Blinding Trust

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by Jennifer Foor

  I wish that was all that happened.

  I could handle my wife and I knew just how to make things better. She was the love of my life and without her I was nothing. We never fought about things and we also made it a point to not keep things from one another.

  I know that’s why she was more than pissed when we got home and had an unexpected visitor, waiting at our door.

  I wouldn’t have even recognized him, had it not been for my internet snooping. Zeke had dyed his blonde hair black. He was covered in tattoos, even on his fingers. Some kind of ring was through the center cartilage in his nose and both of his ears were pierced. His leather pants and shirt that looked like it was made from flecks of metal, were also a dead giveaway that he wasn’t just a neighbor, looking for help.

  Savanna climbed out of the vehicle, but didn’t get the kids out. She looked up at our porch and then over to me.

  I scratched my head to think of what I could say to her, but nothing came. I should have told her.

  Zeke walked down a couple steps as I approached him. I heard Savanna telling Noah and Christian that they had to stay in the car. I reached out my hand and reluctantly shook his. “Good to see you.”

  “You too, Colt. It’s been too long, man.” I would have been okay if I never saw him again. It wasn’t because I was being an asshole. I was trying to be a good father. I wanted to protect my son. Uncle or not, this guy was trouble. I just knew it.

  “We’re just gettin’ back from North Carolina. If I would have known you were comin’, I would have been able to tell you that.”

  He shrugged, while still smiling. “No biggie, man. I just wanted to stop by. My wife wanted to see where I’d spent some of the good parts of my childhood, that’s all. I knew you might not be home. Honestly, I didn’t want to bother you.”

  That would have been terrible if he’d showed up when Savanna was home alone. She would have freaked out. I looked around the yard and didn’t see a car. “Where’d you park?”

  He pointed toward the back of the house. “I had my driver pull out back. It’s easier for him to turn the limo around back there.”

  Limo? Now I knew I had to explain to my family who this guy was.

  I looked over at Savanna and took a deep breath, knowing she was going to be so pissed off at me. “Darlin’, come here. There’s someone that I’d like you to meet.”

  She smiled one of her unsure smiles and came walking toward me. Honestly, I think he scared her. She put her hand into mine, before I could introduce them. “This is Zeke. He’s Krista’s brother.”

  I watched the color leave my wife’s face. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but as words never came, I knew she couldn’t. I squeezed her hand, still waiting for her to say something.

  Zeke reached out his hand for her. It took her a second to finally reach out and shake it. “So, is your name Darlin, or should I call you something else?”

  We both smiled at his way of breaking the ice. I didn’t know if he sensed her animosity, and I didn’t care, as long as she didn’t pass out or start ripping his eyes out of his head. I’d imagine though, that his eyes were worth a pretty penny to some crazed fans. My wife wasn’t one of those people.

  “Nice to meet you. I had no idea that you were in town.” She turned to give me that look where I better not have known or she was going to go off on me later.

  I could hear the kids starting to whine.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I better get them out.” I watched Savanna go over and start to unbuckle Addy. In a matter of seconds, I saw Christian running from the other side of the vehicle, followed by her brother. A terrible feeling shot directly through my stomach when I realized that I’d have to tell him who this guy was. There was no way out of it.

  He ran past us, taking two steps at once. When he got to the door, he tried to pull it open. “Dad, can you unlock it? I have to pee.”

  Zeke just stared at my boy. Now, I know when he was a baby it was probably difficult to tell, but Noah looked identical to me.

  I walked up to unlock the door and hesitantly turned around. “Did you want to come in?”

  Zeke looked around at the girls and then back to me. “I’ll come back before I leave town. You guys are just getting back and I don’t want to just barge in.”

  I shook his hand. “Next time, just call first.”

  I watched him walk toward the back of the house and before the girls were on the porch, a large black limo drove down the dirt lane.

  Savanna looked right at me as she walked up the porch steps. “If you knew about this, so help me God, Colt.”

  “Darlin’, I can explain.”

  She carried Addy over to the couch and turned on Disney for her and Christian, before walking into the kitchen, folding her arms, and waiting for my explanation.

  Noah came running in the room. “Dad, who was that guy? Did you see his car? He must be rich!”

  Noah didn’t understand enough about money to realize that our family had it, as well. I knew what he meant. He meant that the man was famous rich. “Yeah, he must be, buddy. Can you go into the livin’ room and keep an eye on your sister’s for a second?”

  He rolled his eyes and stomped into the living room. “Why do I always have to watch them?”

  “Boy, don’t you get smart.”

  After I knew he wasn’t around, I turned my attention to my angry wife. “Colt, tell me you didn’t know he was coming.”

  “I didn’t. I mean, I knew he was in town, but we never talked about him stopping by.”

  Her eyes got big and if she could have, she would have been breathing fire. “What do you mean, you knew? How long have you known? Is he the person who called you? How could you not tell me something like that?”

  I grabbed both of her arms and pulled her close to me. “I didn’t say anything because I thought he would leave town and forget all about seeing Noah.”

  She pushed me away. “WHAT? Did you tell him he could?”

  I held my arms up, trying to get her to calm down. “I didn’t exactly tell him yes. You’re makin’ it sound way worse than it is, darlin’.”

  She turned around and started loading the dishwasher. “Don’t you even call me darlin right now!” I could hear it in her voice that she was crying.

  “Savanna, Noah knows that you’re his mother. We haven’t kept Krista a secret though. I don’t see how this could change anything. Just calm down and be rational. Noah’s home is here. He’s happy. Just because his rockstar uncle wants to meet him, doesn’t mean anything is goin’ to change.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the inside of her neck. “I’d never let anything happen to our family.”

  She finally turned around and let me hug her the right way. “I know. I just don’t want to lose him, Colt. I love him so much.”

  “You’re never goin’ to lose him. Never!”

  My wife had finally calmed down, but that was just the beginning of what was to come. Zeke was going to keep trying to see Noah and I knew that the actual visit was going to kill Savanna.

  I got it. I understood that she didn’t want her little boy tainted. We’d always let Noah know that his mother loved him. Having an uncle that was still living, and a rockstar, well that was going to excite him. The tractors that he collected could soon be stashed away in a closet and replaced with band posters and guitars. It was something that even I wasn’t prepared to handle.

  That night, before the girls woke and ended up sleeping between us, I cuddled up next to my wife. She was playing some game on her kindle that she played every night before bed. “The kids are all asleep in their rooms, for a change.”

  “I know. I helped put them there.” She giggled.

  “Are you goin’ to put down that game and give me some lovin’, or do I have to take what I want while you’re still playin’?”

  She cocked her eyebrow. “The second choice sounds kind of hot.”

  I grabbed the waist to her pajama pants and yanked them down pas
t her hips. She lifted up her ass to help get them down easier. I pushed up her little top to reveal her belly button and placed tender kisses all around it. She bit down on her lip like she always did. Her panties came down next, well, after I licked them until they were wet on the outside. With each stroke of my tongue, I felt her body pushing into me. I wasn’t the only person who was horny in our bed. That made it even hotter.

  Once she wasn’t wearing any bottoms, I took it upon myself to slowly take her top and push it over her breasts. I need to see them; to feel them with the palms of my hands. I knew when I’d gotten to her nipples, because they hardened with my first touch. I heard her little reading device hit the floor and knew I had her complete attention.

  Savanna ran her hands through my hair, gripping it as I pinched both of her nipples and kissed the inside of her left leg. She lifted it, allowing me to kiss even further inside. Her body reacted to my touch the same way it always had. I could still tickle her with my kisses and drive her crazy with my touch.

  It was more than just being with Savanna, nowadays. Since the kids were always around, we had to be more spontaneous.

  Before getting myself too invested, I climbed off the bed and headed over to lock the door. We didn’t want any little visitors catching us naked together.

  Savanna, who was now totally naked, was sprawled out on our bed waiting for me to return. I licked my lips, just knowing how much pent up desire I had for her. I hated that we never had alone time and I know it drove her crazy as well.

  Once I climbed back on the bed on top of her, she grabbed me by my arms and pulled me into her, so that our kisses started immediately.

  Her skin smelled of a fresh shower and her hair was still wet at the ends. I grabbed a handful and pulled back enough to have a full view of her neck. It didn’t take me long to lick and kiss it from the base up. She moaned with my every touch, making my erection hard as a rock. I pressed it against her, letting her know that we didn’t need foreplay; not that we ever did. All she ever had to do was bend over, and if it had been a long time, sometimes just smiling at me did it.

  Savanna reached down, taking my shaft into her warm hands. She stroked it as our tongues mingled together. Her breathing became heavy and when I reached down between her legs again, all I could feel was how ready she was for me. Wasting no time at all, I drove myself inside of her, making sure to kiss her during my first thrust. She squealed, taking my whole size, like she’d practiced for all these years.

  I licked one of her nipples, getting more aroused by the way it felt sliding against my tongue. I could tell she liked it. She licked her own lips and watched me, while my rock hard cock found it’s pace.

  The slower I moved, the faster my release came. We never had time to waste and it was a good thing I was so close, because little knocks started coming from our door. “Mommy! Daddy! I can’t get in,” Christian cried.

  I knew at any moment Savanna was going to lose her concentration, so I did what every good husband would do. I took two fingers and started rubbing at her little clit until I sent her bucking into me. With my other hand over her mouth, to prevent her screams of passion to be heard by our daughter, I let go and filled my wife with a weeks worth of sexual tension.

  I wished that we’d had time to lay there and catch our breath, but since one child was knocking and yelling, another started screaming from her room. Savanna sighed as she jumped up and started getting dressed. I felt my pajama pants hitting me in the head as she made her way to the door and waited for me to slip them on. This was what our sex life had come to.

  Chapter 3


  I was still upset with Colt, but sex wasn’t just about pleasing him. I had needs too. The whole Zeke thing was overwhelming me so much that I was unable to sleep. I tossed and turned, aside from having four little feet kicking me all through the night. Finally, at around four in the morning, I went into Christian’s room and went back to bed in peace. Exhaustion had set in and I was happy to be able to close my eyes and finally drift off.

  When I woke up nothing had changed. Zeke was in town and Noah was going to have to meet him for who he was. I’d be a bad mother if I tried to prevent it. We would have to sit down and tell Noah all about his uncle and go from there.

  He was a smart boy and I hoped that it wouldn’t cause problems within our family.

  Since no one was awake yet, I tried to fall back asleep, until I felt someone little touching my face. I opened my eyes to see Christian standing over her bed looking at me. “Hi, Mommy.”

  I reached out and grabbed her little hand. “Hi, baby. Is Daddy awake?”

  “Yes. He took Addy downstairs. She said she wanted food.”

  I sat up and pushed the hair out of her face. “I love you.”

  She giggled and started swaying her body. “I know.” Her little green eyes sparkled just like her fathers did.

  I followed her down the stairs and found Colt and Addy in the kitchen. He had her in a chair and was feeding her bananas cut up and scrambled eggs. Her hair was a rat’s nest and even after she saw me, she continued to stuff her face. That girl could eat.

  She smiled, allowing some of the mashed up bananas to escape out of the sides of her open mouth. “Hi, sunshine. Are you eating naners?”

  She smiled and shoved another handful into her mouth. “Yes!”

  Colt put his arms around me and turned my body around to face him. He hadn’t shaved yet, probably because Addy woke him up. “Good mornin’, darlin’.”

  His lips pressed into mine and I instinctively closed my eyes. His lips were always so soft when we kissed. As I pulled away, I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. “Good morning to you. Thanks for letting me sleep.”

  He laughed and turned around to flip a couple strips of bacon. “It’s seven, Savanna. It ain’t like I let you sleep all day. I knew Christian was goin’ to find you and get you downstairs. You know how she is.”

  “Yeah, I do. So, after breakfast, I think we need to sit down with Noah and have a talk. The longer we wait, the harder it will be for me. I say we just tell him about his uncle, let them visit, and forget about yesterday. I don’t want to fight with you over something that we need to deal with.”

  He turned around to look at me again, after making sure his bacon wasn’t going to be too crispy. “I know you don’t like this. I just want you to know that I’m worried too. I don’t want our son to be corrupted by his crazy lifestyle. You know that he’s goin’ to think that kind of life is interestin’.”

  “I think you’re jumping the gun. Noah loves his life. It ain’t like we’re goin’ to lose him.” I hear the fear in Colt’s voice as he tried to calm me. It wasn’t reassuring when he was worried about the same thing.

  We spent the rest of the morning dealing with our normal routines. It wasn’t enough to keep my mind off of things, but a mother’s job is never done. Colt made plans to invite Zeke and his wife over for dinner. It was disturbing enough that they were coming, but to top that, Colt handed me a list of everything they didn’t eat. I’d have to make a special trip into town just to be able to feed the people that I didn’t want in my house.

  Colt headed out about nine in the morning to do his daily checks on everything. I knew he’d be back by lunchtime, since we usually spent the afternoons in the office doing paperwork. When I needed someone to vent to, I called the salon, where Miranda and Amy would both be.

  Scissor Sounds. Are you callin’ for a cut or color? Miranda had the cutest southern voice. I almost wanted to play like I was an old lady and set up a fake appointment.

  It’s just me. How busy are you?

  I just walked in. Amy is doin’ a foil treatment. What’s up?

  You are never going to believe what happened. I still can’t believe it.

  Are you goin’ to tell me or do I just have to hear you upset about it?

  Sorry! Krista’s brother is back in town.

  Krista? Like Noah’s Krista? I forgot all about that kid

  Yeah, and that’s not even the worst part.

  Does he want to see Noah? Oh my God I know you are freakin’ out.

  I’m not freaking out about that as much as the fact that Krista’s brother changed his name. He goes by Zeke Marlo now.

  Why does that name sound familiar?

  Because he is the lead singer and guitarist for that rock band that Conner is so crazy about.

  Shut up! Are you for real?

  Can you not be so excited about it? I called you for moral support.

  Sorry. It’s just…well he’s famous. It’s kind of cool.

  Not when he and his wife are recovering addicts.

  Noah doesn’t have to know that. He’ll just be excited about meetin’ his famous uncle. Wait! Am I supposed to be against it all together?


  So an autograph is out of the question?

  Amy is so much better at being on my side! You suck!

  Sorry. Can you at least tell me why we are against it?

  Just because! I mean, what if he wants to go stay with him? What if they have booze and pills all over the place? What if he wants to be a rocker or dye his hair black and pierce his face up? My God, Colt will have a heart attack and die.

  I think you are reading too much into this. Maybe he just wants to meet Noah because he is the only family he has left. Just because he looks different than us, doesn’t mean he is a terrible guy. He was always a nice kid. I’m not sayin’ that he hasn’t changed, but at least let them meet. You never know. Noah might get freaked out and not want to see him again.

  I’m a horrible mother.

  No! You’re a great mother who is worried about her son going in the wrong direction. It’s good that you care. Listen Van, Noah is a smart kid. He knows you and Colt love him to death. Just take some deep breaths and be positive about the visit. The more negative you are, the more he will want to do it. I know it’s hard, but you have to try.

  It makes me feel like I am losing him. I respect Krista for having him and being his mother, but she’s gone and I have been that boy’s mother since he came to live with us. I love him like he is my own flesh and blood. He helped me get through one of the hardest points in my life. I can’t imagine not having him.


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