Jude's Law

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Jude's Law Page 21

by Lori Foster

  Disgusted and taking it out on her, just as he’d known he would, Jude watched her mouth fall open, and a split second later, snap shut in indignation. “You are not invincible, damn it!”

  “I’m not a wuss like your idiot brother, either.”

  She gasped. “You promised to stop insulting him!”

  Growling, Jude stomped off for the kitchen, leaving May alone in the hallway.

  He found Tim sitting at the table while Denny regaled him with stories from the SBC. Denny’s scrapbook of articles, stats, and interviews lay open on the tabletop as he lectured. “Always avoid a street fight when you can, but if you can’t, if your back’s to the wall, then just do it. You don’t talk about it. You don’t threaten. You don’t boast and blabber on and on. And don’t go in timid. Aim for the nose and plan on knocking that head a good fifty feet. Think that in your mind. A little tap is likely to just piss off the other guy. You want to take him out. Let him know from jump that you mean business.”

  “Sounds bloody,” Tim said, but he looked fascinated.

  “It should be.”

  When Denny saw Jude, he went to the counter and calmly poured a cup of coffee. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” Aware of May coming in behind him, Jude sipped the hot brew before commenting further to Tim. “If you don’t see any way out of a fight, then plan on a lot of blood. Let the guy know he won’t be walking away unscathed.”

  “Speaking of unscathed,” Denny said with a smile, “I see things didn’t turn physical. Elton must not have had his usual army with him.”

  “Not an army, no.”

  “So how many were there?”

  He felt May seething behind him, her arms crossed, her bare foot tapping the floor. Confounding woman. “Counting Elton, only four.”

  “Only four?” May repeated. “Are you out of your mind?”

  Filled with contempt, Tim rolled his eyes. “Right. You took on four men?”

  “Didn’t need to,” Denny said. “Look at his knuckles. Not a single mark, so they obviously backed down.”

  Tim’s bruised face soured even more. “Because they’re afraid of Jude? Give me a break.”

  Forced to honesty, Jude shrugged. “I wouldn’t stand a chance against four men, at least not those four. Regular guys off the street would be no problem. But Elton’s men are trained. Still, they knew if they started it, they’d be limping away. For certain there would’ve been broken bones.” He winked at Tim. “And plenty of blood.”

  “Does your head count as a bone?” May asked with saccharine sarcasm.

  Snubbing May, Jude spoke only to Tim. “The only sure way to end a fight is to disable your opponent. The best way to do that is to break something, preferably a leg or ankle. If you only break an arm, he could continue fighting, but if he can’t walk, then he won’t—”

  May gave Jude a shove in the back that sent him staggering forward a step. He nearly spilled his coffee. Stunned that she would do such a thing, especially in front of two other men, he locked his jaw and narrowed his eyes.

  Going on the offensive, she didn’t give him the opportunity to take her to task. “How dare you fill his head with that violent nonsense?”

  Slowly, Jude turned to confront her. Enunciating every word, he said, “Your brother is not a baby just because you treat him like one. You don’t have to protect him.” He thrust the coffee cup toward Denny, who took it with alacrity. “You don’t have to protect me, either.”

  “Oh, but I need protection? Because I’m the little woman? A member of the helpless sex?”

  She sneered every other word, and even though the rational side of Jude’s brain knew it was because of her worry, he reacted to it. “If you’re asking me if I’m bigger, stronger, faster—”

  “If you say smarter, Jude Jamison, I will not forgive you.”

  Instead of anger, Jude now felt energized. Blood sang through his veins. Frustration faded beneath anticipation. All his focus landed on May. “I’ve never, not once, questioned your intelligence.”

  “Thank God,” Denny muttered.

  “But,” Jude continued, “if we’re talking about experience, especially in dangerous situations, then yeah, I’m heads and tails beyond you.”

  Hands fisted at her side, May went on tiptoe. “So, genius, just how did you handle this dangerous situation that you insisted on walking into all alone?”

  Jude slanted a look toward Tim, who watched with calculating curiosity. “I handled it. That’s all you need to know.”

  Deflated by his lack of confidence in her, she fell back flat on her feet. More hurt than angry, she said, “Oh, really?”

  “Let’s just say he knows how I feel about any further harassment.”

  Denny laughed with glee. “Did you tell him you’d kick his sorry ass all the way back to Hollywood?”

  “More or less.”

  Denny nodded. “About damn time by my way of thinking. This taking the high road crap is for the birds. At least now he knows you’re on to him. By the way, I took care of that other business—”

  “Not now, Denny.”

  Luckily, Denny caught on and let it drop. “Oh. Right.” He tried for a quick cover-up. “I’m glad you got things settled with that bastard.”

  Realizing that he wanted to keep the topic private, May withdrew. She looked wounded, but Jude couldn’t explain to her right now, not with Tim hanging on their every word. He trusted Tim about as much as he’d trust a starving bear.

  Tim’s shifty gaze darted from one person to the other. “So… you’re sure he was the one behind it?”

  “As sure as I can be.” Jude never looked away from May. “He’s been a thorn in my side for too damn long. Like I told him, if he’d stayed in Hollywood, I would have continued to ignore him. But by following me here, he crossed the line and forced my hand.”

  “Hallelujah.” Denny clapped him on the shoulder. “Maybe now he’ll butt out of our lives.”

  “You saw Ashley?” May asked, her manner more subdued.

  Jude nodded. “Watched her drive off to the next job, unscathed.”

  That ruined Denny’s good humor. “That child works too damn much.”

  “Elton doesn’t know she called us?” May pressed. “He’s not connecting her to any of this?”

  “Not unless he’s a mind reader.” Jude gave her a reassuring smile. “I wouldn’t do anything to endanger her.”

  “Great.” She smiled back at Jude. “Then if it’s all settled, there’s no reason for me stay here. I can get back to work tomorrow. My boss will be thrilled.”

  Words failed Jude.

  Tim didn’t have the same problem. “What? No! We can’t leave yet.”

  Denny jumped in. “Damn right you can’t. Just because Jude handled part of this mess doesn’t mean it’s all resolved.” He smacked Jude in the back of the head, taking him out of his stupor. “Speak up, damn it. Tell her she has to stay.”

  “Save your breath.” May spun around and forged militantly from the kitchen. Over her shoulder, she said, “My mind is made up.”

  “You’re not going anywhere tonight, May.” Jude’s sharp statement cut the air like a thunderclap.

  She laughed, unimpressed. “Of course not. It’s late, and I’m tired. But first thing in the morning, I’m out of here. Good night.”

  First thing in the morning. Jude started grinning. He had another night at least. A lot could happen in one night. He’d see to it. “She has plenty of spunk, doesn’t she?”

  Denny looked at him as if he was nuts. “She’s royally pissed.”

  Watching her bounce away in high dudgeon tickled Jude. Time spent with May would never be boring. “And I do love the way that girl exits a room.”

  Denny followed his gaze, raised his brows as May cut around the corner, and nodded. “Nice.”

  Tim sputtered. “What the hell are you talking about? She said she’s leaving. But we don’t know for sure that Elton Pascal was behind this mess, and until we do know, I
don’t want to leave.”

  Jude spared him a glance. “Then don’t.”

  “But May said…”

  Denny jumped in. “She’s not your damn mamma, boy. Stand on your own two feet. God knows they’re big enough.”

  “Sure, that’s easy enough for you to say. You don’t know how May can be once she’s made up her mind. She’s stubborn as a mule. She digs in and refuses to budge.” He beseeched Jude. “You have to talk to her. You have to convince her that we need to—”

  Denny rolled his eyes. “Get a grip. Men don’t go hysterical. Besides, Jude will talk her around.” He turned a furious eye on Jude. “At least, he better.”

  “Yeah, “Jude told them both with laughable confidence, “I’ll talk her around.” It might not be easy, but one way or another, he’d convince May to stay. Hell, he had no choice. He wasn’t ready to let her go.

  He wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready.

  That thought didn’t sit well, so Jude faced both men. “Before I do that, though, I think I’ll go work out.”

  Denny looked at his watch. “Now?”

  “I need to burn up some energy.”

  “Oh.” Nodding in understanding, Denny said to Tim, “Then now’s your chance to see how it’s done. Let’s go.”

  Tim gave his best poor puppy dog expression. “Forget it. I’m beat. I was ready for bed. I was—”

  Together, Jude and Denny caught his arms and lifted him from the chair. Tim whined and carped and complained all the way to the basement. But after Jude got the gloves on him, he had to concentrate on not getting hit.

  And Jude saw what Denny saw.

  With a little training, a little guts, and a lot more independence, Tim just might make a damn fine fighter. If that happened, he’d stop being May’s problem.

  That was incentive enough for Jude to spend extra time with him.


  Midnight rolled around, and May felt like crying. With each second that had passed, she’d become more despondent. She’d asked herself a hundred questions but didn’t have a single answer.

  She was no Uma, so why had she assumed Jude would follow her? Why had she assumed he’d want her to stay?

  Tucked under the covers in the guest room Jude had first given her, she tried to sleep—and couldn’t. Damn him, why did he have to be such a jerk? First, he’d left her behind, which okay, she sort of understood. After all, she wouldn’t want to deliberately lead him into a dangerous situation. When given a choice, she’d always protect him the best she could.

  But then he’d blown off her concern, treating it almost like an insult. And he’d been outright rude in the kitchen.

  She didn’t want to argue, and she didn’t want to sleep alone. Not tonight. When morning rolled around, she’d leave, and who knew if she’d ever spend another night with him?

  God, why had she declared such a stupid thing, anyway?

  Because she knew it was the right thing to do.

  She wasn’t a woman who shacked up. With the danger past, she had to get on with her life. Both she and Tim had imposed on Jude enough.

  He said they had a relationship. But did that extend beyond her time in his home? Would he call her and ask her out on dates? Would he miss her?

  Would he return to Hollywood to party with Uma?

  May smashed her head farther into the pillow and curled a little tighter, trying to contain her hurt. Damn you, Jude Jamison.

  She no sooner cursed him than a thin ray of light danced across the floor, over the bed, and up the wall as her bedroom door slowly opened. Even without her glasses, May recognized Jude’s tall, shadowed form when it appeared in the door frame. Her heart punched against her ribs.

  Without a word, he stepped into the room.

  May squeezed her eyes shut, which only made her more aware of Jude’s overwhelming presence and the clicking of the door when he closed it again. His silent footsteps approached the bed. May felt him standing over her, felt his intense study. She even felt his determination.

  The muted sound of rustling reached her ears, and she knew he’d just removed his clothes. Oh boy.

  Say something to him. Say something—

  The covers lifted, the bed dipped, and Jude’s large, warm body settled in front of her. Every fiber of her being started doing cartwheels of joy. He’d come to her! But because he didn’t speak, she didn’t either.

  Keeping perfectly still, her eyes closed, she tried to meter her accelerated breathing into a semblance of sleep. It wasn’t easy, especially when a hairy thigh moved over hers and warm breath fanned her face.

  Gentle fingers sifted through her hair, smoothing it over her shoulder, trailing along her back. He smelled of soap and shampoo, and she knew he’d showered.

  But that would have taken minutes, not hours.

  Voice dark and deep and low, he whispered, “May, honey, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’ve had such a hell of a time with Elton, seeing him left me in a rage.”

  She understood. When Jude had gone to see Elton, a man who meant him harm, she’d done a little raging herself.

  “I wanted to pound on him,” Jude explained. “God, how I wanted that. But it wouldn’t have helped to resolve things. So instead, I was grouchy at you when I shouldn’t have been.”

  He continued to stroke her hair, lulling her with his touch and soft words.

  “I spent the last couple of hours in the gym sweating and working out. I beat the heavy bag, and I sparred with your brother.”

  Her brother?

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t insult him to you.”

  Which meant he’d insult Tim to other people? And did she even really care?

  “Just so you know, I didn’t want Denny to talk openly in front of Tim. If I seemed secretive, that’s why. I don’t trust Tim.” His body crowded closer. “But you’re another matter.”

  He said that as if it had special meaning.

  “So, I’m telling you now. Denny hired some reliable men we know, guys we’ve used in the past. They’ll keep Elton under twenty-four-hour surveillance. They’re from out of town, but they’ll be here sometime tonight, and they’ll get straight to work. As soon as we have something concrete, we’ll go to the cops.”

  What a service like that would cost Jude, May couldn’t begin to imagine.

  “I promise you, while Elton’s in Ohio, he’s not going to make a single move without me knowing it.” Featherlight, Jude touched his mouth to her forehead; his voice went hoarse. “I’m not going to take any chances with you.”

  For one of the few times in her life, May felt cherished. Tears clogged her throat, she started trembling, and her heart melted.

  “Come on, May,” he teased, “stop playing possum and tell me you forgive me.”

  Sighing, she opened her eyes. His face was very close to hers, but without her glasses, she couldn’t discern his expression. “How did you know I was awake?”

  His hand curved over and around her breast, kneading, caressing. “Your nipples are hard.” She heard the smile in his words, and it made her smile, too.

  How could she not react when Jude got near her? Snuggling closer to the heat and warmth and security of his body, she put one hand on his chest and turned her face up to his. “It seems you always have that effect on me.”

  His mouth touched the corner of her lips, and he murmured, “Good to know.”

  That made her laugh. “Like every woman you look at doesn’t go all mushy and adoring and… well…”

  His grin widened. “What?”

  Feeling it herself, she whispered, “Hot.”

  “Mmm. Is that right? I never realized. So what about you, May? Are you hot?” He brushed her nipple with his thumb. “Maybe I’ll just find out for myself.”

  Releasing her breast, he ran his hand over the T-shirt she wore, down her side and the dip of her waist, over the rise of her hip, and along her thigh. He brought his hand back up again, this time on the inside of her leg to the crotch of her panties.
As his fingers pressed snug against her, he gave a gruff hum of satisfaction. “Very hot.”

  Closing her eyes, May accepted the pleasure of his touch. Now that the majority of the danger could be over, she wanted to show Jude that she hadn’t come to him for only money or protection. He’d been hurt so badly with negative publicity and false accusations. He’d proudly put up with so much from so many.

  When it came to her feelings and motivations, she wanted no doubts in his mind. She wouldn’t start making claims of love, because that’d be unfair, putting him in a position to reciprocate, or send her packing. She knew he wasn’t in love with her, and she didn’t want to leave. So it’d be better to give to him sexually what she couldn’t give verbally.

  Hoping for a level of seductiveness, she said, “Turnabout is fair play.”

  The stroking fingers between her legs went still. “Meaning?”

  Smiling, May trailed her hand downward, over the play of muscles in his chest, through his crisp chest hair, and onto his taut abdomen. His body had probably inspired many female fantasies. All over, muscle sculpted his long-boned frame. He was toned and strong, with dark body hair and an innate cockiness that only made him more appealing.

  She toyed with the sexy, silky line of hair that bisected his body, leading a path to his erection. “Meaning I want to touch you, too.”

  When she paused over his navel, he held his breath. “May?”

  “I love how you feel.” Without warning, she dipped lower and wrapped her fist around him. He was as naked and hard as a Greek statue, warm and vibrant and throbbing with life. He tightened, pushing himself more firmly into her hand, clenching his fingers carefully between her legs.

  Insidious warmth spread through her. “I see I have an effect as well?”

  “I think of you, and I want to be inside you. I see you and I get hard. You have an effect all right.” His forehead touched hers. “Harder, baby. Squeeze me harder.”

  Tantalized by the idea of instruction, May did as he ordered. “Better?”

  His hand remained between her legs, immobile, but there, burning and thrilling and heightening her excitement. “Yeah. Now stroke. Like that, but slower.” He groaned, breathing hard, heat pouring off him. “God yeah.”


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