Henry VI

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by Bertram Wolffe

  Nevers, (i), (ii); Charles, count of, (i)

  Nevill family, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)

  Nevill, Anne, see Edward, prince of Wales

  Nevill, Catherine, see Mowbray, John

  Nevill, Cecily, see Richard, duke of York

  Nevill, Charles, (i)

  Nevill, Edward, Lord Abergavenny, (i), (ii)n; George, son of, (i)

  Nevill, George, Lord Latimer, (i)

  Nevill, George, bishop of Exeter, archbishop of York, chancellor, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); comments on Henry (1460), (i)

  Nevill, Sir Humphrey, (i)

  Nevill, Isabel, see George, duke of Clarence

  Nevill, John, later marquis of Montagu, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n, (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  Nevill, John, Lord, (i), (ii)n, (iii)

  Nevill, Ralph of Raby, 1st earl of Westmorland, (i), wife of, see Beaufort, Joan

  Nevill, Ralph, 2nd earl of Westmorland, (i), (ii)n

  Nevill, Richard, earl of Salisbury, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); in new council of the majority (1437), (i); at arrest of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (1447), (i); given lands of honour of Richmond, (i); supports Henry against York (1451–2), (i); chancellor during York’s first protectorate, (i), (ii); as constable of Pontefract castle declines to release duke of Exeter, (i); dismissed or resigned from chancellorship (7 March 1455), (i); in alliance with York (from March 1455) before first battle of St Albans, (i); at St Albans with York, (i) and after (to August 1456), (ii); with York at the St Albans ‘love day’, (i); fails to answer summons to great council at Coventry (June 1459), (i); routs queen’s forces at Blore Heath, (i); with York at Ludlow, (i); escapes to Calais, (i); attainted at Coventry Parliament, (i); joint leader of invasion from Calais, (i); besieges the Tower of London, (i); initially opposed to York’s claim to the throne (October 1460), (i); captured at Wakefield Bridge, (i); lynched at Pontefract, (i); Alice Montague, wife of, (i), (ii), (iii)n

  Nevill, Richard, earl of Warwick, (i), (ii)n, (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); in conflict with Edmund Beaufort over South Wales lordships (1453), (i); leads deputation to Windsor to ascertain the king’s health (1454), (i); with York on judicial progress against the Percies etc., (i); in alliance with York (from March 1455) before first battle of St Albans, (i); at St Albans with York, (i); and after (to August 1456), (i); Captain of Calais (1455), kept out of Calais until Henry’s recovery, (i), (ii); with York at the St Albans ‘love day’, (i); does not answer summons to great council at Coventry (June 1459), (i); on campaign to Ludlow, (i); flees to Calais, (i); defeats Somerset at Pont de Neullay, (i); attainted at Coventry Parliament, (i); comments on Henry (1460), (i); joint leader of invasion from Calais, (i); captures Henry at Northampton, (i); initially opposes York’s claim to the throne (October 1460), (i); defeated by the queen’s forces at second battle of St Albans, (i); escapes to join the earl of March, (i); supports the Yorkist usurpation, (i); at Towton, (i); Edward IV’s envoy to the Scots, (i); wipes out Lancastrian resistance in northern England, (i); his breach with Edward IV, (i); his treaty with Louis XI and Queen Margaret, (i); his restoration of Henry, (i); slain at Barnet, (i); Anne, wife of, daughter of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, (i), (ii)

  Nevill, Robert, bishop of Durham, (i), (ii)

  Nevill, Thomas, (i), (ii), (iii)n; Matilda, wife of, niece and joint heiress of Ralph, Lord Cromwell, (i)

  New College, Oxford, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  New Forest, (i)

  Newark, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Newark priory (Surrey), (i)

  Newbury, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Newcastle, (i), (ii)

  Newcastle-under-Lyme, (i)

  Newmarket, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Newstead, (i)

  Nicholas V, Pope, (i), (ii)

  Noreys, John, (i)n, (ii)n

  Norham, (i)

  Norfolk, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); duke 01, see Mowbray

  Normandy, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii) passim, (xviii), (xix) passim, (xx), (xxi), (xxii), (xxiii), (xxiv), (xxv), (xxvi), (xxvii), (xxviii), (xxix), (xxx), (xxxi), (xxxii), (xxxiii), (xxxiv), (xxxv), (xxxvi), (xxxvii), (xxxviii), (xxxix), (xl), (xli), (xlii), (xliii), (xliv); king’s lieutenant in Normandy and France, (i), see also Beauchamp, Richard; Humphrey, duke of Gloucester; Beaufort, John; Richard, duke of York; Beaufort, Edmund; Estates of, (i), (ii), (iii); council of, (i), (ii); revenues of, (i); chancellor, (i), see also Hoo, Thomas

  Norris, Thomas, king’s squire, (i)n

  Northallerton, (i)

  Northampton, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); battle of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Northamptonshire, (i)

  Northumberland, (i), (ii); earl of, see Percy

  Norwich, (i), (ii) possim, (iii), (iv), (v); bishop of, see Alnwick, William; Lyhert, Walter

  Nottingham, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Nowell, Charles, (i)

  Nutley, (i)

  Odiham, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ogard, Sir Andrew, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Oistreham (port of Caen), (i)

  Oldhall, Sir William, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii)n

  Orleans, (i), (ii); siege of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Orleans, House of, (i); bastard of, see Dunois

  Orleans, Charles, duke of, (i), (ii)n, (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix) passim, (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv)

  Orleans, Louis, duke of, (i)

  Ormond, earl of, see Butler

  Ormond, Thomas, (i)

  Osbern, Robert, signet clerk, (i), (ii)

  Osney, (i), (ii)

  Ospringe, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Ottery St Mary, (i), (ii)

  Oxford, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); see also New College

  Oxford, earl of, see Vere

  Oyer and terminer, commissions of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv)n, (xvi), (xvii), (xviii), (xix)

  Pageants, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Pardons, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Paris, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) passim, (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); siege of, (i), (ii); bishop of, (i); provost of, see Morhier, Simon

  Paris, Michaeide, French secretary, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Parlement, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Parliament, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii); of, 1422, (i), (ii); of 1423, (i); of 1425, (i); of 1426, (i), (ii); of 1427, (i), (ii); of 1432, (i); of 1433, (i), (ii), (iii); of 1439, (i); of 1442, (i); of 1445, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); of 1447, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); of 1449 (1), (i); of 1449 (2), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); of 1450, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); of 1453, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); of 1455, (i), (ii), (iii); of 1459, (i), (ii), (iii); of 1460, (i); of 1467, (i); of the Readeption, 1470, (i); powers and composition of, (i), (ii), (iii); royal influence in, (i), (ii); acts of attainder and forfeiture in, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); acts of resumption in, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii); act of succession (1406) in, (i), (ii); Speakers of the Commons in, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), see also Burley, William; Charlton, Thomas; Oldhall, William; Thorpe, Thomas; Tresham, William; Wenlock, John

  Parre, Thomas, (i)n

  Parthenay, Michel de, (i), (ii)

  Patay, battle of, (i), (ii)

  Patyng, John, (i)

  Pays de Caux, (i)

  Pembroke, earldom of, (i); see Tudor, Jasper; Herbert, William

  Pennington, Sir William, (i)

  Penny cook, John, esquire of the body, (i)n, (ii)

  Perche, county of, (i)

  Percy family, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Percy, Henry II, earl of Northumberland, (i)n, (ii)n, (iii)n, (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii),
(ix), (x)

  Percy, Henry III, Lord Poynings, (i); 3rd earl of Northumberland, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Percy, Henry IV, earl of Northumberland, (i), (ii)

  Percy, Sir Ralph, (i)n, (ii)

  Percy, Richard, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Percy, Thomas, Lord Egremont, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  Percy, William, bishop of Carlisle, (i), (ii)n

  Peres, William, (i)

  Périgord, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Perkins, William, see Sharp, Jack

  Peter, prince of Portugal, (i)

  Peterborough, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Pevensey, (i)

  Philip IV, king of France, (i)

  Philip, William, Lord Bardolf, household chamberlain, (i)n, (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Philippa, daughter of Lionel, duke of Clarence, countess of March, (i)n, (ii)in

  Picardy, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Pickenham, (i)

  Pius II, Pope, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Players, (i), (ii)

  Pleshey, (i), (ii)

  Plumpton family, (i)

  Plymouth, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Poissy, (i)

  Poitiers, (i), (ii)

  Poitou, (i), (ii)

  Pole, Ralph, justice, (i)

  Pole, de la, John, (i), (ii)

  Pole, de la, William, earl, marquis and duke of Suffok, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); abandons siege of Orleans, defeated and captured at Jargeau (1429), (i); king’s councilor (1430), (i), (ii)n; keeper of Charles of Orleans (1433), (i), (ii)n; steward of the household (1433), (i), (ii); member of new council of the majority (1437), (i)n; as the king’s most important minister (from 1437), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)n, (vii), (viii), (ix)n, (x), (xi), (xii)n, (xiii), (xiv), (xv); Chamberlain of England from 1447, (i); his grants of lands and offices, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); his affinity, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); chosen to lead the Tours peace embassy at request of Charles VII (1443), (i); his reluctance to accept, (i); Richard, duke of York seeks his good offices with Charles VII, (i); at Tours (1444), (i); leads embassy to Nancy to collect the queen, etc., (i); negotiator with the French embassies to London (1445), (i); negotiator with French embassy to London (1447), (i); denies being party to the surrender of Maine (May 1447), (i); his role in the attack on Fougères, (i), (ii); his impeachment by the Commons (1450), (i); his death, (i), (ii), (iii); Alice, wife of, (i), (ii)

  Polton, Thomas, bishop of Worcester, (i)

  Pont de Neullay, (i)

  Ponthieu, county of, (i)

  Pontoise, (i)n, (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Poole, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Popes, see Benedict XIII, Martin V, Eugenius IV, Nicholas V, Pius II, Innocent VIII, Alexander V I, Julius II

  Popham, Sir John, (i)

  Porchester, (i)

  Portington, John, justice, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Port St Ouen, conference of, (i), (ii)

  Portsmouth, (i), (ii)

  Portugal, Alfonso V, king of, ion, (i), (ii), see Isabella; Peter; Portuguese marriage proposal, (iii)

  Potterne, (i)

  Pouance, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Poynings, Lord, see Percy

  Poynings, Robert, (i)

  Praguerie, (i), (ii)

  Praty, Master Robert, (i), (ii)n

  Précigny, Lord of, see Beauvau, Bertrand de

  Privy Seal, keepers of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n, (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), see also Alnwick, William; Lyndwood, William; Beckington, Thomas; Moleyns, Adam; Stillington, Robert

  Provins, (i)

  Puckeridge, (i), (ii)

  Pulford, Thomas, (i), (ii)n

  Purveyance, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Pygot, Simon, (i)

  Pykering, James, (i)n

  Queenborough, mayor of, (i)

  Quercy, (i), (ii)

  Radford, Henry, (i)n

  Radford, Nicholas, (i)

  Rampston, Thomas, seneschal of Gascony, (i), (ii)

  Ramsey, (i)

  Ratcliffe, John, Lord Fitzwalter, (i)

  Ravenspur in Holderness, (i)

  Reading, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x); bailiff of abbey, see Carver, Thomas

  Regnault, Raordin, (i)

  Rennes, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Repynghale, Robert, signet clerk, (i), (ii)

  Restwold, Richard, king’s squire, (i)n

  Rheims, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Richard II, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv)

  Richard III, as duke of Gloucester, (i), (ii), (iii); king, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Richard, duke of York, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii), (xviii), (xix), (xx), (xxi), (xxii), (xxiii), (xxiv), (xxv), (xxvi), (xxvii), (xxviii); inherits the Mortimer lands and claim to the throne, (i); residing in the royal household, (i); knighted, (i); lieutenant in France and Normandy (1436–7, 1440–5), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); rivalry with the Beaufort dukes of Somerset, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); seeks the good offices of Suffolk with Charles VII, (i); quarrel with Adam Moleyns, (i); takes up his post as lieutenant in Ireland (July 1449), (i); his return from Ireland in 1450, (i); his interviews with Henry (September-October 1450), (i); and parliamentary elections, (i), (ii); supports the Commons’ demands for reform, (i); his lieutenancy of Ireland reaffirmed in 1451, (i); in virtual exile at Ludlow, (i); intervenes in the Courtenay-Bonville dispute (September 1451), (i); his Dartford rising, (i); his servants and followers punished on Henry’s judicial perambulation of 1452, (i) passim; and in the parliament of 1453, (i); belatedly summoned to the council after the onset of Henry’s madness, (i); complains of hostility of the queen and Somerset, (i); king’s lieutenant to open parliament, (i); Protector of England for the first time, (i); Captain of Calais, (i), (ii); and the first battle of St Albans, (i); and the parliament of 1455, (i); Protector of England for the second time, (i), (ii); dismissed as Protector by Henry, but continued as principal councillor, (i); the armed rising of his Welsh tenants (1456), (i); and formal reconciliation over the battle of St Albans, (i); and the encounter at Ludford, (i); welcomed in Ireland as lieutenant, (i); his attainder at the Coventry Parliament (1459), (i); claims the throne as Richard Plantagenet, (i); made heir to the throne by Henry and Protector for the third time, (i); his death at Wakefield, (i); marriage to Cecily Nevill, (i); his council, (i), (ii); his council in Normandy, (i); chamberlain of, see Oldhall, Sir William

  Richmond (Richemont), Arthur of, see Brittany

  Richmond, earldom of, (i), (ii), (iii), see Tudor, Edmund

  Rickmansworth, (i)

  Rieux, (i)

  Rinel, Master John, French secretary, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ringwood, (i)

  Rion, (i)

  Ripon, (i)

  Rivers, Lord, see Wydeville, Richard

  Robert ap Rees, (i)

  Robessart, Lewis, Lord Bourchier, (i)n, (ii)

  Rochefort, Ralph, knight of the body, (i)n

  Rochester, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii) passim; bishop of, see Langdon, John; Lowe, John

  Roches Tranchelion, (i), (ii)

  Rockingham forest, (i)

  Rodbury, Thomas, bishop of St David’s, (i)n, (ii)n

  Rolin, Nicholas, (i)

  Rolleston, Robert, keeper of the Wardrobe, (i)n

  Rome, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Romford, (i)

  Romsey, (i)

  Roos, Henry, (i)

  Roos, Sir Robert, king’s carver, diplomat, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) passim

  Roos, Thomas, Lord, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Ross-on-Wye, (i), (ii)

  Roth well, (i)

  Rouen, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii), (xviii), (xix)

  Rous, John, (i), (ii)<
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  Roussellet, Jean le, (i)

  Royan, (i)

  Roydon, (i)

  Royston, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) passim, (v)

  Rvman, Elizabeth, king’s nurse, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ryton, (i)

  Sablé, (i)

  Saffron Waiden, (i)

  St Albans, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii) passim; abbot of, see Wheathampstead, John; 1st battle of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii); 2nd battle of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  St Andrews, (i); bishop of, see Kennedy, James

  St Asaph, bishop of, see Lowe, John

  St Bridget, (i), (ii)

  St David’s, bishop of, see Rodbury, Thomas; Lyndwood, William

  St Denis, (i), (ii)

  St Denis, abbey of, (i)

  St Edmund, (i)

  St Edward the Confessor, (i), (ii)

  St Emilion, (i)

  St George, (i), (ii)

  St James de Bevron, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  St John of Bridlington, (i)

  St John, prior of, see Botyll, Robert

  St Loo or Sain tlo, John, esquire of the body, (i)n, (ii)n, (iii)n

  St Louis, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  St Malo, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Saintonge, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Saintrailles, Poton de, (i)

  Saint-Riquier, (i)

  Saint-Sauveur, (i)

  St Thomas Becket, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); oil of, (i)

  St Valéry, (i)

  Ste-Croix, Cardinal de, (i)

  Salisbury, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix); earl of, see Montague, Thomas; Nevill, Richard; bishop of, see Aiscough, William; Beauchamp, Richard

  Sandal, (i), (ii)

  Sandwich, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); French landing at, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Saveuse, Jean de, (i)

  Savoy, Amadeus VI, duke of, (i)

  Sawtry, (i)

  Say, John, yeoman of the chamber, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Say, William, dean of the chapel royal, (i), (ii)

  Say, William, usher of the chamber, (i)n

  Say and Sele, Lord, see Fiennes, James; Fiennes, William

  Scales, Thomas, Lord, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  Scargill, Thomas, usher of the chamber, (i)n, (ii)n

  Scotland, (i), (ii) passim, (iii); Scots, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)

  Scrooby, (i)


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