Caged Girls: A Billionaire's Hobby

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Caged Girls: A Billionaire's Hobby Page 1

by Peter de Sade

  Mexican Torture

  Chapter 1

  Sara opens her eyes to the stink of stale cum and shit.

  The odor was like a slap on the face to the beautiful, dark-haired girl.

  Wire grates surround her.

  An extra large dog crate! I am in wire dog crate!

  She tries to remember what happened last night and how she ended up in the dog crate.

  The efforts to remember cause her head to hurt.

  Hammers banging against her temple!

  The last thing she remembered is a well-dressed old Mexican buying her a drink in the Last Chance Bar just before the Brownsville Bridge across the river to Mexico.

  He drugged me!

  “I see you are finally awake.”

  Sara looks in the direction of the voice.

  Another cage is opposite hers. Inside is a naked, athletic blond girl.

  Sara glances down at herself.

  Shit I’m naked too.

  “What the fuck is going on. Why am I in a cage?”

  Glancing around the semi-dark room Sara realizes there are several other large dog crates against the far wall, but they are empty.

  “I don’t have the foggiest idea, Sweets. I just woke up a few minutes before you,” the blond says as she rubs her well-muscled arms. She points to the right. “It could be worse.”

  Sara glances in the direction the girl is pointing.

  “Oh my God!”

  Hanging from chains attached to the ceiling is a naked Latina girl, probably Mexican. Bleeding welts cover the girl’s body as she hangs limp from chains. Blood has pooled in a small puddle on the dirty cement floor under the girls feet, which do not touch the floor.

  Someone screams.

  It’s me!

  Sara puts her hand over her mouth.

  “Fuck, stop screaming. I don’t want whoever is in charge coming down here,” the blond girl says. “Not if they are going do to us what they did to her.” She nods in the direction of the girl hanging from the chains. “Looks like she’s been whipped with a cat-of-nine tails.”

  She’s right. I shouldn’t draw attention to us.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize that I had screamed. Guess I’m in shock.”

  “You and me too.”

  “I’m Sara.


  “Jody, the last thing I remember is that I was having a drink with a nicely-dressed old Mexican at the Last Chance Bar. What do you remember?”

  “I was having a beer at some dive in Matamoros. I was alone.”

  “The bartender must have drugged your drink.”

  “Yeah, guess so. Next thing I remember is waking up in this oversized dog crate.”

  Sara glances at the Mexican girl. “You think she is alive?”

  “Yeah, if she was dead she wouldn’t be bleeding,” the blonde girl said. “Anyway the lash marks aren’t deep. She isn’t in as bad a shape as she looks. But I bet she is in a lot of pain.”

  “Fuck!” Sara says shaking her head. “I should never have come down her on spring break. And certainly not have gone to the bar alone.”

  “You think whoever is holding us captive is going to whip us like that?” Sara exclaims, pointing at the helpless Mexican girl. She starts breathing faster and faster. Her large breasts heave up and down.

  “Stop. Calm down. You’re hyperventilating,” Jody says as much to keep herself calm as to keep Sara from screaming.

  Sara gasps for breath.

  “Breathe slower,” Jody says as she follows her own advice. Her pointed breasts move slightly with each deep breath.

  Sara tries to slow her breathing but fails. Suddenly, her eyes roll back in her head.

  Chapter 2

  Sara opens her eyes.

  Had she been dreaming?

  The metal mash of the cage pressing against her body feels real.

  “Are you back with me?”

  Sara looks at the cage across from hers.

  It isn’t a dream!

  “What happened?”

  “You hyperventilated after being afraid we’d be whipped like the Mexican girl hanging from the chains in the ceiling.”

  Remembering the helpless girl, Sara glances at her. She has to fight to keep from screaming again. “What does it mean?” The question is almost a whisper as though she is afraid to ask the question aloud. “Why are we here?”

  “It means we are in deep shit! Looks like we’re not the first girls to pass through here.”

  “Is it one of the drug cartels?” Sara asks. “And why are they torturing women?”

  Jody shrugs. “Maybe a drug cartel, maybe not. It is hard to say. Lots of bad things goes on in Matamoros. As to what they are doing, I don’t have the foggiest idea. Making make rough sex videos,” she said taking a guess.

  “Oh my god!” Sara puts her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. “You think they’re going to torture us, maybe even kill us? You think we’re in Mexico?” The question came too fast.

  “I think they’re going to do anything they want to us. But you have to calm down.”

  Tears roll down Sara’s cheeks. “I just want to go home. If I get out of here, I’ll never go on spring break again.”

  “You and me both.”

  “They said the border was safe now.”

  “They lied,” Jody says. She nods her head at the Mexican girl. “Does this look safe?”

  “Hey, what is that red light blinking in the ceiling?” Sara says pointing small blinking light above them.

  “A video camera?” Jody says as she presses her face up against the bars of her cage.

  “Someone is bloody watching us? Maybe videoing us,” Sara says. Suddenly, she is breathing fast again.

  “Calm down. You’re going to pass out again,” Jody warns.

  Slow. Breathe slow, Sara thinks.

  “Good, you don’t want to faint again. We have to keep alert.”

  “Why? We’re in a cage. We’re helpless. What can we do?” Sara asks in a near panic tone.

  “I don’t know. But if you are unconscious, then you certainly can’t do squat.”

  The squeaking of a door’s hinge catches both girls attention. They both turn their heads to the left, in the direction of the sound.

  Several bright lights in the ceiling flash on instantly, blinding them with their intense beams.

  The sounds of footsteps descending a stairway announced the arrival of a visitor.

  Sara’s eyes adjust to the brightness. She sees the big naked man stepping from the last step of the stairs onto the filthy cement floor.

  The man is huge. His skin is as white as moonlight.

  His cock!

  A gasp of shock escapes Sara as she sees the tremendous cock swinging back and forth between the big man’s legs as he approaches. It looks almost two feet long and thicker around that a man’s forearm.

  A porno star! No, a circus freak! He’s too ugly for a porn star.

  ”Buenos dias, putas. Did you sleep well?”

  He is Mexican. An albino! “Please let us out,” Sara calls as fear rises up inside her like a hand griping her pounding heart.

  He is evil! Sara feels it like a cloud of darkness surrounding the man as he stands looking toward her cage.

  “In due time. In due time. But you might not like what happens to you upstairs.” He nods toward the Mexican girl. “Does she look like she enjoyed her time in the spotlight?”

  “Hey, creep, what is this place? Why are we here?” Jody asks as she presses her face against the wire of the dog crate.

  “My family has money. They will pay a ransom for me,” Sara lies. “All you have to do is conta
ct them.”

  The big albino laughs. José is richest man in all of Mexico. He no needs your money. He will pay you well for the pain he inflects and cover all medical repairs he inflects upon your body.”

  The sound of his laughter sends chill bumps down Sara’s spine.

  And the thought that they were at the mercy of one of the super rich settled like a stone in her stomach. She has been briefly exposed to the super rich in Vegas and knows they looked upon show girls like her as expendable. Better if they were in the hands of a drug cartel. At least then they might get out free if someone would pay a ransom. Not that anyone would pay money to have her released, but maybe someone would pay a ransom for the strikingly beautiful blonde in the next cage.

  The moon-pale man lifts his monster cock with both hands and waves it around.

  “And I don’t need your money either. This and your pussies make me all the money I need.”

  Sara bursts into tears.

  He is going to kill us!

  “Yes, cry for the cameras. Everything is being filmed,” the albino points out four more cameras that the girls hadn’t located as he walks past their cages. “But this scene is starring me and her,” he says pointing to the Mexican girl hanging limp from the chains. “She has been gang raped, whipped and tortured upstairs by a large group of men. “Now I get to rape her with my big cock.”

  “You are a fucking loony!” Jody shouts as she bangs her fist on the dog crate. “Let us out!”

  “My, oh my, you are a feisty puta. You make a good video for jefe. The rich old man, he likes girls who fight instead of ones who just gives up and let the hombres rape them.”

  Gang raped! Beaten!

  Sara feels as though someone has just stuck a knife in her heart. Suddenly, she is gasping for breath. Jody was right they are making torture videos, Sara thinks as tears run down her lovely cheeks

  “Don’t freak out on me now!” Jody hisses as the albino approaches the helpless Mexican girl.

  “She used to be beautiful, before the beatings and torture,” the albino says as he reaches up and runs a finger over the bleeding welts on the girl’s breast. He brings his bloody finger to his mouth and licks the crimson off that clings to the tips of his finger. “Sweet. There is nothing like the taste of a young girl’s blood, except the taste of her pussy.” He pokes his finger in her pussy and brings it up and pops it in his mouth. “Hum. That taste is divine.”

  “What are you? Some kind of escape freak from a Mexican circus?” Jody shouts.

  Sara curls up in a fetal positon.

  Jody is going to get us both killed.

  She glances in the direction of the helpless girl and whimpers as she stares at the albino and the Mexican girl.

  The big moon-pale man turns his head back toward the caged girls.

  “Yeah, something like that,” He finally answers Jody’s question. “José found me in a cage like the one you are in. People paid mucho pesos to see my big cock and grapefruit size balls,” he says before glancing back at the helpless Mexican girl.

  He slaps her face.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty. Time for one last fuck before you leave.”

  The girl’s eyelids flick open. Her eye widen at the sight of the albino.

  A hoarse scream escapes her bloody lips.

  “Good, I was afraid you would not gain consciousness. Now try to perform for the cameras. This is the final scene. A sort of Beauty and the Beast ending.”

  The albino lifts his monster cock.

  “This is the beast.”

  He laughs, causing his huge, low-hanging balls to jiggle as he reaches up and grabs the girl’s left nipple between his thumb and finger.

  He twists.

  The girl screams.

  “Stop it! Stop it, you fucking freak,” Jody shouts. “What is the matter with you? Your mommy spanked you too when you were little.”

  “Please don’t provoke him,” Sara whispers.

  “What the matter. You too ugly to get pussy?” Jody shouts.

  Oh God she is going to get us both killed.

  The albino shoots a big toothy smile at Jody as he reaches down with his free hand to guide the elongated head of his rock hard cock to the bleeding lips of the Mexican girl’s bruised pussy.

  “If they hadn’t already fist fucked her she would be too tight for me,” he says aiming his comments at Jody. “Actually, they double fisted her. Ripped her pussy up pretty bad. I think it will take muchas stitches to sew her up when the doctor come for her.” He thrusts his hips violently. The freak’s monster cock impaled the Mexican girl’s bleeding pussy. His huge, mushroom-shaped cockhead drives into the girl’s bleeding pussy like a wooden stake into the ground.

  Sara whimpers as the girl’s primal screams echo through the room.

  “You fucking ugly pervert!” Jody shouts as she rattles her cage with both hands. “Try doing that to me. and I fucking kick your big balls out through your mouth.”

  The albino smiles at Jody. He presses his mouth to the Mexican girl’s nipple that is red from his twisting. His eyes are on Jody as he bites into the girl’s nipple.

  The girl body shudders. Her screams are even louder than before.

  The albino jerks his head back ripping off the tip of the girl’s nipple. He turns his head toward Jody’s cage and spits the piece of nipple toward her cage.

  “You sick fuck!”

  The albino moves his hips back and forth. The girl’s screams are ear-splitting as his massive cock ravages her torn, bleeding pussy. Fresh blood squirts out around the pale shaft of the albino’s monster cock. As the big moon-pale man continues to brutally fuck the girl, her screams become grunts.

  “Stop ,you are killing her,” Jody shouts.

  Sara hides her face in her hands in fear.

  “I’m cuming.”

  Suddenly, the big man shoves his cock as deeply as it will go in the helpless girl’s pussy and holds it inside of her as his huge bubble ass trembles. It takes him several moments to unload his balls in the ruined pussy. When cum is only dripping out of his co, he pulls it out and drops to his knees and leans his face toward the bloody cum dripping girl’s pussy.

  “Yuck, you are a fucking pig as well as a freak,” Jody accuses. “No wonder your mommy didn’t love you.”

  A mix of blood and cum is dripping down the moon-pale man’s chin when he stands up again. He looks over at Jody and Sara as he licks the pink mixture off his chin.

  Oh my God. He is the devil. Sara sobs into her hands.

  “I am going to kill you, Freak,” Jody shouts back as she flexes her triceps like a weightlifter posing.

  “Please, Jody, don’t get him riled,” Sara pleads between sobs. “I don’t want to be raped by his monster cock.”

  “You aren’t going to get raped. I promise you that,” Jody says.

  My God, she is delusional. What can she do? She is in a cage just like me.

  “And I bet you will be a whipped man when I cut your ball off,” Jody threatens.

  Sara doesn’t want to watch what the albino is doing to the Mexican girl, but she can’t help turn her head as she peeks between her fingers. He is licking the blood from her welts, giving her a tongue bath.

  He is the devil. Surely he is the devil, Sara thinks wringing her hands in panic. I’m going to puke! Sara turns her head and fights to keep from throwing up in her cage. She barely manages. She doesn’t want to turn and look at what the man is doing to make the girl cry. But she does look.

  The albino is licking the girl’s lips as he masturbates.

  “Kiss me puta. Make love to me, or I will stick my grande cock up your ass.”

  With a deep sob the Mexican girl opens her mouth and accepts the freak tongue.

  “Bite his tongue off. Bite the fucker’s tongue off,” Jody shouts rattling the sides of her cages with her hands. “You sick fuck,” Jody calls out banging her fists against her cage. “You think what you are doing is making love?”

  The freak g
lances over at Jody, still pumping his cock. “I was going to cum on her but now I shoot off on you beautiful feisty face instead, puta.”

  “Come a little closer and I’ll fucking bite your cock off,” Jody snarls like a cornered animal.

  Jody scares me almost as much as the freak. Something isn’t right with her? Sara thinks as she crowds into the far corner of her cage.

  “I fucking bet you would at that. Damn, José is going to have fun upstairs with you. When he’s done using you, you will beg to suck my cock if only I will not take you up stairs again,” the albino says. He tenses up suddenly as he moves his fist faster up and down his massive pale cock.

  He is going to cum!

  In spite of her situation and what she has just witnessed, Sara feels her nipples getting hard

  As a mass of thick cum squirts out of the big albino’s monster cock and shoots through the wire mash of her cage striking Jody full in the face.

  As her fellow prisoner claws at her face as though the man’s cum is acid sprayed on her face, Sara feels her pussy starting to moisten.

  I am turned on watching him cum! God, he is butt ugly, but he has a beautiful cock. I have never seen one so big. And never one that squirts so much cum. But then he has monster balls too.

  Sara shakes her head.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “I’m going to kill you for that,” Jody hisses at the albino as she swipes her hands against her face in a desperate effort to remove the cum dripping down her chin.

  “Sure you are, puta, sure you are,” the albino says as he turns and walks back to the girl’s still hanging helpless from the ceiling. He pats her on the butt as he walks past her to a dark corner of the basement. A moment later he comes out of the darkness pushing a wheelbarrow “Got to get busy,” he said as he unchained one of the girl’s wrist. When he releases the other wrist the girl almost falls to the floor, but the freak catches her and dumps her into the wheelbarrow like she’s a sack of potatoes and wheels her off into the back of the basement.

  Sara doesn’t even realize her fingers are inside her pussy until they touch her clit to send a jolt of pleasure through her body.

  “What the fuck are you doing, bitch,” Jody says staring with wide unbelieving eyes at Sara. “Is watching the freak’s big cock turning you on? Are you some kind of submissive freak yourself? Don’t you realize that before we leave this place we are going to look like the girl he just took away in the wheelbarrow to do heavens knows what to next?”


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