Redeeming Justice

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Redeeming Justice Page 9

by Suzanne Halliday

  Moving back to her mouth, Alex nipped and licked at her lips as she panted and quivered against him. When her other arm slid around his back and dug her fingernails into him he lost it.

  Still fisting her hair, he pushed his free hand under her ass and pulled her forward enough that he could press his body down into hers. God almighty, she fit his perfectly. He kneaded her bottom through her jeans and thoroughly mapped every inch of her backside.

  They were half reclining, as he let his desire for her have free reign, kissing her voraciously, thrusting his tongue in an approximation of what he wanted to do with another part of his anatomy. When she lifted one of her legs and wrapped it possessively around his hips he was a goner.

  She wasn’t going anywhere, not with his hard, muscular body pinning her to the hay stack, so he released her hair and did the only thing he could with his free hand – he reached for one of her voluptuous breasts and got lost in the exquisite sensation of massaging the soft mound that was way more than a simple handful. He was groaning, she was whimpering. It was magic.

  Meghan was on fire. Like seriously, a ten-alarm blaze. He might be kissing her reluctantly but that didn’t stop him from going deep. His wide tongue sweeping along hers and exploring the recesses of her mouth produced not just a torrent of saliva but a different kind of flood between her legs.

  When she’d wrapped a leg around his thighs and pressed against him, her panties drenched with arousal. It was wild, hot, and very, very sexy. If they hadn’t been in an awkward position and in a spot where anyone could come upon them at any minute, she would have been shamelessly grinding against the bulge she felt pressed against her core.

  His lips feasted on her quivering mouth. She loved the way his beard scraped against her skin but nothing prepared her for how it felt when he fondled her breast. Even through her clothing she could sense the heat coming off his hands and the power of his touch.

  She knew they were quickly getting out of control but she didn’t want to stop. The inferno they’d created with their desire was strong and powerful. Meghan shuddered thinking about what it would be like to feel his naked body against her own. He was demanding and aggressive, and she loved every second of it. She might be a Ball Busting Boston Bitch but at this moment, she was putty in his hands. She felt shameless in her greedy need for more. A hand on her ass, another molding her breast to his touch and his tongue moving seductively in her mouth – she was lost.

  A sound found its way into her consciousness that wasn’t her moaning or his earthy grunts. He must have heard it too because they both started, coming back to reality at the same moment. As the intensity of the response to what they were doing to each other started to back off, Meghan wanted to scream in frustration that this perfect moment was being forced to an end.

  His mouth slowly pulled away from hers but his hand remained on her backside, holding her firmly against him, as the other gradually released her breast. Still pinned together he looked into her eyes for a long moment as they each struggled to catch their breath.

  He didn’t push her away this time. Instead he stayed on top of her even after she dropped her leg from around his thigh. She realized her nails had been digging into his back and she’d again been energetically clutching at his hair so she reluctantly eased both her hands but didn’t remove them.

  In a voice made rough with arousal he told her, “You tempt me in ways that wreck my resolve to keep away from you.”

  She answered, surprised how husky and seductive she sounded. “But I don’t want you to. Stay away that is.”

  He looked almost pained by her words. “You should, Meghan. I swear to God that you should.”

  She didn’t understand. “Do you want to hurt me?” she asked. It was the only question that made sense to her.

  “No. Of course not.” Well, he did. But not in the way she meant.

  “Then why should I want you to stay away, Alex? Why? Please tell me what’s going on.”

  He laid his forehead against hers for a brief second and then sat up slowly, bringing her shaking body with him. She didn’t like the look of bleak desolation that crossed his face. It pained her to see him like that.

  “Does this have something to do with David?” she whispered as he tried to right them on the hay bale. “It does. I can feel it.” She bit down on her lip and struggled with a truth she’d never spoken before. Maybe it was time.

  He looked at her and nodded solemnly when she mentioned David’s name, then sighed deeply and glanced away. “I’m not quite the war hero you think, sweetheart.”

  Meghan melted a little bit at the term of endearment he used. She’d never been anyone’s sweetheart before. Did he know how much he gave away with that one word? She doubted it. He was trying too hard to fight what was happening between them. It told her a lot about how affected he was by the way they went up in flames each time they touched.

  “Alex,” she muttered slowly. “I think there’s something I should tell you about me and David.”

  The sound they heard moments earlier was getting louder. Their private interlude was quickly coming to an end. He stood up holding out his hand to assist her from the hay bale. Facing her as he was, she had a clear view of the massive bulge straining against the front of his pants. She looked at it and then up at him with wide eyes. When she wet her lips with her tongue he muttered darkly under his breath. “Shit.”

  Hauling her unceremoniously to her feet, he grabbed her chin with strong fingers and dove onto her mouth for a bruising kiss that left little doubt how turned on he was or how completely unresisting she was. When the kiss ended, he lingered long enough to run his tongue along her pulsing lips, making her groan aloud.

  “We need to talk but not here and not now.”

  She nodded and told him, “I’m having lunch with the ladies and then we’re going to work out an exercise program that they can do for the rest of their pregnancies.”

  “That’s nice of you. I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of it. Tori and Lacey are sort of outnumbered around here so having another woman around is like a slice of heaven for them.”

  “Are you kidding? Helping is what I do best. I’m thrilled to share what I know and coming from a testosterone-dominated environment myself, I know all to well how it feels to be odd man out. Or woman out, actually.”

  He smiled at her. The moment passing between them felt so achingly perfect.

  “Will everyone be at the main house again for dinner?”

  “Not if I don’t want them to be,” he answered quickly.

  “Maybe we can talk later then.”

  He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “Let’s just play this by ear and see what happens.”

  She might not have a shitload of experience with men, but she did have the benefit of having lived her whole life with a crew of strong-willed brothers and a very opinionated father—she knew a male-evasion when she heard one.

  “You’re going to have to tell me sooner or later.”

  “I know,” he said. “It’s not easy for me to talk about. Need some time to work it out in my head.”

  She reached up and feathered his messy hair away from his forehead then cupped her hand against the side of his face. “Don’t push me away again, alright?”

  “You may want to push me away, Meghan.”

  “Oh, I seriously doubt that Major. You underestimate my tenacity. It’s an Irish thing. We redheads don’t scare all that easily.”

  After a light lunch with Tori and Lacey, Meghan hauled out her laptop and started running them through a series of videos she had on her hard drive that specifically addressed the benefits of yoga stretches for all types of physical conditions.

  She was concerned about the edema Tori had but her mind was quickly eased when she told her the doctor said it wouldn’t be so much of an issue if only she’d learn to stay off her feet. He also told her some regular exercise would help alleviate the swelling. As her belly gets bigger she might experience even more
swelling so getting into a simple yoga routine would actually be good to help keep the blood flowing properly throughout her body.

  Meghan enjoyed their time together. Both ladies were smart, funny, and clearly head over heels in love with their husbands. They were also fiercely protective of all things Justice, particularly Alex.

  “May we ask you something, Meghan?” Lacey questioned as she and Tori exchanged a look.

  “Uh. Okay,” she answered not sure where this was going.

  “How is it that you know Alex? He didn’t say last night, and we’re curious. You two seem to be pretty familiar with one another but…” She shrugged, letting the rest of her comment hang in the ether.

  Damn. Meghan hadn’t seen that coming. Had Alex explained their history to Cameron and Draegyn? She didn’t know for sure. Everything felt very complicated all of a sudden. How much should she say?

  “Um. I don’t know how to answer that ladies.”

  “It’s a simple question, Meghan.”

  She couldn’t help the exaggerated chuckle that rumbled from her chest. “Simple? Shit. Nothing’s simple with someone like Alex.”

  “High five and an amen to that!” Tori giggled. “You should try being holed up with him in his bat cave all day. He’s brilliant, in a scary, are you fucking kidding me way. You’d be amazed at the well known people and high powered organizations that come around begging for his expertise.”

  “But the man’s an island unto himself,” Lacey added. “It’s like he knows something the rest of us mere mortals don’t. Everyone that is except our husbands.” Both women nodded to each other in agreement. “Also, the fact that you’re staying in the main house and not at the Casita is a huge tell on Alex’s part.”

  “Casita?” Meghan asked.

  “Yeah. There’s a sweet little guest cottage out behind the big house. It’s for the brothers’ use only. It’s where Alex’s sisters and mom stay when they’re here. Drae’s family too. I lived there when I first came to the Villa. Even my husband commented on how out of character it was for Alex to keep you in the main house.”

  That was a lot of information to take in. Meghan hesitated and then asked, “Is it me or does the room really get silent when he walks in?”

  Tori answered with wide eyes and an exaggerated nod. “No, you’re not imagining that. He’s like power incarnate or something. People stop, get quiet, and look up because he’s so …..yikes. I don’t even know what word fits.”

  Lacey rubbed her tummy and smiled. “He’s Alex. ‘Nuff said. But that’s kind of why we’re so curious. You appear out of nowhere and suddenly the absent-minded professor is the one who’s silent and looks up when you walk in the room.”

  “Really?” Meghan squeaked. Holy shit. Is that how people saw them after only a few short hours in their company? She’d shared a meal with these people and that was it but somehow they’d picked up on the heavy undercurrent. Hell, they didn’t even know about the scene in the hot tub or how she’d almost gotten naked with him in the barn. Damn. She could feel a telltale blush firing up across her pale Irish skin.

  “Jeez Meghan,” Lacey chided. “Your face is almost the color of your hair! Got anything to confess?”

  “Oh my lord,” she answered shaking her head with embarrassment. “You ladies are just bad!”

  They both roared with laughter. “Bad boys. Bad girls. Hmm. Seems like the perfect match, don’t you think?” Tori chortled. “C’mon Irish. Out with it. Can’t fool us. We know a sister bad girl when we meet her!”

  “Oh shit! I surrender,” Meghan cried. “You’re clearly not going to give up so I’ll just say this. I’ve known Alex since the end of his time in the service, and we’ll have to leave it at that. The rest of the story is his to tell.”

  “I knew it!” Tori chirped excitedly.

  “Wait a minute, wait a minute,” Lacey protested. “You said you’ve known him. Is that a cerebral knowing or a physical one?”

  Tori giggled at her sister-in-law. “Using the big words, are we?”

  Lacey shrugged. “She’s a teacher. I thought it appropriate to break out some of those five dollar expressions for good measure.” She fixed Meghan with a look and added, “Care to answer?”

  “Wow. You’re good.”

  Lacey snorted out a laugh. “We’ve both been through it. Once that lightening bolt hits, the Justice men get serious and territorial fast. Alex’s sudden personality change suggests that while you may know each other, this is the first time he’s had to deal with you in person.”

  Meghan considered what she said. Serious and territorial? Didn’t feel that way when he was growling at her to get out of here or taunting her with cryptic remarks maybe you’ll push me away. She sighed. Tori and Lacey were staring at her waiting for a response so the sigh changed to a smirk and she said, “Bulls eye.”

  Tori clapped her hands together with glee. “Oooh, this is so cool. We’re getting a new sister!”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Meghan roared. “Don’t go jumping the gun. What’s going on is complicated. Like more complicated than you could ever imagine.”

  “Darlin’,” Lacey purred. “You are preaching to the choir.” She and Tori looked at each other and smiled. “We know from complicated, believe me. Frankly, I don’t think anything less than complicated would do for the Justice men.”

  “Alright, alright. Enough of this,” Meghan chided. “Let’s focus on getting you two mommies set up with a simple exercise program and leave the complicated stuff for another time.”

  Later, as Meghan was gathering her stuff for the short ride back to the main house, she pulled Tori aside and asked what she meant when she mentioned Alex’s bat cave.

  “Oh, it’s just a term the guys use to yank Alex’s chain. It means the tech zone where he works. Where we work together. It’s an enormous cavernous space, kind of dark and always on the cold side because of the ton of electronics he’s got going on there. Think of it like a home office only more like a science lab than a paper repository.”

  “Do you think it would be alright if I stuck my head in and looked around?”

  “Are you kidding? Alex loves talking tech. He’s amazing, actually. When I first started working for him, he was involved in a hologram project that got a bunch of dark op super spy shorts in a bunch. He’s a natural nerd. It’s organic with him. Want me to take you in for a look?”

  “Is that allowed? I mean will Alex be okay with that? I don’t want to nose around if it’s none of my business.”

  Tori seemed to consider that for a moment but quickly reassured her, “If you ask smart questions, and I’m thinking with your education background that’s a given, he’ll be beyond thrilled. Alex needs to be challenged. I don’t think he’d be satisfied with just tits and ass.”

  “Oh, I’ve got the T & A covered, that’s for sure,” Meghan said. “But I sure would like to get a look inside the bat cave.”

  Tori put her arm through Meghan’s and smiled. “Well, come on then. Let’s leave Lacey to her afternoon siesta and go rattle a few chains in Alex’s face. Will be fun!”

  Meghan wondered what she’d just got herself into.

  Alex was up to his eyeballs in data and starting to feel the strain from too much time staring at a monitor. After leaving Meghan so she could have her time with the girls, he’d immersed himself in work to keep from replaying the way she’d melted underneath him when he pressed her back into the hay bales or the way she’d whimpered and moaned while he helped himself to her mouth. Oh yeah, and her ass and boobs too. Try as he might, he just couldn’t stop himself. She called to him on some primal level. Got his blood pumping and dick hard with only her presence.

  He wondered if she was aware of the looming anniversary of the bombing. Each year as the date rolled around it was hard to ignore. Referring to it as an anniversary never sat well with him but what else could it be called?

  That first year after his life had gone to hell, he’d been in rehab when the day came. Drae an
d Cam had gone to the center outside Phoenix where he’d fought to put his life back together and regain the use of his leg. Spiriting him away from the watchful eyes of the therapists and doctors, they’d headed for an old time honky tonk bar where they’d gotten shitfaced and nearly caused a scene when a drunken game of darts got out of hand.

  Each year since then they spent the day trying to forget what happened, mostly with too much liquor. Instead of hurling dangerous objects through the air, they hunkered down for a video game marathon that usually ended with a round of naked, inebriated howling at the moon.

  How would they handle it now that there were wives in the mix and the unexpected presence of a woman who was, in many ways, collateral damage from the bombing? This was why he needed to have a serious talk with Meghan. He couldn’t keep up the push me, pull me scenes he was putting her through—not without her getting hurt even more. He’d done enough to fuck up her life. She had a right to know the whole story, even if it meant she hated him in the end.

  He almost jumped out of his damn skin when he heard a softly voiced, “Hi,” right next to his ear. What the fuck? Had he conjured her up from his thoughts?

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I startle you?” she asked. The uncertainty in her voice told him he’d probably jumped half a mile.

  “You scared the fucking shit out of me. What are you doing here?”

  “Dammit, Alex. I’m sorry I disturbed you. Tori said it would be alright if I came in and looked around, but I’ll leave you to it and catch you later.” She turned toward the exit and took maybe half a step before Alex pulled her back.

  He was perched on a high backed stool and when he yanked her into him, she fit neatly into the V of his spread thighs coming to rest against his chest. Once again, his blood started pumping and his cock twitched just from her close proximity.

  There was nothing gentle about the way he gathered her close and pushed her head toward his with the hand he immediately fisted into her hair. Kissing her like a madman he laid waste to her mouth as if the power of her lips would banish his dark thoughts.


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