Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5 Page 66

by Holly Hood

  The weather was something awful, something I would have stayed away from. I thought for just a second about running. I stopped walking; teetering on the idea of calling Karsen and making her come get me. Odds were she wasn’t even at home yet.

  Thunder rumbled and seconds later a wicked streak of lighting lit up the boardwalk. I gasped.

  “What, no nice to see you?” Hutch said.

  There he stood before me, large and overpowering. He stared down at me, the expression on his face proved he wasn’t there for small talk.

  I moved back. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you,” he said. “I feel we left things unfinished.”

  I moved away from him planning an escape. “There is nothing left to say.”

  Hutch disappeared into the dark of the storm, and reappeared at every tiny flicker of lighting. He was closer, and not backing off. He went for my wrist; I pulled away and planned my attack.

  He crushed my wrist, aiming my hand towards the ground. “Don’t even try using your magic on me.” He gritted his teeth, brushing against my cheek, the rain fell faster.

  He pushed me forward. “You know where I live, get moving.”

  I struggled to break away from his hold on me. A sick shock of energy sucked me backwards into his arms. “Don’t tell me you’re not curious about what happened to the mayor.”

  I fought against every step we made down the boardwalk. “I don’t understand why you won’t leave me alone.”

  Hutch pushed me again to keep me moving. “You could have understood, doll. But like everyone else you wanted to give up on me before you knew the real me.”

  I stumbled across the boardwalk falling to the ground. Hutch lifted me up, keeping hold of my arm. “But now you get to know the real me, the callous uncaring arrogant son of a bitch that is me.”

  My knee throbbed. He shoved me toward the sand. “If this was you all along, why did you act like you wanted to help me?”

  He shoved me to the porch steps of his house. I hurried up the stairs not wanting to face anymore of his aggression if I didn’t have to.

  “Like everyone else I was a fool to believe you might have been good for me.”

  I didn’t understand his logic. If he was into me he had a funny way of showing it. It wasn’t a turn on. It bordered on psychotic.

  I wasn’t surprised to see K. I took a seat and watched Hutch locked the door. He sat down beside me, making sure I wasn’t going to try and take off.

  “As soon as you entered this house you lost your ability to communicate with Slade. So try all you want, I’ve taken care of that problem,” Hutch informed me.

  “You did a spell?” I asked him. I regretted being so nosy.

  “No, he ran after your little boyfriend and killed him.” K said with a smirk.

  Hutch wasn’t amused. He glanced in K’s direction returning to me. “Like I said, he’s an ass most days.”

  I didn’t say anything. I didn’t care anymore what Hutch thought of K. And I didn’t care what K thought about anything.

  “I know you didn’t kill Slade. It wouldn’t be that easy,” I informed him.

  “More like what’s the point, doll,” Hutch said. “I didn’t bring you here to talk about your attempt at a love life.”

  K settled into the loveseat, enjoying the show. “One you were oh so ready to dive right into yourself.” He looked around the house at the bare walls and big screen nestled in the corner. “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…

  Hutch gave a pained expression to have to hear anything K said. It was a little odd if you asked me. “Yeah yeah, I know how you feel about love.”

  That didn’t stop K from going on. “I hate it. I despise it. I’d rather have hot pokers shoved through my eyes for an eternity than be in love.”

  “That sounds pathetic if you ask me.” I told him. “There is no point to life if you don’t find someone to share it with.”

  K laughed my comment off. “Been there done that. I got the t-shirt, and if I was able to I would have choked her to death with it.”

  Hutch smirked. I felt sorry for whoever this girl was that pissed him off.

  “It wouldn’t have anything to do with this cheery disposition you always are in would it, K?” Hutch said standing up.

  K’s mood faded and he switched to business mode. “Let’s get this over with. I’m growing rather tired of California.”

  I wondered what they would do to me. I held it together as best as I could and waited for one of them to speak.

  “You remember the festival, every year Cherry has one. All the rich people get dressed up and pick someone to honor for one thing or another,” Hutch shrugged.

  “I’m sure its cheer or how discreetly they are off stabbing each other in the back,” K said with an amused smile on his face.

  “I want you to attend.” Hutch said. “Wear something nice.”

  I was confused, I raised an eyebrow. “Why did you drag me here?”

  Hutch brought up a finger. “Oh yeah. Somehow you’re going to have to break it to Slade that you already have a date.”

  I bit down on my lip. “That’s just stupid.”

  K chuckled. “I think she’s saying she doesn’t want to be your date to prom.”

  Hutch grabbed me by the chin, squeezing my jaw. “This isn’t a game. And if you want to test me you’ll be sorry.”

  K stood. “This is where I come in.”

  My eyes followed K across the room. He peered out the window and turned to face us. “Hutch would like me to inform you that I am the type of supernatural that you don’t want to mess with.”

  Hutch sighed, standing up. “I am this close to losing it. Could we maybe lose the comedy and be a little more serious. Do I look like I am joking to you?”

  K wiped the smirk from his face. His dark eyes grew irritated. “Do as he asks and I won’t have to take away everything you hold near and dear to your heart.”

  “What is it you’re asking?”

  “I am asking you to cut all ties with Slade. And if anyone tries to get involved than K will do what has been asked and wipe out each and every one of your loved ones,” Hutch said.

  Chapter 32

  I tossed and turned in my bed unable to fall asleep. I couldn’t get Hutch’s bizarre request out of my head. And now there I sat at Nona’s instead of Slade’s.

  As if by some miracle the phone rang. I searched for my cell phone on the nightstand checking the display. It was him.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “You never came back,” he said right away.

  I sat up, not sure what to even say. “I was going to.”

  Silence from his end. He wasn’t about to help me along with my lie.

  I smoothed my hair snapping on the lamp. “I wanted to.”

  “So why didn’t you?” he cleared his throat. “Everything alright with Karsen?”

  “Everything is fine. We had a good talk.”

  “Did she forbid you from seeing me?” he teased.

  I sighed.

  “That wasn’t the response I was looking for. What is wrong with you?”

  I couldn’t stand it anymore. “Come to Nona’s. I need to talk to you.”

  “Already on my way,” Slade said.

  I jumped up, searching the room for my shorts. “Are you?”

  “Do you think I am going to sit here and listen to you lie to me?”

  “I’m not trying to lie to you, I just don’t know what to say or do.” I told him.

  “Come outside,” Slade said.


  “I prefer to be lied to my face,” Slade said watching me head down the stairs. I grabbed hold of his black t-shirt. He turned his black baseball cap and pecked me on the cheek.

  “I’m not trying to lie to you,” I took a seat.

  He took the spot next to me. “So than explain what it is you’re doing.”

  I gripped my knees in angst. “Promise me that you won’t do
anything bad.”

  Slade sat up straighter, running a hand down the back of his neck. “Just say it.”

  I shook my head. “Promise.”

  “Promises don’t mean shit,” Slade said. “Just tell me.”

  I took his hand. “On the way back I ran into Hutch.” Slade’s grip tightened.

  “And you didn’t tell me this sooner?”

  I made a face. “Can I tell you now?” I didn’t need a lecture, what did the timing matter? I was telling him.

  “Hutch made several threats,” I said. Slade released his grip, snagging his hand back, instead of getting up he drop his head, resting his elbows against his legs.

  I touched his back, the quick rise and fall told me he was angry. He gripped the back of his neck. “Go on.”

  “Hutch wants me to be his date to the festival,” I said.

  Slade let out a dry laugh. “Well that’s not going to happen.”

  “What if I told you he said if I didn’t he would hurt my family and everyone I cared about?” I jumped. “Slade sit down.”

  “Why should I sit down?” He rested his fist on the top of his head staring at me. “This guy wants to keep on pushing me. Now he thinks he has the right to tell you what you need to do.”

  “This is why I didn’t want to say anything,” I told him. He reacted the exact way I didn’t want him to. I didn’t need him running after Hutch and beating him senseless. It wasn’t going to solve anything.

  “Fine.” He sat back down. “What is your idea?”

  “We play his game, we all have one thing in common, all of us are capable of things normal humans only wished they could do. Isn’t there some way to stop him from doing anything?” I asked.

  Slade pulled off his hat; he ran a hand through his hair. “What I am going to do to him won’t take spells or magic. I’m going to kill him with my bare hands.”

  “Slade,” I warned.

  He sighed. “I know, I know.”

  I wiped at my eyes. I was an idiot. Slade wrapped his arm around me. “What is all this?” he asked referring to my tears.

  “It never ends,” I said. “I thought things would be okay.”

  “He thinks he has the upper hand. He knows you care about your dad so you’ll do whatever it takes to protect him. What a great guy, he has to blackmail girls to get them to want to be with him,” Slade laughed in disbelief.

  “But what can we do?” I asked. The porch light came on ending our conversation.

  Slade stood up. “Mr. Zigler.”

  Dad stumbled outside. “Now someone is blackmailing my daughter because of you?”

  I jumped up. “This has nothing to do with Slade.” I couldn’t believe he was drunk and attacking my boyfriend yet again.

  “Hope, what did I tell you?” Dad asked. He waited for my response; I didn’t know what it was he wanted me to say. He told me a lot of things, all of which I ignored.

  “Dad will you go inside?” I asked, begging him not to embarrass me.

  He grabbed a hold of the railing to steady himself. “This boy is a loser. And I don’t want my daughter like this.”

  I shook my head, desperate to make him stop talking. “Dad, go inside.”

  Dad grabbed me by the arm. “We both need to go inside.” He tried pulling me toward the house.

  Slade stopped him grabbing him by the arm. “Take your hands off of her. You’re drunk and need to go to bed.”

  Dad dropped his head back, staring Slade down. “Do you know that if a witch kills her maker she no longer suffers at the hands of her maker anymore?”

  Slade let Dad go. “It doesn’t work that way, sir.”

  Dad shook his head refusing to believe anything Slade said. “Of course you would say that.”

  “Do you know how much she loves you?” Slade said. “This girl would die to see you happy.” His voice grew louder every time Dad blew him off instead of listening.

  I crossed my arms. I said the same to Dad many times when he was drunk and losing grip, it never worked. He didn’t understand what I went through for him.

  Dad dropped down on the steps. He straightened himself out. “Would you die for her, Slade?”

  “Dad,” I warned.

  “I would do anything for my daughter. This is my little girl. Do you think I want to see her this way?” Dad asked Slade.

  “I’m this way because of Tucker and his father. I didn’t want to tell you what happened to me because I didn’t want to hurt you. But all you do is hurt me, over and over again. So why do I hold back?” I wiped my eyes.

  Slade stepped between my Dad and I. He grabbed me by the arms. “Stop. I know what you’re about to do and you don’t want to do it.”

  I tried to move, I wanted to look at him. “Why not? He doesn’t care about me or my happiness.”

  Slade squeezed me even tighter. “Hope, I promise you telling your dad what he did is not going to fix any of this. Don’t do it.” Slade’s eyes lit up, he pleaded with me to keep quiet.

  “The reason I am in the situation I am in is because of you,” I yelled. Slade pushed me toward the driveway. I moved running around the car before he could make me stop. “If you didn’t drink all the time none of this would have happened.”

  Dad stared at me in confusion.

  Slade rounded Nona’s car trying to get a hold of me. I stared at the car door sending it open. Slade almost ran into it, he shoved it out of his way and started after me again. “Hope, don’t say anything.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” I told him. “You don’t know how he is. I do.”

  Slade shook his head. “I know exactly how he is. My mother was the same way. Please, I promise you if you do this you will regret it.”

  I regretted everything. And most of my regrets were because of my parents. Maybe it was time for my dad to have some regrets of his own. Maybe knowing he killed the mayor’s wife would be enough to snap him out of his drinking.

  “You were with the mayor’s wife the night she died. And if it wasn’t for me being what you hate so much you would relive that moment every day of your life. So please,” I came closer. “Tell me you hate what I am now.”

  Dad didn’t say a word. He stood, looking less drunk and way more sober.

  “Yes, I know about the affair,” I told him. Slade grabbed a hold of me.

  “Enough, you said what you wanted to say, just leave him alone,” he snapped, lifting me off the ground and carrying me away from the house and my mess.

  “Why are you doing this?” Dad said.

  I closed my eyes, and before I opened them Dad was sobbing. He dropped to his knees.

  “Because I can only take so much,” I said. I knew what I did was wrong; it wasn’t anything I ever wanted to put him through. But he wouldn’t let go, he wouldn’t let me live.

  Slade released his grip on my arm once he knew I wasn’t putting up a fight about following him back to Henry Park.

  “It wasn’t the right thing to do,” he told me. “Did it make you feel good?”

  “I don’t need a lecture. No, I don’t feel good. But I’m tired of him treating you and me like the bad guys when we aren’t. And now there is nothing that Hutch can use against me because I lifted the spell on Dad,” I told Slade.

  Slade opened the door to his RV. “So you’re telling me you’re okay with your dad knowing he was responsible for the mayor’s wife’s death, even though she wouldn’t be dead if it wasn’t for Hutch. You’re okay with that?”

  I pulled at my hair. “I don’t know what I am okay with.” Was I supposed to be okay with some guy infatuated with me keeping me from the guy I wanted to be with? Was I supposed to let the Mayor blackmail me? Did I sit back and allow my dad to think I ruined my life?

  I didn’t know what was right.

  “The only thing I know for certain is that I want to be with you,” I told him. I sighed, staring at the floor in defeat. “That’s the only thing that feels right. That is the only thing that is not complicated.” />
  I wrapped my arms around Slade, burying my head into his chest.

  “Let’s go to sleep,” Slade said.

  “Why?” I said, sobbing into his chest like a crazy person. “I ruined my dad’s life.”

  “Because ruining people’s lives is hard work. You got to be tired,” Slade said.

  I followed him down the hallway, glad at least one of us could be rational during times of chaos.

  Slade pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground. He unzipped his pants slipping under the covers. I shook off my shorts and crawled into bed. I rested my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart.

  He traced his fingers through my hair, until I fell asleep.

  Chapter 33

  After the tenth phone call I pulled myself out of Slade’s arm and drug myself out of bed to my phone on the floor in my short’s pocket. It was Nona.

  Slade stretched and sat up. “Was it your dad?”

  I shook my head. “Nona. Even worse.”

  I collected my things, and threw on my clothes so I could head home to face whatever it was I was about to face. I didn’t know if Nona spent all night dealing with Dad. Or if she even knew about what happened.

  I rubbed my arm in angst. “How could I have been so stupid?”

  Slade was already dressed and standing beside me. “People do stupid things when they’re angry. I’m sure he is fine.” He bit down on his lip.

  I studied his expression. “Yeah, when they’re drunk too.”

  His lips parted as he tried to come up with something to say. “He probably went to bed.”

  I kissed his cheek. “I guess soon I will know. Did you want to come with me?”

  “I could… if you want me to,” he said slowly.

  I smirked. “I won’t be long. Stay near your phone in case I need backup.”


  I collected the newspaper and mail, straightened the rug and even thought about sweeping the sidewalk instead of going inside Nona’s house.


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