Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5) Page 18

by Jennifer Hanks

  “That was stuff, baby. Everything you have is sitting with you.” I initially meant it to mean Andy, but after I said it, I knew I also meant it to include me.

  She nodded but was silent as she watched the fire burn her house almost entirely to the ground. We sat for some time before a woman approached and squatted down in front of Kate, introducing herself as a volunteer with the Red Cross. Kate only nodded.

  Her eyes flicked to me and I moved my hand from Kate’s thigh to wrap it around her shoulders. She smiled sadly but tried again. “Do you need somewhere to stay?”

  I shook my head. “No, she has a lot of friends who are more than willing to help but thank you.”

  She nodded and handed me her card, asking that I have Kate call if things change and I agreed. I saw the fire chief walking towards us and stood, intercepting him before he made it to Kate. He knew me, we’d gone to school together, and unfortunately, we’d met in front of homes burning more times than I cared to remember.

  I held out my hand, which he shook before sighing and looking back at her house. “What do we know?”

  He shook his head, watching his boys battle a blaze that they couldn’t even slow down. “This isn’t a standard house fire.”

  I already knew that. “What are you thinking?”

  He looked me in the eye. “Some type of accelerant had to have been used.”

  I widened my eyes. “Arson?”

  He nodded. “If I had to guess.” His eyes flicked to the fire and then back to me. “Rumor is she’s pretty new in town.”

  I shifted my gaze back to him. “Yeah, only been here a few months.”

  “She made any enemies?”

  I moved my gaze to the side and thought of Tonya. She’s crazy, but is she fire-starting crazy? My teeth clenched tight when I thought of the douche I’d been dealing with, but again, was he crazy enough to light a fire? “I don’t know. Have the Fire Marshall call me as soon as he knows anything.”

  He slapped his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “You got it Luke. Sorry, man, I heard she’s yours.”

  I nodded. “Thanks Matt.”

  I glanced back at Kate and saw she was still a zombie, just sitting and staring at the blaze. I pulled my cell from my back pocket and hit a button.

  “Just heard, I’m on my way.”

  I closed my eyes, at the sound of my brother’s voice and ran my hand through my hair. “How’d you hear?”

  “Dispatch called. Thought you could use me.” Cam responded. “How is she? I talked to Ferguson who said no one was home, including the dog when it happened.”

  “She’s a fucking mess, brother. She hasn’t said much, just sitting on the curb watching it burn.”

  “Get her out of there.” Cam said. “I’ll be there in ten minutes and deal with everything. I’ll call you when I know more.”

  “Thanks man.” I put my hand on my hip and looked to the ground. “Talked to Matt. He thinks it was arson, that some type of accelerant was used judging by how quickly it went up.”

  “Fuck.” Cam cursed. “What are you thinking?”

  “He asked if she made any enemies. Only two people I know of in this town who she’s pissed off, but brother how fucking crazy do you have to be to burn down a house over that shit?”

  He breathed deeply. “If I’ve learned anything from my time undercover, it’s that you never know who the fuck you’re dealing with until they show their cards. Sometimes even the most normal person can fool you.”

  I turned to face Kate who had not moved. Not one single movement since I showed. “Fire though?”

  “I know the first, who’s the second?” Cam asked.


  He grunted. “I’ll have the boys pick up Tonya and bring her in, Aries too. Just get Kate somewhere safe. There’s nothing more we can do, not tonight anyway.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “You taking her to your place?” I heard the teasing in his tone.

  “What the fuck do you think?”

  I shook my head when he chuckled. “I’m five minutes out, brother, go home.”

  I said good-bye and shoved my phone back in my pocket, heading back to Kate and squatted down in front of her.

  I ran my finger down her cheek, causing her eyes to meet mine. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “I need to find a hotel that takes dogs.” She whispered.

  “Not tonight. You can stay with me.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, pulling her close, careful of Andy tucked between us. “Let me take care of you tonight, Kate. If only for tonight.” I laid my forehead against hers. “Please baby.”

  It took a minute, but when she finally whispered, “okay,” I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

  I stood and leaned over, pulling Andy from her lap and swinging him up against me, feeling a warmth rush through my body when he buried his face in to my neck and sighed. I held my hand down until she reached up and grabbed it and I steered her towards her car, opening it to let Cookie jump out. I turned the key on that was still hanging in the ignition and put up the window, yanking it back out and shoving the keys in my pocket before pressing the lock button on the door handle and shutting the door. Kate didn’t say a word while I led her to my SUV, settling Andy in the seat I had in the back just for him and buckling him in tightly. Moving around to the other side, I opened the door for Cookie who jumped in, laying as close to Andy as the seat would allow before helping Kate in to her seat. I drove us in silence back to my house, concerned that Kate seemed to be operating in a fog, not even sure she knew what was going on around her, but I couldn’t even imagine what it felt like to lose every possession you owned, so I only hoped by tomorrow I’d be able to get her to talk.

  We pulled into my driveway and I jumped down, gently lifting Andy from the back seat and motioning for Cookie to jump out as well before making my way around the truck and opening the door for Kate. I grabbed her hand and pulled her until she stepped down and followed behind me up the driveway and into the house. Dropping Kate’s hand, I carried Andy directly to the spare room, laying him on the bed, pulling his sneakers off and throwing them into the corner of the room before pulling the blankets up and over him. I motioned for Cookie to jump on the bed, which he did, and I backed out of the room, closing the door softly behind me.

  Walking back down the short hallway, I saw Kate was in the same place I’d left her, standing in front of the door, her eyes on nothing. I moved to her quickly, grabbed her hand and pulled her back to my bedroom. Yanking back the blankets, I laid her down on the bed, the same as I had Andy and took off her shoes before throwing the covers over her. I walked back through the house, making sure everything was locked up and the alarm was set before going back to the bedroom and kicking off my shoes. I laid down behind Kate who was now on her side facing the wall and wrapped my arm around her middle, pulling her back against me.

  “I don’t know what to do. We came here for a fresh start, to build a new life, just me and Andy.” She whispered into the silent room. “What do I do now Luke?” Her voice hitched and I rolled her over, pressing her face into my chest, wrapping her in my arms.

  “You let me take care of you.” I whispered, squeezing her tighter when I heard her take in a shaky breath.

  I knew she was crying so I held her tighter, happy she was getting it out, but at the same time my heart breaking for her. I held her until her body settled and her breathing evened out and only then did I let myself find sleep.

  I slept deeply knowing when I woke, I’d never want to sleep without her again.



  I woke disoriented and sat up slowly. Looking down I saw I was still in my shorts and t-shirt from last night and flashbacks of my little house burning began a slideshow in my mind. Everything was gone. I knew that without anyone telling me. I’d watched it all burn.

  I took a deep breath and looked to the other side of the bed, which was now empty, but I remember vividly Luke lying with me and rubbing my back while I cried. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and moved to the door, pulling it open to hear giggling to my left. I decided to go to the bathroom first, which I easily found as there were only two other doors in the hallway and one held a bed. I grabbed the toothpaste and used my finger to brush my teeth before using soap from the shower to wash my face.

  When I felt somewhat human, regardless of the pale image of myself in the mirror, and the ugly fading bruise under my eye, I made my way back down the hall, following the sound of Andy’s laughter. At the mouth of the hallway, the room opened to one large living area, with a small kitchen to the right and a living room to the left. I saw Andy playing with Bray and Cookie in the living room before I let my gaze travel to the kitchen.

  “Oh my goodness, Kate.” Lanie jumped off the stool where she’d been sitting and made her way to me, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me close. I returned her hug and closed my eyes before pulling back. “Are you okay? What can we do?”

  I smiled softly. “I’m fine.”

  Jake came to stand beside Lanie before pulling me in for a hug and for the first time since I met Jake, he wasn’t smiling or teasing. He looked sullen. He pulled back and put his hands on my shoulders. “Whatever you need, Kate, just call. I mean that.”

  I nodded and swallowed hard, biting back the tears threatening. I felt Luke come to stand beside me before he lifted my hand and put a cup of coffee in it. He leaned down and ran his lips over my temple. “Drink, baby.”

  I nodded, smiling when Andy noticed me and came running over, throwing his arms around my legs. “It’s neat we got to have a sleepover at Luke’s, Mom.”

  He didn’t know. He’d slept through all of it and I had no idea how I was supposed to tell him, so I nodded and kissed his forehead. “Are you having fun playing with Bray?”

  His head bobbed up and down excitedly before he skipped back over to where Bray sat with a huge pile of trucks and cars. It looked like the boys were building bridges out of Legos.

  I looked at the microwave clock and saw I’d slept most of the morning. “I have to go.” I took a long drink of too hot coffee, cringing when it burned the roof of my mouth and moved further in to the kitchen.

  “Whoa,” Luke wrapped his arm around my waist holding me in place. “Go where?”

  I blinked slowly. “I have a lot to do.”

  Luke sighed. “First come and sit, drink your coffee without burning your entire mouth and we’ll get everything sorted out. Okay?”

  I nodded and walked to sit at the island, Lanie moving in to sit beside me. The doorbell rang and Cookie barked running around excitedly while Luke made his way to the door. The next thing I knew I was being lifted from my seat and engulfed in one of the biggest hugs I’ve ever felt in my life.

  I tilted my head back and saw Jack’s eyes staring down at me. “How are you darlin’?”

  I felt tears hit my eyes, but I swallowed them down. “Alright.”

  Anna shoved him aside and gave me a hug that challenged Jack’s, before pushing back and holding my hands in hers. “What do you need?”

  I stared at her for a moment and glanced over her shoulder at Andy who was happily pushing a car along a Lego road. I moved my gaze back to Anna’s and shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  She smiled. “Then let us help you.”

  I nodded because I had no idea where to start and I was tired, exhausted really. I felt like my body would collapse if I didn’t hold on to something so I backed up and leaned against the stool I’d just been sitting in. “I have to tell Andy.”

  Jack tilted his head and leaned in. “He doesn’t know?”

  “He was sleeping, Pop.” Luke said from behind me.

  Anna grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Then let’s do that. This house is going to be filled with family and police pretty soon and you don’t want him to overhear it.”

  I agreed with that so I let her lead me to the couch, where she sat down beside me, keeping her hand tightly locked around mine. I looked at Andy who was playing happily and then my eyes found Luke, who’s expression was worried and focused entirely on me. He must’ve read something in my expression that I wasn’t able to say because he grabbed both of our cups of coffee and made his way to the couch, settling in beside me and handing me my cup. I took a long sip before wrapping my hand around the hot mug and holding it close to my body, the warmth comforting.

  “Andy.” Luke’s low voice made me jump, but he laid his hand on my leg and squeezed. “Come here kiddo.”

  Andy’s head popped up and he stood, his expression cautious as he made his way to us. I heard Jake call for Bray and saw movement out of the corner of my eye when he popped up and made his way to him, but my eyes stayed focused on Andy. I let go of Anna’s hand when he was near and put his in mine, squeezing.

  He bit his lip. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Luke grinned. “No, buddy, you did nothing wrong. Your mom and I have something we need to talk to you about that’s all.”

  “Andy.” I called out to him and his attention flipped from Luke to me. “Do you know how last night, we went to see Bella and you fell asleep when we were driving home because it was late?” He nodded so I continued. “Well, when we got home,” I paused and took a minute to find my words. “there was a fire at our house.”

  His eyes widened. “Did firemen come?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Did they put the fire out?”

  I swallowed hard. “They did the best they could Andy, but the fire was too strong.”

  He cocked his head. “How can fire be strong?”

  I closed my eyes and pulled my hand from Andy’s to rub along my forehead, trying to soothe the brewing headache.

  I heard Luke’s voice and sighed in relief. “What your mom means, is the firemen weren’t able to stop the fire.”

  “Is my stuff gone?”

  I held in the sob but couldn’t stop the tears flooding my eyes. I waited for Luke to answer and said a silent thank you when he did. “Yeah.”

  Andy smiled softly and moved to climb on my lap, laying his head against my chest. “I’m glad we had Cookie with us.”

  I laid my forehead against the top of his head and smiled a little. “Me too, honey.”

  “Mom?” I lifted my head when he turned to face me and cleared my throat. “Will we have to move again?”

  I sniffed. “Yeah.”

  He looked down, pulling my hand in to his and playing with my fingers. “But I like it here. I have friends here.”

  I sniffed and put my finger under his chin, lifting until our faces were close. “We’re not leaving this town, honey, we’re just going to find a new house.”

  He smiled, relief evident on his face so I continued. “I’m sorry about all your stuff.”

  He shrugged. “That’s okay. I have Cookie and you and my friends.”

  I rolled my lips together, so proud of the kid I was raising for knowing what was important. “You do.”

  He smiled wide. “And I have Luke. Right Luke?”

  The smile fell from my face, but Luke reached over and rubbed his hand along his head, making him laugh. “You sure do, kiddo.”

  “Maybe we can just live with Luke forever.” He said, his face full of innocence.

  “How about we talk about it later?” I said quietly.

  He nodded. “Can I go play Mom?” he asked, and I pasted a smile on my face.

  “Sure, honey, go play.” I just finished saying when the doorbell rang and Luke moved from the couch. Anna laid her hand on my arm and squeezed, but I stared straight ahead, my energy depleted from nothing more than a conversation.

  I stood suddenly but glanced back at Anna. “I’ll be back.”

  She reached her hand up to squeeze mine. “Are you okay honey?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I just need a minute.”
/>   She dropped her hand. “Of course, take your time. I’ll keep everyone out of your hair.”

  “Thanks Anna.”

  She only nodded as I moved away, not looking at the officers standing in the doorway talking with Luke, not meeting Lanie’s eyes even though I felt them following me as I moved from the room. I went in to Luke’s spare room where Andy had slept last night and sat on the bed, pulling the pillow to my lap and pushing my face in to it.

  And this time I didn’t swallow back the tears when they came.



  I looked back to the room and saw Mom was still sitting on the couch, but now Lanie was beside her, not Kate. I made my way to them, glanced at Andy, so fucking proud of the way he was handling the news, and focused on Mom. “Where’s Kate?”

  Mom’s head lifted and she smiled sadly. “She said she needed a minute to herself.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that. I walked quickly to my room and frowned when it was empty. Checking the bathroom, I saw the same, so I moved down the hall to the last room and found her sitting on the bed, staring off, her eyes rimmed in red.

  I moved quietly towards her until I was standing in front of her and squatted down. I pushed her hair back from her face. “Talk to me.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  “I had nothing Luke.” She whispered. “When he left us, he left us in so much debt, I had to sell everything and start over.” Her eyes filled with tears and I wiped one away with my thumb when it escaped. “I worked so hard and now I have to start all over again.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t want Andy to lose more than he has already.”

  I slid on to the bed beside her and put my arms around her, holding her close until she relaxed. “Andy’s not going to lose anything more, Kate.” I laid my cheek against her head. “There’s a houseful of people out there who only want to give to him and you, if you trust them to do that, but Kate, you need to trust them and more importantly, you need to trust me.”


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