The Hard Way

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The Hard Way Page 6

by Austin Bates

  He served Jade some soup and sent her back to the couch to watch more of her shows. Madeline’s eyes followed him as he walked back down the hall and into his bedroom. Noah powered his laptop back on and scanned through emails that were mostly reminders from the Case Counter, an email from Rhonda checking to see if he was alright, and an email from a client. He hovered over the email.

  It’s my day off, he thought, but that didn’t stop him from opening up the email. He read through the first paragraph and abruptly shut his laptop. I don’t care. I just don’t care today, I just need to… have a life for a little while.

  Noah pulled off the pajamas that he had been wearing all morning. He walked into the bathroom connected to his room and turned the shower on. He sighed and hopped in, the hot water pelting his skin. The muscles in his shoulders loosened and he let the law firm and his cases slide out of his mind. He focused on the sound of the water hitting the walls of the shower.

  When he stepped out, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He hadn’t shaved in the last few days, and some stubble was starting to appear on his chin. He ran his hands over it and fished around for his razor. He found it inside of the medicine cabinet and gave himself a quick shave. Then he found a bottle of cologne that Madeline had given him at Christmas and sprayed it around his collarbone.

  Noah walked back into his bedroom and pulled a new set of clothes out of his dresser. He pulled a black wool sweater over his head, and put on a pair of dark jeans. As he strolled down the hallway and past the living room, Madeline called out to him, “Are you making a run to the store?”

  He pulled on his black and white sneakers and said, “I thought I’d go out for a little bit.” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and checked the time. 4:30 p.m. Issac may have cut out early by now.

  “Okay, see you in a bit. Jade and I will finish watching Denver Dragon!” Madeline shouted, and Noah cringed. Please stop with the guilt, Mom, he thought as he jogged down the steps of the front porch and started his car.

  Noah drove across town, the cold seats keeping him as alert as if he’d drank two espressos as the sun went down. He flexed his fingers on the wheel and swallowed an urge to whip his car around and head back home towards Madeline and Jade. It’s fine. I want to tone things down a bit for Jade, of course, but… I need to do it for me, too. I need to live.

  He made a right turn into the parking lot of Issac’s apartment building. He drove over the freshly salted pavement and parked close to the front entrance. He made his way towards the elevator and pressed the button. He looked over to the woman that was waiting next to him. She was wrapped in an extra large puff coat that swallowed her up.

  She caught his eye and grinned at him. Noah didn’t miss the way that she ran her eyes over him a second time, taking in his tall, lean frame and dark hair. He chuckled to himself as the elevator doors slid open. He allowed her to step in first and pressed the number for Issac’s floor as the doors closed.

  The woman pulled the rim of her coat down and asked, “Do you have a place to keep warm tonight? It’s going to be pretty cold.”

  Noah fought back an eye roll. You could not be more off track. He smiled politely and watched as the highlighted number on the display inched closer and closer to the top floor.

  “I do, actually. Thank you,” Noah said.

  “Shame,” she muttered and stepped off of the elevator two stops later. Noah’s hands fidgeted in the pockets of his jeans and he felt the world come to a slow as the elevator stopped on the final floor. Noah walked out of the elevator and to Issac’s door.

  He breathed in, then out and knocked on the door. What if he isn’t even home? I’m not going to be able to work the nerve up to come and do this again. Noah listened for movement from the other side of the door but didn’t hear anything.

  Noah knocked again, and as he lifted his knuckles from the door, it opened and Issac was in front of him in a t-shirt and boxers. Noah eyes were stuck on Issac’s face as he said, “Hey. I was… hanging around and I thought that I’d… stop by.”

  Issac blinked and repeated, “Stop by? By the way, you were sick today? I’m sorry that Jade was sick too, I know that’s gotta be rough with—”

  Noah slid his hand behind Issac’s neck and pulled him forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. With wide eyes, Issac pulled away slightly and asked, “What’s this about?”

  “I needed a me day,” Noah said, and Issac smirked, stepping backwards into the apartment. Noah closed the door behind them.

  “So, your conclusion to your mental health day was that you needed dick?”

  Noah nodded, hooking his fingers in the waistband of Issac’s boxers and sliding them down. Issac caught Noah’s hands and said, “I want to do this too, but I thought you couldn’t allow for distractions in your life right now?”

  Noah sighed. “I don’t want to keep missing out on life because I want to do well at work.” Noah smoothed the back of his hand on Issac’s cheek. “I know that you’ve wanted this for a while—”

  “And you want it too?”

  “I do. I’ve tried to push this,” Noah gestured between the two of them, “to the back of my mind for months now but it keeps bubbling up and I want to try it, at least. I want to see if this is worth giving a try before I write you off as another hot guy that’s actually an asshole.”

  Issac folded his fingers in between the spaces of Noah’s fingers and brought him close. “I’ll try not to be an asshole,” he said, and leaned into Noah’s lips, tasting them in small samples.

  Noah sighed against his lips and pressed harder against him. Issac lifted their interlocked hands above them, and pushed him against the wall. Issac separated their hands and framed Noah’s head between his arms. Noah’s eyes scanned Issac’s face.

  Issac chuckled and nipped at the warm skin on Noah’s neck. “I like to play a little rough. That okay?” he asked, burying his nose onto his neck and exhaling; the breath tickled the small hairs on Noah’s ear.

  Noah nodded. Issac snaked his hands down Noah’s chest, and tugged on his leather belt, pulling the hook through the hole and loosening it. With a strong tug, Issac pulled the belt through the loops of Noah’s jeans and tossed it on the floor with a thud. He ran his tongue over the nape of Noah’s neck, pausing to press his lips against it and suckle. Noah’s pants fell to the floor and Issac pressed his knee in between his thighs.

  He breathed onto Noah’s lips and his voice was husky as he commanded, “Undress yourself.”

  Noah felt a delightful chill go down his spine as he yanked his boxers down and pulled his shirt over his head. Issac’s hands traveled over Noah’s chest and then they deviated south, as Issac cupped Noah’s rock hard cock in his hands.

  He whistled. “Someone’s ready,” he said. “I can’t wait.” He dropped to his knees and pressed his tongue against the base of Noah’s shaft, his tongue hitting all of the sensitive nerves from base to tip. Issac lingered at the tip of Noah’s dick, collecting the salty pre-come with his tongue. He pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth and grinned.

  Noah’s eyes were glued to Issac’s as he watched him take the length of his cock inside of his mouth. Noah’s knees buckled as Issac sucked, and Issac’s hand reached out and smacked both thighs. He took his mouth off of Noah. “Nope. Stand up straight. No falling down until I say so,” he said as Noah groaned, leaning back against the wall, legs straight.

  Issac’s lips grazed the delicate skin as he pumped Noah in and out of his mouth. Noah’s eyes rolled up to meet the underside of his eyelids, his thighs had begun to tremble. Issac tapped his palm against Noah’s thighs and as Noah moaned and felt the tightness of his orgasm coming, he grabbed a handful of Issac’s hair.

  Issac laughed, taking Noah’s dick out of his mouth, running his tongue over the wetness left over on his lips. He rose to his feet as he watched Noah watch him, arms still against the wall, legs straight, chest heaving, and a bright red flush all over his body.

sp; “You’re so… helpless,” Issac said, pulling Noah by the shoulders and bringing him to his chest. There was a loud smack as Issac brought their lips together, Noah thrusting his tongue in between Issac’s lips. Issac made a low hum from deep within his chest and let his tongue dance with Noah’s.

  Issac pulled back, with his chest rising as he pulled in the musky air through his nostrils. “Bend over,” Issac commanded. Noah’s legs bent slightly and he moved into a bend. Issac placed his hand onto the center of Noah’s back and grunted as he bent his torso over his knees. Noah chuckled as Issac pushed him to his knees. The wood of the front entryway was cold against his bare knees as Noah prepared himself for Issac’s cock. It’s been so long since I’ve let anyone do this.

  Issac spread Noah’s cheeks open and collected a pool of saliva in his mouth. He dripped it onto Noah’s asshole and his index finger rubbed it into the sensitive skin. He pressed his thumb into his asshole and Noah clenched around it. Their groans rose up to the ceiling and out of the windows as Issac slid his thumb in and out of Noah’s tight asshole.

  “You’re so goddamn tight. I can’t wait to fuck you,” Issac moaned.

  Noah turned his head and asked. “Do you have a condom?”

  Issac’s hand slowed and he slid his thumb out of Noah’s asshole. The thump of Issac’s feet bounced off of the walls as he marched to what Noah presumed to be his bedroom and the following clatter of Issac’s search was even louder as he came back with a six-pack of condoms.

  Noah half laughed and half gasped. “How long do you expect us to be doing this? I’ve got court statements to review, you know.”

  Issac’s fingers slid across the smooth skin of Noah’s cheeks, his digits flexed before covering Noah’s mouth. Noah grunted against his hand and Issac’s voice rolled off of his bent spine as he said, “No work stuff.” Soft kisses were strewn across Noah’s ass cheeks and thighs. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” Issac said, as he rolled the condom down the length of his cock with his free hand.

  Noah’s breath hitched as Issac slid into him, a full tightness flooding his asshole. Issac’s hips rocked, moving into Noah’s body without urgency. Noah groaned against the now moist skin of Issac’s fingers as Issac’s rocking sent waves of pleasure spreading throughout his asshole, his own hard cock straining for release.

  “Oh my God,” Noah moaned as Issac’s muscles spasmed and his shoulders shuddered, and he filled the condom with come. Issac pulled back, his thigh muscles were on fire, he ran a hand from his abs to his softening cock. His hand was covered in a mist of sweat. As Noah spread out onto the floor, Issac circled around him and squatted in front of him.

  When Noah lifted his eyes, Issac held his hand out and said, “Come on, it’s your turn now.” He winked as Noah grasped his hand and rose to his feet, his dick hardening as they traveled to the bedroom.

  Chapter 15

  Issac rolled his shoulders back and turned up the volume on the television. He snickered, reliving the reason for his soreness. Things got a little athletic last night. I wouldn’t have ever thought that Noah would have the endurance. He pressed the brew button on his coffee machine and watched the rest of the lights come to life.

  Issac opened the fridge and grabbed a wobbling carton of eggs. He went over to the stove and tapped the eggs against the edge of the skillet, both eggs split open and he poured the yolk onto the awaiting hot skillet. I wonder if Noah likes his eggs sunny-side up or scrambled. Everyone likes scrambled eggs. I guess it doesn’t matter. I can think of a few ways to make it up to him if he doesn’t. He grinned, and called out to Noah just as the morning news started.

  “Noah! I’m making breakfast, and I’m guessing you’re pretty hungry after last night! I’ve got coffee going, too!”

  In the bedroom, Noah shook his face back and forth and tapped at the skin on his face. My neck hurts. How the hell am I supposed to prepare for court today? He pondered as he rose to his feet, rolling his neck and stretching. He shuffled into the hall and into the bathroom, grimacing at the disheveled man in the mirror.

  Okay, I can’t smell like B.O. even though I spent the night marathon fucking after not having sex for six years. I forgot what some of those muscles are even used for. Noah sprinkled some water on his face and felt instant relief come over him as he spotted a half empty bottle of mouthwash.

  He swished it around on his tongue, feeling the cleansing burn spread throughout his teeth and cheeks. His brain batted away the thoughts that had been nagging him since he woke up, all twisted in Issac’s dark, silky lavish sheets. No, I can’t even begin to focus on those right now. It’s gonna be fine. I’m gonna try living life to the fullest and everyone will be better for it. Noah nodded at his reflection and when he was fairly confident that his mouth was on fire from the sting of the mouthwash, he spit into the sink.

  “Noah, come on. Don’t let your eggs get cold!”

  He actually made me breakfast for the morning after, what a dork. I can’t wait to see what this rich kid burned up to serve. Noah grinned and finally unveiled himself, strolling into the kitchen in the boxers that he’d put on before he left his home yesterday.

  Issac spooned bits of fluffy egg onto two plates and handed a plate over to Noah. “Do you want some toast?”

  Noah leaned against the counter and took a small bite of egg. “Yeah, I’ll take some toast. It’s kind of weird to see you being so domestic.”

  Issac kissed Noah’s cheek and said, “I had to learn how to cook, you know. My dad doesn’t have all of my meals air-lifted to my doorstep. He doesn’t even talk to me.”

  Noah’s giggle was cut short as he asked, “He doesn’t talk to you?”

  Issac shrugged. “Here’s a secret about the Deputy Mayor. He thinks his openly gay son could be really bad press for the upcoming mayoral election. I told him that I was going to do what I wanted to do, and he told me to stay away from the family.”

  He doesn’t talk to his family? How come I didn’t know that? Noah thought, as Issac shrugged again, and scraped the remainder of his eggs off of his plate and into his mouth. Issac tossed his plate in the sink and headed towards the bathroom.

  “Wanna take a shower with me?” he asked.

  I need to check on Jade. Then prepare my court statements and show my face at the office later. He rubbed his temples as Issac’s voice cut through his brain fog, “Are you coming to shower?”

  Noah shook his head and walked over to the entryway. He peered around the area and crept down low to check under the dark space between the couch and the floor. “Have you seen my pants?”

  The pant leg of his jeans fell on top of his face.

  “Yeah, I picked them up off of the floor earlier,” Issac said, and the sound of the shower water pelting the wall flowed out of the bathroom.

  Noah placed a hand to his chest and sighed. He yanked his jeans on, and double checked his appearance in the mirror. I don’t want it to be obvious to everyone in Baltimore what I spent the night doing. Especially before I really know what we’re doing, if this thing between us is just going to be sex and fun or if this is… something bigger.

  Noah left the apartment and was relieved to see the snow had already been shoveled this morning and there was a clear path for his car to pull out and speed down the main streets. As he drove home, he felt the unavoidable worry creeping up his spine, spreading to his neck and shoulders. So, I slept with Issac. That’s fine. Except that I work with him. But that’s no big deal, it’s not like he’s my boss or anything, he pondered as he impatiently thumped his fingers on the steering wheel at a red light.

  He sighed as the thought that he had been fighting off since he woke up this morning finally slid through, Am I going about this the right way? Hooking up with the spoiled Deputy Mayor’s son that’s being exiled by his family for being gay? I think I really want him, though.

  Noah pulled into Madeline’s driveway and shut the door, his hand lingering on the door handle as he shook his head. I’m going
to try. I’m going to try and we’ll see what happens. It’s not like this is permanent. He headed up the front porch and pushed the door open, and as he hung his coat on the rack, Jade came bouncing down the entryway.

  “Daddy!” she squealed, and Noah knelt down and wrapped her in a big hug.

  She pulled away from him. “Daddy, where were you?”

  “I was… at a friend’s house.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Lawyer stuff, sweetie. You’re nosy this morning. How are we feeling today?” He felt Jade’s forehead with the back of his hand. A slight warmth radiated from the skin there, and he gave her a once over. A splatter of snot hit the floor and Noah groaned.

  “Jade, go get back in bed. You’re obviously not well enough to go back to school today. Wipe your nose!” Noah followed Jade back into the family room, where she jumped back onto the nest of pillows and stuffed animals she had built on the couch.

  “Where’s Grandma?” he asked, as he grabbed a box of pancake mix out of the cupboard.

  “She’s sleeping!” Jade chirped and turned her head around and said, “Shh! Denver Dragon is about to come on!”

  “More Denver Dragon? That’s exactly what I needed,” he muttered as he stirred the instant mix in a glass bowl with the last couple of eggs. Mom needs to go grocery shopping. He paused, feeling a small wave of guilt wash over him. Or I could go for her. She probably didn’t expect to watch Jade for the rest of the evening yesterday… So that I could go get laid.


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