Easy Nights

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by Kristen Proby

  Easy Nights

  Book Six in the Boudreaux Series


  Kristen Proby


  Book Six in The Boudreaux Series

  Kristen Proby

  Copyright © 2017 by Kristen Proby

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Art:

  Photography by: Sara Eirew Photographer

  Cover Design: Okay Creations

  ISBN: 978-1-63350-025-9

  This one is for John.

  You are the greatest light in my life, and

  the best part of every day.

  I love you.

  Other Books by Kristen Proby

  The Boudreaux Series:

  Easy Love and on audio

  Easy Charm and on audio

  Easy Melody and on audio

  Easy for Keeps and on audio

  Easy Kisses and on audio

  Easy Magic and on audio

  The With Me In Seattle Series:

  Come Away With Me and on audio

  Under the Mistletoe With Me and on audio

  Fight With Me and on audio

  Play With Me and on audio

  Rock With Me and on audio

  Safe With Me and on audio

  Tied With Me and on audio

  Breathe With Me and on audio

  Forever With Me and on audio

  Easy With You and on audio

  The Fusion Series

  Listen To Me and on audio

  Close To You and on audio

  Blush For Me and on audio

  The Beauty of Us

  No Reservations

  The Love Under the Big Sky Series, available through Pocket Books:

  Loving Cara and on audio

  Seducing Lauren and on audio

  Falling for Jillian and on audio

  Baby, It’s Cold Outside and on audio

  An Anthology with Jennifer Probst, Emma Chase, Kristen Proby, Melody Anne and Kate Meader

  Table of Contents

  Other Books By Kristen Proby


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  About Kristen Proby

  A sneak peek at The Beauty of Us

  Other Books By Kristen Proby


  Fifteen Years Ago…


  “You cut your hair,” Ben says as he comes into the dining room. He stops short when he sees me, a frown covering his handsome face.

  He noticed!

  I weave my fingertips through my dark brown hair and give him a tentative smile. “Just yesterday.”


  I frown at his harsh tone.

  “Because I wanted to.”

  He sits next to me, like he does every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, and I can’t help but take a deep breath, absorbing his smell.

  Ben always smells amazing. Like sunshine and hard work and… sexy.

  “Van?” he says, getting my attention.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  He shakes his head, a smile tickling his lips now. “You’re such a daydreamer.”

  Only when you’re around.

  I would never blatantly say anything like that. Flirting with my older brother’s best friend isn’t the smart thing to do. Eli and Beau might make Ben stay away from me, and that just can’t happen.

  I love him so much it hurts.

  “What do you think of my hair?”

  He shrugs one shoulder and grabs my math textbook, opening to the chapter we’re currently working on. I am horrific at math, but Ben is a genius at it, and he’s been helping me with my math homework for the past three months.

  It’s heaven.

  “It’s fine.”

  “You don’t like it.”

  He shrugs again. “I liked it long.”

  For half a second, I regret chopping it off, taking it from almost reaching my butt to just barely reaching my shoulders.

  It’s so much lighter!

  But then I let it roll off of me because I do like it. I have to live with it. No man is ever going to tell me how I should wear my hair. This isn’t the dark ages.

  “Did you do your homework from last night?” he asks, and I nod, handing him my notebook so he can look over my work.

  I’ve never loved math so much in my life.

  He’s biting the inside of his cheek as he looks over my paper and when he’s finished, he turns those blue eyes to me with a smile. “You’re picking it up really well. You won’t even need me once I leave next month.”

  And just like that, my happy mood crumbles like a sandcastle under the tide.

  Ben’s leaving. He’s going away to college, and the closer the time comes, the more panicked I am. I don’t want him to go.

  Ben nudges me with his elbow.

  “I’ll still need you,” I mumble, not able to look him in the eyes because I’m afraid that he’ll see right through me, and he’ll be repulsed at the idea of his best friend’s little sister having the hots for him.

  Or, far worse, he’ll feel sorry for me, and the thought of that makes me want to throw up.

  “I’ll check in on you when I’m home on my breaks,” he says and sets my notebook in front of me as he turns to this week’s chapter.

  For the next two hours, he walks me through the steps that the teacher showed us in class, but Ben’s voice is so much easier to listen to, and he explains things thoroughly, making sure I understand before we move on.

  He’s an excellent teacher. In fact, he’s going to college to be a teacher. He will rock it.

  I just wish he didn’t have to go so far away to college. Beau’s been there for a year already, and Eli and Ben are going to the same one, and they’re all going to rent an apartment together.

  I frown and try not to think about all of the college girls that will be around, hitting on Ben. Will he sleep with them? Date them?

  Eventually marry one of them?

  Jesus, I hope not.

  “Why can’t you focus today?” Ben finally asks, bringing my attention back to the here and now.

  “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “What’s wrong, Vanny?”

  I roll my eyes. “I hate it when you call me that.”

  His lips twitch in humor. “I know. Talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  “Maybe I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.” It’s not a lie; I didn’t sleep well last night.

  “Hmm.” He studies me closely for a second. “You look well rested.”

  “I’m fine.”

  He tilts his head to the side. “Don’t ever lie to me, Savannah.”

  His eyes are narrowed, and between that hot look and his firm voice, well, I guess you’d say I’m all kinds of turned on.

  So of co
urse Eli pokes his head around the corner, interrupting us.

  “Ben, are you going to come shoot hoops with us?”

  “Yeah, we’re almost done here.”

  Eli nods and disappears, and I want to beg Ben not to go. Don’t go shoot hoops, don’t go away to college.

  Stay with me.

  But that’s dumb, and he’d probably laugh at me and tell me I’m being stupid. I’m just a kid, after all. Fifteen-year-olds don’t have anything figured out, and I’m a baby.

  But I don’t feel like a baby when he’s near. Not at all.

  Ben cocks a brow, waiting for me to answer him.

  “I’m not lying.” I shrug a shoulder and do my best to look like I’ve got all of my feelings under control.

  I should win an Oscar for this performance.

  “You’ve got this handled,” Ben says with a smile after studying me for a moment. “You’re doing great, Van. I’m going to go shoot with the guys, but I’ll be around later if you have any questions.”

  “Okay.” I smile and nod, turning my attention to my homework. “Thanks.”


  My head whips up. “Yeah?”

  “Even though I like your hair longer, this is cute too.”

  He grins and winks at me, and then he’s gone, and I’m left sitting here in the dining room, my hands sweaty, and a stupid grin on my face.

  Ben thinks my hair is cute.

  It’s a start.

  Chapter One

  Present Day


  Two years.

  It’s been two years since the day I thought I was going to die, but instead I was set free.

  I didn’t sleep last night, but that’s not new. I haven’t been able to sleep well in years. It’s probably the biggest thing that I still carry with me from my marriage, and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to change it.

  But compared to where I was two years ago, not sleeping great is not worth complaining about.

  I stare at myself in my vanity mirror, my brush clenched in my white knuckles and search my unblemished face. I can still see the bruises from that last beating. The marks around my neck from where he savagely strangled me. The wet hair from the tub where he tried to drown me. I can still feel the humiliation when my siblings came running into the bedroom after I called them for help.

  Even Ben came, and that was the biggest humiliation of all. I never wanted anyone to ever see me like that, especially the man that I’ve loved my entire adult life. For a moment, I’d almost wished that Lance had done the job of killing me, just so I wouldn’t have to see the absolute fury and disgust in Ben’s face.

  These two years have gone by in the blink of an eye, and yet, there were moments when I thought the days moved like a glacier. I spent many months living with family, afraid to be alone. I’ve been through hundreds of hours of therapy, and I take a self defense class every week.

  I grin at myself in the mirror.

  I’m here, I’m alive, and I don’t look like I’m going to break at any moment.

  My cheeks have color, my hazel eyes look happy, and my lips curve up in genuine smiles again.

  Thank God.

  My mom and most of my siblings have already sent me texts this morning, sending words of love and encouragement. Just as I raise the brush to my hair my phone beeps again.

  It’s my twin brother, Declan.

  I love you.

  I grin, not willing to let any tears fall today, whether they’re from sadness or happiness, and reply.

  Love you more.

  I wouldn’t have made it through the months after the incident without my family. That’s not me being dramatic, it’s simple honesty.

  Without them, I would have lost my mind.

  My phone pings again and lights up, catching my eye. But this time, it’s not a sibling.

  It’s Ben.

  “And cue the freaking butterflies,” I whisper as I check the message.


  I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and grin. Ben’s a man of few words, especially when it comes to the telephone. He’s really much better in person.

  Except, when I’m with him, I’m the one who ends up being tongue-tied. Holy Jesus, the man has had the same effect on me since I hit puberty.

  All rational thought is gone, and all I want to do is climb him like the big oak trees out at my sister’s inn.

  Ben has been best friends with my brothers since they were young boys, so he was always at my house, and I would come up with any reason I could think of to be where he was.

  Much to my brothers’ dismay.

  But then he went off to college, and our lives didn’t cross much for a few years. I eventually went to college myself, in Tennessee, and met Lance there.

  I frown at myself in the mirror.

  “Don’t even think that asshole’s name.”

  I punch out a quick response to Ben and grin when he immediately replies.

  Usual place, 1:00.

  Yes, sir. I laugh as I close out the text and wander into my closet to choose my outfit for today. I decided to take the day away from the office. A woman doesn’t escape from the worst horror of her life every day. It should be celebrated.

  The alternative is to overthink and get broody, and I’ve done that way too much over the past two years.

  I deliberately select something that he would have never let me wear. A pretty pair of blue cropped pants with a white, sleeveless button down top and red ballet flats. He would have said that I was showing too much skin. Even in the hottest summer months I wasn’t allowed to wear sleeveless tops, or skirts shorter than my ankles. It’s wonderful to have a large wardrobe full of pretty things that I love. I reach for my red Louis Vuitton handbag to match my outfit and finish pulling myself together for the day.

  And then my phone rings. It’s Larry, my ex-husband’s brother. Despite the bullshit his brother put me through, Larry has maintained a relationship with me. He was always kind, and I’m glad to still have him in my life. My family was hesitant at first, but Larry has always been respectful, only being around as much as we’re all comfortable with. How he was raised in the same house with his brother and didn’t turn out completely evil is beyond me.


  “Hey there, hot stuff,” he says, making me laugh. “How are you today?”

  “Never been better,” I reply and grin as I realize that it’s not an exaggeration.

  “You sound great.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Is it weird that I thought I should check in on you today?”

  “Not at all; all of the other important people in my life have done the same. I figured everyone would forget.”

  He’s quiet for a moment. “No one will ever forget, Van. If I had known—”

  “We’ve been over this a thousand times, Larry. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Right. You’re right.”

  “I know. Thanks for checking in. I really am doing great.”

  “I’m glad. If you need anything, you know how to find me.”

  “That I do. Thanks again.”

  We end the call, and I sit on the ottoman in my closet and just look around the space. I bought this place about a year and a half ago. I never went back to the house that Lance and I owned together. Instead, my family was happy to have me stay with them until I found this house.

  Declan and I have enjoyed renovating it, making it exactly right for me.

  I check the time and realize that I’m running late, so I grab a pair of sunglasses, my handbag, and keys, and hurry out to my car.

  Even my car is new. He wouldn’t ever let me get the car I wanted because he said it was too much money, that I didn’t deserve a luxury car.

  Which is just ludicrous. I work my ass off, and my family is worth billions. I can have any car I fucking want. So, one of the first things I did after the divorce was trade in my sensible Ford for the pretty Mercedes convertible I drive now. It’s red and has all the bel
ls and whistles.

  Just one more way to flip off my shitty past.

  It’s a beautiful spring day in New Orleans. The trees are blooming, there’s a breeze in the air, and birds sing as I drive toward the French Quarter with the top of my car down.

  Despite my best efforts, I still arrive ten minutes late, and all of my sisters and sisters-in-law are already at the restaurant.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, taking my seat. “I was moving slow this morning.”

  “As you should,” Kate says with a smile. “Eli sends his love.”

  “He texted,” I reply. Kate is married to my older brother, Eli. They recently welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Coraline to our family.

  In fact, our family has gone from big to huge in the past two years. It seems that once Eli met Kate, each of my siblings found loves of their own, right after each other. I couldn’t be happier for all of them.

  “I’m being spoiled today,” I announce. “I’m having brunch with all of you beauties, and then I’m having lunch with Ben.”

  “Really,” Gabby, the youngest Boudreaux sister, says with a smile. “As in a date?”

  “As in lunch,” I reply and roll my eyes. “You know as well as I do that Ben is off limits.”

  “Why is that again?” Callie, Declan’s wife, asks.

  “She’s delusional and thinks that Ben is like a brother to her,” Charly says.

  “He is,” I insist, frowning.

  “No, he’s not,” Gabby replies. “He may be like a brother to Charly and me, but you never thought of him that way.”

  “I think you’re the delusional one. Ben and I are good friends, and that’s it.” My argument sounds weak to my own ears. But that doesn’t make it less true.

  “Right,” Mallory, my oldest brother, Beau’s wife says. “So that’s why you blush at the mention of his name and bite your lip?”

  “Mallory is psychic,” Callie says excitedly. “She can tell you if you’re supposed to be with Ben.”

  “No.” My voice is firm as I stare each of them down. “Stop it. Ben is my friend, and I’m not going to fuck that up. If we tried to have a relationship and it didn’t work out, he’d be out of my life completely and I can’t have that.”


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