The Town

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The Town Page 19

by Oliver Zettas

  Chapter 19: The Defense

  Max didn't sleep one second that night. He drew out all of the schemes for protection to keep the town safe. Max wanted to lure all of the Red Death to the front of the town wall, just as he had already done at Rich's barn. After the reached the town wall, ‘group B’ would be waiting behind the gate. They would have to make holes through the wall so guns could get through and they could shoot. At the top of the town wall they would place two turrets. These turrets could shoot up to ten bullets a second with ease. Mayor George told Max that they had two in storage. In front of the town wall they would plant all of the c-4 and explosives. Max would attempt to funnel as much Red Death as he could into that area and then blow them all up. Max, with a couple of other sharp shooters would locate the Red Death leaders. They would try to assassinate them as soon as possible so that the rest would be confused. ‘Group C’ would bring ammo, food, water, and would be in charge of all the lookout posts. Max figured that after the quick slaughter of a lot of the Red Death, they would start to retreat a little. Then Max would open the town gate and pretend they had won. He would walk out and celebrate, attempting to bait as many Red Death toward the entrance and use the rest of the explosives. 

  Max's mother walked down the stairs that morning, waking up early as she usually did. She saw Max awake and drawing furiously. "Max, what are you doing up so early?" Max looked at his mother, dazed and exhausted. "Max, have you slept at all?" He groaned and said, “I'm saving the town mom, and there's no time for rest."

  His mother went over to him and helped him back under the covers. Max protested, "I have to train the soldiers mom, they need me!" "You'll take a half day off Max, I'll wake you up at noon. And then I'll drive you over to the training fields." Max murmured something, and drifted off to sleep. Betty kissed Max's cheek and tucked him in as she used to when Max was just a small boy. She quietly tiptoed out of the room and very carefully closed the door. 

  Rock and the Mayor were up early that morning waiting for Max. "Where the hell is he? We’ve got four days till the Red Death show up, or maybe even sooner," Rock said bitterly to Mayor George. "He'll show up, let the boy get some rest. We both know Max would already be here if there wasn't a good explanation."

  Just as Mayor George said this Max's father approached the Mayor. "Max didn't get one minute of sleep last night, he's been up making plans and schemes for how to defeat the Red Death. His mother told me she would drop him off around noon." Rock and Mayor George thanked adult Max for the information, and he walked over to where ‘group C’ was standing.

  "Well it’s eight o' clock right now, let’s get all the groups together and start a little endurance training," Rock announced. The Mayor thought for a second and replied, “Good, just do a little bit of running and then some target practice. When he comes at noon we’re going to start setting up the defenses like he wanted." As Rock was about to start running all the groups he saw a large group of people walking towards them. "What is it now?" Rock mumbled under his breath. As the group got closer Rock realized they were all women! "We want to help fight too!" they explained. Mayor George ran over to Rock and shouted, “I knew this was going to happen, I just knew it!"

  There were about 500 women in the group, maybe even more. The Mayor addressed them right away, saying, “We don’t want any women to fight or die! We don’t even want you to see what is happening on the battlefield. These things are disgusting and vicious." One woman stepped out from the group and shouted back, “If we don't help, we'll die anyway! Our husbands and even our boys told us there's over twenty-five thousand of these so-called Red Death. You’re going to need all the help you can get!"

  Rock put his palm on his face, not wanting to hear or see what was happening. "Do any of you even know how to use a firearm?" he asked sarcastically. "We thought you would never ask!" they shouted in unison. Every woman drew out their pistols and pointed in the direction of a makeshift target at the town hall. Almost all of them hit the target, and some even hit exactly where they pointed. "Where the hell, did ya'll get those guns from anyway?" Mayor George asked in an alarmed tone.

  "Does it matter sir?" Max asked the Mayor, suddenly appearing right next to him. Mayor George turned as red as a tomato, his veins popping out of his arms. "Now you listen here boy! I'm letting you run the army, I'm allowing a twelve-year old to be in charge of our best soldiers, and now you’re telling me to let women in our army? With loaded weapons?" the Mayor panted, trying to regain his breath. Max smiled at the Mayor snickering, “Unfortunately, sir, I'm the best chance you’ve got, and I say yes, they stay and fight." The Mayor muttered a couple of swear words at Max and stormed away from the training fields. Max separated the women into what he now called ‘group D’ and every last one of them could use a gun.

  Rock pulled together groups A, B, and C, after they had been isolated for their morning training. Max called everyone to listen, saying, ‘The Red Death, as many of you already know, will be here in four days, hell maybe even sooner. We need to start making defenses now. Our objective in this battle will be to funnel as much Red Death as we can to the front of the town wall. There we will have c-4 and explosives buried in the ground. It will kill many of them, if we can execute our strategies correctly. I want ‘group C’ to be in the watchtowers scouting for the enemy. Also I want you to start making small holes in the town wall. Holes big enough for a gun to fit through. Lastly ‘group C,’ will be in charge of bringing all of the supplies to the soldiers. None of you will fight, but you will be a very important aspect in winning this battle. ‘Group B,’ you will be the main firepower of the groups. Most of you will be on the battlefield, your lives will be on the frontline if they break through somehow. We will keep them out at all costs. You'll kill as many as possible. If you have any concerns about being in ‘group B,’ ask to be switched now." Not one man said a word. "Good then,” Max continued, “Now ‘group A,’ you will be the assassins. Your main objective will be to kill every Red Death leader that they have. The leaders wear black, while the rest of them wear white. They'll be easy to spot out, but they won't go down easy. Lastly we will have three or four of the fastest men in ‘group A’ to bait the Red Death. You might not make it back alive." Clay stepped up with two other men and in unison they yelled, “We will do it sir!" Max nodded at them and they stepped back into their group. "OK, now we need to start reinforcing the wall and start setting up our posts."

  "What about us?” the women yelled to Max. "Oh, I almost forgot. You'll be the second line of defense. If ‘group B’ can't hold them off and they fall back, the women will come in for a surprise attack. Any questions?” No one said a word. “Well then, let’s get started!”

  Rock took ‘group C’ and started making small holes in The Town wall. He made sure every hole was big enough for a gun to fit through. ‘Group B’ practiced running to different spots on the training field, shooting when ordered and retreating when called back. ‘Group A’ practiced sniping and using the turrets to take out the Red Death. The women worked on following ‘group B,’ learning when to come up and help them fight. Max and the Mayor watched as the groups started to look like an army. The Mayor leaned over to Max, "The way they look now, I'd say we have a hell of a chance." "Well after today Mayor George, with three more days not counting tonight, I’d say we could win this thing."

  All the groups trained for the rest of the day, knowing they were working to protect their homes and families. When the day was over Mayor George called all of the groups over to the town hall for a brief wrap-up meeting. "Citizens of The Town! I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate what you're all accomplishing. We are the last hope for mankind. I am sorry for not telling any of you what was outside of the town. But if we can make it through this, I cannot be the one to lead our new civilization. I am now stepping down, and joining you in the fight. Max, is now your new Mayor and leader!"

  The groups clapped enthusiastically and hollered ch
eers and wishes. It was the highest honor in the town to become Mayor. "Sir, I don't know what to say," Max whispered to George. "Tell them your story, convince them as you first convinced me." Max knew he hadn’t told George everything, and he knew now was the time, not just for George, but for everyone.

  "Soldiers and citizens of the town, I know some of you haven't forgiven me for leaving, and killing an officer. I recently learned I'm not even from the town. My birth father just told me my real name was Maximus Secord. King Maximus Secord The Third." The groups stood in shock whispering to each other. "When I left the town, I left to find my purpose, and I did. I discovered I can’t die to the Red Death, and I promise you this: I will lead us all to victory, I will save as many as possible, and I will end the fear of being outside of the town!" The crowd started chanting. It was quiet at first, but eventually they were all in an uproar. “Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!" they shouted.

  The old Mayor stood up with Rock clapping. He handed Max the sacred key to the town wall and whispered in his ear, “You’re ready son, it is time to lead your people.


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