The Liedeck Revolution Book #2: Endgame

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The Liedeck Revolution Book #2: Endgame Page 69

by Jim Stark

  Netmail—like email, except with images and sound rather than, or in addition to, written words

  N-mail—(see Netmail)

  Net—short form for the SuperNet

  Netalert—an alert sent out over the Net

  Netbites—Like 20th-century “news bites” or “sound bites,” small audio-visual clips that can be found on the Net

  Netburn—burnout or fatigue (even disorientation and a form of antisocial autism, in extreme cases) caused by spending too much time on the Net; Netburn is considered a psychiatric disorder in serious cases

  Netcall—like a telephone call, but on the Net

  Netcast—a broadcast over the Net

  Netcolumn—like a column or opinion piece in a newspaper, but on the Net

  Netdiary—a diary kept on the Net

  Netevent—something significant that happens on the Net

  Netface—verb; to face someone on the Net (often short-formed “face"); used as a noun too, meaning the message itself

  Netfeed—digitized information flowing in to or out of an MIU or a Sniffer over the Net

  Netfile—a file on the Net

  Netfreak—a person who lives mostly on the Net, particularly referring to the “Happy Hookahs,” who virtually live in chatrooms (and smoke a lot of marijuana)

  Netgrope—derisive synonym for Netsex

  Netlink—a verb meaning to connect with a site or a person on the SuperNet, literally a synonym for “Netface” or “Netcall” when the other end of the transaction is a person

  Netnews—much like television news, but available in whole or synopsis at any time, on command, over the Net, using an MIU or a Sniffer

  Netsex—virtual sex; people enjoying auto-eroticism with one or more partners, done over the Net; often done gratis (between or among Evolutionaries), but also offered on a commercial basis by individuals, companies and Evolutionary clans

  Netshopping—to go shopping using the Net, either by searching for products or services by yourself or doing it with the help of a Net-based “clerk"

  Netshow—like a television show, but on the Net

  Netsite—the code for a person's address (or a company's, etc.) on the SuperNet

  Netsnooping—the undisclosed ability of the WDA to spy on anyone using microphones and video lenses of any MIU; can be done by the WDA via an MIU even when the unit is turned off (as long as it's still plugged in), but can't be done via a Sniffer unless the unit is actually turned on

  Netstation—a workstation made up of a chair, desk, and MIU with keyboard, camera, mikes, etc.

  Netstuff—work done on an MIU or information stored in an MIU

  Netters—people who work from their homes and do everything over the SuperNet (very common in 2033)

  Nettime—time spent on the Net

  Normal—spelled with a capital “N", this word designates a person who is not an Evolutionary, and who generally lives a capitalist lifestyle, meant to be mildly critical, like ‘square” or “not hip"

  on the warm—see “warm” (in person, as opposed to over the Net)

  phase 2—Victor Helliwell's redesign of the economics of Evolutionism so as to better combat capitalist competition and to optimally connect commercial realities with human needs, but also to fully ingrain Human Three Consciousness in the person who lives with his or her economic realities organized this way

  Pliesterine—a very light, very strong, stretchy material used (among other things) to make air-supported “bubble” buildings

  Productive Terminal—a term referring to the part of a clan where productive work takes place, often (but not always) in the main bubble or on Bubble Street

  RCMP—the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the equivalent of the FBI in America

  SST—short form for “Social Service Terminal"

  STD—sexually transmitted disease

  Sex-E virtual community—a Netbased, global group of three million Evolutionaries for whom sex had become the main point of life

  Sex-Een—a member of the Sex-E virtual community simLV—simulated LieDeck-verification simLV group—a group of people, virtually always Evolutionaries and Human Threes, who analyze and pick away at the stories of the parties in a dispute until the simLV group is sure they know who is lying (and why) without the aid of a LieDeck device sleepery—a dormitory, usually for 6 to 12 people, usually detached from the main bubble but connected to it by enclosed wooden “spokes” or walkways snail mail—a slang term for “hard mail"

  Sniffer—short for “SuperNet Interfacer,” a recently-introduced (2023) hand-held device that receives and sends data just like an MIU, except the screen is only 5 inches square, and visual images are monochrome (black-and-white) only; it is much more than just a videophone, as it connects, like a portable home phone, to an MIU, and can use the MIU's internal programs, commands, stored information or resources; a Sniffer only has a limited keyboard, and is usually used as an audio or AV communication, research or display device; video images sent by a Sniffer are ten per second max, which produces a slightly jerky picture at the receiving end, even if the receiver is an MIU

  Social Service Terminal—the new “phase 2” aspect that Helliwell adds to Evolution's economic structure, where half of a members’ on-going savings from income (formerly all of which became personal retirement savings) are used to better the human condition in the surrounding “Normal” community; these social services or facilities are provided free to the public, and monies are spent by SSTs according to the decisions of a users’ committee, on the sole condition that the use of such monies can be shown to improve the quality of life

  SoftE—the commercial Netsex operation associated with the Victor-E clan spoke—noun, enclosed wooden walkways that fan out from the main bubble of a clan to the various sleeperies and other facilities associated with a clan's life-base squashy—an electronic message in super-compressed-data form; a squashy takes very little time to transmit, but must be electronically reconstructed at the receiving end (decompressed), resulting in a slightly artificial quality of the sound and an inferior visual image

  SuperNet—the system that replaced the Internet; a worldwide, digital, visual/audio communication and information system, supplied free by the WDA to all world citizens to access by way of their personal MIUs or Sniffers tingle—a sexual feeling or experience, usually but not necessarily including orgasm transition—the process of getting from Human Two Consciousness to Human Three Consciousness transition guide (or CQ assistant)—someone who assists, over the Net, a client who is interested in not just analyzing or evaluating his or her consciousness quotient but also upgrading same (mostly clients who decide to move from Human Two to Human Three Consciousness)

  Upper America—the land mass from Panama to the North Pole

  Victor-E—the first-ever Evolutionary clan, formed in 2015 outside Shawville, Québec; named after Victor Helliwell; in 2033, Victor-E has 320 members

  Victor-Een—a member of the Victor-E clan warm (as in “on the warm")—face to face, in person, as opposed to “over the Net"

  warmlife—direct social intercourse, meeting or interacting with others “in person” (as opposed to “cyberlife,” which is on or over the Net)

  WDA—the World Democratic Authority, the military world government that took over the United Nations in 2014 (WDA also stands for the World Democratic Alliance, the outlaw international anti-communist organization which pre-dated the 2014 LieDeck Revolution and subsequently became the World Democratic Authority)

  wetware—as in software and hardware, wetware refers to the brain, or the processing ability of the brain (as the human body is made up largely of water)

  W.I.B.—the World Identity Bank (see below)

  World Democratic Alliance—(see WDA)

  World Democratic Authority—(see WDA)

  World Identity Bank—an enormous new digital facility built in California in 2033 by the WDA; it is a free service through which citizens can permanently archive their life stories
in digital form for the enjoyment and information of their descendants, forever into the future, with access determined by the person whose life story it is

  ZPG—zero population growth; a form of stasis, where fecundity is approximately equal to morbidity on the global stage

  * * *

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