Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5) Page 16

by Jennifer Hanks

  If I’d known that’s what sex was really about, I would’ve never married my ex. I never knew it could feel like that, be that intense, that satisfying. Usually once Kurt was inside, it was only a few pumps before he’d orgasm and then finish me off after he pulled out. I never once orgasmed while he was inside of me.

  Luke lifted his head, his eyes focused on me when he felt what I had just realized.

  No condom.



  I’d never had sex without a condom. Never. And I was having a hard time forcing myself to be pissed that I had this time. My eyes ran over her face, looking for signs of regret, but I couldn’t see any. Surprise, yes, but not regret.

  “No condom.” She whispered.

  I leaned in and kissed her lips, unable to stop myself from tasting her again. “I’m clean, Kate. I’ve never had sex without a condom and I’m tested every six months.”

  She nodded and smiled. “I’ve only ever been with Kurt, so…”

  She trailed off, her skin flushing pink and she looked to the side. I pushed up, leaning my weight on my elbow so I could reach out and wrap my other hand around the side of her neck. “You only had sex with the man you married?”

  “Yeah.” She said quietly. “He was my first everything, actually. First date, kiss, sex, everything.”

  I tilted my head slightly. “No one since?”

  She shook her head. “I wasn’t really interested before.”

  I grinned, thrilled I was the one she was interested in and she continued. “I’m on the pill, so we don’t have to worry about that.”

  I felt my stomach sink and it only took a moment to realize I wouldn’t have minded if she’d gotten pregnant. I nodded and pushed up, turning to the adjoining bathroom, grabbing my boxers on the way and sliding them on. I found a cloth in the cabinet and ran it under the water, coming to terms with the fact that I wanted that with her, a family, a life. I turned off the faucet and dropped my head. Shit, I was falling in love with her and she was nowhere near ready for any of that.

  I shook off the sour feeling and went back to the bed. I was fucking exhausted, the adrenaline had worn off and I’d just had the best sex of my life, I was ready to crash. I made it to the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss her slowly, while I wiped slowly between her legs. She moaned when I lingered and I smiled, throwing the cloth back in the direction of the bathroom and coming over her, kissing her slowly. We kissed for a while before I moved to lie on my side, positioning her so she was on her side facing me.

  I lifted my hand and moved the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear, it felt like silk against my fingers. “Why tonight?”

  I gulped after I asked, but I couldn’t understand what changed, how Kate had gone from aloof at best, sometimes warming up to me, to jumping me, making it very clear she wanted more.

  She sighed and ran her finger over my pec, her eyes locked on her finger. “Bella told me you were here. She overheard you saying you’d found that guy and defended me. Then I saw your bruised knuckles and it was real, ya know.” She bit her lip and laid her palm along my chest to rest on my side. “Nobody has ever defended me.”

  I leaned my head down until she was forced to meet my eyes. “Are you telling me that kicking someone’s ass is what does it for you?”

  She must’ve heard the teasing in my tone because she smiled shyly. “That sounds awful, doesn’t it?”

  I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “No. It only forced you to face what I know has been brewing between us for weeks now.” I pulled her body up tight against mine and tucked her head beneath mine. “I don’t want to scare you, Kate, but I’m still going to tell you.” I ran my fingers through her hair and sighed. “I’m all in, baby. We can go as slow as you need to, but I’m not giving up on you.” I kissed the top of her head when I heard her breathing even out. “I’m never giving you up.”

  I pulled her in as close as I could, holding her tight until I felt sleep take me.

  I woke up and rolled over, reaching for Kate, but felt cold sheets beside me. Opening my eyes slowly, I looked to the side and wondered if the whole thing had been a fucking dream. I blinked and stared at the ceiling, threw the sheets off my legs, and sat up in the bed. My eyes widened when I saw who was standing in the partially opened door.

  “Andy?” I called out.

  He pushed the door the rest of the way open and smiled. “Hi, Luke.”

  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and he came to stand in front of me. He looked at my chest and then his eyes met mine. “Where’s your jammies?”

  I closed my eyes and ran my hand over my face before opening them and meeting Andy’s stare. “I don’t sleep in pajamas, kiddo.”

  He cocked his head. “You just sleep in your underoos?”

  I chuckled. I hadn’t heard underwear called underoos since I was a kid. “Yep, just in my underwear.”

  He pointed at my crotch. “But they’re boring. They don’t even have superhero’s or trains or anything on them.”

  My shoulders shook with laughter, so fucking entertained by this kid. He wrinkled his brow and then held up his finger. “I’ll be back.”

  “Andy,” I called out when he turned to leave the room. “How about I just meet you downstairs?”

  He nodded. “Okay.” He ran out of the room and I shook my head, still grinning. I made my way into the bathroom, found some toothpaste and used my finger as a toothbrush. Jesus, I hadn’t done that in a long time either. I pulled my jeans back on and threw my t-shirt over my head before heading out of the room and downstairs. I heard the sound of voices and followed them to the kitchen, coming face-to-face with Pike.

  He grinned down at his coffee cup when I made my way into the room. I walked straight to Kate, frowning when I saw the bruising on her cheekbone and under her eye and pulled her in to me for a sweet kiss before making my way to the coffee pot behind her. I poured a cup and added some milk before facing the room again and seeing Bella had moved over to stand next to Pike, who were both watching me with shitty smirks on their faces.

  I leaned back against the counter. “Morning.”

  “Morning.” Pike’s deep voice rang through the kitchen.

  “Andy!” I turned my head towards Kate and followed her eyes to the doorway of the kitchen. “Where are your pants?”

  Andy smiled wide. “I’m like Luke. He only had on his underoos.” He wrinkled his nose when he saw me. “Why do you have clothes on?”

  Pike choked on his last sip of coffee and laughed, Bella joining in, turning her face in to his chest, trying to smother the laughter. Kate glanced back at me, her face flushed with embarrassment. I took a deep breath. “Andy, I sleep in my underwear, but then when I wake up, I get dressed.”

  Andy pursed his lips, but then shrugged his shoulders. “Okay.” Then he glanced to his left and pointed. “Mom! Cookie has my pants!”

  Kate’s and my head snapped towards the dog standing to the side where sure enough he stood with Andy’s pants hanging out of his mouth. “Cookie.” She admonished.

  Andy reached out to grab them, but that seemed to encourage the puppy who took off running, Andy chasing him, laughing while calling out, “Cookie, give me my pants!”

  I looked across the room at Pike and we both started laughing at the same time, Kate looking mortified initially, but then shaking her head and joining in. “How is this my life?” She laughed harder.

  I slung my arm around her shoulders and tucked her in to my side, a feeling of completeness coming over me.

  I glanced at the clock on the microwave and saw it was almost nine. “Andy!” I called out. “Come on buddy, we have to get your stuff for the game today.”

  “I can’t get my pants back!” He yelled. “Cookie!”

  Kate shook her head but looked my way. “I’ll go get him ready. I brought all of his game things here, in case we didn’t have time to stop at home.” I watched her skin flush again when she realize
d what she’d said. She’d included me without even pausing to consider what she was doing. I was getting in there. Slowly, but I was making progress.

  I grinned and kissed her on the lips before tapping my hand across her ass and giving her a little push. She grinned back, but turned and left the room, calling out for Andy and Cookie.

  I took a long drink of my now cooler coffee and dropped the cup from my lips, meeting Pike’s stare, waiting for him to speak, knowing he had something to say. “Just say what you want to say.”

  He nodded and tightened his arm around Bella. “I’m guessing things are good.”

  “Things are great.” I grinned.

  “And she’s okay with what happened last night?” He asked.

  “With what she knows.”

  “You going to tell her all of it?”

  I nodded, taking another drink. “Eventually.”

  His face grew serious. “He’s already attached.”

  We both knew he was talking about Andy. I knew he was getting close to me, but Pike was right, his behavior this morning verified that. “I’m taking that seriously, man.”

  “Already knew that.” He smiled, but his eyes still told me he was speaking to me seriously. “You expecting any kickback from last night?”

  I shook my head and ran my hand over the back of my neck. “No.”

  Bella pulled away when we heard noises on the baby monitor sitting on the table. “I’m going to get Savannah up.”

  Pike bent down and kissed her softly before she turned from the room and made her way to the stairs. I grinned at Pike. “Nice place you got here.”

  “Thanks man.” He looked around the kitchen and smiled. “It needs some work, but it’s getting there.”

  I took another drink. “It looks pretty good to me.”

  I heard Kate yell for Cookie again and snickered, allowing it to turn in to a full-blown laugh when Pike chuckled. “That damn dog.” I set my cup in the sink and moved towards the doorway. “I better help her before she kills him.”

  Pike grinned, his eyes filled with intensity. “I’m happy for you, brother.”

  I gave him a chin lift before I walked from the kitchen, feeling like the luckiest man alive.



  I pushed my fingertips under the bottom of my sunglasses to rub my eyes and flinched. The bruises high on my cheekbone and under my eye were sore and a headache was starting to form behind that eye. The heat wasn’t helping. It was expected to reach a hundred degrees today and I had no doubt it would considering how hot it already felt. I looked out on to the field to see Luke talking with the players who had already arrived. It was still about ten minutes until the game was to start, but since Luke insisted we ride with him, I was sitting on the bleachers a little early.

  I still couldn’t believe I jumped him like that last night, but surprisingly I had zero regrets. The only problem I could see already was that it was like flashing a green light in front of Luke while he was driving a sports car. He was already proving that, considering he followed us home, stayed while I showered and changed, then loaded us all in his SUV to go to the game. I want to believe if I didn’t have a headache or a psycho after me, that I would’ve put up a fight, but even I don’t believe myself when I think that way.

  I tugged at my tank top, pulling the back down over my shorts just as Lanie scooted on to the bleacher beside me. I looked over, smiled, and tickled Braydon’s tummy who was perched on Lanie’s lap, as usual.

  “You okay?” She asked, her voice serious.

  I sighed. “You know?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, Cam told the boys.”

  My voice rose. “Everyone knows?”

  She patted my leg. “It’s for the best, honestly, Kate. Luke could get in a lot of trouble, so Cam thought it was best if his brothers were all aware in case he needs them.”

  “Needs them for what?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I know when they heard the story of what happened to you, they were pissed, especially Chris, from what I heard.”

  I tilted my head to the side. “Chris? Why?”

  She smiled sadly. “I wasn’t around when Chris and Lucy started dating, but from what I’ve learned from Jake, Lucy had someone stalking her and he attacked her twice before they could catch him.”

  “I didn’t know that.” I said quietly.

  “Yeah, it was pretty scary from what I hear, so Chris gets a little worked up when someone he knows goes through the same thing. I think it reminds him of that time with Lucy.”

  I nodded. “I can understand that.”

  “Lanie, darlin’, scoot down.”

  “Pappy!” Bray shouted, leaning over to jump on Jack’s lap when we all moved down the bleachers.

  “Anna with Kennedy again?” Lanie asked.

  “You know it.” He winked at Lanie. “She sure does love having new babies in the family.”

  I giggled when Lanie leaned over to me and whispered. “Subtle, huh?”

  Jack leaned out past Lanie, his face serious. “You doing okay, darlin’?”

  “I’m okay Jack.”

  His eyebrows raised. “Heard my boy took care of it?”

  I smiled softly. “He did.”

  He nodded, his eyes back on the field. “Alright then.”

  Lanie and I shared a smile before looking back towards the field. The game barely started when I heard shoes scuffling behind me, meaning Dimarco’s were finding their seats. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I turned to look behind me, meeting Cam’s eyes and Sydney’s sad smile beside him.

  Cam’s expression was serious. “You okay?”

  I nodded, but turned more fully towards Cam and leaned in. He leaned down when I lowered my voice. “Is he going to get in to trouble?”

  Cam smirked. “No, honey, he’s not.”

  I rolled my lips together and swallowed hard. “What if he presses charges? I mean, I don’t know the whole story, but…”

  Cam reached out and laid his hand on my shoulder. “I was there, Kate. He got the message. I don’t think we’ll be hearing from that guy again and I don’t think he’s stupid enough to get tangled up with the police.”

  My eyes flicked down when Gia and Brody, who was holding Lexi, moved in to sit next to Cam and Sydney. Brody gave me a chin lift, his eyes flicking over my face and I was glad I had my sunglasses on to hide the bruises. I focused on Cam again. “Is your family upset?”

  He shook his head in confusion. “Upset about what?”

  “That I got Luke involved in this.”

  He grinned. “No, Kate, no one’s upset with you. They’re pissed this guy got the jump on you, but that has nothing to do with you.” He leaned in close. “You did nothing wrong. You have to believe that.”

  “Okay.” I whispered and smiled when Lanie grabbed my hand, squeezing it in her own before releasing it and clapping for the player on our team who made it to first base.

  We sat through the rest of the game, cheering when able, but we were up against a tough team and in the end, we lost. I felt bad for the boys, but when I stood I saw they were smiling and giving high fives to each other and Jake and Luke. We made our way down the bleachers and stood at the bottom, waiting as we usually did for them to come over and talk. Andy skipped alongside Luke while they made their way towards us, looking happy to be sandwiched in between Jake and him, and something in me melted at the sight.

  I squatted down when he ran my way and hugged him tightly.

  “We lost.” He announced when he pulled back.

  I tapped the bill of his cap. “I know.” I frowned. “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged. “That’s okay. Luke says they were tough, so we just have to practice harder.”

  “Still a good game.” Cam said from beside me.

  I stood, feeling Luke step up to stand on my other side, wrapping his arm around my waist. Andy spun and faced Cam, who held out his fist, which Andy immediately bumped with his own.
Luke bent down and I felt his lips skim my ear, but he didn’t speak like I thought he would, he just ran his hand up and down my back.

  “Mom!” Andy yelled and I came out of my Luke-induced fog.


  “Can we have another sleepover with Luke tonight?” He asked excitedly.

  My jaw dropped when Luke’s shoulders shook with silent laughter beside me and I looked around seeing stupid grins on his brother’s faces. “Andy…”

  I paused, having no idea what to say, and actually breathed a sigh of relief when Luke answered, even though the answer wasn’t exactly the one I would’ve given. “We’ll talk about it at home, kiddo.”

  He shrugged. “Okay.”

  “Who wants ice cream?” Jack called out and the kids all yelled, while the adults only smiled.

  Andy, Bray, and Lexi all stepped up to walk with Jack, Lexi reaching up to grab Jack’s hand, making my heart clench when he looked down and smiled softly at her. Luke kept his arm around my waist and I was too tired to argue.

  Cam stepped in front of us, Brody coming to stand beside him. “Pike talked to Henry this morning and they decided you’re taking the weekend off, Kate.”

  I shook my head in confusion. “No, I can’t.”

  “You don’t have a choice sweetheart.” Brody said.

  Panic hit my chest. “Am I getting fired?”

  Cam shook his head. “No, Kate, you’re not fired, but they think it would be a good idea to let everything cool down.”

  I closed my eyes behind my sunglasses and dropped my head. Rubbing my hand along my forehead, I tried to ignore the pounding behind my eyes. My sunglasses moved and I jerked my head up to see them in Luke’s hand.

  Brody’s jaw got hard when he looked at me and Cam scowled. “Fuck, Kate, your face.”

  I looked at Brody. “It’s not that bad. I just have a headache.”

  “Let’s go.” Luke said forcefully. “I’m taking you home. Dad will bring Andy home after ice cream.”

  I shook my head. “No, I want to go. I never get to do that with him, so If I can’t go to work then I’m going for ice cream.”


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