A Dangerous Love 4: No More Chances

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A Dangerous Love 4: No More Chances Page 4

by J Peach

  He stopped me by grabbing my arm. “Why the fuck you still mad?” Blaze asked.

  “I’m not mad. Can you let go of me, please?” Taking a hold of my waist, Blaze lifted me up, then sat me in front of him on the bike. “I’m not mad—”

  “Shut yo lying ass up. Now, why you mad?” He repeated his question, making me roll my eyes. “Roll ‘em again, I’ma slap the shit out yo ass. Roll ‘em.” Again, I rolled my eyes and Blaze muffed my head back, making me laugh.

  “You play too much, gone. I’m mad, so stop.” Blaze laughed as I said that.

  “I don’t give a fuck because you mad, yo ass always mad about something.”

  “You could’ve taken me to school, you bogus as hell. I done rode around with you all day, but that’s i’ight, yo ass remember this.” Grabbing my left leg, he put it on the other side of the bike, so I was straddling the motorcycle.

  “Why I gotda remember? Huh? What you gon’ do? Mhm?” He asked as his hands moved up my thighs.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Even though my threat was empty, he didn’t have to know that, or maybe he already did. “Just drop me off to my car, let me get my Cherry baby and you don’t even have to worry about it,” I said, tryna make it sound good.

  “So you gon’ leave me?” He asked.

  “That’s the plan.” My arms crossed under my chest and my eyes slanted as I tried to take on a serious look.

  “Give me a kiss.” His hands continued to move up as he asked.

  My brows rose at that and I shook my head. “No, let’s go before your mom suddenly looks out the window and see us.”

  Of course Blaze wasn’t having that. His hands tightened on my waist and he pulled me so I was on his thighs, leaving me no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist.

  “Peaches, you love me?” His hands roamed along my thighs to my butt.

  I smacked my lips at that question. “No—”

  Blaze laughed as he nodded his head, I hated when he did that. Nothing good ever came from a head nod, especially when the nod was coming from Blaze’s ass.

  “I’ight, you remember that. Get up,” he said, tapping my legs.

  I wasn’t giving in this time, nope I wasn’t. Shrugging, I started to move back, but he stopped me.

  “Make me slap the fuck outda you. So you ain’t gon’ kiss me? I’ll take you to school tomorrow,” he offered.

  “Whatever, you was supposed to take me get a phone too.” I added, getting mad all over again because we did nothing we were actually supposed to do.

  Digging into his pocket, Blaze pulled out his phone. “Here, you can have mine.”

  With no control whatsoever, a stupid smile stretched across my lips. Rolling my eyes, I looked away from him. I hated him, it was always the smallest and stupidest things that got me. Even though he probably didn’t mean it literally, he still offered.

  “I hate you.” Snatching his phone, I put it in my clutch bag.

  “No, you don’t. I’ll take you in the morning to get a phone.” Blaze pulled me up on his lap and took hold of my chin.

  “I have a class at eight in the morning and then I have to be at work.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed his cheek. I was a sucker and he knew it.

  Blaze licked his lips, letting out an, “Mmm. I’ll take you on your lunch break.”

  My lips formed into a pout at his words, that was a setup, I already knew. “Are you gonna try to have sex with me on my lunch break?” I mumbled against his lips, already knowing the answer.

  “Mhmm. Shid, I’m about to try to have sex with you now.” His tongue touched my lips as he licked his. A small laugh left my mouth at his seriousness. Blaze’s hands moved down to my ass and he pulled me closer before lifting me slightly so I was sitting on his dick. “Yo ass should’ve worn a skirt, I could’ve been in by now.”

  Laughing, I pressed my lips to his as he squeezed my ass.

  “Boon, I got neighbors, they don’t wanna see y’all nasty asses! Get y’all asses in the house!” Bianca yelled from the front door.

  An embarrassed groan left my mouth.

  “Ma, that’s Peaches. She just jumped on me,” Blaze yelled back, lying.

  “I know, I saw her ass.” My eyes widened, they were practically popping out of their sockets and Blaze laughed.

  “Why you lying, Blaze?” I asked, hitting him. Blaze laughed harder.

  “Ma, Peaches said can we use a room?” Blaze yelled, lying again.

  “Boon, leave her alone. I can see from here her ass done turned six shades of red,” Bianca called out, laughing.

  I was so embarrassed that everything from my neck to my face felt hot. There was no doubt about it, I was red as hell.

  “Come on, man.” My face was tucked in his chest, I couldn’t even move I was so embarrassed. I said his mom was gon’ see us. “Peaches, get yo ass up.” I was shaking my head no, making Blaze laugh. “She gone in the house, come on.”

  “Take me home. I told you she was gon’ see us. You get on my nerves.” Hitting him, I got off the bike and started fixing my shorts.

  “You need to take those mothafuckas off,” Blaze said as his hand came down on my ass.

  “Mm… You better stop, you know I like that spanking shit,” I said playfully.

  Blaze let out a chuckle while stepping behind me, his hands going to my hips, pulling me into him.

  “Trust, I know. It’s gon’ be a whole lot of that when we get home.” The promise in his voice had my pussy throbbing so much that I pushed more into him. “Yo ass better stop before we’re on the side of the house.” There were bushes on the side of the house so we wouldn’t be seen.

  “As good as the idea sounds on both, I’ma have to pass until Saturday.” Blaze stopped walking then.

  “Why Saturday? That’s like two days from now?” He asked curiously.

  “Blaze, I can’t spend the night at yours, you know that. My work clothes are at home, plus I have to play catch up with my homework. I have a class tomorrow at eight, then I have to go straight to work. And once I get off, I got another class at five-thirty,” I explained. It was a lot, but I wasn’t about to fall off now, not with graduation so close.

  “Mm,” was the only sound he made before leading us into the house. “Ma!” Blaze yelled while walking through the front door.

  “Boon, stop yelling. We’re in here,” Bianca called out from somewhere in the house. The inside of the house was nice. Homey was the only way to describe it. She had pictures of Britt, Blaze, and herself when they were younger. Decorating the hall tables, some were just of Britt, Bianca, and Marcus. I stopped at one picture and laughed.

  “Who were you supposed to be?” The picture was of Blaze wearing an eye patch with a scarf around his mouth, a parrot on his shoulder, and he was throwing up gang signs. He couldn’t have been older than nine, I was guessing. I was gon’ steal that picture.

  “Man, don’t hate, I was a gangsta pirate—” He stated saying, but I cut him off as I burst out laughing. It explained the eye patch and the parrot. “I was that shit, you don’t even know.”

  “No, I don’t,” I said, still laughing. “How old were you?”

  “I think I had just turned ten, something like that. But shid, I started an epidemic with that damn look.” He said. Again, I laughed while picking up the picture. Blaze slapped my hand. “Hell n’all, I know that look and you can’t have it. Ma, Peaches tryna steal yo pictures, you better watch her ass,” Blaze yelled and I hit him just as Bianca came around the corner.

  “What I tell you about putting yo hands on my son?” She asked while pushing him out the way and coming to give me a hug. “I see my talk worked, did you make him beg?”

  This woman was too much for her own self.

  “You can say that.” If his ass hadn’t locked me in his office he would’ve been begging.

  Blaze snorted, but didn’t say anything. His ass better not.

  “Now, what picture you tryna take?” She asked and I glared at B

  “None, I was just looking at this one and thought it was cute, is all.”

  “Girl, you ain’t seen nothing. I got a whole bunch of pictures of his wanna be gangsta ass. Ooh, I got this one you gon’ really like. Boon, take her in the living room. You thirsty?” She asked.

  “No, I’m fine—”

  “Booney, get her something to drink. I’ll be right back.” Bianca was off, running up the stairs. Blaze led us to the living room where Sam and Brandy sat.

  “Hey, Pretty Boy. You following me?” I asked, sitting on the couch opposite him.

  “Peach, what you want to drink?” Blaze asked.

  “What she have to drink?” I questioned.

  Blaze looked at me like I was stupid. “How the fuck am I supposed to know?”

  “Then how am I supposed to know what I want to drink?” I asked him.

  “You can swallow yo damn spit fah all I care.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I laughed. “That was nasty, just give me some water, cold water, Blaze. Thanks.” I slapped his butt as he walked past me, when he stopped to look at me, I tried playing it off like I was stretching. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Make me fuck you up,” he threatened.

  Rolling my eyes, I waved him off as I focused on Sam. “Oh, I know what I’ve been meaning to ask you. Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had a sister?” I asked him.

  Sam looked away from the basketball game on the TV. “Who, me?” He replied dumbly before looking back at me and then back at the TV.

  Grabbing the pillow next to me, I threw it at him. But he went to law school right?

  “Oh, you never asked. She showed me that video of you whipping that girl’s ass, too. That shit was funny, but I knew her ass was crazy when we met her,” Sam said.

  “Man, that chick is something. You should have seen her that day. First she ran up on me, then she turned around and started yelling she was pregnant when the police came. But what tops everything else is that she broke into my apartment and setup cameras. Now this video of Blaze and me is floating around.”

  “I saw that. And besides, when you came out the bathroom you can barely see your face. But I called B this morning and told him about it,” he said with a shake of his head.

  “When I find that hoe, I’ma kill her, I promise. King is going to flip when he finds out about it,” I was getting mad all over again and wanted to cry just thinking about King’s reaction.

  “Here. What’s wrong with you?” Blaze asked as he handed me my water.

  “She’s pissed about that video getting out,” Sam told him.

  “Why the fuck you bring that shit up?” He asked Sam, but before I could say something ol’ girl did.

  “He didn’t, she did,” Brandy spoke as she pointed towards me.

  It wasn’t what she said, but the way it came out and her mug that pissed me off. Why the fuck was she mugging me for? I was about two seconds from slapping that bitch.

  “Fuck wrong with yo damn eyes?” Blaze asked.

  “Boon, watch your mouth,” Bianca said, slapping him upside his head and making me laugh.

  “Oh, it’s funny?”

  I was shaking my head as I sipped my water.

  “Hell yeah, it was. Tell him, Peaches. Now I know yo ass ain’t scared, Sam. You know she was beating up on Boon, right?” Bianca just couldn’t help herself, I was beginning to see.

  I burst out laughing as she asked him that.

  “No, I didn’t know that. What you mean, beating on him?” Sam’s ass just had to feed into that shit.

  “Beating his ass. Booney comes here one day all swollen up in the face. I’m thinking a man done put hands to my boy. Come to find out it was her little ass. Blaze ain’t come home with bruises since the fifth grade. I’m against men hitting women, but seeing my baby’s face, I was like, ‘Boon did you at least pinch that bitch?’ Sam, his silly ass told me, ‘I did, but she hit me with a mirror.’ My ass was ready to get down. Shid, I had my taser, mace, knuckles, all that, thinking this a big manly ass bitch, only to find out it was her little ass and that he like that shit.”

  I was doubled over on Blaze, laughing my ass off. His mom was wrong as hell for bringing that up.

  “That shit ain’t funny, get off me.” Blaze, tried to push me off of him.

  I slapped his hands off of me. “Blaze stop, I ain’t even said nothing—” My laughter stopped immediately once I saw the picture hanging on the wall. “Oh, I like that picture,” I said, looking at the white and gold lion and lioness.

  “Oh, thanks. Sam just gave it to me,” Bianca smiled, looking over at it.

  My eyes snapped to Sam so fast, I knew that was the picture from the house.


  “Peaches wanted that picture, her ass been getting on my damn nerves asking if she could have it,” Blaze answered. Rolling my eyes at Sam, I elbowed Blaze.

  “Oh, ain’t it cute? It got that whole dominating male thing goin’ on. Marcus gon’ see this and think he king or some shit.” She rubbed it in, her smile still intact.

  She was wrong for that. I should knock her ass out and take it. That’s okay, I’m just gon’ steal pirate Blaze instead.

  “Well, y’all talk, we’ll be back. Sam,” Blaze nodded towards the entrance as he got up. “Don’t be influencing my momma,” he said as he leaned down, kissing me. “Ma, where yo keys?”

  He’s about to go?

  “On the table by the door.” Once Blaze left, I got up to follow him.

  “You’re about to leave? Seriously?” Shocked couldn’t begin to explain how I felt at that moment.

  Blaze turned to look at me with his brow raised. “Yeah, I am. I’ll be back.”

  I stood in front of the door, staring at him like he was crazy. “You seriously brought me here just to dump me on your mom? For real?” What was the point of me missing both work and school if we weren’t even gon’ do shit? Now his ass was tryna push me off to his moms, seriously? Who the fuck does that?

  “Man, I’ll be back. Watch out.” He moved me out of the way and opened the door, about to walk out.

  “Blaze—” I started saying, grabbing his arm, but he jerked away from me.

  “Get the fuck off of me, I said I’ll be back. Now get yo ass in there and sit the fuck down, damn,” he snapped, getting loud when I had been whispering the whole time.

  He goes and gets loud, I swear if we weren’t at his mom’s house I would hit his ass.

  “Blaze, what’s going on?” Bianca asked, rounding the corner, coming to where we were.

  “Shit, i’ight.” With that being said, he pushed opened the screen door while slamming the front.

  Letting out a heavy breath, my fingers ran through my hair. That man was so frustrating it made no sense whatsoever. What right did he have to get pissed at me? I missed work and school because of what? It wasn’t like we did shit.

  “Why don’t you help me start on dinner?” Bianca suggested. It wasn’t a question, so it wasn’t a point in thinking on it. “Come on.” She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the kitchen. “I know this is the last thing you wanna hear, but be patient with him. He has a lot to learn.”

  She was right, I didn’t want to hear it. Everyone kept telling me to be patient, but what good was it doing? Did anyone consider me at all when they were saying be patient?

  “So what happened?”

  I needed to vent and I didn’t have my girls with me. So with Bianca asking, I jumped at the opportunity to vent.

  Chapter 6


  “He’s a bipolar a-hole.” Bianca started laughing as I said that and I couldn’t help but join in. “It’s not funny, I’m serious.”

  “I know, sweetie. I’m sorry, finish.” She waved me off with a chuckle.

  Shaking my head, I started talking. “No, but seriously, he is. I called off of work this morning so I could come over here with him. Not a problem because I wanted to come, plus I knew I wasn’t going to b
e able to make it later seeing as I had school at five-thirty. But as you can see I didn’t go. Blaze is just so inconsiderate.

  “If it’s not convenient for him, then it doesn’t matter. Then Blaze gets pissed at me because I told him he had to drop me off at his place so I can get ready for school. Of course he didn’t, but I let it go. And now, once we’re here he’s leaving. If that was the plan then I could’ve been at school instead of him just dumping me off on you,” I explained to her.

  “Peaches, I’m thinking of a way to put this without sounding mean… But I’m not gon’ speak bad about my son or make him seem any less than what he is for the simple fact I want y’all together. Whether you can see it or not, you’re good for him and that’s coming from my perspective, which is why I’m not thinking, nor do I want to think about, what Boon may say and how it makes you feel. I explained why Blaze is the way he is, just give him time. He’s not a sensitive man so you can’t just expect him to jump in a feeling he never really felt before.”

  “Bianca, I don’t want Blaze to be sensitive, not at all. I want him to be as considerate to me as I am to him. I’ll put whatever I’m doing on hold for Blaze, but he never seems to be able to do the same and today is a perfect example.” Bianca looked at me, her lips formed into a pout, her hands on her hips.

  “As I said before, yo ass is dumb,” she said, passing me a bowl and a spoon. I just stared at her. “Don’t look at me like that. Just because I’m not gon’ talk bad about Booney don’t mean I’m not gon’ be honest with you about yourself.

  “First off, you’re dumb for putting a man first when it’s obvious he’s not doing the same. Just because you’re in love don’t mean you have to be dumb. If he didn’t want to take you to school, you should’ve walked yo ass to a bus stop and got on the one that was going closest to where you needed to go.

  “Don’t go pointing the finger when you had options, you chose to get on that bike. Never lower yourself for no man. You got priorities, you tend to them first then his ass. There is no ring on your finger, so you look out for yourself first. If you gotda go to work, take yo ass there. If you have school after, go. After yo shit is done, then you tend to him. That’s how it should be until a ring gets on that finger. Don’t go bending over backwards just for some dick!”


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