Garden of Graves

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Garden of Graves Page 4

by Keary Taylor

  “Maybe,” I say as we continue down the street. “I guess I never really explained how he’s been cursed against the child. I thought I told him everything. Guess I forgot just how many little strings there are attached to this whole…life.”

  Ian gives a little thin-lipped smile and wraps an arm over my shoulders. “I’ve got to admit, when I first realized it was Cyrus that you were calling for help, I just about flipped. But you seem to have a handle on this whole thing. I think you made the right call.”

  “Think?” Julie questions him with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh ho,” my brother chuckles. “I won’t make any final calls until he’s landed back in Austria. There can always be last minute twists when it comes to the King.”

  We cross the street and walk up to the gate, which is normally locked this time of night, but a tall man with broad shoulders stands there with a stoic expression, and swings it open to admit us.

  I think I expected something grand and beautiful to await us. Lights. Maybe an orchestra casting us in classical music.

  But the park is dark. Lit only by the city lights that surround us.

  Cyrus is smart, though. He won’t draw unnecessary attention to us. And having a big, bright party would certainly do that.

  “Welcome,” Cyrus greets us. He stands just below the statue of George Washington. He wears a black suit with a blood red vest and tie. His hair is slicked back, his eyes glowing just slightly. “I do hope you will eat, drink, and be merry with us. I’m quite pleased to see the members of Court and those of the House of Allaway getting to know one another.”

  Cyrus steps forward and takes my hand in his. I give him a small curtsy as he brings my knuckles to his lips. “Enjoy the party, Elle.”

  And there’s a little flicker of mischief in his eyes that warns he has something planned.

  But I only smile and watch as he presses a kiss to Julie’s hand, as well.

  The three of us walk around the statue finding Fredrick, Cyrus’ assistant, scurrying around, keeping everything in order, and we head to the expanse of grass stretching before us.

  “Get ready for some kind of mind game,” Ian whispers.

  A giant row of tables has been set up in the middle of the grassy area. It has been elaborately decorated with a red tablecloth, vases full of grandiose floral arrangements. A few candles have been spread down it, casting it in dim, flickering light. This is what I expected. Just a much smaller scale.

  Waiters fuss over the table, bringing glasses, filling them as the guests who have arrived finish them off.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy being part of an official Royal House if these are the kinds of parties we get to throw.” Aleah sits at the end of the table. She wears this short black dress that looks like it’s made of shredded bits of fabric and sewn together without much rhyme or reason. And, of course, her black combat boots adorn her feet. She sits in her chair with one leg thrown over the arm of the chair, a glass of something in one hand.

  She looks relaxed and completely at home.

  “Parties are nice, but it’s certainly not our job,” Duncan cuts in. “And if you think the King won’t be watching and analyzing your every move tonight, you’re an idiot.”

  Aleah glares at her cousin, but places both feet on the ground, sitting a little straighter.

  “He’s right,” Ian says as he pulls a chair out for me and then sinks into one himself. “Cyrus might look like he’s just enjoying the party and having a good time, but he doesn’t miss anything.”

  Duncan and Aleah’s eyes slide toward the entrance to the park, where they know he continues to greet the arriving guests.

  I look around the table, taking in the faces of those that surround us.

  Toward the other end sits Danny and Smith. They don’t talk at all. But their eyes travel the park, studying faces. They’re still in hunting mode and won’t get out of it until Charles is dead.

  Valentina sits on the grass down by the pond and Christian is talking to her, working his charms. It seems to be having the intended effect. She’s smiling and laughing at his jokes.

  Several of the King’s soldiers sit midway at the table, annihilating the food set before them, demanding more.

  There’s no sign of Killian or Lexington anywhere.

  “He’ll be here,” Julie says, placing her hand over mine. There’s so much confidence in her eyes, so much reassurance.

  I just nod, telling myself to trust that Cyrus will keep his word.

  From around the statue come Robert, Casey, Po-Sun, and Eva.

  Immediately followed by King Cyrus.

  And I’m not so sure now that Lexington is coming.

  With the King’s presence, everyone makes their way to the table and takes their seats, Cyrus obviously at the head of the table, directly opposite Aleah and Duncan.

  “What a wonderful evening, is it not?” Cyrus says, his eyes trailing over everyone seated. “So glad you could join for a night of celebration.”

  He takes the glass one of the servers sets before him and raises it. “I am greatly pleased with the work that has been done here. In Killian’s work in clearing the pesky Bitten. In Mr. Ward’s diligent search for the disgrace that is Charles. And in Aleah and Duncan Steele’s work in regaining control over this region. And let us raise our glasses and toast to the absolutely blessed news that soon, there shall be a new Royal born to the world.”

  Everyone raises their glasses, glancing in my direction. “Cheers,” the calls echo throughout the park.

  Even more servers suddenly appear, carrying dishes and plates piled with steaming food. They set them before us, laying out a feast truly fit for a King.

  In the middle of Boston, fifteen vampires and one human dine in the dead of night.

  There’s certainly tension in the air, unease at the King’s presence, and uncertainty of what is to come. But as the minutes roll on, and nothing extreme happens, the tensions relax. The laughter becomes more genuine, the conversations easier.

  The Court Hunters casually chat amongst themselves, seated on one side of Cyrus. To his other side sits Eva, Po-Sun, and Robert. And to my surprise, they chat with him without too much strain.

  But just down a few more seats, I see Christian, sitting with his back ramrod straight, his eyes glued to his plate.

  I cannot forget that Cyrus has dark history with so many people here. He killed Christian’s father, who once led the House in Silent Bend as a non-Royal when Henry refused to take his rightful leadership.

  My eyes slide to the next House member beside him, and I catch Casey looking at Duncan from the corner of her eye with a hopeful little expression.

  But when I look over at Duncan, he’s oblivious, talking with Ian.

  A little smile pulls on my lips.

  I don’t know Casey much at all, but she seems kind and sweet. It would make me incredibly happy to see Duncan find love with someone like her.

  It just appears he might need some encouragement to open his eyes.

  The meal is spectacularly prepared, though it’s hard to enjoy it when I’m so distracted. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, though. Talking. Laughing. Eating.

  As the night rolls on, as individuals finish eating, they drift throughout the park, breaking off into groups.

  Christian and Valentina once more. Eva, Robert, and Aleah. Cyrus and Duncan.

  “He’s not coming,” I say as I stand. “Charles.”

  “He’s too smart for that,” Ian says. “He has to know he’s a dead man the second anyone spots him. There’s a good chance he’s hiding halfway around the world now.”

  It’s true, I realize. He has to know he is in danger. I’ve little doubt he’s found out that the House has officially been stripped away from him. He has nothing now.

  “I’m going to go for a walk,” I say. “I won’t be far.”

  Ian eyes me cautiously, but nods his head.

  I head for the bridge, where I confessed all my secrets to Cy
rus just last night. I cross it, admiring the lights of the city reflected on the pond’s surface. As I reach the other side of the bridge, I wander to the right, walking under the cover of dozens of trees. Flowers bloom everywhere, the towering trees casting wide canopies.

  I find myself leaning against a light post, though it isn’t currently on at the moment. I lean against it, resting my head against its cool surface.

  I’m granted a view of the party from here. Individuals mill about, the lights from the candles on the table are barely visible. Every now and then I hear laughter cut through the night.

  As Cyrus said, I’m ever a part of their world, but here I find myself, separated, alone.

  Just the way I like it.

  Tiredness pulls at the back of my eyes, so I let them slide closed. I shift my weight onto one foot, resting the other, leaning heavily onto the pole.

  I’m exhausted. So tired.

  All I want is my bed.

  And a warm set of arms around me.

  And miraculously, a set of them does wrap around me from behind.

  “Does Cyrus know that an angel is walking around this garden?”

  His warm breath ruffles my hair, his words sending a wave of goose bumps rushing from my neck, down to my toes.

  My breath catches in my throat, and I turn in place. My eyes instantly meet a set of light-spirited blue ones.

  Not a moment’s hesitation taken for words or air, I press my lips to Lexington’s. My hands come to either side of his face, holding him firm to me, melting into his breath.

  Lexington’s hands come to my hips, pulling me close, his fingers digging into my dress.

  And I just can’t get close enough to him, can’t breathe enough of him in. I grab midway down my dress, pulling up and wrap a leg around him, even as he understands exactly what I need, and lifts me clean from my feet. He hugs my hips close to his, even as he sinks his kiss deeper into my soul.

  One of Lexington’s hands comes to the back of my head, holding me close and gentle. My hands slide into that ever-wild hair of his and all the broken pieces of my soul knit back together.

  “Marry me,” he whispers against my lips, yet never breaking away from them for even a moment.

  “Yes,” I promise him once more.

  He pulls away from me just slightly, looking deep into my eyes as he brings a hand to my face, brushing his thumb over my lips.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he says in reverence. “But I’m going to love you every day of my life, Elle. I promise you.”

  Emotion bites at the back of my eyes. I lean forward, touching my forehead to his. I don’t know any words adequate enough to describe the feelings coursing through my veins right now.

  All I can do is touch, knowing we are connected enough to communicate without words.

  “You keep saving me,” he says as I open my eyes to meet his. Slowly, he sets me back down on my feet, but he doesn’t let me go. Not even close.

  “I couldn’t let you stay the damsel in distress,” I say with a tiny smile.

  He laughs at that and presses his lips to mine for a moment.

  “Not sure if I’m honored, or horrified that you called the King to do it,” he says, and I feel it there instantly, that fear Cyrus so easily evokes in anyone who knows anything about him. “There’s too much on the line for him to be here.”

  I shake my head, looking up into his eyes, feeling a little sense of pride swelling in my chest. “He knows everything. We don’t have anything to hide anymore, Lexington.”

  “Everything?” he questions, not believing my words.

  “Well, almost everything,” I say with a nod. The smile on my face grows bigger. “But all the important things. The cure, the Bitten. Who the baby’s father is. You and I. No more hiding. No more being afraid.”

  The look of awe and wonder grows in Lexington’s eyes. And a smile begins to form. A breathy laugh erupts from his chest.

  “Is there anything you aren’t capable of?” he says just before he pulls me into his arms.

  I only smile as I press my face into his chest, feeling so hopeful and light. Like anything is possible and nothing could go wrong, so long as I have him here by my side.

  Lexington presses a kiss into the top of my head and steps away, taking my hand in his. “Come on,” he says as he takes one step back toward the bridge. “Let’s go join that party.”

  A small part of me feels disappointed that my time with him is coming to an end, but I remind myself that I will have him for the rest of the night once we get home, and for the rest of my days.

  The party continues on, casual, light-spirited. Even though Killian is now among the members. I doubt I’ll ever not feel dread again when he is near.

  “I know Kai was with you the other night,” Lexington whispers as he pulls me close, observing the crowd. “Where is he now?”

  “Hunting down a problem,” I say as quietly as I can. “I’ll explain later. It’s the one and last thing I do need to discuss with the King. You were first priority.”

  He looks down at me in confusion. He still knows nothing about Jonathan Harper and what he has planned.

  “Later,” I whisper again.

  “You’re a lucky dog,” Ian says loudly as he walks up to the two of us, a wine glass in hand. “Got taken into Court custody and somehow managed to get out of a trip to Roter Himmel.”

  “Your sister knows how to pull some pretty impressive strings,” Lexington replies proudly as he hugs me into his side. “I owe her my life twice now.”

  “Well, you were covering for me this last time,” I counter. “I think that cancels it out. So, just once.”

  Lexington laughs and kisses my forehead.

  “So, how soon is this wedding happening?” Ian asks as he takes a sip of the dark liquid in his glass.

  Lexington and I look at each other.

  “There’s been so much going on that we haven’t even had two seconds to talk about details,” he says, studying my eyes.

  “But sometime in August,” I say, smiling. “I don’t want to wait too long.”

  And there’s a little thought in the back of my head that says before the baby comes.

  Lexington’s words echo in the back of my brain, take care of our baby. And something in my heart swells. My chest feels warm.

  “Does this mean I get to throw you a bachelor party in the next few weeks?” Ian asks with a smirk. “You and Cameron managed to eek one out for me just hours before my own wedding.”

  Lexington laughs. “Sorry, man. Fighting a horde of Bitten just days before the wedding took a little more thought than the party. But yes, I think that would be awesome.”

  “No strippers,” I blurt before I can even give thought to the words. And instantly I feel my face blush. “They all might be skinnier and sexier than I am right now, but no strippers.”

  Ian and Lexington both laugh, but Lexington hugs me tighter to him. “Trust me, Elle. Nothing is sexier than you are right now.”

  “And I’m out,” Ian says dramatically, immediately turning and walking back to the party, heading toward Danny.

  I just chuckle, shaking my head. “You know how to push every one of his buttons, don’t you?”

  “What can I say?” Lexington smiles as he leans down to kiss me. “I’m a button pusher. Always have been.”

  “Can I have your attention, everyone?”

  Cyrus’ voice cuts loud over the park, and all conversation instantly dies. Every head turns in his direction, and instantly the relaxed even spikes with anticipation and anxiety.

  Cyrus stands before the crowd, his eyes slightly red. He rubs his palms together, slowly. And a small smile curls on his lips.

  “It wouldn’t be a true House party without certain elements,” he says in a low voice. “I bring each and every one of you, save one very brave human, a gift.”

  At his words, a row of humans file into the park. They seem nervous, their eyes flitting around the party. Oth
ers look nervous, yet giddy.

  And I instantly know exactly what Cyrus has planned.

  I know why he’s done it.

  “Enjoy your dessert,” Cyrus says loudly as the humans wander around, each aiming for one of the Born in the park. “Just be careful you do not take too much.”

  Without hesitation, he sinks his fangs into a woman’s neck, and she instantly goes stark still.

  I watch in horror as every one of the humans makes their way to a vampire. Eva, Aleah, Robert, Killian, and all of the Court hunters don’t hesitate in sinking their fangs into a soft neck.

  But Ian, Lexington, Danny, others, look around, unsure of what to do.

  “Hi,” a young woman says nervously as she walks up to Lexington.

  “Uh,” he struggles, looking at me in a panic. “Hi. Um, actually I’m good. So you can just, you know, head home.”

  She shakes her head, fear creeping into her eyes. “That man, he said…he said you had to feed. It’s what he’s paid me a lot of money for. Please…”

  “I’ve brought gifts unto you.” Cyrus’ voice cuts through the night once more. There’s bite to it. Everyone looks up, and I see him drop the woman he was feeding from, blood dripping from his lips. “I would think you should all know how rude it is to refuse a gift from one such as myself.”

  Ian looks over at me, panic and disgust in his eyes. I turn to see Lexington’s eyes. There’s regret and fear there.

  I shake my head, taking a step away.

  The words are there in my throat, do what you have to.

  But I can’t push them out.

  “Drink!” Cyrus bellows, anger and power rippling through the night, causing every one of us to startle.

  One last look of horror exchanging between us, Lexington grabs the young woman by the shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

  Ian glances at me with regret, and takes a step toward the man before him.

  They both sink their fangs into soft flesh.

  Duncan takes deep pulls from a man’s wrist. Casey looks ready to cry as she drinks from a woman’s neck.

  So many humans, people just like me, surround us, standing still as statues, as immortal beings suck blood from their veins.


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