Alpha Defenders: Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Alpha Defenders: Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Lyzie Carlisle

  As her contractions eased, Mark continued to gently stroke inside her pussy. When she opened her eyes and looked up at Tom and then Mark and smiled, moaning softly, he knew they had given her the pleasure she wanted.

  “Your turns, Mark and Tom,” she said, smiling at them as she reached for their waists.

  Mark heard Tom growl with pleased expectation as she smoothed her hand down their abdomens. When she stroked and squeezed the engorged head of Mark’s penis, he thought he’d come right then. He inhaled swiftly, as did Tom, both of them obviously ready to explode. Mark knew she was doing to Tom exactly what she was doing to him. She glanced back and forth between them, smiling with what looked like satisfaction as she caressed them. Mark growled as she curved her hand over the length of him and squeezed. Then she pumped his tightly swollen dick, and his growl grew rougher in his chest.

  “Baby,” Mark said, “I’m going to explode.”

  “I hope so,” she said as she glanced at Tom.

  Mark’s balls were tight, and she cupped them and stroked them before grasping his cock at the base and stroking up and down. A growl began in his chest again and worked its way up his throat. She squeezed his penis hard, and he exploded, his orgasm pumping over and over. She never let go of him until his body quieted and relaxed.

  Mark opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He saw that Tom was affected the same way. Mark expected that Tom had had the same amazing orgasmic release.

  “That was amazing, baby,” Mark said as he looked at Brenda’s beautiful face, her smile revealing her pleasure in giving him and Tom such pleasure.

  Tom put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her lips gently. “That was fantastic, hon.”

  Mark smoothed his hand up her lovely back and kissed her sweet lips, as well. They were warm and soft. He smiled at her again before he rose up.

  She slipped her hands around their waists and pulled them both close against her in a gentle hug. “That was wonderful.”

  “Would you like to do this again?” Mark asked her.

  “Yes, I would,” she said and gave first Mark and then Tom a big grin.

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Mark said to her.

  “So am I,” Tom said.

  “Wow, you all are hot,” Lacy said from the other side of the pool.

  “So are you,” Brenda said.

  “We’ll have to do this again,” Lacy said.

  “I wouldn’t mind,” Brenda agreed.

  “It’s about time to dry off and pack up to go home,” Derek said.

  Mark noticed the sun was getting lower toward the horizon. “It’s been a fun afternoon.”

  “Yes, it has,” Brenda said, looking at him and then Tom.

  Mark and Tom helped her out of the pool, and they walked with her to dry off and put on their clothes. Mark was already becoming hard again as he thought of repeating the sex he’d just enjoyed with Brenda. Next time, he wanted his cock deep inside her hot, silky pussy.

  When they were all dressed, they picked up the remains of their lunch and drinks and headed for their pickups. Brenda had planned to go home with Lacy so they said good-bye as they helped the women into Trey’s truck.

  “Let’s get together again soon,” Mark suggested.

  “That would be great,” Brenda said.

  Mark and Tom waited until their friends had started driving down the road toward the highway, and then they got in their truck. With Tom driving, they headed back to their new place.

  “Lacy said the other night that Brenda doesn’t know about us being shape-shifters,” Mark said.

  Tom sighed. “Hell, I wish she already knew. That means we’ll have to tell her before this goes too far. I really like her.”

  “So do I,” Mark agreed.

  “I could hardly keep my inner wolf controlled when those guys at the masquerade party were aggressive about wanting to dance with her.”

  “Me either,” Mark said.

  Chapter Four

  When Mark and Tom arrived at their home in Wolf’s Crossing, Mark immediately called headquarters. Tom had agreed with him that they needed to discuss with headquarters the activities of the guys on the mountain looking for minerals. On the way home, he and Tom had talked about their suspicions that there had to be something underhanded going on. They’d both figured the situation warranted investigation.

  They had been secretly contacted over the years by a few men who had started the organization when Mark and Tom had a desire to help people in trouble. Now they contacted only those people, who wanted to remain secret, in order to work with the government agency only they and other shape-shifter members like them knew as the Citizen Protection Organization.

  For this work, Mark and Tom needed to stay incognito and hide their wealth. They were both billionaires from investments made by their families when they were younger. They both liked to make substantial donations to various associations that provided for people who needed help. Trusting their accountants to handle their bank accounts, they focused on what they wanted to achieve. They worked hard to find and arrest evil people who belonged to gangs and organizations that preyed on innocent men and women.

  They had found themselves involved in various situations with those who needed help, and the problems they found were gritty and sometimes caused major emotional upheaval for everyone involved. But now Mark and Tom felt a personal responsibility to bring down the shape-shifter who had caused their new friends in Heat Springs such unthinkable pain and fear over the years. They intended to put an end to his evil no matter the cost to themselves.

  As usual, Mark and Tom and the men they worked with wanted to remain hidden, or not who they seemed, keeping their true identities secret, even though there was an inter-mix of different kinds of jobs between the Alpha Defenders, as the secret government agents referred to themselves.

  Like the other agents, Mark and Tom wanted to live away from big cities and tended to be very private and reclusive. That aided them in their work when they were needed to protect or rescue someone and were contacted by the organization. Even so, in this part of Texas, they both knew that they could draw on the help of the local Alpha Protectors when they needed to. This time, Mark and Tom wanted to discuss with their contact at headquarters what they’d seen going on in the red rock area.

  Mark sat down at the island in their kitchen and made the call.

  “Hey, it’s Mark. Tom and I have some questions about what we saw on the hills in the red rock area today. There were two guys up there searching together for precious gems or minerals, and another man by himself also looking for precious minerals. He warned us to stay away from where he was searching. Any idea why there’s so much interest in that area?”

  The man at the other end of the call cleared his throat. “We have an investigation started in that area. Evidently there are stories about an ancient impact there, when a fiery rock landed where the red rock formation is located. Whatever valuable mineral is in that place, we have no solid facts. The minerals could even be radioactive. It’s best if you stay away from that area where the solitary man was claiming possession until we have more information. When we do, we’ll send more men to help.”

  “Can you tell us anything at all about the three men already searching on this hill?” Mark asked, knowing that identities were often kept secret for the success of the job.

  “It’s still an operation we’re keeping secret, and only the two men already assigned to this mystery know what I’ve just told you. This information is only given out on a need-to-know basis. Obviously, you and Tom need to know as much as we can tell you. Right now, it’s best kept a secret investigation. That’s all I can say. Keep in touch for updates.”

  “Thanks,” Mark said. “Will do.” He ended the call. “They don’t know much more than what those men told us today.” He gave Tom the information he’d been given over the phone.

  “I wonder,” Tom said. “Do you think that Jeff and Ry could be working for the same organization
we are?”

  “Could be,” Mark agreed. “Maybe we should ask them. I’d like to know who our friends are for sure, and headquarters likes to keep all of us working secretly.” He gave Tom a disgruntled smile.

  “Wouldn’t hurt to ask Jeff and Ry in a way that they could withhold their true identities if they felt the need,” Tom offered.

  “I agree,” Mark said. “Maybe it would help if we hint at our part in the organization.

  * * * *

  The following morning, Mark and Tom headed back to the area where they’d run into the three rock hunters the previous day. When they spotted Jeff and Ry they were a little farther up the rocky hill than they’d been the day before.

  They looked up and spotted Mark and Tom as they drew closer on the path.

  “Hey,” Mark greeted them.

  “Hey, Mark, Tom,” Jeff said. “What brings you up here today?”

  “Curiosity, mostly,” Mark said. He held out his hand to shake hands with Jeff and Ry, and Tom did the same. “We’re hoping you can shed some light on what the big draw is in this area for rock hunters. We ran into a guy yesterday up here who didn’t appreciate us being on this hill at all. It seemed strange to us that he should be so unfriendly.”

  “We work with an incognito organization of people who try to help other people in trouble,” Tom said. “We’ve been trying to catch and take into custody an extremely unfriendly guy in this area.”

  “The man we’re searching for has been seen up here before,” Mark explained. “We’re determined to find him before he hurts more people.”

  “We haven’t heard anything about the guy you’re looking for,” Jeff said.

  “We also don’t know the man who warned you away from his rock hunting spot,” Ry said.

  “We’ve heard about a legend that there was a ball of fire that landed in this area centuries ago,” Jeff said. He gave them a lopsided smile. “We’re checking it out for the organization we belong to. We’re not actually searching on our own treasure hunt.”

  “Could you use some help?” Mark asked them.

  “Sure,” Jeff said. “We’re looking for any kind of rock that looks out of place or sort of unusual.”

  “We’ll head over this way,” Tom said as he started uphill along the path.

  Mark turned to Tom. “I’d bet anything they’re working for the same organization we are. Our contact on the phone said close to the same thing about an impact in the past in this area and wanting to know the composition of the rocks.

  “I have a feeling you’re right,” Tom said.

  When Mark and Tom had climbed high enough, they left the path and began searching the area they’d chosen for any unusual minerals. A scuffling sound caught their attention, and they looked in the direction it came from. The burly, dark-haired man who had objected to them being there the day before was hurrying down the path toward them.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing on my property?” the guy demanded.

  “Rock hunting, just like you,” Mark replied, staring him down.

  “This land belongs to me,” he said angrily. “I want you to get off and stay off of it. If you don’t, something might happen to that pretty girlfriend of yours.”

  The bastard’s eyes narrowed as he smiled evilly while Mark and Tom stood still, staring at him.

  “If you dare come near her,” Mark began quietly, “you’ll wish you hadn’t.” Mark held his gaze. He wanted to rip the abrasive man apart.

  “Mark,” Tom said. “Let’s search in another area for now,” he urged as he grasped Mark’s arm with a gentle pull.

  When Mark turned and followed Tom, they headed back to where Jeff and Ry had been searching.

  “Any luck?” Jeff asked as they joined them.

  “No,” Mark said, his voice a low growl.

  Tom shared the new development with Jeff and Ry and that their girlfriend had been threatened by the solitary prospector.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Jeff said.

  “We don’t stand for that sort of threat,” Ry said, his voice a rough growl of disgust.

  “We’ll be glad to help you protect your girlfriend,” Jeff said. “I think it’s best that we let you know we work for C.P.O.” He gave them a brief smile. “We just received a call from headquarters notifying us that you guys are determined to catch a bad guy named Wra.”

  Ry stepped closer to the three of them. “We were officially sent to look into the mineral deposits around Red Rock, and specifically anyone searching for the same minerals,” Ry added. “There’s no definite information on the minerals in this area. Just in case there are important or unusual minerals here, headquarters wants to know. They don’t want a dangerous mineral getting into the wrong hands.”

  “Thanks for your offer of help in protecting our girlfriend,” Mark said, looking first at Ry and then at Jeff. “And thanks for letting us know you also work for the same organization we’re working for.”

  “They don’t like for their agents to spread information around even among each other,” Jeff said. “But in this situation, I think it’s important that we’re all interested in the same thing, and we can help each other.”

  “That’s right,” Mark said.

  “We appreciate it,” Tom added.

  “We’ll help you keep an eye on what the crazy guy up the hill is up to while we help you search for the mysterious minerals,” Mark offered.

  They all four went back to the work at hand.

  Chapter Five

  Brenda took the phone that Lacy handed to her. “It’s for you, Brenda.” Lacy gave her a big smile.

  “This is Brenda,” she said.

  “It’s Mark,” the familiar voice said. “Tom and I are anxious to pick you up for dinner with us tonight. Would you like to have dinner at our place?”

  “That sounds like fun,” she said.

  “Great,” Mark said, sounding happy. “We’ll pick you up at Lacy’s place in a little while.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll be looking for you,” Brenda told him.

  In a little while they arrived in their pickup and took her to their big, sprawling house.

  “We’re glad we found this place and could rent it from Mike Adams and his family,” Mark explained.

  “Have you two guys been sharing places together for a long time?” Brenda asked them, looking from Mark to Tom.

  “For a couple of years,” Tom said. “We work closely on investigations, and it just seemed more convenient to rent a place together after we’d been working on cases for a few months.”

  “It seemed to help us make our work go more smoothly so we could bring the cases to a close quicker,” Mark added.

  “What kinds of cases are you guys involved with, usually?” she asked, looking from Mark to Tom and back to Mark, who looked ahead at the road, his gaze serious.

  “We work with an undercover organization that investigates abusive activities from people who prey on other people,” Mark said.

  “Like various scams such as those having to do with insurance and banking?” she asked.

  “No, we investigate activities by people who want to abuse others or want to control others,” Mark explained. “Some people like to control other people through abuse and underhanded activities or fear, and we work with other people like us who want to put a stop to that sort of mean behavior. We want to help protect innocent folks.”

  Brenda felt instant concern that they must be working in dangerous situations. “Do you ever get into tight spots with those kinds of people?”

  “Sometimes it can get a little hairy. We haven’t been in any tight situation yet that we couldn’t get out of. I find that the work fits with what I want to accomplish.”

  “That’s the way I feel about it, as well,” Tom said. “It’s satisfying to do some good for folks.”

  “I admire you for the good you’re doing for others,” she said, even as she felt uneasy that they could be involved in work that threatened them
in dangerous ways.

  Tom drove their pickup up the winding driveway to the sprawling single-story stucco house built with the distinctive Southwest architecture she’d seen in other homes like Lacy’s. Both Mark and Tom escorted her up the sidewalk to the front door with their hands on her back.

  She enjoyed their warm touches. She’d never been out with two guys at the same time until she’d met Mark and Tom. She had discovered that she liked it. The sex play she’d experienced with them at the hot springs had been completely new with two guys arousing her at the same time, and it had been incredible. She wouldn’t mind doing that again. She had a strong feeling that she might be enjoying some sex with both of them at the same time again this evening before they took her back to Lacy’s place. With these two guys involved in investigations, though, she wouldn’t want to become too close to them. She didn’t want to find herself involved with guys like her previous boyfriend, who couldn’t come to terms with the loss of his close friend in an accident at a lake. She’d never forget the way their relationship had been slowly ruined when she couldn’t help him through his depression.

  “Make yourself at home,” Tom said softly as he opened the front door for her.

  She walked inside the front entrance with Mark behind her. She stopped to take in the beautiful house, and Mark joined her on one side with Tom on the other. “This is amazing,” she said in awe. “What an inspiring building to live in.”

  She looked around the huge living room with a floor-to-ceiling window facing west. The sun was going down, and the view was to die for. She could see across the treetops in the distance. They were tinted golden by the late afternoon sun. The land stretched to the west and revealed rounded hilltops far in the distance topped with pink and gold colors. The light changed swiftly as the sun went lower.

  “The kitchen and den are this way,” Tom said, indicating rooms off of the entrance to the back of the house.

  “There are four bedrooms down this hallway,” Mark said as he indicated a hall to the right of the entryway. “If you need privacy for any reason, you can take your pick. Each one has a private bathroom also.”


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