Blood Brothers (Rocky Mountain Shifters)

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Blood Brothers (Rocky Mountain Shifters) Page 6

by Arden, Susan

  Fin jumped in. “Shifters, when bonded, communicate telepathically to some extent as well.”

  Tristen sipped his glass of wine, peering over at Santo. His profile was the picture of serenity. Fin wasn’t fooled. Fire blazed behind those eyes, thinly veiled. A rim of red had formed around his irises. His military cut bristled over his scalp. “So you meld into the background against the human race while engaging in some form of mind-blowing sex. Do you have a preference between genders? Or species? Or do you just do it all? ’Cause sugar, you stick out like a pale sore thumb. Your saccharine voice and dark eyes aren’t human. Neither is that deathlike ice grip you’ve got going on. You’re here, you’ve been at Howl. What about run-of-the-mill venues. We’ve restaurants, art galleries, stores. You’d be expected to be ready to roll…day or night. How’s that going when you walk amongst the living?”

  “I mirror them.”

  “You what?”

  Santo inhaled as though he actually consumed oxygen via a set of lungs. Fin kept quiet and watched the two men engage in verbal sparring. “I can mirror anything. Human, animal, inanimate. In living creatures, the term, I believe, is skin-walking. I meld by using the features around me. When I’m amongst humans, I look human to them. I can become a wolf shifter if you’d like. Do you mind?” Santo stared over at Fin.

  “No. Let’s get this over. Tris, just watch with an open mind. This could be helpful in the field.”

  Santo’s regard became a soft caress that relaxed him, and then a cool vapor enshrined Fin’s body. Santo’s features changed. The shape of his head, the color of his skin, his eyes flickered wolf amber to red, and his beard darkened, shadowy stubble appearing. The hair along his arms darkened and thickened. In turn, Fin had effortlessly begun to shift toward wolf.

  Santo became another version of himself. The vampire housed a wolf, barely. His scent permeated the small space, making Fin’s own hair stand up while the skin at the back of his neck pulled and tensed. It was like being around a pack mate. Three betas in one small space was electrifying. The allure powerful.

  Santo bared his teeth briefly. So familiar a wolf move. The illusion of Santo being pack heightened. Fin had to hold back. All his senses directed him to rub against Santo in greeting, lick him, and paw his dark face. The male pheromones coming off both Tristen and Santo were enticing. So much, his cock became fully erect.

  Tristen’s growl filled the space. Loud and commanding. He slammed his hand down on the table. “Okay. I get it. Let’s take this down a notch.”

  “Well? Convinced?” Santo shuddered as though releasing jolts of energy. He shifted back to vampire and Fin followed suit, only too happy after witnessing Tris’s forceful reaction.

  Fin inhaled and lifted his glass of wine. The hazy fog of decadent desire still saturated his body. Sitting up, he took a long sip of wine, gazing from Tris to Santo.

  “Is that a rhetorical question? You knew we would be. What are your qualifications for running security besides mimicking shifting? You’d be working with me, and I’m not down for fuck-ups. Things are starting to heat up in Denver. I’m talking about stone-cold killers if my connections are accurate. Gangs and turf shit.”

  “I’ve worked as a bodyguard for many years. Both before and after my stint in active service. I’ve no problem with weaponry or driving. Tristen, I fully understand the parameters of working closely with an employer. Especially a powerful one.”

  “You’ve a closed mouth. Well, you haven’t tossed any names around. That’s always a good sign.”

  Santo nodded. Fin watched as he lifted his jacket off the seat of the booth and extracted an envelope. He slid it across the table to Tris. “My references.”

  As a wolf shifter, Santo had lost that sensual allure that had captivated Fin. He was still a powerfully built man, but the fluid, seductive qualities that had fascinated him originally were gone. The wolf was earthy while the vampire was air.

  Tris’s skin glowed and he appeared pumped, ready for action. Excitement lashed around Fin’s chest. Pulled tight. Tristen was fire, burning and blazing, his heat so consuming it was hard to be next to him without being overtaken and incinerated. It became easy to acquiesce to Tris’s suggestions.

  It was also the reason Fin wanted to have a third for one session. Someone who’d make Tristen understand his needs that typically got shoved aside as his lover fucked him every which way except the way he needed. Now it was like being in a home pack, a very cagey clan that made him think of running up the valley and along the southern range, and he’d be low man. He had no desire to be a wolf tonight. He wanted seduction in his human form.

  What he wanted was candlelight, hot oil, and chilled vodka shots while they explored each other’s bodies.

  He glanced at his partner and did a double-take. Tristen casually rubbed his hands down the front of his body, over his very prominent hard-on, and a growl worked up his throat as he smiled that mesmerizing smile of his at Santo. Fin didn’t need to be a mind reader to know Tristen liked what he saw. Goddammit. His lover was actually excited. Now the condom might very well be on the other dick.

  Without another thought, he stroked downward along Tristen’s crotch and sure enough, he was ragingly rigid. The man rocked against his fingers, their eyes snapping together. Fin didn’t know if he should laugh or punch him.

  “Now who’s ready and willing?” Fin asked dryly.

  “Hey, you brought him here. No insult, Santo. I’m not out seeking a one-night stand in a club. Look, I’m not going to deny that what Santo did in mirroring you was hot. But that was the point. Don’t get upset because the experiment worked. Shit, you were holding hands with him a second ago.”

  “Well excuse me, I didn’t know there was a hands-off policy. Should I wear a nun’s habit as well? Maybe I should just stay at home, cooking and cleaning, waiting for you to return at night and tell me about your day.”

  Santo cleared his throat. “Excuse me, I don’t want to do anything that will compromise my ability to get the job. I’ve my own issues and need to find a job. I don’t want to start trouble. I can see you both have things to work out before we ever get together.”

  Tristen held up his hand. “No. Don’t mind us. This is just how we communicate. Excuse us. Fin, would you rather table this until another time?”

  Fin couldn’t believe his ears. If Santo left, who knew when he’d have the opportunity to deal with Tristen’s refusal to turn up the heat in the bedroom in exploring the edge of kink. Hell no. “I think we all got off on the wrong foot tonight. How about we just enjoy dinner, talk, and see where this leads?” Fin turned to Santo. “Dude, you can see we really need some help.”

  He wasn’t about to let go of his one chance at getting Tristen to understand what he needed. He was right about their form of communication. It was getting harder and harder to say what he needed to say. Tristen either shut him down or overreacted. It was a battle. If this didn’t improve, he didn’t see how they could remain together. He loved Tris, he’d always love him, but he couldn’t continue to deny his needs or sacrifice his nature. He’d done that in Afghanistan. The man he loved shouldn’t ask that of him.

  Santo’s lips curled into a sexy smile. “Very well. It would be a pleasure. I’ll be right back. I want to speak with Sherry before she leaves.”

  Fin released a breath he’d been holding, and tried to appear blasé, spreading out the menus. “Maybe we should order. Do you know what you want to eat?” he asked, running his hand down Tristen’s leg.

  Santo’s smile broadened, and he laughed. His caps reflected the light. “A steak. As rare as they come. Thanks. I’ll be right back.” He got up and exited the room. The sound of a bass being plucked filled the room from the open door.

  “The music sounds good tonight.” Fin caressed Tristen’s leg. He stopped, knowing they had to converse sensibly. He took hold of the menu, barely able to concentrate. He was hungry, so hungry, but it wasn’t food he imagined entering his mouth.

After Santo shut the door, Tristen took hold of his hand. “What do you want to do? The man is a turn-on when he comes off as wolf. Sounds like he’s willing to intercede personally.”

  “Sounds like you’re more than impressed.”

  “Sounds like you’re a little jealous.” Tristen stared at him and then laughed. “You are. Man, I never knew you were jealous. It’s the first time you’ve shown what you feel. A turn-on, baby.”

  “Maybe to you, Tris. But there’s something bigger than who’s turned on by Santo. He’s right, you know. We suck at communicating anything relevant. Our working arrangement is smooth sailing. But at home, I don’t feel you hear me and I can’t stand being a nag.”

  “Fin, it’s not that. We’ve both been through hell and then to return where nothing is right back home…I’m on shifting sand and I don’t want to live from anxiety attack to anxiety attack. That’s no way to mark the calendar.”

  “Then hire Santo and reduce your stress load. Jesus Christ, I heard what happened today. And I know it wasn’t some pep talk you gave the manager to get him to make things right with the inventory. I was there when Shawn talked with Quinn. Something about the East side and the warehouses. There’s talk of a crime wave coming. One day, those men you cajole aren’t going to do what you say. They’ll come for vengeance because you’re standing in their way.”

  Tristen bunched his muscular shoulders. “Well, not today. Settled the missing inventory and even had that douchebag pay cash to remedy the missing stock. Overall, I think it went pretty damn well.”

  “I’m not arguing the result was in the black for accounting. But what about the cost to you? That manager paid you, but do you really think it’s all fine and dandy for that twerp now? Or the people he shorted on the other end?” Fin shook his head, meeting Tristen’s hard stare.

  Chapter Five

  Tristen hated to have to think about the what-ifs of how he handled company theft. Fin had a point but fuck, this was his job, his responsibility. Shawn hired him because it was Tristen’s beta nature to enforce. Crap, he’d be of no use if he worried about stepping on toes. Thieves were thieves. He employed methods that got results and moved on to the next issue. Excluding when Fin got something stuck up his craw.

  “I made a decision. There’s no going back. Is this supposed to make my decision less stressful? ’Cause damn it, it’s not. I’d rather go back to less conversation if you’re going to chew my ass about how I handle business decisions. For the record, Shawn was pleased. I answer to him. Only him. Got it?”

  “Loud. And. Clear.” Fin tensed and pulled away from him. He sat next to Tristen with an air of impenetrability. The ultimate cold shoulder.

  Tristen sighed as his chest constricted. Fin didn’t need a neon sign announcing it was about to end up a cold and quiet evening. Well fine. He was the one who’d brought a friend here, a man who seemed all too happy to take care of his needs. It was Fin’s idea and if he wanted to continue to play games, maybe a taste of his own medicine would serve him well. How’d he like it if he’d brought home a hot friend to help negotiate their problems? Shit, that would fall like a ton a bricks. Nama-fucking-ste is what he’d get for that crap-ass bargain.

  “Don’t start with the sewing up of your incredible lips just yet. Can’t we just have a relaxing dinner? This was your idea. If you’re going to give me the cold shoulder, I’ll just push off now, and let you and your friend enjoy the rest of the evening. My night is hardly over.”

  The muscles worked along Fin’s throat. Slowly, he turned toward Tristen and for a second, Tristen’s heart squeezed. Fin’s rugged good looks hit home. Tristen steadied his thoughts from the need to shake Fin, devour his lips, possess this man’s mouth in order to squash his lover’s concerns. He patiently waited for Fin to speak.

  “Naw. Stay. Santo needs to know if you’re interested in him professionally. Maybe it’s a bad idea letting him help us out in the bedroom if he’s going to end up working for Shawn.”

  “Isn’t that what we do?”

  “Yeah, but it seems different. Somehow. Look, if you don’t think he’s right for the job, it’s fine. Just tell him. Or we don’t have to do anything with him. He needs work. Just like that manager who got fired.” Fin leaned over, enough to press his shoulder against Tristen’s.

  “Truthfully, I think he’d do fine. I don’t know what Shawn will say about his…background. He’d be the first one. Don’t stare at me. You know what I’m trying to say.”

  “That’s not exactly true. There are several of his kind, as you classify him, who work for Shawn. Take a look around—closely. All the hourly workers aren’t exactly humans.”

  The door opened and they stopped talking. Santo stood watching them from the doorway for a beat. Whatever he surmised obviously pleased him. The corners of his mouth turned upward. He cocked his head, came into the room, and closed the door.

  Shit, his dick wanted to stand up and salute. Tristen lowered his eyes. Jesus, this guy was unbelievable. The crotch of Santo’s jeans made Tristen’s mouth almost water. The vampire sported a full hard-on and wasn’t doing anything to hide his state.

  The wolf inside him inhaled. For a fake, Santo was able to manifest a cloud of pheromones that were playing havoc with his beta senses. Blood surged to his dick. Pre-cum ran from his crown. No way was he feeling this alone. “You always play these types of games? Things could get dangerous if you were in some underground banger club, not to mention here at the Den.”

  “This is just for you to prove a point as to my skill level with shifters.” Santo winked. His dark hair and the stubble on his jaw were even more unruly than before he’d left. He sat down, waiting.

  “Whatever you’ve learned to do is some powerful shit. Intoxicating.” The shifter Santo had emulated was beta for sure, the only type that Tristen found captivating. But it wasn’t just Fin who Santo had used to as a model to morph—there was something else…another essence. Dark decadence and perhaps that what had him reeling. Tristen distinctly dissected the scents.

  Santo’s dark eyes flashed. “Your wolf senses do you proud, Tristen. Yes. A rare species of hexenwolf.”

  Fin shifted in his seat. “He’s capable of shifting into other creatures as well.”

  “Nothing mysterious with the right background.” Santo’s allure didn’t diminish even after the truth.

  Tristen leaned forward, lifting the golden medallion that hung on an intricate chain around Santo’s neck. “Or the right sort of talisman or charm.” Being in Sherry’s magical household solved that mystery.

  “Unlike you two?” Santo sliced the air with his finger. “Pure. Elite.”

  “Exactly.” He and Fin were purebred wolf shifters, capable of shifting from thought or transforming when emotionally charged. They didn’t come across as hybrids like Santo, who wove a sharp tinge of seduction into his manner that, coupled with the scent he kept releasing, had Tristen by the balls. He had to find relief. Fuck eating. The only thing he could think about was fucking. Long and hard. Deep. He had to get with Fin and shit, Santo could watch or join in the fun. This was a drug being laced through his blood.

  “Fin, you want to go home? I can’t take any more.” He squeezed his partner’s leg.

  “What about dinner? We promised Santo.”

  Santo shook his head. “Don’t worry. Actually, I went to speak with Sherry and told her I’d be leaving. Food usually isn’t of interest after this show. I should have warned you. But you were so demanding. Are you convinced now?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  “And the job?”

  “I’ve got a few questions about your abilities. You realize that you’d be working here at the Den at times. A shifter sex club? Got any issues with that?”

  “Why would I?” Santo’s black brows knitted.

  “I only want to understand what I’m dealing with. What about spotting others like you? I think if you’re willing to come around with me from site to site and let me know who’s human, shifter, a
nd not, then we’d have an easier time allocating resources. I suspect that some of our employees who come across as shifters and humans are like you. Capable of mirroring. Skin-walking. We’ve a special program for shifters that some beings may be taking advantage of, and it would help your future employer to know the truth.”

  “So I’m to be some whistleblower?” Santo’s red glowing eyes narrowed, a muscle in his cheek flaring. The color left his face, and his hair thinned, his skin smoothed—the vampire returned.

  “Do you have an allegiance to anyone in our employ besides Sherry?” Tristen laid his head back against the edge of the booth. “She’s one of you, isn’t she?”

  “I won’t give you information about Sherry. You’re right to think she’s of my family. But her nature? If you want to know something about her, go to the source. But anyone else is fair game.”

  Tristen inhaled. That made sense. He already found her capabilities were outside the range of shifter, that she was different from any woman he’d met. Her seduction was effortless just as Santo’s. Sinfully seductive, bordering on addictive. They were utterly captivating and from the brief moments he’d spent in either of their company, they could be extremely dangerous if they chose. “Why don’t you simply take what you want? It’s obvious you could easily mentally overpower shifters or humans. Clearly there’s more like you. Why not side up with a female and go after the top dog?”

  Santo stretched his arm across the back of the booth. “For the same reasons you don’t steal when you could. What makes one animal completely loyal and another a scavenger? One man tolerant, and another man brutal? One vampire a bloodsucker, and another content with other forms of sustenance?”

  “Karma.” Fin sat forward. “To be free.”

  “Precisely. A driving force after the war. I want to find peace and settle down. I’ve been at this for years, my friends. Simply put, I’m weary.”


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