
Home > Other > Strung > Page 12
Strung Page 12

by Victoria Ashley

  Once we reach the back of my brother’s house we take a seat at the patio table and toss our wet towels down by our feet.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Maybe find a different bar to write at and come stay with me on the nights he’s here. My place is small, but I don’t mind sharing it.”

  “Thanks, but I can’t do that. That’ll only have my brother questioning my reasons for not staying with him or coming to Vortex anymore. It’ll all still come down to Micah in the end.”

  “Shit. I didn’t think about that. You’ll just have to woman up and keep that shit deep down inside as if it never happened. You’re tough. I’m sure you can handle it.”

  “I hope so.”

  We’re both sitting here in silence, lost in thought, when I hear the patio door slide open behind me.

  Nervousness and excitement course through me at the thought that it could be Micah. I’m going crazy inside to see his sexy smile, but at the same time I know what that sexy smile and dirty mouth does to me. That’s where the nervousness takes over.

  Jamie looks up at the same time I turn around to see Parker step outside dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a snug, white t-shirt.

  He flashes us his charming smile, before closing the door shut behind him, giving us a nice view of his sculpted arms and back. “Hello, ladies. Mind if I join you?”

  I don’t know if this is good or bad timing, but maybe . . . just maybe he’s the distraction I need right now, because I was so damn close to giving in and asking Jamie to come with me to Vortex.

  “Parker, wow.” Jamie stands up and looks him over, before throwing her arms around him for a quick hug. “You’re looking . . . well, hot.”

  Parker’s face turns red as he runs a hand through his hair. “Thanks, Jamie. It’s good to see you too,” he says with a small laugh. “You’re looking great, as always.”

  “I know it,” she says, with a confident smile. “But thanks for noticing. I don’t know what’s going on here with you and my friend, but I’ll be in the pool listening while you talk.”

  “Really?” I laugh as she gives me a questionable look, before diving into the pool.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you here at your brother’s, but I haven’t seen you at the bar in a few days and wanted to ask you something. Alexander let me in.”

  I motion to the chair Jamie was just sitting in. “No, you’re totally fine, Parker.” I smile as he takes a seat and the more I look at him, the more I realize just how handsome he really is. It’s easier to notice when Micah isn’t ten feet away giving me dirty looks.

  But, I’m still not sure that’s enough to get Micah off my mind.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about our date a few days ago and . . .” he leans in closer, before he reaches out and brushes my hair behind my ear. “I don’t really feel like it was much of a date with your brother and Micah watching us like hawks. I was wondering if you’d come out with me to a party tonight so we can get to know each other without them making us both uncomfortable.”

  I catch Jamie nodding from the corner of my eye and mouthing yes repeatedly, so I cover the side of my face until she’s out of view.

  Some time away from my thoughts could be a good thing, but at the same time, going on another date has me feeling guilty for some odd reason. I don’t really get why. It’s not like Micah has been around, and it’s definitely not as if we’re going to end up being more than the one-night stand we had.

  The only reason he was giving us dirty looks that night is because he’s become overprotective like my brother asked him to be whenever he isn’t around to watch me himself.

  There’s no other explanation, because jealousy is the last thing Micah could’ve been feeling.

  Micah Beck jealous.

  I’m positive that day will never come.

  I don’t even realize that I haven’t answered him until he says my name, distracting me from my thoughts.

  “I’ll take a maybe if it’ll somehow lead to a yes.”

  The hopeful smile he flashes me has the word leaving my mouth before I can really make a decision. “Okay.”

  He bites his bottom lip in this sexy little way as he stands up and looks me over. “I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  I catch myself swallowing, because even I can’t deny that his little lip bite somewhat got to me. “When should I be ready?”

  He pulls out his phone and takes a quick look at the time. “Can you be ready around seven? That’s about two hours.”

  I nod and smile. “I can make that happen.”

  “Perfect.” He leans in and places a kiss on my cheek, before wiping the wetness away with his thumb. It’s sweet but still sexy in the way he does it. “I’ll see you then.”

  Jamie is wiggling her eyebrows at me as he waves to her and disappears back into the house.

  She waits until he closes the door behind him before she jumps out of the pool and rushes over to grab her towel. “You went on a date with Parker and your brother didn’t flip out? Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  “My brother is the one who set us up on a date. Weird, right?”

  She shakes her head and laughs. “I don’t get your brother sometimes, but I totally get why he did it. It’s because he’s worried you’ll fall for Micah and get hurt. Why else would he be worried about hooking you up with some nice guy. He sees it too. He sees something happening between you two.”

  “Yeah, and maybe he’s right by trying to give me a distraction. Maybe I’ll thank him for this later. I mean, Parker is cute and he’s sweet. The least I can do is give him a real date and see what happens from there, right?”

  She nods, while running the towel through her hair. “As much as I’d love to see you and Micah together, and I mean together together, Parker might be the safe choice. You’re right. Micah is a man-whore and there’s no telling if you two will even hook up again. I say give Parker a fair chance. Forget about Micah for one night and have some fun. It’s not like he’s here trying to spend time with you or ask you out on dates.”

  She’s right and I know it.

  It sucks but it’s true.

  “Well, I already agreed to go out with him tonight. I’ll give him a chance and take it from there.”

  “And . . .”

  “And what?”

  “You’ll tell your good friend Jamie all the details, right?”

  I roll my eyes and laugh right as Alexander pokes his head out the sliding door. “I’m heading to Vortex for the night. I trust Parker will be a gentleman, and if he’s not you better tell me.”

  “I’m a big girl, Xan. I’ve already told you this.”

  “Dammit, Tegan. Just let me do my damn job,” he says tensely.

  “Fine. I’ll let you know.”

  He nods. “Good. See you girls later.”

  “Later,” Jamie says with a flirty smile. “I’ll be coming in for a few drinks later, so tell your boys to be ready to grab the beers in the way back.”

  This has my brother smiling. “We’ll be ready for you. We always are.”

  The thought that everyone will be at Vortex having fun and hanging out while I’m out at a party with Parker has me somewhat feeling regretful that I won’t be there.

  But at the same time, I know this is something I need to do, because if I join them and see Micah there I’ll be too distracted to have fun anyway.

  Maybe Parker is just what I need right now, and it looks like I’ll be finding out soon enough . . .

  I’VE SPENT THE LAST FEW days focusing on Sebastian as much as I can and making sure that he has everything he needs since his piece of shit parents are still nowhere to be found.

  I know from experience that if he’s left unattended for too long that he’ll only get into trouble, and I won’t be bailing his ass out of jail once he turns eighteen soon.

  I learned the hard way when I was a kid, and even though I’ve been fighting hard to protect him because I never had that, Sebastian is about
to see what tough love is all about if he keeps his shit up.

  It’s the first time he’s had a phone his entire life, so I hope it doesn’t end up being a mistake and that the little shit doesn’t use it seek more trouble than usual.

  Micah: Are you coming to help me at Express tonight?

  Seb: I can’t. I told Jimmy we’d hang at his place tonight.

  Micah: And do what?”

  Seb: Have sex with hookers and do blow off their tits before drinking until we pass out.

  Seb: I’m kidding. That was last week.

  His smartass response has me wanting to reach through the phone and choke the little asshole.

  Micah: Keep your nose clean or you’ll be dealing with me and I can promise that you won’t like it. Got it?

  Seb: Fine. Whatever. No hookers and drugs then.

  I toss my cell down on my desk, before running my hands through my hair as my thoughts linger back to Tegan.

  As much as I’ve wanted to stay at Alexander’s place to see her, I feel it’s better that I just stay the hell away from her right now before I fuck shit up more.

  There’s no telling what I’ll end up doing if I have a chance to get her alone again and I need to stop being a fuck-up and betraying my best friend’s trust. It’s the only thing he’s ever asked me not to do.

  That’s exactly why I need to go out tonight and get my mind as far away from Tegan as I can. Any distraction will do at this point, because nothing else is working.

  Being here has me watching the table she usually works at, waiting for her to show up and work on her book. Now being at Express has me doing the same damn thing since she’s written there too.

  This girl has my head all screwed up right now and that’s something that’s never happened before.

  “Hey, brother.” Alexander pokes his head into my door, causing me to look up from my desk. “You’re good to head out for the night if you want. You’ve been here all damn day. Don’t you have some other shit to do?”

  “What can I say? These pricks keep me busy.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” he mumbles. He watches me for a few seconds, as if he has something to say, before stepping inside and taking a seat in the chair across from my desk. “Everything good with you?”

  I cross my hands behind my head and look at him, trying to figure out how to answer his damn question. I’m stressed the hell out and he’s the biggest reason why, but that’s the last thing I’ll be letting him know.

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Just trying to figure out why you haven’t been to my place in a few days when usually you’re there almost every day.” He doesn’t say anything else, but the suspicious look he’s giving me is enough to hint what he’s getting at.

  “Just been dealing with the kid is all.” It’s not a complete lie. “His fucking piece of shit parents are still gone and I’m trying to keep his head on straight. I got him a phone, so I’ve been keeping track of him and letting him crash at my place.”

  “Good thing the kid will be eighteen soon. Maybe you can hire him in as a cook or some shit at Express.”

  I laugh, because having him work at a bar is the worst fucking idea ever. “Then I’ll only have to worry about the kid more. He doesn’t need a job where alcohol is easily accessible. I’d have to watch his every damn move and he’d probably burn the place down within a week.”

  “Okay. Bad idea. I’m tired and can’t think for shit. I was going to sleep before I came in but I kept getting interrupted by visitors for my sister.”

  Visitors? Not one, but more than one.

  For some reason I don’t like the sound of that.

  As far as I can tell she only hangs out with Jamie, so now I want to know who this other visitor is.

  “Your sister been making new friends other than Jamie?” I ask, trying to sound cool about it.

  He nods and stands up. “Yeah. Parker stopped by wanting to take her out tonight. I told her to let me know if he gets out of line. He’s a good guy, but if he tries moving too fast with my sister I’ll cut his balls off myself.”

  The mention of Parker’s name instantly has me pissed off and wanting to cut his balls off my damn self. I have to grip my desk and squeeze just to keep my cool in front of Alexander.

  “Yeah,” I say stiffly. “Well, let me know how that goes.”

  “Alright, Man. I’ve got work to do.”

  The moment Alexander leaves my office I reach beside me for the bottle of whiskey and tilt it back, needing something strong to calm my nerves before I blow up.

  I’ve never had a problem with Parker before, but now that he’s trying to hook up with Tegan I hate the fucker and have daydreams about shoving my fist down his throat.

  Just as I’m taking a second swig, my door opens to Colby stepping inside. He takes one look at me standing here tense with my jaw flexed and steps right the fuck back out of my office.

  He’s been here long enough to know when to avoid me and now is definitely one of those times.

  Parker fucking Wright.

  Vortex’s pretty-boy-charmer.

  He’s the long-term guy you take home to Mommy and Daddy; whereas I’m the one-night stand most women fantasize about, wishing their boyfriends would fuck them wild and rough like I could.

  With a small growl, I tilt back the bottle one more time, before slamming the bottle down and cracking my neck.

  Good thing Kalon has a party at his place practically every night, because I need a distraction more now than ever.

  On my way to the party earlier I got a call from Sebastian asking me to drive thirty minutes out of the way to pick his ass up from some kid’s house whose parents are always gone like Seb’s.

  If it weren’t for the fact that he was smart enough to call me before he got wasted and did something stupid, then I would’ve kicked his ass.

  It makes me thankful that I didn’t smash the whole bottle of whiskey before leaving Vortex like I really wanted to at the time.

  What I slammed back before I left wasn’t even enough to give me a buzz. It was more of the burn that I needed.

  Now, it’s the escape that I need, and Kalon’s is always the best place for that.

  Hopping out of my truck, I make my way around the back and immediately pour myself a double, before taking off to find Kalon.

  I barely make it ten steps away from the drink table when someone clings to my arm and stops me from walking.

  I know right away from the platinum blonde hair waving in the breeze that it’s Gwen without even looking down to see.

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter, before tilting back the drink in my hand. “What the hell do you want?”

  “Oh, come on, Micah. We’re no longer at Vortex where you have to be a dick ninety percent of the time to show everyone who’s in charge. We’re at a party. Relax a bit and have fun.”

  I flex my jaw and tilt back the cup again as she attaches herself to me and begins kissing along my neck, clearly thinking I’m going to change my mind and fuck her into submission again. Not happening. “Why don’t you do us both a favor and back the fuck up before I have to pry you from my body in front of all these people, Gwen.”

  She reaches up and cups my face, forcing me to look at her. “Look at me, Micah. Do you see me all over any other guys? I could have any guy here, but here I am wasting my time on you because I know you’ll fuck me better than any of these boys can. So why don’t you do us both a favor and come find me after you have a few drinks, yeah?”

  With a small smile, she backs away, before spinning around on her heels and walking away.

  It’s then that I look past her to see Tegan playing beer pong with Parker, Kalon, and some chick that Kalon is probably banging to get over his ex.

  She’s standing next to Parker, dressed in a white tank top, a pair of short shorts, and those damn cowgirl boots that she looks irresistible in.

  The fact that she’s laughing and having fun with him has me tilting b
ack my cup, emptying it completely this time.

  It’s taking everything in me not to go over there and rip her away from Parker to show him he hasn’t got a chance in hell with her.

  In fact, every part of me is dying to carry her caveman style into one of Kalon’s spare rooms and fuck my way back into her thoughts before Parker can worm his way in any further and make her fall for his charm.

  Why the hell does that send rage coursing through me?

  “Fuck it.”

  I grab two beers and head toward the beer pong table. Looks like I’ll have to show Parker to stay in his lane before he crashes and gets hurt.

  If I know one thing . . . it’s that he won’t be leaving here with Tegan. Not as long as I’m around . . .

  AT FIRST, I WAS A little nervous when I found out the party we were attending was going to be at Kalon’s house. The first time I came here I was with Micah, and even though he had his way of driving me crazy we had a lot of fun. I think it might’ve been the moment I realized I was beginning to really like him, even though I was fighting my hardest not to.

  But Parker has been doing everything in his power to make me feel comfortable and at ease, and I’m just now beginning to loosen up a bit and push Micah out of my mind.

  Kalon remembers me from last time, but he hasn’t once mentioned Micah or asked why I’m here with Parker now.

  It’s as if he’s used to most girls only making one appearance with Micah and that’s exactly why my brother warned me to stay away.

  “Do you got this?” Parker asks with an excited smile. “Just one more ball and we beat the champs.”

  “Oh, I’ve got this alright. I’ve been playing this game since I was fifteen.” I smile and turn away from Parker’s beaming face to concentrate on making this last ball in, but right as I get ready to toss the ball I make the mistake of looking up to see Micah walking toward us.

  The sight of him in a pair of faded jeans and a snug black shirt hugging his sculpted chest to perfection has me dropping the ball before I get the chance to throw it.


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