interdependency of God and man, 28
requirements of Messiah, 485
scapegoats, 222, 295–96, 455, 460
souls of the righteous as, 416, 417
unplanned copulation of, 80–81
Sadan, Dov, 282
Safed, city of, 494
Safed kabbalists, 169
Safrin of Komarno, Yitzhak Eizik, xlix, 19, 273
sages. See also Tzaddik: Abraham’s knowledge of, 331
four sages who entered Paradise, 173–74, 207
Gehenna visits, 240
God’s study of interpretations, 34
heavenly journeys, 170
in Land of Israel, 407
martyrdom of ten sages, 176–77
power to hasten messianic era, 496–98
pronunciation of YHVH, 26, 27
prophecy given to, 18
study at academy of Shem and Eber, 172
of the Ten Lost Tribes, 474
Torah study, 190, 193, 507
visits of maggidim (angels), 202
Samael. See also Satan: Azazel as alternate name of, 460
Cain’s conception, 447, 448, 458
Eve’s seduction, 447, 454
Eve’s sin, 435
Israel indicted by, 498
Jacob’s wrestling with angel, 359, 360, 361
Lilith and, 139, 221, 222
as male force of evil, 218
before Metatron, 156
as minister of Gehenna, 239
Prince of Darkness identified with, 107
as Prince of Gehenna, 232
rule over Sitra Ahra, 448
son of, 454
Samaritan traditions, 33, 98, 257–58, 384, 388, 389, 413, 519, 526
Sambatyon river, 473–74, 475–76, 514
Samen (Canaanite mythology), lxiii
Samriel (gatekeeper of Gehenna), 240–41
Samuel bar Abba, 174
Samuel bar Nachman, 82, 138
Samuel ben Meir (Rashbam), lxxiv, 223
Samuel (Rabbi), 159
Sandalphon (angel): Elijah and, 198;
God’s love of Israel’s prayers, 28
Moses’ fear of, 261, 262, 413
size of, 261
tefillin bound to God’s head, 34
weaver of prayer garlands, lv, 6, 197
Sanhedrin, 301
Sansenoy (angel), 216, 218
Santriel (angel), 238
Sarah: as Abraham’s sister, 332
beauty of, 332–33
burial site, lvii, 344, 504, 505
coming of the Messiah and, 516–17
death of, 343
defense of Israel, 515
descendants, 330, 333, 345
Isaac’s conception, lvii, lxvii, 336–37
Isaac’s sacrifice, 171, 339
as Iscah the Seer, 334
laughter of, 330
name, 329, 333
Og and, 462
palace of, 191
as prophet-ess, 332, 334
Shabbat (spice from Garden of Eden), 316–17
Shekhinah and, 48–49, 60, 342–43
as source of souls, 335
as sukkah guest, 299
tent of, 342–43
Sarai, 329, 333. See also Sarah
Sar ha-Torah (Prince of the Torah, Angel of the Torah), 275
Sar shel Romi (guardian angel of Roman Empire), 361
Sarug, Israel, 122, 123
Satan. See also Samael: Armilus’s birth, 520
Azazel as, 456, 460
cast from Heaven, 109–10
creation of, 142–43
Eve linked with, 143
in Garden of Eden, 441
God’s bargain with, 110–12
on Isaac’s sacrifice, 340, 343
Israel sabotaged by, 197
keeping tablets from Israel, 266
kingdom of, 230
Lucifer’s parallels with, 108, 109
Messiah revealed to, 521
moon implicated with, 113
mythic narratives of, xlv
Prince of Darkness identified with, 107
as Prince of Gehenna, 232
serpent as mouthpiece for, 442
as serpent in Garden of Eden, 206
son of, 454
as Yetzer ha-Ra, 454
Satanel (angel), 108
Satmar Rebbe, 230
scapegoats, 222, 295–96, 455, 460
Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman, xxxvi, xli, 513
Schäfer, Peter, xxxiv, 313
Schneersohn, Menachem Mendel, lxii, 126, 486
Schochet, Jacob Immanuel, 487
Scholem, Gershom: on creation myths, 94
on Gnosticism, lxiii
on Jewish mythology, xxxiv
on Kafka’s parable of the Law, 178
on Metatron, 196
on mysticism, 174, 180
on Rosenberg, 282
on Tree of Knowledge/Death, lxxxv (n. 167)
on tzelem, 226
on Zohar’s authorship, 410
Schulz, Bruno, 180
Schwartz, Maury, 140
Schwarz-Bart, André, 397
Schwarzbaum, Haim, 208
Scroll of Ester, 18
sea: creation of, 94, 249
earth’s quarrel with, 386–87
given to Moses, 388
Giving of the Torah, 270
God’s descent to, 51
Leviathan’s rule over, 145
Okeanos Sea, 103
rebellion of Rahab, 106–7
Sea of Elait, 409
Sea of Galilee, 387, 409
Sea of Tarshish, 239
second soul (neshamah yeterah): association with Sabbath, lxix
blessing of the Sabbath, 317
ibbur (‘impregnation” of second soul), xlviii, lxxx (n. 32), 333
Shekhinah as source of, xlviii–xlix, 63, 167, 310–11
spices of the Sabbath, 319
Tree of Life as source of, 310
two candles for the Sabbath, 318
secret worlds, revealed and unrevealed, 7
Seder, lx, lxviii, lxxi, 280
seed, cosmic, 93–94
Seer of Lublin, 497
Sefat Emet, 32
sefirot: Adam Kadmon, 16
diagram of, 529
emanation process, xliv–xlv, 123
feminine elements of, 49–50
function of, 7–8
God and Shekhinah, lxxx (n. 35)
God known through, 10
God’s attributes, xlvii; hidden God, 13
Holy Spirit identified with, 19
in inclusive monotheism, lxxx (n. 34); Infinite Being’s emanation of, 9
integration of, xxxvi
number ten, xlvi, 7–8
primor-dial light identified with Hesed, lxxxv (n. 153)
role in Creation, 71, 93, 100
Shattering of the Vessels and Gathering of the Sparks myth, 122
Shekhinah identified with Malkhut, xlix, lxxx (n. 35), lxxxiv (n. 121)
ten crowns of God, 9–10
thirty-two paths of wisdom, 6–7
Tree of Life and, 121, 403, 405
tree of souls and, 165
union between two of, 309
Segal of Brody, Shifrah, 318
Seghi, Laya Firestone, lxxxv (n. 164)
Semangelof (angel), 216, 218
Senoy (angel), 216, 218
Sephardic Jews, 164
Septuagint (Greek translation of Bible), 157
sepulcher of Moses, 77
seraphim, 3, 4–5, 185, 316, 501
serpent: as archetype of evil, 448;
Cain’s conception, 447, 448
fiery serpents, 471
of the Garden of Eden, 206, 314, 317, 405, 433, 434–35, 441
as garment for Adam and Eve, 437
judgment of, 439
Moses swallowed by, 376–77
as mouthpiece for Satan, 442
Samael riding, 454
Seth attacked
by, 443
as Yetzer ha-Ra, 454
Seth (Adam’s son): Adam’s account of the Fall, 440–41
Adam’s death, 170, 445
Adam’s garments, 101, 437
Adam’s likeness in, 215, 447, 448
appearance, 444
birth of, 450
Book given to, 253
descendants, 443–44
divine figure in Gnosticism, lxxxi (n. 50)
as one of the Ushpizin (Seven Shepherds), 210
serpent’s attack of, 442–43
as sukkah guest, 299; Tzohar pos-session, 85
seven forms of God, 9
Seven Shepherds (Ushpizin), 210, 299, 300–301
Seventh Hall, 156, 157
The Seventh Sign (film), 167
sexuality: of Adam and Eve, 143, 215, 434
angels as fathers of men, lxvii, 177, 201, 337
angels as fathers of Nefilim (giants), 454, 455, 456, 457, 458–59, 460, 461–62
angels’ instruction on, 455, 456, 457
Cain’s conception, 110
centaurs’ origins, 444
of cherubim on Ark, 423
copulation in Paradise, 190
creation stories, 80
eroticism in myths, xlviii, 54
Eve’s seduction, 447
in Gilgamesh, 133
golems for, 280
intercourse on Friday night, lvi, 308
of Lilith, lxxvi, lxxxvi (n. 172), 216, 217–18, 219, 220–21, 222
masturbation, 335
of Moses, 394
role of Evil Inclination, 470
sex as the forbidden fruit, 401
sexual fantasies, 458–59
Sodom and Gomorrah, 465–66
as source of souls, 335
spilling of seed (emissions), 220–21, 223
union between God and Shekhinah, 309
in World to Come (Olam ha-Ba), 506, 507
zivvug ha-kodesh (sacred copulation), 54
Shabbat. See Sabbath
Shabbatian messienic movement, 272–73
Shabbat (spice from Garden of Eden), 316–17
shadkhan (matchmaker), 66
Shaharit (morning prayers), 37
Shakhinals (feminine aspect of God), 8
Shalem, 35. See also Jerusalem Shalmaneser (Assyrian king), 476
Shalom Aleikhem (peace unto you), 315
shamayim (skies; heavens), lii Shamir, creation of, 77
Shammai, 247, 277
Shangri-La, 478
Shapira, Kalonymus Kalman: on creation by light, 89
on God’s suffering, 37, 38
on guardian angels, 360
on Luria’s myth, 124
on Pangs of the Messiah, 499
on prior worlds destroyed, 72
on Ten Martyrs’ deaths, 123
on voice of the Torah, 32
Shapira, Nassan Nata, 335
Sharabi, Shalom, 410
Shattering of the Vessels and Gathering of the Sparks (shevirat hakelim), 122–24
creation of prior worlds, 72
as example of divine error, 138
influence of, li–lii; influences on, 94
parallel myths, xlviii, 53, 59, 88–89, 405, 433, 436
positive aspects of exile, 473
Shekhinah myth’s parallel with, xlviii, 53, 59
soul of the Messiah, 486
sparks in the Holy Land, lviii
tzimtzum as preliminary stage of, 14
Shaul, Abba, 461
Shavuot ritual and myth: Akdamut Millin recitation, 475
giving of the Torah commemoration, xliv, lv, lxxi
judgment during, 289
mythic origins, lxxi
wedding of God and Israel, 305
wedding of God and Shekhinah, 304–5
she-ass, mouth of, 77
Shehakim (Clouds), 185
Shekhinah (‘Divine Presence”): Abraham and, 331
angels and, 50, 58, 115, 202, 243
as bride, 54, 64, 65–66
in Cave of Machpelah, 344
in celestial Temple, 416
conflict over Temple destruction, xliv, xlviii, xlix, lxv
counseling the dead, 243
creation of, 47–48, 249
as daughter of God, 47–48
death by kiss of, 173
in End of Days, 501
eroticism in myths, xlviii
evolution of myths, xlvii–xlviii, lxxvi, lxxxiv (n. 121), 62
in exile with Israel, xlvii–xlviii, xlix, lxv, 51, 55–56, 57–58, 58–59, 60, 63, 424, 522
face of, 61–62
as feminine aspect of God, 9
feminine identity, 306
as First Created Being, 327
garments of, 48, 54, 64, 87, 257
Gate of Mercy and, 512
God as potter allegory, 151
God’s Bride, xliii, xlv, xlvi, xlvii–xlviii, lxiv, lxxvii, 358, 512
God’s casting down of, 55
God’s dismissal of, 59–60
God’s grief, 37, 38, 58
as God’s presence, 339
God’s reunion with, lxxix (n. 25), lxxx (n. 35), 60
God’s separation from, 53, 54–55, 56, 57–58, 107, 424, 425, 515
God’s wedding to, 304–5, 309
hayyot nourished by, 159
hidden God and, 13
identities, 17, 39, 47–48, 321–22
independence of, 51, 57
at Ingathering of the Exiles, 519, 520
as inhabitant of earth, 50–52, 262
as inhabitant of heaven, liii, 50–52, 56
as inhabitant of Temple, 17, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 99–100, 419, 425, 513
intercourse on Friday night, lvi, 308
Isaac and, 341, 342, 351
Israel’s relationship with, lxxix (n. 25), 57
Israel’s responsibilities, 328
Jacob’s death, 369–70
Jacob’s vision of, 357
within Jews, 63
Kabbalat Shabbat (greeting the Sabbath Queen), xlix, lvi, 309, 310
Knesset Yisrael (Community of Israel), lxxix (n. 25)
lamed-vav Tzaddikim (thirty-six just men), 397
lament of, 56
light as gift to, 84
Lilith and, xlvii, lxxvi, 59–60, 139
Ma’aseh Merkavah discussions, 184
maiden in palace parable, 257
Messiah’s redemption of, 517
Metatron as son of, 195
monotheism and, xliii, xliv
moon and, 305
Moses with, 394
on Mount Moriah, 338, 339
in mourning, 56–57, 58, 64, 65–66
mourning dove, 321–22
mourning over, 58
names of, 48–49
names of God, 26, 358
neshamah yeterah (second soul), xlviii–xlix, 63, 167, 310–11
Pargod access, 186
rainbow of, 187–88
in rainbows, 78–79
revealed to Moses, 313
righteous sustained by, 320
roaming of, 52–53
role in kabbalistic thought, lxxix (n. 27); role of, 341
Sabbath candles, 318
Sabbath Queen, xlviii, xlix, lvi, lxix, 63, 64, 167, 308, 309, 310, 313, 317, 318, 319
sanctuary in Mount Moriah, 414
Sarah and, 48–49, 60, 342–43
sefirot and, 7
seven firmaments, 265, 297
souls of converts, 335
as source of souls, 164, 167, 310
suffering of, 58–59
as sukkah guest, 299
sun and, 305
Temple, grief over destruction of, xliv, xlvii, xlviii, xlix, lxv
Temple as sacred bedchamber, 54–55
Temple built from splendor of, 412
Temple rebuilding, lxi; term, lxxviii (n. 2)
Torah as vestment of, 48, 257
Torah study, 304
two manifestation
s of, 49–50
visions of, 39, 63, 64, 65–66
wandering of, 55–56
at Western Wall, 39, 51, 63–66
women crowned with radiance of, 190
in World to Come (Olam ha-Ba), 506, 507, 510
Zion as incarnation of, 47
Zohar on, xlviii, xlix
Shelley, Mary, 285
Shema, lxiii, 35, 278
Shem and Eber, academy of, lxvii, 18, 171–72, 349, 351
Shem ha-Meforash, ‘The Ineffable Name.” See YHVH Shemhazai (angel): corruption of humans, lxvi, 455, 463
punishment, 457–58, 460
vulnerability to Evil Inclination, lxvii, 366, 453, 455–58
Watchers and, 457–58
Shemittah (cosmic cycles), 307
shemittot (cosmic cycles), 321
Shem (Noah’s son), 438
Sheol, liii, 109, 231, 242. See also Gehenna
Shepherds, Seven (Ushpizin), 210, 299, 300–301
Sherwin, Byron, 519, 525
Sherwood, Frances, 281
shevirat ha-kelim. See Shattering of the Vessels and Gathering of the Sparks myth
Shiloh (alternate name of Messiah), 484
Shimon bar Yohai: 55, 61, 62, 193, 194, 198, 303–4, 493, 525
cave of, 410, 492
in Land of Israel, 408
Rabbi Judah’s dream of, 273, 274
righteousness of, 79
on two lines of descent, 449
Tzohar possession, 87
Shimon ben Azzai, 32, 173–74, 178, 207, 276, 285
Shimon ben Duran, 27
Shimon ben Lakish: on Cain, 451, 452
on Creation, 75
on dreams and lovemaking, 143
on heavenly book, 291
on Jacob, 365
on neshamah yeterah (second soul), xlviii
Shimon ben Zoma, 173–74, 207, 285
Shinar, land of, 463
shin (letter), 8
ships, sinking, 104
Shlomo (scholar aided by Ziz), 147
Shmelke of Nikolsburg, 386
Shneur Zalman of Lyady, 105, 123
Shoah (Holocaust), 123, 124
shofar, sounding of: at close of Yom Kippur, 298
Elijah’s sounding of, 150, 198, 297, 516
at Messiah’s coming, 150, 198, 297, 516
Muslims’ parallel beliefs, lxvii
myths surrounding, 296–97
origins of, 150
at resurrection of dead, 503
on Rosh ha-Shanah, lxx, 293, 294
Shofariel YHVH Mehayeh, 289, 290
Shofariel YHVH Memit, 289, 290
Shomer Olamim (Guardian of the Worlds), 26
shout of God, 90
Shur, desert, 471
signs, 500
The Silmarillion (Tolkien), 88
Silver, Daniel J., 286
Simeon ben Gamaliel, 177
Simeon ben Jehozadak, 82, 247
Simhat Torah, lv–lvi, 301, 302–3, 497
sin: forgiveness of sins, 290, 313, 394, 440, 507, 508
garment of Shekhinah, 257
Isaiah purged of, 3
of Israel, 55, 327, 328, 365, 423, 425, 508
Messiah’s sacrifice for Israel, 483, 490
primordial sin, lxv; sacrifices to God, 295–96
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