Sweet Seduction (Cowbear Haven Book 1)

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Sweet Seduction (Cowbear Haven Book 1) Page 8

by Vanessa Devereaux

  One, he loved to display his affection for her all the time. And two, the guys had picked up on the different odor she was omitting since they’d made love. It was a common thing with werebears and nature’s way of telling other bears to keep away because this female had a mate.

  Was he her mate?

  “You must be dead on your feet,” Trey whispered in her ear.

  “I am. I think I’ll take a nice soak in the tub.”

  He became hard just imaging her naked lying back in the bath.

  “How about I join you?”

  She turned around and looked him in the eye. “I’ll go run the water right now.”

  He slapped her on the butt and watched as she walked away.

  Trey would join her as soon as he checked that everything was under control and all the guys saved from the Bear Run were okay.

  He looked in to the medical room and saw the majority of them sleeping. They’d saved nine today, lost one and probably a few were still out there fending for themselves but hopefully wouldn’t be recaptured and taken back to the labs.

  James and Liam were on duty and both sat reading.

  “Call me if you they need anything.”

  James nodded to him.

  Trey walked up the stairs, knowing that soon he’d be relaxing in a hot bath with Joely. How lucky could a bear get? He opened the door to her room and could hear her singing. She often sang off key but that was perfectly fine with him.

  Trey opened the bathroom door and saw her already emerged in a bunch of white bubbles.

  “Come in the water is just right.”

  He stripped off and then lowered himself into the tub with her. They wrapped their arms around one another and kissed.

  Her nipples rubbed against his chest and then she wrapped her slid in front of him and wrapped her legs around him. His cock rubbed against her pussy opening.

  “Have you ever had sex in the bath?” Joely asked him.

  “No, how about you?”

  She shook her head. Trey reached up on the side of the bath and took a condom in his hand, put it under the water and sheathed himself.

  “Guess there’s a first time for everything,” he said. He slipped his cock inside her and despite being dead on her feet, she suddenly felt her body energized.

  They wrapped their arms around one another and kissed as Trey thrust inside her. The water made slurping noises as they pushed their bodies together and some even splashed over the side of the tub and hit the floor.

  Trey’s tongue slipped over her lips and into her mouth as she pushed her fingers through his hair.

  “Fuck me harder,” Joely told him when he pulled his mouth away.

  “Hang onto your cowboy hat,” Trey said.

  Every woman needed to experience a cowbear. Joely was lucky enough to have found hers. She pushed her body into Trey and screamed out when her orgasm began to build.

  He licked her neck as he gave one hard thrust and that was all it took. She leaned her head back and soon she was down under the water with Trey on top of her. They rubbed their noses together.

  “You’ve tired me out,” Trey told her.

  “Who me?”

  “Yeah you. How about I dry you off with a fluffy towel and we go to bed?”

  “Sounds good to me.”


  Joely woke up in the middle of the night. She’d fallen asleep on Trey’s chest. She looked up thinking she was the only person who suffered from insomnia but she noticed Trey was also awake and had been probably observing her.

  “I wasn’t drooling was I?” Joely asked.

  “Just a tad.”

  She slapped his arm.

  “Snoring too,” he added.


  He laughed and ran his hands down her arm.

  “You couldn’t sleep either?” she asked him.

  He shook his head. “I never can for the first few nights after a Bear Run. I thought the bath would ease my tension…well, I guess it wasn’t much of a bath.”

  He smiled at her.

  “What were you thinking about before I woke up?”

  “How cute you are when you’re asleep and how I like being in the same bed as you.” He pulled her up so she rested on his chest.

  There was a few minutes silence between them. Joely outlined his nipple.

  “I think our relationship has taken a new turn don’t you think?” Trey asked.

  “I do.”

  “Which means I think we should be perfectly honest with one another.”

  She sensed where this was going.

  Trey stroked her hair. “You’re not really a cook are you?”

  She couldn’t lie to him anymore.

  “No, but…”

  He put his finger on her lip not allowing her to explain why she’d told a little white lie.

  “It doesn’t matter because I wouldn’t fire you. I never had any intention of doing that even before we got intimate.”

  Joely sat up and looked at him.

  “So you knew all along?”

  Trey nodded. “Not before you got here but as soon as you hit that kitchen I sensed you were no more a cook than I was a brain surgeon.”

  “I’m so embarrassed that I couldn’t even pass myself off as a cook.”

  “But your grilled cheese sandwiches are to die for and the vegetable soup was a huge hit with the injured bears.”

  “But you’re going to need a real cook.”

  “You could always go to culinary school.”

  She didn’t know if he was joking or not.

  “My next question is why did you want the job so badly that you faked being a cook and wanted to come to a place like Cowbear Haven?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “We have the rest of the night.”

  “I was working as an office assistant to a financial advisor so I could get money to go to art school.”

  Trey whistled. “Financial advisor, that sounds fancy.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too but he’s no more a finance wizard than I am cook.”

  “Seems like telling little white lies is going around.”

  “You’ve heard of Ponzi scheme?”

  “Sure have. Even werebears watch the news.”

  “Turns out he was running one and didn’t have the guts to tell me until we both had to flee in haste. He told me to get out of town because the people who were after him might come after me to see if I knew anything.”

  “And do you?”

  “Nope not a thing.”

  “And you thought Cowbear Haven was a safe place to hide.”

  Joely nodded. Now it made it sound like she’d been selfish and deceitful and that’s the last thing she wanted Trey to think of her.

  “You’re not mad with me are you?” she asked him.

  “No Joely I’m not mad with you. I’m happy you came here because DL intended this place to be a sanctuary of sorts, a place where anyone could escape and feel they’ve found a safe haven.”

  “I’m sure he was thinking of werebears,” Joely said.

  “He’d didn’t say no humans so I know he’d be happy you opted to run here. And you think you’re safe?”

  “I think they would have found me by now. I mean if they were really looking and don’t worry about them ever coming here after I leave.”

  “Wait a minute, leave?” asked Trey.

  “Sure, I’m going to art school once I’ve saved up enough money.”

  He suddenly looked like the blood had drained from his face.

  “You’d leave me and the Haven to go to art school?” he asked.

  “It would only be for a year or two and I’d be in Denver and you could come and see me and I could come back here during breaks.”

  He slouched down on the bed.

  “Don’t tell me that’s a problem for us?” asked Joely.

  He didn’t respond but merely turned over and laid his head on the pillow.

  She couldn’t beli
eve she’d fallen for a guy that wouldn’t want to see her live out her dream.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Trey got up before Joely woke. He wanted to check on the new guys from the Bear Run and he wanted time to think about her going to art school in Denver. Was he being too old fashioned to think that his mate would give up her dreams to stay with him?

  He walked into the hallway and then made his way to the sick bay. Looked like two of the werebears were already up walking which was a good thing.

  “How you feeling?” he asked one of them.

  “I’m so happy to be out. You think I could take a walk outside later?”

  “Sure. We’ll get you some jeans and a t-shirt and maybe you’d like to sit out on the patio and catch some rays too.”

  Trey knew what it was like when you they finally let you go. Your eyes hurt because you hadn’t seen daylight in forever. Your muscles were sore, your bones ached too.

  He was so grateful for each guy they saved and he knew no matter what he would never leave this place. For the rest of his life he’d go on saving as many as he could. He turned around and saw Joely heading into the kitchen. He didn’t know what to say after last night. He’d been mean by turning his back and not responding to her question. That wasn’t how he usually acted which showed that Joely was truly his mate.

  Trey decided to go talk to her while no one else was around. She was in the middle of breaking eggs into a large stainless steel bowl.

  “It seems strange doing this now that you know I’m not a real cook,” Joely said.

  “I still have every confidence in you. Maybe you’ll grow to love it so much you won’t need to go to art school.”

  Wow, what had made his say that? What a chauvinistic bear. He wanted to take it back but it was too late and now she stood looking, no glaring, at him with her hands on her hips.

  “If it wasn’t that I have some hungry werebears to feed this morning, I’d tell you where you could stick your breakfast and the job.”

  He’d deserved that comeback and a whole lot more. He couldn’t think of anything to say to make it right.

  “I’ll going to the art evening at Finley’s so I hope you don’t mind me serving dinner early tonight.”

  He was about to say I’ll come with you but he didn’t think that’s what she’d want to hear.

  Give her time and give her space.

  “That’s fine and we can clear the dishes for you too.”

  “Thank you. I’d appreciate that.”

  She got back to whisking the eggs. Things hadn’t been this awkward between them since she’d first arrived. Back then the awkwardness was down to sexual tension now it was due to him being a jackass.

  He decided to take his leave and get out of her hair for a bit.


  Joely grabbed her paint supplies and purse. She knew Trey had done his best to stay out of her way for most of the day. And so he should. He was in the dog house. Or should she say bear house?

  She grabbed the keys to the truck and headed outside. It had been a beautiful day and a few of the werebears from the Bear Run were still sitting outside. She waved to them and they waved back.

  Joely climbed into the truck, started the engine and then headed out of the ranch. At least she was going to be with likeminded people tonight. Folks that understood how going to art school was something she needed to do.

  She turned on the radio and sang along as she headed onto the main road into town. Who would have thought she’d have fallen for a guy with such narrow views about someone fulfilling their ambition.

  Joely saw the town up ahead and made a left hand turn, remembering where the art store was. She saw about ten cars parked out front and a sign prompting the event. She found a parking spot by the bakery and then grabbed her stuff and headed to the store.

  Bob was greeting everyone and had refreshments set out on a table by the door.

  “Hi Joely,” he said. “So good to see you again.”

  She was impressed that he remembered her name.

  “Trey not with you?”

  “No, he’s busy,” Joely said.

  “How did the brushes and colors work for you?”

  “Glad you asked because I’ve brought along some of my work.”

  She handed him her sketch pad.

  The first one was of Trey and the second, him in his bear form.

  “You have so much talent my dear.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Ah, Cehelia come meet Joely and look at her sketches.”

  A woman in her sixties headed over to them and shook Joely’s hand. She put her glasses on and then took the sketchbook.

  “I can see you’re a natural.”

  “I still have a lot to learn and that’s why I’m going to art school in the fall.”

  “Art school, why would you want to waste your money on that?” she asked.

  “It’s always been a dream of mine.”

  “Art school’s for people who don’t have this sort of talent,” she said.

  Good thing that Trey hadn’t come along because he’d probably be smirking from ear to ear hearing those words.


  Trey glanced out of the window. He was sure he heard his truck engine, but he was wrong.

  “You know the saying about watching milk.”

  Trey jumped and hadn’t realized that Ian was right behind him.

  “Thought I heard something out there.”

  “For crying out loud, bear up to it. You’re waiting for Joely to get back here.”

  “So what if I am? There aren’t any lights out there and she’s all by herself.”

  “Tell me what happened?” asked Ian.

  “I’m a chauvinistic bear, that’s what happened. Got pissed off because she said she was going to art school in Denver.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” Ian asked.

  Trey swung around and was about to give a sarcastic response when he realized it was only him who had a problem with her going off to Denver.

  “I guess I overreacted,” Trey finally admitted.

  “And you’re waiting for her to come home so you can tell her that right?” Ian raised both his eyebrows.

  He knew he was right and not just because he’d had a mate before he got rounded up and taken to the labs. Ian was a wise Kodiak.

  “That’s right,” Trey said, pulling back the blinds.

  No truck, no sign of a truck, where was she?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Joely had lost track of the time. She’d been enjoying talking to other artists who lived in the area so much that it was close to eleven-thirty when she got back in the truck. She gotten lots of ideas for sketches tonight and they’d even told her about the retreat that was coming up in September in Glacier National Park. She loved that place and hadn’t been there since her brother Joel had been alive.

  She wished she’d brought Trey along so he could see why she wanted to go to art school and why this was her passion. Surely he’d understand that like his drive to keep working at Cowbear Haven, this was her outlet. If he couldn’t…

  She shook her head. He would because deep in her heart she knew he was the right man for her.

  A mist was beginning to form over the valley to the left and it looked so spooky. Joely was soon on the road leading to Cowbear Haven, turned in front of the gates and plugged in the passcode. The doors swung open and she drove up to the house. She opened the door and got out ready to head inside when a bear shot out from the wooded area and stood on his hind legs and sort of roared at her like only a bear could.

  Her heartbeat picked up and her palms grew so sweaty that she dropped her sketch book.

  “Okay, nice bear, I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Her dad had taught her never to run because a bear could outrun a human and he’d think of you as prey but did that apply to werebears?

  “You want to shift and we can go inside and get something to eat.”

  He roa
red again and just as he started to charge toward her Trey and Ian rushed outside and distracted him.

  “Go inside, we’ve got you covered,” Trey shouted at her.

  She didn’t even bother to pick up her book but just ran at top speed into the house.

  Joely ran over to the stairs and sat on the bottom step. Her hands shook and she hoped they had something strong to drink because right now she needed it. She looked up when she saw Trey and Ian bringing in a guy with a blanket wrapped around him.

  “Gary what do you have to say to Joely?” Trey asked him.

  “I’m so sorry. It was the first time I’ve shifted in forever and I guess I thought you were from the lab coming to take me back.” He fell to his knees and burst out crying.

  Joely rushed over to him and hugged him. “No one’s going to hurt you now. You’re safe with Trey at Cowbear Haven.”

  She looked up at Trey who was holding her sketchbook, its cover torn and splattered with mud.

  “Can I take a look at your drawings?” asked the werebear who’d been outside.

  “Sure,” Joely said. She patted the space on the bottom step beside her as Trey handed her to book.

  She opened the first page.

  “Did you draw this?” Gary asked.

  “Yep, it’s Trey can you tell?”

  “It’s uncanny.”

  “And this is him in bear form.”

  “This girl has some talent,” Gary said. “You think you can teach me to sketch? I think the others would like to do some painting too.”

  Joely smiled but didn’t want to let on to Trey that she had an idea that she thought he might like to hear.


  “Joely if you want to go to Denver that’s perfectly fine with me.”

  “I don’t want you to say that if you don’t mean it.” Joely told him.

  “For crying out loud, what is wrong with you females?” Trey asked. “I have no problem with you going away as long as it not forever and that you realize we’re a couple, no dating any sexy artists.”

  “Trey, I love you so much but I’m not going, and not because you’re not thrilled with the idea. I’ve found an online school but I won’t be cooking here anymore.”

  “Were you ever the cook here?”

  She smacked his arm. “Gary gave me the best idea I’ve had in forever. I’m now going to be your resident artist who will sell her paintings to raise money for Cowbear Haven, and I’ll be your art therapy teacher. Art’s the best thing to heal all the bears.”


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