Rabbi Abraham as reincarnation of, 65
rabbis’ overruling of God, 67
ravens’ feeding of, 73
resurrection performed by, 505
scales, 484
shofar (ram’s horn) sounded for Messiah, 150, 198, 297, 516
voice of God, 19, 30–31
Yose and, 498
Elimelekh, Tzvi, 311
Elimelekh of Lizhensk, 163, 473
Elior, Rachel, xxxiv Elisha, 172, 505
Elisha ben Abuyah (Aher; the Other), 117, 129, 173–75, 207, 213, 285, 291, 369
Elohim (God; Gods): Jacob’s wrestling with angel, 359
as name of God, 26, 27
number of Creators, 161–62
reference to angels, 115
upper waters identified with, 104
Emanation (Atzilut), 15, 16
emanations, divine: act of Creation, 27
Adam Kadmon and, 16
Ein Sof as source of, 9
First Being as first emanation, 118–19
First Emanation (ha-ne’etzal harishon), 119
sefirot as, xliv–xlv
ten crowns of God, 9–10
tzimtzum (contraction of God), 14, 15, 16
Emden, Jacob, 272–73
“Enchanted Inn” tale, 44
End of Days (messianic era): attempts to initiate, 490–92, 492–95, 496–98
banquet, 145–46, 147, 367
blessings of, 501
calculating, 500
celestial Temple, 268
criteria for, 485, 496, 501, 503, 505, 520
descent of God’s Throne, 5
false messiahs, 486
Ingathering of the Exiles, 495
initiated by Messiah, lxi
Isaac’s knowledge of, 171
Jacob’s knowledge of, 369–70
letters of the Hebrew alphabet, 307
light of the first day saved for, 84
Messiah’s emergence from prison, 495
Messiah’s role in, 487
methods of, 502
Ninth of Av curse, 323
patriarchs’ inter-cession for, 391
promises of, 445
ram’s horn (shofar), 150, 297
rebuilding of Temple, 416, 417
re-creation of Messiah, 483
Sambatyon river, 476
scales as trigger for, 484–85
signified by Messiah’s name, 75
souls in Guf, 166, 167
souls’ suffering until, 169
tent of the sun, 191
enemies of Israel: binding of, 341
Black Monk, 475
descendants of Cain, 231, 448–49
destruction of the Temple, 425
in Eastern Europe, 475
in Gehenna, 238–39
Giant Og, 461
God’s caring for, 386–87
God’s punishment of, 300
Enemy (Evil Inclination), 453
Enkidu in Gilgamesh, 133
Enoch: Anafiel’s escort to heaven, 117–18
angels’ objection to elevation of, 133
ascent of, 262, 266
Book given to, 253
bypassing death, 207
crystal palace, 192
cults, lviii
as demiurgic angel, 126
in Divine Chariot, 170, 172
Elijah’s parallels with, 198
enthronement myths, 4, 156–58
evolution of myths, lxxvi–lxxvii
God’s walk with, 155
Holy Spirit and, 18
immortality of, 370
Isaiah’s vision, 3
Metatron transformation, xlv, liii, lvii, lxv, 19–20, 30, 117, 155, 156–58, 196 (see also Metatron)
Primordial Metatron concept, 195
reading of tablets, 266, 267
Tzohar pos-session, 85
vision of God, 155
Enosh (Seth’s son), 50, 253, 444
enthronement myths: Adam, l, 4, 131, 157–58
Daniel’s vision, 3–4
David, l, 4, 131, 157–58, 395–96
Enoch, 4, 156–58
Gnosticism, 3–4, 131
Jacob, l, lxxx (n. 41), 4, 131, 157–58
Messiah, l, 483, 487
Metatron, lxxx (n. 41), 4
monotheism, 4
Moses, l, 4, 131, 157–58, 388–89
in Pseudepigrapha, 131
of the Sabbath, 308–9
Solomon, 396
sources and significance of, l, lxxx (n. 41)
Enuma Elish (Babylonian epic), 76, 106, 133, 146, 162
environmental perspectives in myths, 463
Ephraem (Christian commentator), lxxxv (n. 152), 139
Ephraim, 352
Ephron the Hittite, 344
Epic of Atrahasis (Mesopotamian mythology), lxvi
Epimetheus (Greek mythology), 434
Epiphanius, 225
Eretz, Land of, 440
Eros, nature of, 138
eroticism in myths. See sexuality Esau: birth of, 349
birthright issue, 350–53
garments of Adam and Eve, 437, 438
guardian angel, 359, 360, 361
Jacob and, lviii, 359
solar calendar, 113, 114
sparks of soul, 163
Tzohar pos-session, 86
Esther, 264, 299
Eternal Light, 86, 87, 421
ethical tracts, xxxv
Ethiopian Jews, lx, 474
etrog (citron fruit), 300
Euphrates (river), 401, 476
European Jews, 475
Eve: absence in various myths, 437, 440
Adam’s death, 442–43, 445
Adam’s rib, 138, 139, 141, 142–43, 453
Adam’s separation from, 140, 215
alternate Creation story, lii
burial site, 344, 504, 505
Cain’s birth, 449
Cain’s conception, 110, 136, 215, 447, 458
children, 136, 215, 449–50
coming of the Messiah and, 516–17
creation of, 76, 119, 128, 136, 138–39, 140–41, 142–43, 225–26
divine tests, 44, 338
dream of, 445, 450
eating son of Samael, 355, 454
in exile, li, lviii, lix, 401, 439
first Eve, 140–42, 450
first sunrise and sunset, 101
garments of, 101, 437–38
immortality/mortality of, 165, 405
impregnated by demons, 215
Lilith and, 225–26
on Mount Moriah, 415
mourning rituals, 350
nakedness of, 130, 433, 439
Pandora’s parallels with, lxv–lxvi
responsibility for Fall, 441
Sabbath candles, 318
sacred light, lxxiii
Samael and, 447, 454
Satan and, 109–10, 143, 441
serpent and, 441, 442, 447, 448
Shekhinah and, 50
sin of, 84, 122, 143, 206, 226, 318, 328, 434–35, 440–41
Tzohar possession, 85, 87, 332
wedding, 143–44, 226
Even ha-Shetiyyah (Foundation Stone), 96–98
ever-turning sword, li, lxxv, 165, 226, 404, 433, 440
evil. See also Evil Inclination (Yetzer ha-Ra): of Azazel, 459–60
Cain as prototype of, 449
evil spirits, 77, 458, 464, 470
Gallizur’s role, 199
Messiah’s descent from, 487–88
Messiah’s soul held captive by, 485, 486
origins of, 454
raven portrayed as, 462
unfinished corner of Creation, 213
Evil Eye, 425
Evil Inclination (Yetzer ha-Ra): guardian angels representing, 203
Hurmin’s identification with, 223
man’s vulnerability to, 455, 456
myths surrounding, 453–54
origins of, 487, 488
role in sexuality and pro
creation, 470
serpent identified with, 206, 448
Temple destroyed by, 425
vulnerability of humans to, 200, 219
vulnerability of Sons of God to, 366
evolution of myths, xxxiii, lxxi–lxxii, lxxiv–lxxvii, 27–28
exegesis, xxxiii, lxvii, lxxii, 452, 466
exile (galut): Abraham’s confrontation of God, 428
Babylonian exile, 40, 300, 470, 474
as blessing, lx
challah symbolism, lxix
creation of State of Israel, lviii
dwelling in, 300
Egyptian exile, 472
from Garden of Eden, li, lviii, lix, 168–69, 401, 439
God hidden from Israel, 13
God’s accompaniment of Israel, 61
God’s gifts, 77
God’s grief over, 36–37, 38, 40, 453
God’s oath, 39
historical fate of Jews, lxxxii (n. 93)
identification with Joseph, lviii
as illusion, 473
In-gathering of the Exiles, 485, 495, 500, 503, 505, 512, 513, 519–20
longing for Messiah, lxi
manna, 479–80
Messiah’s soul in, 485, 486
Moses’ role in ending, 394
myths of, lix–lx
oppression of Israel, 408
patriarchs and matriarchs’ defense of Israel, 515
purpose of, lxxxii (n. 95), 473
requirements of Messiah, 485
return from, lx, 323, 470
rituals remembering, lxxi
Shattering of the Vessels and Gathering of the Sparks myth, li–lii
Shekhinah’s accompaniment of Israel, xlvii–xlviii, xlix, lxv, 51, 55, 57–58, 58–59, 60, 63
Sukkot traditions, 300
tent imagery, 192
Tree of Life symbolism, 403
existence: of Creation, xlvi, 12
creation for sake of Israel, 327, 328
creation for sake of Jacob, 367
dependence on constant renewal, 151
dependence on firmament, 105
dependence on God, 40, 81, 102–3
dependence on Israel, 327
dependence on Phoenix, 149
dependence on primordial light, 84
dependence on the thirty-six just men, 397
dependence on Torah, 249, 250, 255–56, 264–65
dependence on Yetzer ha-Ra (Evil Inclination), 470
end of, 507
of God, 10, 11
God’s deliberations on ending, 40, 438
Exodus: blessing demanded by Jacob, 360
ending exile, lx
God’s escort of Israel, 41
Haggadah reading, 303
holy days associated with, lv, lxxi
Israel’s protection during, 392
Jacob present for, 370
led by the face of God, 21
narrative read at Seder, lxxi
rituals recounting, xliv, lx
exorcism, 228–30. See also dybbuks
eyes, key of the, 23
eyes of God, 21
Ezekiel: on Chariot of God, lxv
on heavenly scroll, 290
Holy Spirit and, 18
resurrection performed by, 502–3, 505
on Stone (Evil Inclination), 453
on Throne of Glory, 5
vision of, 75, 160, 170, 182–83, 188, 365, 380
Ezra ben Shlomo, lxxxv (n. 164)
face of God, 21–22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34
the Fall, lxv, lxxv. See also Adam Eve
famine, 332, 499–500
fasting, 174, 321, 388
fate, Ziz as incarnation of, 147
fathers, prayers for, lxix–lxx
feeding the world, 12
femininity, key of, 23
feminism, lxxvi, lxxxvi (n. 172), 224
festivals, 289, 300
Final Redemption, 123
fire: Adam’s theft of, 137–38
angels as spirits of, 115
angels clothed in, 116
book composed of, 30
boy consumed by, 276
burning bush, 257–58, 375–76
creation of, 101–2, 250, 319
crystals as tongues of, 192
in Ezekiel’s vision, 182
flame of the ever-turning sword, li, lxxv, 165, 226, 404, 433, 440
Flood of, 463
Gabriel as Prince of Fire, 116
in Gehenna, 232, 233, 234, 238, 242–43
God manifested in, 24, 29, 32, 41, 42, 137, 257–58, 375–76
golem creation, 282
hayyot made of, 159, 160
heavenly creatures, 159–60
houses of, 155
Jacob composed of, 365
of Kerubiel (Prince of the Cherubim), 188
ketubah written in, 306
Lilith made of, 221
of Lilith’s garments, 218
Lilith the Younger made of, 139
Ma’aseh Merkavah discussions, 184
Moses transformed into, 389
mountain of, 397
on parchment of Shimon bar Yohai, 410
Phoenix, 148–49
pillar of, 319, 338, 339, 391, 418, 511
prayer shawl inscribed in, 82
preceding God, 71
rivers of fire (Rigyon; nehar di-nur), lii, 103, 115, 158–59, 192, 196, 199, 261, 316
separation of waters, 104
serpents of, 471
in sixth heaven, 185
strange fire, 469–70
surrounding Torah students, 276
sword of flame, 404, 406
tablets inscribed with, 266, 267
of the Temple, 425
throne of, 5, 395
tongues of fire, 155, 389
Torah written with, 248, 252, 265, 266, 523
used in Creation, 24, 90–91, 96, 115, 249
voice of Torah, 260
waves of, 104
firmament (raki’a), 104–5, 185, 265
First Being (ha-nivra ha-rishon): creation of, 118–19
God as, 10;
God’s garment as, 82
Jacob as, 364
First Man, 125
fish, 95, 103, 169
Fishbane, Michael, xxxiv
Five Books of Moses, 396
Flood: Adam’s alter demolished by, 415
Adne Sadeh’s extinction in, 144
averted by David, 96–97, 98
Cain killed in, 451, 452
Garden of Eden destroyed in, 402
generation of, 328, 460
giants killed in, 458
God’s mercy in, 439
God’s visualization of, xlvi
Holy Spirit and, 18
justifications for, 444, 460
Og’s survival of, 461
parallels in myth, lxv, lxvi, 466
rainbow and, 78–79
raining boiling waters of Gehenna, 463
sacred light and, lxxiii
Tower of Babel and, 464
Tzohar on Ark, 85, 86–87
folklore, Jewish, lii, 44–45, 87–88, 147, 526
Folklore in the Old Testament (Frazer), 405
folk religion in Judaism, lxiv footstool of God, 382
forest Ilai, 149
forgiveness of sins, 290, 313, 394, 440, 507, 508
Formation (Yetzirah), 15, 16
Foundation Stone (Even haShetiyyah), 96–98, 266, 363, 419
four sages who entered Paradise, 285
Frandrik, Yozel, 181–82
Frankenstein (Shelley), 285
Franz, Marie Louis Von, xlv Frazer, Sir James, lxxv, 405
free will, 79–80
friendship, angel of, 201–2
Frishman, David, 281
frost, angels of, 115
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva, xxxiv
Furies of Greek mythology, 376
future, knowledge of, 186, 253–55, 268, 331, 369
Gabriel: as Adam’s groom
sman, 144
Adam’s sin, 439
assignment of souls, 165, 166
at creation of Adam, lxvi, 132, 133, 135, 143
crown of flying shoes, 302–3
crystal palace, 192
foot-stool of God, 382
in heavenly Temple, 512
on Jacob’s birthright, 350
leading Israel from Gehenna, 523
as Moses’ guardian angel, 374, 375
as Prince of Fire, 116
Rabbi Ishmael and, lxvii, 176, 177, 201, 337
rescue of infant Abraham, 86
role in Creation, 116, 121, 127
on Shemhazai and Azazel, 457
at Throne of Glory, 116
tying knots in string of God, 292
Tzadkiel and, 205
Gaia (Earth), 103, 306
Gallizur (angel who utters God’s evil), liii, 199, 321
Gamaliel, 73, 90–91
Gamliel, Rabban, 277
Gan Eden. See Garden of Eden; Paradise
Gaon, Hai, 418
Gaon, Saadiah, 79, 119
garden, God walking in, 40–41
Garden of Eden. See also Paradise
World to Come: as archetype, 401
Cave of Machpelah, 344
celestial version, 168, 316
consequences of sin, 128
creation of, 74, 401–2
entrance, 405, 415
exile from, 168–69, 433–34
flying shoe tradition, 302–3
God expounds on Torah, 36
God’s descent to, 51, 439
guarded by angels, 179, 404, 406, 423, 433
hidden, 402
Innocent Souls in, 163, 328
Joshua ben Levi in, 206–7, 241
key of, 23
Land of Israel and, lviii
leaves of, 317
messianic era’s parallels with, 514
return to, lxi, 501
Sabbath residence of souls, 312
scent of, 344
Serah bat Asher at, 381
serpent, 206, 314, 317, 405, 433, 434–35, 441
Shabbat (spice from Garden of Eden), 316–17
Shekhinah as inhabitant of, 50, 51
souls in, 163, 168, 169, 185, 209, 402, 404
as source of souls, 199
Torah study in, 190
tree of souls, 164–65
two Adams myth, 125
water from, 499
garments: of Abraham, 347
of Adam and Eve, 433, 437–38
of angels, 395
of God, 38, 82–84, 85, 87, 91, 92, 289
of Israel, 519
of light, 190, 347, 437, 438
of Lilith, 218
of Messiah, 437, 487, 501
of Moses, 388
of Sabbath, 309
of salvation, 189, 395
of Shekhinah, 257
of souls, 166, 204
gate of Alexander, 475
Gate of Heaven, 261, 357, 358–59, 407, 419
Gate of Jerusalem, 511–12
Gate of Mercy, 56, 505, 512
The Gates of the Forest (Wiesel), 495
Gates of Understanding, 156
gaze of God, 12
Gedaliah Ibn Yachya, 286
geese for World to Come, 508
Tree of Souls Page 126