Atticus_Secret Lies

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Atticus_Secret Lies Page 2

by KL Donn

  Just feeling his hand around my throat has my body buzzing. I know he’ll do it. If not for my pleasure, then for his own. I can see it in his eyes. He wants to.

  Bringing his face closer to mine, he says against my lips, “Red to let go, yellow for perfect, green for more.” I nod. “Words, little lamb.”

  “Yes. Please, yes, Atticus.” I can’t stop the pleading in my voice. I’ve always been different. It hadn’t been made clear how much so until I was eighteen and about to be with a man for the first time. When I expressed what I wanted, he recoiled like I’d kicked him in the nuts. Utter disgust colored his gaze, and I never heard from him again.

  I isolated myself further after that. Refused to interact with the opposite sex unless forced to.

  “We’re going to play a game,” he says. “For every right answer, I’ll go tighter. For every wrong one, I’ll loosen. Got it?” I nod. “Words. Always give me the words.”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “We’ll start easy. Are you a virgin?” His eyes darken with anger at the mere thought that I’m not.

  “Yes.” I smooth one hand along his neck and jaw. His fingers tighten a tiny fraction, and I know he’s going to make me work for this. I should feel embarrassed, but his growing and throbbing erection against my heated core tell me he’s enjoying this just as much as me, if not more.

  “Is this you’re only craving?”

  “No.” I want so much more. I can feel his finger dig into my carotid artery as he tightens again. This time a little more and excitement crawls up my spine.

  “Are you attracted to me?” My gaze shoots to his.

  I shouldn’t be. He should be terrifying me. “Yes,” I admit, and finally, he tightens enough that I feel my breaths start to slow. When I moan, he tightens further. My eyes close in surrender as desire courses through me.

  “Color?” he asks.

  “Green.” I rush to say. I need more. So much more.

  I can feel the bruising that will linger where his fingers are, and I still crave more. My lungs are struggling to draw in air now.

  “Last question for now,” he says, and I can feel his breath on my lips as his other hand lets go of my hair, travelling around to my pelvis. With just a small touch, he rubs a finger across my clit, making my pussy throb. “If I reach down your pants right now, will your cunt be soaking wet for me?”

  “Yes.” I barely sigh, but he hears me.

  His fingers tighten. Stars explode behind my eyes as his other hand slips into my pants and puts pressure on my clit.

  “You’re fucking soaked for me, little lamb.” Satisfaction rings from his voice as he manipulates me into orgasmic bliss.

  My body sails into a hedonistic carnality I’ve never felt before. I’m languid as Atticus plays me like a finely tuned instrument manufactured for his indulgence. As one of his fingers slips into my tightness, my legs spread further, making room for him as I continue to float in ecstasy.

  “Just like that, Catalina,” he croons as his grip on my throat loosens slowly, bringing me back to the land of the living. “Always like that.” Taking his hand out of my pants, Atticus brings his wet finger to my lips, rubbing my essence on like a lip stain.

  Crashing his mouth over mine, I’m taken away again. Losing myself in his taste, whiskey and spice, as his tongue plays with mine. His hands on my back push me further into his chest, possessively.

  I’m breathless as he continues his onslaught of my body. Not letting me take a full breath until my inhalations border on hyperventilating.

  As he pulls away, a soft look, one I never would have guessed he was capable of, crosses his face as he pulls me into his chest. Suddenly exhausted, my body relaxes on his chest, and the thundering of his heartbeat soothes me into a sleep I wasn’t expecting as the sun finally disappears in the sky.

  Snow falls heavily, pelting the windows with the fierce wind that accompanies it. The dogs lay beside the roaring fire with the kittens between them. Catalina passed out on my chest hours ago and hasn’t woken since. Even when I shifted her to lay on the couch so that I could start the fire.

  Standing behind the comfortable piece of furniture, I pointedly assess her cabin and the life she’s made for herself. From what I can tell, she hasn’t acquired much in the way of personal things. I found a file in the rolling desk by the door pertaining to a fire at the home she shared with her mother until the woman passed away.

  Last spring, an inferno claimed it and everything she owned in it. It was ruled arson, and I can’t find anything that’s declared the case closed. The only thing I can think of is the mystery man who made her afraid to insist on getting her needs met.

  Once this shit ends, he’s first on my hit list.

  Catalina lives sparsely, with only the bare minimum, and I wonder if I could convince her to come home with me. If she’d leave this ice palace she calls home.

  Checking my phone again, I fight the urge to throw it through the window as it flashes no service. I need to call King, find out what the fuck is happening with Thomas.

  Even knowing this woman shares McCray’s blood, I can’t bring myself to loathe her the same way I had on the way out here. She’s nothing like that sadistic fucking family. She’s soft and sweet. Susceptible to manipulation.

  I should know since I’ve done it to her myself. Got what I wanted by finding out her deepest desire. The difference is, I’ll give her everything she wants without leaving her hanging. With me, Catalina will feel nothing but love from my pain.

  Suddenly, both dogs stand up, their bodies tense. Dark hair stands on end, their heads bent low with aggression.

  I was shocked, at first, that they hadn’t tried attacking me after having Catalina crying out with pleasure. They simply accepted me into their fold without incident.

  I couldn’t be more grateful for that than right now. “East,” I call, and the shorter of the two animals comes over to me. “Guard.” I point to my little lamb, and he sits by her head, ears twitching as I move to the window beside the door.

  Pushing a corner of the curtain to the side with one finger, I see a shadow moving near the woodshed. “Got you,” I mutter, walking over to the gun cabinet she has. I open it to see weapons full of dust. “Fuck.” If they’re like this, then the likelihood of them backfiring on me are high. “We’re going to have a long fucking talk, woman,” I say as I pull out the switchblade I keep in my boot.

  Whistling low, I motion for West to follow me. Easing open the door, we head outside, a blanket of snow on the porch hindering any surprise we may have had.

  Surveying the area, I can see there are no vehicles, no four-wheelers that I’ve seen people using to get around, and I have to wonder who the ballsy asshole is. If it’s Thomas or if it’s someone else that could be checking up on her, knowing she’s up here by herself.

  “Search,” I instruct West. I don’t even know if he knows what I’m talking about. I do know he’s an intelligent breed and will take cues from me. He walks about thirty yards ahead of me as we quietly move through the torturous weather. The wind masks the sounds of our feet in the crunching snow. Which also means we can’t hear whoever is out here.

  A menacing growl erupts from the dog seconds before it attacks whoever is behind the shed. Creeping around the side of the building, I see West with his jaws around a man’s throat. He can’t be much older than my thirty-five years as he lays limply on the ground, fear etched in every line of his face.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I ask as snow begins to fall harder.

  When he opens his mouth to speak, West’s jaw tightens, and the man flails like a fish on a hook.

  “West,” I snap, and the animal immediately backs off but remains close enough to have the stranger still shaking.

  Rubbing his throat, he looks between the growling West and my hulking frame. Likely trying to decide who he stands the better chance of beating. Neither of us is a safe bet.

  “Charles Manning,” he sputters.

  “What the fuck are you doing out here?” I’m not the trusting sort, and the fact he doesn’t have a vehicle bothers me.

  “I came to check on Catalina.” I can’t stop the menacing growl when he says her name. Swallowing hard, he looks between West and me again. “I haven’t heard from her in a while.”

  “What the fuck are you to her?”

  Getting brave, he pushes himself to his feet. “We’ve gone on a few dates.”

  “Bullshit.” I don’t believe it for a second. Not with the way she was with me.

  “It’s been about a month, but yes, we’re dating.” His voice is a little stronger, but his eyes still register his fear.

  Reaching for him, he shrinks back as I grab the collar of his coat, pulling him to me. “That still doesn’t explain why you’re creeping out here like a fucking stalker.”

  “My ATV broke down out by the road.” His explanation doesn’t sound any better.

  “We’ll see,” is all I say as I drag him to the porch. Pushing him onto the first step, I point and say, “Don’t fucking move,” as I go inside.

  Catalina is right where I left her, only her shirt has moved up to show her stomach and the underside of her lush tits. I’m half tempted to suck on them until she comes from the stimulation alone and say fuck the idiot outside.

  Kneeling beside her, I can see the outline of her peaked nipples. Knowing my hands are ice cold, I gently lift her shirt, baring her succulent tits for my viewing pleasure. Her nipples tighten from the chilly air.

  Grinning, I lean down, licking across the tip of each lightly, enthralled as she arches her back for more. “Fuck him,” I groan out. Leaning forward, I capture her flesh in my mouth. Vanilla explodes on my tongue as she moans for more.

  Slipping my frigid hand down the front of her pants, I plunge two fingers into her tight little cunt while putting pressure on her clit as I devour her tit, almost fitting the entire globe inside.

  Her gasp of pleasure tells me she’s awake, or at least getting there. I pump my fingers in and out of her the way I want to with my cock, hard and fast, and her body shivers with pleasure.

  “Atticus,” she breathes out into the quiet night.

  Her hips are moving in sync with my fingers as she rides the waves of her pleasure. Switching breasts, I give the other the same attention as the first. Lifting my hand to her mouth, I shove two fingers into the warm cavern in the same fashion as her cunt. Only I push them to the back of her throat, blocking her airway, and immediately, she’s tensing, and a gush of liquid hits my hand as she comes apart for me. Her body convulses as I work her harder, stringing out every ounce of pleasure I can before I pull her pants off entirely and finally taste her properly.

  Seeing her naked pussy for the first time does something to me. Right then and there, I’m swearing my devotion to this fucking woman. For the rest of our lives, she’s going to own me. Anything she wants, I’ll get it for her.

  “Fuck is that pretty, little lamb.” She blushes at my compliment. “You ever have a man’s tongue lick you like a popsicle?” I look up in time to see her shake her head. “Good. I’d hate to have to kill more than one man.”

  Turning her so she’s sitting up, I drag her hips to the edge of the couch. Lifting her legs over my shoulders, I spread her wide open. With a perfect view of both her holes, I have a hard time deciding which one I want to eat first.

  Rubbing one finger between her swollen lips, I draw much of her cum from her pussy down to her ass—she tries to pull away—and push the finger through her tight rings. “I’m going to bury my dick so deep into this tight little ass of yours, you won’t know whether to moan or cry.”

  She shocks the fuck out of me when she says, “Atticus, please.”

  “That another one of those cravings you have?”

  “The biggest,” she admits.

  Grinning, I lean down to her cunt, murmuring, “Where the fuck you been all my life?” as I suck her lips into my mouth, pulling tightly. I pump my finger in and out of her ass roughly.

  “Oh god!” she cries out, and I know the asshole outside hears her.

  He ain’t heard nothing yet.


  This shouldn’t feel so good. It should feel forbidden and naughty and dark.

  Yet, it’s everything.

  Atticus does things to me I never dreamed of happening. I want more. Every dark and devious thing he has planned, I want it. And I want it harder. I want him to take me the way he envisions.

  “When my dick is ripping these beautiful holes apart, you’re going to beg me to stop,” he promises. “But I’m just going to fuck you harder. You’ll be begging me to break you.”

  Mercy, do I love the sound of that.

  When his lips wrap firmly around my clit and his teeth nibble, I can feel my womb tighten, my pussy grasping for something to hold onto until it’s there. Until I’m rocketed into another world where white-hot pleasure is the only thing possible. I feel him licking me clean, devouring my cries and juices. His finger leaves my ass, and I find I’m disappointed. I want more. I want harder. I want him to claim me.

  “Atticus!” I cry out when he pulls his dick out of his pants and places just the head against my cunt. He doesn’t push in, but I feel his semen shooting jets inside of me. The warmth makes me tingle as it coats my walls until he’s shuddering just as hard as me.

  “Fuck.” He sounds angry. “Lips,” he demands. Sitting up, I’m not shocked when he presents me with his very large dick. Small piercings align along the shaft, and I’m very curious about how that’s going to feel inside of me. “Open.” I do as he asks. Pushing his whole length into my mouth, he tilts my chin, so the head settles in my throat nicely. With just enough room to breathe, he holds still. “Don’t move,” he demands. “Eyes, Catalina.” I look up to him. “If you move, there will be hell to pay.” A coldness enters his stare. “Understand?” I nod slightly. “Have you ever been on a date with Charles Manning?” I have to think, I know the name, and then it hits me, and my eyes widen. “Is that a yes?” He’s pissed. But I still shake my head no, tentatively. My gaze remains on his. “You lying to me?” I shake again. “He says you were, a month ago.”

  I have to think back. Honestly, I don’t go into town often, but when I do, I eat at the pub because I like the food there.

  I try to pull away when his grip in my hair tightens.

  “You got something you need words for?” I nod in reply.

  He lets me go, and I’m sad to lose the feeling of his cock in my mouth. I was enjoying the taste of him.

  “When I go into town, I always have dinner at Jester’s, the pub.” Atticus nods. “Charles was there the last two times.” His eyes darken to rage again. “I mostly sit at the bar. He sat beside me. We said maybe three sentences to each other. Nothing more. Ever.” I can’t emphasize that enough.

  Nodding his head, he puts a finger under my chin. “Why’s he saying it’s more then?”

  “I don’t know.” He searches my gaze quickly before telling me, “Go get some clothes on. No fucking underwear.” Doing as he says, I pull on a pair of fleece pants and a sweater. Confusion swirls through me about what’s going on. He’s running hot and cold, and I really don’t like it.

  Entering the front room again, I stop in my tracks when I see Charles on his knees by the front door. I say nothing as West stands sentry beside him, and Atticus is in the small kitchen boiling water.

  “Little lamb, come here.” I go to him, even more confused than moments ago. “Has he been here before?”


  “Any reason he would come out here to check on you now?”

  I look back to the man again. He looks terrified. “No.” I don’t understand what’s happening. “What’s going on, Atticus?”

  “While you were sleeping, West and I caught him out by the shed with the claim that he was coming here to check on you because of the weather.”

  “I didn’t hear a vehicle.” Atticus had also exhauste
d me, so maybe I slept through it.

  “That’s because he claims it broke down by the road.” It’s not an unreasonable possibility.

  As he walks over to Charles with a pot of boiling water, I begin to worry. “What are you doing?” I follow behind him.

  “I grew up in the streets, fighting, stealing. You name it, I’ve pretty much done it. When I was twenty, I met three men. They’d just begun to take over the city and build their empire. They brought me into the fold. Accepted me as family and it’s what we’ve been ever since.”

  “That’s…nice.” I don’t understand why that’s important here, but I can see from Charles’ face he does. He understands what’s happening.

  “Please don’t,” he begs.

  “Something I learned long ago was how to get information from a person without making a mess. I typically enjoy using a few instruments, but I have to get creative here. Boiling water can be quite painful.” His sight is locked on Charles in front of him.

  I have a feeling where this is going now, and I don’t like it. “Charles, for god sakes, tell him the truth. We never went out on any dates. We barely know each other.”

  “It’s much more than that, little lamb,” Atticus says. His tone is deadly. Different than he’s used with me. Pulling a knife from his boot, he grabs Charles’ hand. “Boiling water on an open wound is about as painful as it can get because the water gets right in there, hits the bone. Veins, vessels.”

  “What do you want?” Charles asks, his voice shaking. I’m stunned speechless. Atticus speaks like he does this all the time. Maybe he does. I don’t know him.

  “I want to know why you’re here. What your purpose was tonight.” His voice is calm now.

  “I told you, I just wanted to check– Ahhh!” He starts screaming, and I have to cover my eyes from the sound as the kittens scatter towards my room.

  “Atticus…” I whisper horrified.

  “Try again, Mr. Manning. I know men like you. Predators. You see, I knew what you were here for as soon as you approached the shed. You’ve had every chance to tell me. Now, I’ll get the information my way.”


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