Mount Me: A Mountain Man Romance

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Mount Me: A Mountain Man Romance Page 10

by Hazel Parker

  Her mom smiled, wrinkling her face at Alissa in the mirror even more, then turning her so they were face to face once her hair was done. “I’m glad my daughter hadn’t followed in my footsteps and is looking forward to spending the rest of her life with a man she loves. Some of us didn’t make the same opportunity.”

  With hair fixed and makeup on, Alissa walked out of the small cabin alone. The backyard had been transformed. Trevor had cleared some space over the year and built a white gazebo for the wedding. Light pink and off white brightened the place and almost everything was handmade. A table to the side held pictures of his parents with a sign that said, “Never forget.”

  Then her eyes caught her husband’s, and she blushed, recognizing the look in his eyes. He stared at her like there was no one else on the entire planet and, even better, like he couldn’t wait to rip off her wedding dress. He was nothing to blink at either. Casual in his black button-up shirt and off white handkerchief, his muscles threatened to rip the shirt open.

  They only invited their closest friends and family, a total of twenty people. It was an intimate affair, and that was the way Alissa wanted it to be. There weren’t too many people in either of their lives who they wanted around. Her mother was already standing in place and holding hands with Junior, the cutest ring bearer in the world. The small pillow had the rings pushed into the material so they wouldn’t fall and the pillow was attached like a wristband to his little arm so it would stay in place.

  Her mother was dressed like a queen beside Alissa’s three best friends, Liza, Sharon, and Charlotte. Several town members Trevor considered friends attended as well, and it was a gorgeous wedding.

  Alissa walked up the aisle by herself, regret and relief warring within her at the fact that her father wasn’t there to walk her down the aisle. On the one hand, she knew her father would never have approved. On the other hand, every girl probably just wanted her father to ceremonially hand her over to her groom.

  When she walked down the aisle, she was far from nervous and recited her vows confidently. The look in Trevor’s eyes made the stress of preparations all worth it, and she was sure this was the best wedding ever.

  Afterward, the reception was held at the Mountain Man. The restaurant had as many good memories as the cabin. Alissa had become a pretty good cook in the last year, added to the fact she and Trevor had christened all the booths. With the tables moved alongside the walls, there was room for dancing, and she was enjoying her first dance with her husband.

  “You know I love you, right?”

  “I know.” She smiled in bliss. “I love you too.”

  “I love our son.”

  “He’s just the cutest thing.”

  “Where is he anyway?” Trevor asked, looking away from his bride for the first time in hours.

  “With my mother.”

  “Not true. Your mother’s over there.”

  True enough. Her mother was chatting with one of the guests, sans Junior. Alissa could see the anguish on her husband’s face and she knew what he was thinking. He was thinking about Emma. Even though he had no problem bringing up his late daughter anymore, she could tell he still felt guilty about it. She had tried to tell him on more than one occasion that her death wasn’t his fault, but he only nodded. He said he was okay, but anyone could see that he wasn’t.

  Trevor was understandably protective and careful when it came to Junior, but sometimes it was too much. He took every mosquito bite, every scrape very seriously. He searched, yanking tablecloths up to check under every table and every corner.

  “Has anyone seen my son?”

  He was turning frantic. He ran out the door, looking both ways just to be sure that Junior hadn’t gone outside or, worse, been ran over. But the streets were clear. People passing by informed him no toddler had been seen outside and together they returned inside. She was worried, but Trevor looked ready to rip his hair out, wringing his hands while the guests continued to look around.

  “I found him!”

  Alissa recognized her mother’s voice and they followed it into the kitchen.

  There he was, her perfect son in the arms of the cook, who was stirring a pot of something, explaining how important the basil was and smiling. Junior looked into the pot with round-eyed intrigue.

  “Hello there,” the cook said calmly though obviously noting their worried faces. “I snatched this little one from the floor. He came in here, probably curious with all the kitchen sounds, and he seemed to like watching me cook. I bet he’ll be one of the world’s greatest chefs one day. Isn’t that right, little chef?”

  Junior smiled at the cook before holding his hands out to Trevor. Her husband wrapped him up in his arms, smelling his hair and visibly willing himself to relax.

  “Thank you,” Alissa said, shaking his hand. “We haven’t met yet. I’m Alissa, Trevor’s wife, and that’s Trevor Junior.”

  “Hello,” he said, resuming his stirring. “It was an honor to work with the little chef. How old is he? If you want, I’d be willing to take him as an apprentice when he turns five.”

  “He’s only one, but we’ll keep that in mind,” she said, embracing both her husband and son. “If you’ll excuse us, we have to get back to our wedding reception, but thank you.”

  People are both relieved and smiling. Even though the night was far from over, Alissa could tell the incident with Junior had an impact on Trevor. Throughout the night, he never lost that worried look in his eye and, of course, he kept Junior on his lap throughout the entire reception.

  Back home, they tucked Junior in his small crib that bore the name of his imaginary sister and Alissa climbed into the bed, rolling over to hold her husband.

  “Honey, are you okay?”

  “Not really. I was pretty scared when I didn’t know where Junior was.”

  “Which is understandable, but you were a little…”

  She didn’t want to say crazy.

  “I may have overacted.”

  “I understand. I was the same way. It’s not your fault. I should have been looking after our son. I should have been keeping an eye on him.”

  Trevor shook his head.

  “Not true. You’re a great mother who got distracted by her own wedding. No one is at fault.” He took a deep breath. “I just need to let go of the past... learn how not to always be afraid when it comes to my child.”

  “Well, it sounds easier said than done and I understand you have a reason for feeling that way.”

  “But I have to try.”

  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right,” she said, turning his words on him and making him chuckle.

  “I married a very wise woman.”

  “And I married the best man I’ve ever known.” And, hoping her words were like a balm to his unseen sores, she said, “I love you.”

  He rolled over and kissed her passionately, letting her know he would be all right. “I love you too.”

  Preview of Her First, Her Boss

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  Abby Walker nervously wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. Once again, she tried to remind herself that she had no reason to be nervous. She had a plan, she could put it into action, she could carry it out.

  She was settled now in the front row at one of the largest fashion houses in New York, waiting for their latest fashion show to start up. She looked stunning in her low cut, short black dress and six-inch Jimmy Choos. Abby loved fashion. She’d grown up with it, and the models that went through it, her entire life.

  Abby’s father, Ed Walker, had co-created the most successful modeling agency in New York City. While Abby was pretty enough to be in the industry herself, her father had gone out of his way to protect her. Ed Walker did not want her to see the ugliness that could come with both the modeling and underside of the busines
s enterprise. That had not stopped Abby from ending up at parties, or corporate events. That was where she had met the man who was currently seated on the other side of the runway from her—Mitchell Fields.

  Mitchell Fields had been her father’s business partner her entire life. Mitchell was twice her age, but he was gorgeous. She’d developed a crush on him early and it had been with her ever since. Not that Mitchell had ever noticed. She’d always been nothing but Ed’s Little Girl to him. But today, Abby had a feeling that was going to change.

  Abby had not seen Mitchell in several years. She’d graduated high school and gone off to college, coming home only on the occasional holiday break and never for a full summer. Now that graduation was over, she had just returned to New York after finishing at Yale. Her degree was just as impressive as her looks. She was twenty-three now, and had grown up in all of the right ways. Abby’s long blonde hair, huge green eyes and killer figure had gotten her the attention of all of the Ivy League boys. Despite that, she was still a virgin. She was holding out for just the right man… and today she was going to have him.

  She was not a little girl anymore, and today Mitchell Fields would see that. Abby was going to seduce him if it was the last thing that she did. Studying him, she realized that he looked even better than he had in the past. She had chosen her outfit with the intent of proving to him that she was no child. She had gone through every modeling tip and technique on makeup that she had learned over the years. Expensive foundations and brighteners accented her flawless skin. Her eyes were rimmed in black liner and mascara. She had topped off the look with bright red lipstick. She looked hot-and Mitchell was going to notice.

  The house lights dropped. Abby smiled as her eyes focused across the runway on Mitchell. Her tongue traced across her lips once more while she crossed one long leg over the other. Her Yale roommate and best friend Maria had dared her to seduce the man she had been lusting over all these years. Abby suspected that Maria might have been growing weary with hearing about Mitchell. As long as Abby had known Maria, she had her crush on Mitchell. Maria had sat through countless nights of Abby googling recent pictures of Mitchell or just declaring how gorgeous he was. So when the other girl had offered out the challenge, she could not really blame her. After all, the other girl who had watched Abby walk away from countless men her own age over the years. So when the dare had come out of Maria’s mouth, Abby had thought it was as much a challenge to make her stop talking as much as it was one to see if she could do it. Abby had accepted immediately.

  Abby smiled at the memory, just as Mitchell happened to turn. He looked across the runway at her. Their eyes met. She gave him a sly smile. She watched as Mitchell’s eyes roamed over her. Abby held back a grin. The look on Mitchell’s face said it all. He wanted her already. This was going to be no trouble at all. Abby licked her lips again. Maybe she did have a reason to be nervous after all.


  Mitchell Fields took a deep breath, trying to hide his arousal. Who the hell was the girl in the front row? He knew that he had never seen her here before—he certainly would have remembered. She was gorgeous, and she would not stop staring at him. Mitchell was not doing much better himself. He could barely take his eyes off of her to concentrate on the girls on the runway.

  Mitchell was used to beautiful women hanging on him. He was forty, but he enjoyed his bachelor lifestyle. He had never really seen himself as the settle down type. Therefore, he had every intention of sticking to his world of drinks and hot sex with gorgeous models.

  Getting older had done nothing to his looks. Mitchell still looked fabulous. His black hair had a few streaks of distinguishing gray in it. He himself kept to a strict workout routine and diet. It paid off. Models were always after him. Actually, all women were always lusting after him.

  The fashion show ended not a moment too soon. Mitchell got up from his seat. He was a bit ashamed to admit that he had not paid as much attention as he probably should. He was too distracted by the hot blonde seated across from him. He hoped that she was on her way over to the after show party. He needed to find her—immediately if not sooner.

  There was always an after show party filled with drinks and bands. It was a good way to network, give feedback, or simply hype up publicity with the press. Of course, it was also where some of the darker aspects of the modeling business began to form. That always happened.

  He entered the large room that was already filling up with beautiful women and well-dressed men. He knew that most of the men in the room did not have the best of intentions where the women lay. That was the problem with modeling. Women too quickly became objects that symbolized only one thing. While he did not care much to think about it, it was something that he had to admit he was guilty of from time to time.

  He laid eyes on his mystery woman near the bar. She was sipping on a glass of red wine. Mitchell smiled. He began making his way through the crowd. It took him a few moments. He kept getting stopped by both men and women alike. Everyone wanted his attention. While most of the men wanted to talk business or compliment him on the company’s successes, the women were batting their eyes in ways that Mitchell knew. Apparently his reputation preceded him.

  “Did you enjoy the show?” He finally reached the mystery woman’s side. He leaned against the bar beside her, ordering himself a gin and tonic. The girl turned to him. Her eyes were bright green. Her lips were a beautiful shade of bright crimson. Mitchell felt the lust well up in him immediately. He could already imagine what those lips could do to him.

  “Couldn’t take my eyes off of it.” The girl put her wine glass on the bar. “It was everything I wanted.” Mitchell chuckled.

  “I don’t believe that we’ve met. I’m Mitchell Fields.” He offered her a hand.

  “It’s my pleasure.” She shook his hand firmly.

  “And you are-?” Mitchell pressed gently. He was curious just who she could be. He had never seen her here before, after all.

  “A fashion lover who is thrilled to meet the brilliant mind behind this empire.” She leaned against the bar beside him as her fingers wrapped around her wine glass once more.

  “Flattery will get you everything.” Mitchell looked the girl over. His eyes immediately landed on her chest. She had quite the figure-that was for sure. “Have we met before?”

  “Oh, we may have run into each other a time or two, but it was nothing formal.” She was quite casual about it. “Regardless, I have always been a fan of yours, Mr. Fields.”

  “Oh have you?” Mitchell took a quick sip of his drink. He set the glass on the bar. “And please, call me Mitchell.”

  “Well of course… Mitchell.” His name rolled so smoothly off of those beautiful red lips. Mitchell could barely contain himself.

  “So are you a model yourself?” The girl laughed.

  “Not hardly.” She took a step closer to him. Mitchell shook his head solemnly.

  “Such a shame. A beautiful girl like you? You could be any modeling agent’s dream.” The girl laughed once more. It was delicate, musical. Mitchell could not believe his level of interest in this incredible woman whom he had just met.

  “Well, you are quite the flatterer.” She shook her long blonde hair. Mitchell picked up the faint aroma of shampoo and expensive perfume.

  “I’ve been in this business for a few years.” Mitchell sipped his drink once more. “I’ve got an eye for beautiful women.”

  “I’m certain that you do.” The girl’s bright red lips formed a coy smile. “Men like you are brilliant.”

  “Well, I’m not the only one who is good with flattery.”

  “I can’t help myself.” She took a step closer to him. “There’s just something about a man in power that has always… turned me on.”

  Mitchell smiled. So she was certainly interested. That was a good thing. He wanted to see what was under that skimpy little dress that she was wearing.

  “It’s certainly a shame that you never went into modeling.” Mitchell took his
own step closer to her. “The runway would have loved you.”

  “Thank you.” His mystery woman took another step closer. It made the scent of her intoxicating perfume stronger. When he moved his arm to rest on the bar, he brushed against her breasts. She did not pull away. In fact, she looked even more interested.

  “What can I tell you?” Mitchell pressed his arm more firmly against her breast. “I know a body the camera would love.”

  He watched her press her tongue against her front teeth. He found it incredibly sexy. He moved his arm slightly so that he could stroke his fingers against the side of her breast.

  “Actually,” he murmured, “I know a body that anyone would love.”

  “Oh, I know that you do.” The woman let her hand fall to rest on his upper arm. “I know all about your talent, Mr. Fields. There’s no one that I’d… trust… more.”

  Mitchell shook his head. He met his share of beautiful women at these events, and he had many of them play up to him, but this one seemed to have a particular determination. He did not really understand it—or why she was not offering her name. But he was not about to turn her down.

  “If you ever do want to get into the business,” he met her eyes, “you just let me know. I’ll make sure to find you the right connections.”

  The woman laughed flirtatiously. It was a beautiful sound, and the action made her brilliant green eyes light up. She was playing this game like a champion—and she was clearly in it to win it.

  “Well, maybe if you were really interested, I could find some time to give you a private performance.”

  Ah, there it was. It was exactly as he had thought. He felt the immediate stirrings of arousal. He was certainly not going to turn this one down.

  “Why don’t we do just that?”

  Author Bio

  Hazel Parker is known for her contemporary romance writing and loves her bad boys. From bikers, rugged mountain men, and all sorts of sexy alphas, Hazel will have you turning the pages for more.


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