said from behind me.

  I really wanted that damn picture. “Who decorates your houses?” Blaze looked back at me and then laughed. “I’m serious. But did you call your mom and tell her we were gonna be late?” I asked while walking into the room where Pack and Damon were putting pills into a large Ziploc bag, weighing them.

  “Get yo ass out, go in the living room and sit down.” He pushed me out the room and closed the door in my face.

  “Rude ass, gets on my nerves,” I mumbled to myself as I walked into the kitchen.

  The first time he took me to his spot and showwd me what he did was the first and the last time he let me into a room with him. Now his ass always made me wait in a spread room.

  Going to the cabinet, I grabbed a cup and got some water before going to the fridge.

  “Peaches, where you at?” Blaze called out to me.

  “I’m in the kitchen.” Looking between the two jars of cherries, my brows furrowed as I read GV2M on one and MT2M on the other. I stared at them for a few seconds, trying to figure out the difference between the two. I grabbed the jar that had GV2M on it and closed the fridge. I sat at the counter.

  Opening the jar, I sniffed it and my hand quickly went to my nose just as Blaze walked in.

  “What the hell is you doing? Man, yo ass ain’t eat that shit, did you?” Blaze asked, walking over to me, pressing his nose to my mouth.

  “N’all, I didn’t eat none, I just smelled it. Now move. Damn nose all on my fuckin’ mouth.” Pushing him back, Blaze grabbed me again.

  “Why yo ass touchin’ shit?” Blaze snapped as he snatched the top from me then covered the alcoholic smelling cherries.

  “What is GV2M anyway?” I asked while watching him put it back in the fridge. Blaze didn’t answer, instead he walked to the pantry, unlocked it and opened a door that revealed even more jars of cherries. He grabbed three jars, each labeled differently. MT1Y, OR1Y, and GH1Y is what they read.

  He put them in a black book-bag, then came out of the pantry and relocked the door.

  “Blaze, what is that?” I asked once again. Blaze still didn’t answer as Pack came in the kitchen handing him three large Ziploc bags with three different colored pills.

  “Finish packing that shit up, put it in the floor and wipe those tables. Y’all done after that. I’ll get at you in a few days,” Blaze told Pack as he zipped up the bag and pulled out his burner phone. “You—” Blaze started saying, but his sentence faded as a loud bang came from the other room. Trying to see where the sound came from, I started to walk past Blaze, but he stopped me. “The fuck is you doing? Stay yo ass here and don’t touch shit.” He pushed me into a chair and grabbed his gun from the back of his pants. As he walked out, Pack cursed and he suddenly seemed scared which had my brows furrowing.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I asked, studying his tense posture as his palms wiped nervously at his jeans. The fuck is his problem?

  “Nothing—” He was saying, but got cut off.

  “Pack!” Dude literally jumped hard, as Blaze called his name from the other room. He just stood there at first, looking around the room.

  His shakiness was making me feel uneasy, so I grabbed my clutch bag, stuck my hand inside and wrapped my fingers a
round my Ruger. “Pack!” Blaze called again. This time he walked out of the kitchen and of course my nosy ass followed, tiptoeing so my heels wouldn’t clack on the wooden floor.

  I didn’t go inside the room. Instead, I stood on the side of the door against the wall.

  “You knew this mothafucka was high?” Even though it came out as a question, it was anything but that. The tone of Blaze’s voice indicated he already knew.

  “I didn’t know he was taking the shit—”

  “Wait, he high off of my shit? He took from me?” Blaze asked, but Pack didn’t reply. Instead, all you heard was Damon groaning. “Yo ass takin’ from me?”

  The loud bang had me jumping as well as throwing my hand over my mouth. My eyes widened as I realized what had just happened.

  Chapter 2


  “This was your boy. I hired his ass given yo word he was clean, right?”

  “He was when I brought him to you. I just realized he was hook—”

  “When?” The room fell quiet as the question was asked. “When did yo ass realize this mothafucka was getting high off my shit?” Blaze snapped at him, I just stood there frozen, not knowing what to do, hell, to think.

  “Last week. I was tryna help him. Blaze, you know I’d never—”

  “Fuck all that. Point is, this yo boy, you knew his ass was getting high for a week and ain’t said shit.” Blaze stated calmly as Pack suddenly came into view. He was slowly backing out the room. Even seeing him, I still didn’t move. I couldn’t.

  “Blaze, man—” He never finished his explanation as another shot came off and he went falling back, hitting the hardwood floor hard. Pack’s lifeless eyes were wide open, staring up at the ceiling.

  The house was dead silent, so much so, I couldn’t hear myself breathing or my heart beating as I stood there. My gaze fixed on Pack.

  The sound of Blazes’ voice had me jumping slightly, bringing me out of my shocked state.


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